A Long Walk Home Ch. 18


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"Nice," Andrei grinned and it was a genuine smile as he eyed up the wildcat with a speculative expression. Anyone who was going to put themselves out there to protect his babies was an acceptable addition to the pack. "We couldn't rely entirely on technological surveillance but it would cut down the need to have so many wolves away from the compound."

Rafe felt some of his tension ease. "We'd need something that blended into the scenery. Who have we got that has the skills to work on this?"

"Harley," Aaron answered immediately, referring to one of their Betas who was almost permanently stationed close to the Alpha's house. "If it's got any form of metal in it, he knows how to take it apart and put it together again. He also teaches the young males too. It would be good experience for them to be involved in anything that's going down to protect the pack."

Dayton stared at his brother, watching the man who even though he was the youngest of the Alexander clan, was the most dominant, pack focused member. The needs of the pack came first and foremost in Aaron's mind and he was automatically latching onto how the young males could be trained whilst serving the current danger to all of them. His respect for his brother soared.

It was clear that Rafe's respect for his second in command was just as high. "Get onto it when the meeting's over, Aaron. Do whatever you have to. I'll leave it in your capable hands. For the next few months that's your main objective."

Rafe's gaze turned to the others and he appeared deep in thought. Although the vampires were a great addition to the pack, they didn't hold pack rank as such. Most of that was down to the fact the twins were Council members and their time was needed there as well as being liaisons with the pack and the vampires. Nors was an Ancient and therefore his time was spent doing whatever Ancients did.

A memory came to mind and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He'd been hell bent on self destruction years ago, to the point that Jared had jumped all over him. He'd been furious at the time but now he saw the wisdom in his old Alpha's decision.

"The pack is going to be down a few Betas for a while," he announced after a long pause. He met Dayton's gaze and saw a small frown start to form on the other man's face. "Sorry, Dayton but we need you. I can't wait for you to make the decision on your own."


"What does he mean?" Freya asked, feeling how tense her mate was and instantly bristling.

"I need Dayton to step up to the plate and be who he's supposed to be," Rafe answered before Dayton could. "He's a Beta, was one when he was part of the Hanlon pack. I need him to be one again."

Freya kept her eyes on her wolf, seeing the torn expression on his face. Part of him wanted to agree but the larger part of him was holding back and she knew why. It was because of their earlier conversation, about her accepting the pack. He didn't want to commit because he was concerned about her.

God, how she loved him; he had meant it when he said he would willingly give up everything for her. Sighing softly she pressed her hand lightly against his chest to soothe the tension within him. "Will you protect my family for me?" she asked quietly. "Will you take care of Ashleigh and Liam as if they were your own?"

His stunned expression almost made her laugh. Hell, it would have if it wasn't suddenly so crucial to her that he agree to protect what was hers. The attack on them had been a levelling experience. Once she'd gotten over the whole threat to Dayton she had to consider what could have happened to Ashleigh and Liam if the vampires had gotten through. Having them hurt was just unacceptable to her.

"You know I'd die for them," Dayton said quietly, cupping her face gently. "They are yours so that makes them mine, even if Ash wasn't David's sister. But you know what this means if I agree to it, Freya. There will be no turning back. We will be irrefutably part of the pack."

"I know," she sighed deeply. "I'm prepared for what that means. This is who you are, Dayton, who you are meant to be. I will adapt."

"Glad to hear that, Freya," Rafe interrupted, mentally preparing himself for the coming backlash. "Because you have a lot of work ahead of you. For the next three months you will be training under Dayton in what it takes to be a pack Beta. At the end of that time we'll evaluate the situation and see where we're at with a mind to making it a permanent rank."

Complete silence filled the room. Even Aaron stared at Rafe as if he'd just lost his mind.

"Rafe, I don't think that's a good idea," Nors said breaking the heavy silence. His sister's body had gone rigid with shock and even Dayton's soothing hands stroking down her back wasn't alleviating any of the tension deep within her.

Rafe barked out a laugh. "Neither do I but that's my final decision on the matter. Freya, I want you to stay behind after this meeting has concluded. We'll discuss it further then but for now I'd appreciate you holding your peace on the matter."

He turned away from her, instantly dismissing her reaction as if it was unimportant. He was hoping she was too stunned by his announcement to answer him back and it appeared she was when she remained silent but tense.

"Okay, the final thing is Demetri swung by earlier. Word is this attack wasn't centrally planned so it looks like it was some kind of independent action. That doesn't mean we shouldn't be keeping an ear to the ground over at the Council. I can rely on you two to keep me updated?" His gaze was now on Andrei and Alexei.

Andrei rolled his eyes at even having to be asked but it was Alexei who answered him. "That goes without saying, Rafe. We'll start a quiet investigation, see what we can come up with but I agree with Demetri. No one could have kept this so quiet if it came from deep within us."

"The vampires who attacked were not local," Freya suddenly chipped in, surprising everyone. Her expression was carefully neutral as were her words. "They were young too. Only one of them had reached Elder status but even he was weak so he couldn't have been that old. My best guess is this is from the European side. They're more isolated and therefore less likely to be in fear of us Ancients."

"That makes more sense," Rafe acknowledged thoughtfully, acting as if the vampire's voluntary inclusion into the discussion was the norm. He was actually pretty stunned by it but kept his feelings to himself.

"What about us?" Gard asked. He knew he had skills that could be utilised by the pack. Now he didn't have to hide and was a part of them because of Rayne, he needed to be included.

"Rayne, you are now our official hybrid expert," Rafe answered slowly, his keen gaze running across the room to take in the reaction of the others. As he'd expected, no one objected. "We need you to guide the children and to help us understand what they're capable of and how best to nurture their abilities without letting them get out of hand."

Rayne smiled widely and nodded. This was something she could do, something she wanted to do. She could give the children what she'd never had, someone to help them find their way in the world. She was practically humming with anticipation.

"Gard, I want you to help Dayton. He's going to have a lot on his plate what with training Freya as well as picking up Beta duties. With Aaron on surveillance detail we'll need someone to pick up the training of the young ones. We've always been good at protecting ourselves but now we need to be better. Your protective abilities are what we need. I want the current and next generation of wolves to be so honed in their skills that even a vampire will quake in his or her boots when they hear the Armand-Hanlon pack name."

Gard grinned. He couldn't help the wide smile that crossed his face. His respect for his sister's Were brother was beginning to grow. Rafe Hanlon was a very intelligent man. He was skilfully utilising the new additions to his pack, seeing their unique abilities and applying them to where they were best suited.

"I'm not an easy teacher," he had to inform him. "I'll work them hard and they're going to come complaining to you about my techniques."

"And I'll send them right back to you with a flea in their ear," Rafe answered firmly. "This pack will be the strongest it can be. Mould them, bend them, just don't break them, Gard."


"Okay, meeting over," Rafe sighed fighting the urge to run a weary hand through his hair at the thought of what was to come. "Lift the evacuation protocol. Let's get our families back where they belong."

Dayton hung back with Freya as everyone started to file out. Nors stopped beside his sister meeting her gaze intently.

"Go. I'm fine," she said quietly, giving Ashleigh a quick smile. "I will come see you afterwards." Silently the other couple left with everyone else.

"Dayton, I meant what I said," Rafe announced. "I want to speak to Freya alone. I won't keep her long."

Freya stroked her mate's chest lightly. "I will be on my best behaviour," she promised.

Dayton kissed her gently, worried about leaving the two of them alone but knowing he had to. He trusted his vampire. If she said she would behave then she would. He just didn't want to be apart from her. Sighing softly he stroked her hair tenderly. "I'll be in the community centre."

He saw surprise in her eyes for a moment and then pleasure. The fact that he trusted her enough to leave her and go get on with his own work was the right thing to do. It gave her that added incentive to reach inside herself and do what was right.

Freya swallowed as he left and prayed that she could do this for him. The Alpha's words earlier had filled her with a mix of rage and confusion. She didn't want to do what he had planned for her. He was effectively forcing her to integrate with the pack and they both knew it.

She turned to find Rafe watching her quietly. When he didn't speak she moved a chair to across from his desk and sat down in it. This was what he had demanded of her the last time she'd been in this room with him so she figured it would be what he expected this time.

"Years ago I tried to take my own life," Rafe said quietly, startling her completely. "I didn't want to be a Were, I couldn't face being what I was. I didn't fit into pack life no matter how hard my friends tried to help me. Sound familiar?"

She stared impassively at him for a moment, taking in the words, hearing the truth behind them. There was pain in his voice as he admitted to his past, as well as self-loathing. Strangely she could relate to him. His story was familiar in so many ways.

"And yet you are now mated with young," she answered. "You have your pack and you obviously love life and regret your past actions. What changed?" Curiosity laced her tone.

Rafe smiled. "Jared Hanlon is what changed. He sat me down in a library very similar to this one and the bastard promoted me to a Beta in his pack. I was so furious I almost shifted to wolf form and attacked him. I thought he was being cruel when in fact he was helping to save my life."

He waited for his words to sink in. "I know you don't like me right now, Freya. But that doesn't matter to me because surprisingly I find myself liking you. I look at you and I see myself in your eyes. You're at the same crossroads I was at and yet you have something I didn't at the time. You have your mate to help you."

He leaned forward and placed his arms on the desk. "I'm not doing this to be cruel, Freya. You're pack, you're mine to protect even if you don't think you need it. Each and every one of us is here for you, not just Dayton and Ash and Nors. You belong to us. You belong here. All you have to do is let us in. We don't care about the past, all we care about is the future and that you'll be part of it."

Pain welled up inside her, a harsh crippling pain brought on by the easy acceptance of the wolf before her. He meant it! Every single word. She could feel it flowing through the Alpha bond that was now inside her. She could feel it in the wolf gene that was waking up inside her body, trusting in the man who was their Alpha.

She'd never belonged anywhere, not before she'd met her wolf and accepted him into her heart. Now another wolf was reaching out to her, asking her to trust in him. The pain ebbed slowly, hope warring with her distrust of all things Were. This strong male had revealed his vulnerability to her. It echoed hers and gave her added hope that she was on the right road to the full recovery he had found.

Respect flared deep within her for the Alpha wolf called Rafe Hanlon who was opening himself and his pack to her unconditionally. She swallowed back the lump of emotion that was threatening to overwhelm her.

"You know I'm going to keep fucking up," she finally said when she could speak in her normal tone. "You think Andrei is a nightmare? He's got nothing on me. I will never be a tame vampire."

Rafe's laugh barked out loudly. "Oh I know that," he agreed when he stopped laughing. "And I also know that my pack couldn't ask for anyone better to protect them."

Freya was silent for another long moment and then she gave him a tentative smile. "I will do the Beta training...Alpha."

He smiled widely. "Oh, I had no doubt about that," he answered drolly. "The only question was if you were going to do it willingly or not."

His certainty made her bristle instinctively and then she burst out laughing and rose from the chair. "You are a formidable foe, Rafe Hanlon. There is a core of steel a mile wide within you that most people miss because of your easy going nature. None of us mated vampires ever stood a chance against you, did we?"

Rafe's expression turned to one of mock innocence before he laughed again. "I protect what's mine, Freya, and you are all mine. Now how about you go get started on your training so I can go greet my mate and sons as they come out of lockdown?"

Shaking her head, Freya headed to the door. She stopped as she reached it turning to look back at the Alpha who was watching her with a very pleased expression on his face. "Just for the record...I don't dislike you, Rafe Hanlon." She opened the door and disappeared from sight, but not before she heard his final quiet words...

"Welcome home, Freya Eriksson."

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I was hoping if you did make Rafi getting stronger when the vampires entering his pack

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I like the main charakters so the story it's trully brilliant

but now it's getting a little bit too soapy

I think the balance is wrong: you are able to write about deep emotions and melting but the side that is missing is the conflicted one. They concealed to fast - a little bit of an emotional fight or rollercoaster would be more realistic.

you must be a very young writer

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Umpteenth time reading

And as much as I love it, I still want the Vamps to be the strongest, especially the Ancient's. Seeing Nor's ask Rafe's permission before helping Freya in the fight, just sets my teeth on edge. He is a Were and a youngling at that. It's ridiculous for all of those Vamps to have to submit to Rafe's leadership. And the hybrid's being stronger rubs me the wrong way too. GUARD & Demetri or the Romanov brothers weaker than them? No effing way.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
10Th time reading?

Last Page The Best! Great Job!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

nice ;] Freya as a Beta :D I died laughing :D that won even against Demetri, my number one ;] thumbs up!!!! :D

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