A Lovely Mothers Surprise


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But I did know one thing, and there wasn't a blind thing I could have done about it. My pussy, nipples, neck, shoulder and the rest of me wanted this, and was going to want a lot more. That's when I really gave in to it, my son was screwing me. I had let him, and was letting him, I had even instigated it. I could have, and should have stopped him, and certainly not allowed it to get as far as this.

But it was all too late now, it was past tense, pure conjecture on my part, what was happening now was, my legs were well over his back, my arms were around him, and soon my nails would more than likely be drawing blood, and why? Because I was so aroused by this time wild horse wouldn't have been able to break my grip on him. While he, bless him, was screwing his beautiful mother on into the sunrise.

I remember cumming under him as if it were the first and last thing I ever would remember. It was a maelstrom, a tornado, a hurricane, they all lashed through me, It tore me apart, it was the biggest I have ever had, and believe me, me and his dad have had some big ones. But they all paled into insignificance in the face of what Luke was giving me.

Then he came himself, he pressed down into me, crushing me to the bed. His cock rammed home and I felt the first jerk of his hips as he bombed me with his cum. I felt it spread around me like an out of control bushfire, it burned me up, it incinerated me. Neither of us could let go of the other, we were melted together by the fire in us, we were fused into one.

He continued with his hips, as he emptied his loins into his now listless, almost lifeless mother, I had cum so many times I had lost count after five or six. Eventually he moved, he rose up a little and then his face appeared above mine.

"Darling," I whispered, "don't say anything, not just yet okay?"

"Okay," he whispered back, and somehow, he lips came into contact with mine, and we shared a very loving kiss, my tongue searched for his and found it, just as his searched for mine. I believe it was that kiss, so freely given, so tenderly accepted, and gratefully consumed sealed it between us.

It removed any embarrassment, and regrets, any possible remorse, and although there might be consequences later, there would be none this night. We stayed that way for a long time, kissing, loving, touching, feeling, and getting to know one another in a serious sexual way. We were no longer mother and son, but confirmed lovers, both of us glorying in finding each other this way.

Luke tipped sideways, taking me with him, we were facing each other on our sides. He lifted an eyebrow, and gave me a look.

"What?" I said, he pumped his hips at me, he was hard again, or was he still hard from the last time? All I knew was my pussy and my body went into battle again. Luke bent his head and sucked a nipple, then the other one. God, it blew me apart, I was as highly charged as I ever had been in my life.

I closed any gap there was between us and said gruffly. "Darling fuck me baby, fuck your mother, make me cum again and again, pleeeeeeease!" I had never spoken like this before, why I did it then I'm not sure, but I was more desperate then for him to do me again, that cumming was a life threatening event if I didn't.

He started to do me, and being on our sides made it seem more pleasureable, I don't remember Liam and I ever doing it this way, although I suppose we had done at least once. But this wasm earth shatteringly good, I came quickly, and then followed that up with more, Luke, his thighs up under my ass battered me completely. I was completely open to his cock and he took the advantage by making me squeal like a stuck pig!

"Oh Ohhhh, Oooooh Oh Jesus Luke, argggggh, Eeeeeeeek!......" I was a quivering wreck, Luke went into over drive and he finished me off, never in my life has Liam, or my boyfriends before him, done me like this. Luke's cock was like a ballistic missile homing in on its target, and he hit it head on. His prick almost came out then smash, it was all the way back in with a tremendous thud. He blew another huge load of hot powerful cum right into me. I actually thought I would choke on it, it shot me so hard.

We lay still forever, both of us huffing and puffing as we got our breath back. I was staring at this man, a young man I didn't know; he was a colossus now in my eyes. I lamented on the fact that I might have lost my son, but hopefully not. But I had found a man to beat all men, and that included his dad.

I looked at the clock again, it was now 5.40am, no point in going back to sleep now I thought, we may sleep late. "Fancy a bath big boy?" I smiled weakly, found his wet and sticky cock and tugged it.

"You bet mom," he said, that made me happy, him still calling me mom. I slipped out and waddled away, in the bathroom was huge tub, a Jacuzzi type. It had two shaped seats next to each other so lovers could sit side by side, and get up to whatever they wanted to get up to in private.

I ran it, checked myself in the mirror, I saw a happy, satisfied, and contented woman looking back at me. Then two arms encircled me, my neck got bit. "Careful baby, don't mark me okay?" I told him, the biting stopped but the hot necking didn't. Then fingers closed over my sore but very responsive nipples once more, and his cock jutted between the cheeks of my ass.

"My God Luke are you ready again?" I was stunned, he had just completely turned me over twice in the bed, now here he was, either hard, or half hard again in the bathroom.

"You get me going mom, you are irresistible, in bed or out of it, and we don't have that much time that we can waste any, so come on, in!" I was unceremoniously picked and carried into the Jacuzzi in his arms; he sat down with me in his lap, and his cock sticking up between my legs.

I leaned against him, I was already comfortable with him, what we were doing seemed so natural to me. I didn't even think of any regrets at all, and to be honest, there wasn't any, I was enjoying his body too much. I also understood that in me was the person I was twenty years ago, wanting sex day and night. I like my husband had of course drifted into safe havens. We loved each other, had sex as often as was reasonable.

But on reflection that was now once a fortnight or so. But now Luke had released the woman in me that I once was. And I was nearly insatiable for it again. I pressed the head of his cock with my fingers; the spongy hardness filled me with sexual desire, need, and yearning to feel it in me again.

He lifted me up and dropped me on him, it went all the way, my ass was on his lap and once more I was transported to the gates of sexual heaven. Leaning back I put my hands over his head and held him, he got my neck and my nipples at the same time, and again I came on him.

He wasn't in a position now to move up in me, so I rocked from side to side and planting my feet, up and down. He put his hands on my waist and lifted me, he popped out of my pussy, but when I fell back down his cock went right up and into my ass. The soapy water was all it needed. I was completely impaled on him. I thrashed my feet; the water churned, and to say it was unexpected was the understatement of the year. But there he was as far up me as his cock could ever get.

Liam and I did engage in the occasional anal sex but the last time had been at east two years ago, maybe more. I humped on him, he crushed my super sore sensitive nipples, and he had me going all the way to the finish line again.

I hadn't, in the past orgasmed this way, I always liked it, but had never had then satisfaction of cumming. But I knew I would be this time, the boiling and roiling in my pussy and stomach, not to mention the friction caused by him stretching me so wide. I moaned, he humped me up and down, I had no say, or gave any help, he was the one dropping me on and off him, and then it happened. I had the most amazing climax I have ever had, and I don't think I will ever have one again like that. The enormity of it, the tight power, the heaving in me, brought me to the brink, and over of orgasmic bliss.

Luke didn't cum, but he made sure that whatever was left in me, he forced it out, I had nothing left to give, my own son had become, unknowingly, the master of my personal universe. I really was exhausted now, I know he was spent too, a man can only cum so many times, and even my own superman had reached his limit on that score. But I knew it wouldn't be too long before I was getting an internal spunk hosing down once more.

We stayed in there until the water got to cool, so we dragged ourselves out, dried each other off, with me taking an eternity around his cock and balls. Then we staggered off back to the cum soaked bed, so we stayed near the edge where it was dry.

I made him lie back, I wanted to 'check' him out properly, I went over every bit of him, learning what made him jump, what his tickly bits were, and then I ended my inspection where I was intending to minutely check his working parts. I had him in my hand, my head was over his stomach, I turned to look at him, wondering if he was going to ask me something. He didn't, so I bent my head and kissed his cock, now that did make him jump. I smiled at that, he wasn't expecting it, so it was reasonable to expect him not expect getting sucked off by his beautiful mother was it?

I got him in my mouth, laid my head on his stomach and went after him, I didn't know if I could make him cum after his manly exploits in me, but I sure as hell was going to try, or die in the attempt. I set off at a reckless pace, I literally tried to suck his young cock right of his prone body. I felt his hands go into my hair and I attacked him with as much vigour as I could muster.

It took another ten minutes or so, but I began to feel the tightening of his taut stomach muscles, his grip on my head was another tell tale sign that all was well. I rubbed his balls, fingered his ass, and sucked him as if my life depended on him cumming, which in a way it did!

Then Luke's feet and hips left the bed, one after the other, and splat, he was shooting a load into my mouth. I went from sucking him like a demented person, to swallowing all he was delivering into me. And it was delicious, this was something else I hadn't done in quite some time with Liam. I caressed Luke with my mouth and tongue, I actually made love to his cock with my mouth, cajoling him to deposit every drop he could, so I could drink at the alter of delirious sexual gratitude.

I opened my eyes to realise that I was still laid on his stomach, his hands in my hair but we were both relaxed now. Slowly I slid up him, he put his arm around me, and I snuggled into my wondrous son, head on shoulder, and leg over his.

Then we talked, I told him that his dad must never know about this, he agreed of course. But he also said that until he went to college in six weeks time, I was his whenever opportunity presented itself. I had to give this some thought, but I couldn't find an argument to go against it. So that was agreed too, we ordered room service, and the waiter was the car valet from last night, I saw him sniffing the air and gave us both an odd look. We demolished the biggest breakfast you could wish for.

Then Luke rang down and told them we were leaving, and was our car available. It was, and apparently, it had been freed from its capture about fifteen minutes after we entered our suite. I silently thanked God that we hadn't been told about it or what had happened never would have.

I told Luke that I hoped the dinner wasn't here next year as the staff may wonder what happened between the mother and son, what with all the soaking bed linen. I had to wear my evening gown and Luke his tux, we did look like the odd couple. But the waiter/valet gave me the eye too. We returned home to our wounded hero, he welcomed us with open arms.

The chairman had just called him and told him of the success and the impact Luke had made, and assured him that his son had a future one day if required. I fussed around Liam, but also in my mind was the fact that he would be a little disabled for a few days, this gave Luke and I the chances to play, and we did play, boy did we play.

And a month after Luke went to college I missed my period, I had been expecting this, I had been having woman troubles for a while and my GP had told me I was heading into the 'change.' I was a little young for it, but it happens he had told me.

I went for a check up, and two days later he rang me.

"Do you know you are pregnant Mrs Barker?" he asked, " you are about 9 or 10 weeks." I nearly fell over. Liam and I always used condoms, but then I thought, "Luke and I never had!"

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mcitylinemcityline5 months ago

A great story until ""Do you know you are pregnant Mrs Barker?" he asked, " you are about 9 or 10 weeks." I nearly fell over. Liam and I always used condoms, but then I thought, "Luke and I never had!"" I didn't find that fun.

bigdaddyg123bigdaddyg123about 1 year ago

"A Lovely Mothers Surprise:" - Forty Year Old Happily Married Mother, Linda Barker and Eighteen Year Old College-bound Virile Son, Luke Barker. The story began, continued, played-out and ended just exactly as if I had written it myself!!!

There is possibly nothing, ever, like a mother and son, love-fest of fucking until "the cows come home" without any worry of protection. Unless, of course it would be a father, which I am, and his daughter, which I have one (1)!

The one feature that I found to be troubling, is a number of sentences--half a dozen maybe--that could have used an editor, or, several conscious readings of them by the writer.

The story theme is perfectly awesome with the accidental (?) cuckolding the husband/father, Liam Barker. Using my lucid and incestuous mind I can visualize Linda and her son, Luke, spending lots of time in Linda's marital bed when Luke is home for the holidays and summer sessions from college. Soon to be forty-one year old Linda's body is still young enough to incubate another--or more--child(ren) with her son/lover!!

Writer 'qualitywheat' has produced an awesome story of a mother and her son's love, eager for more, and respecting the modus operandi that is occurring underneath the auspices of Linda and Luke's, husband/father...with her lover/son, soon parents-to-be!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
So beautifully written

What really knocks me out is that, when you're all done reading it, you wish the author was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt like it. That doesn't happen much, though, could do with a segment to complement.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
More chapters

I loved your story . The love between mother and Luke was wonderful . I really hope that there is more exploration of that love . There is many unanswered questions . Does the mother tell Liam it's his child? Does the mother tell Luke it's really his child ? Do Luke and mother continue their love affair ? Does the mother continue living with Liam while still continuing her love affair with Luke ? Does the mother leave Liam and live with Luke as husband and wife ?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
She wanted her son's baby!

When she grabbed his dick she knew she was going to fuck her son and a woman does not fuck someone 6 weeks without protection and expect not to get knocked up! She wanted her son's baby!

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