A Loving Fairy Tale

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She returns to claim her mate.
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This is a short tale about a fairy. There is minimal emphasis on sex, so, if that's what you're seeking you might want to skip this one. Everyone is way over 18. Don't forget to vote and comments. Thanks

A Loving Fairy Tale

Dennis sat in the Oncologist's office waiting. Rather than being in an examination room he had been taken into Dr. Chui's private office to go over the test results. He had only been sitting there for a few minutes when the doctor came in. They shook hands then Dr. Chui sat in the chair facing him.

"So, what's the verdict?" Dennis asked, smiling.

"It is cancer. The biopsy confirmed small-cell carcinoma. It's still only in your lung so we have just the one area to address."

Dennis chuckled. "Address? Interesting choice of term. It's near the hilum, so, it isn't operable. To radiate it, you'd also be frying my esophagus, making eating a thing of the past. Chemo would have me sick all the time. Dr. Chui, in a few months I'll be eighty. I have just two questions. How long do you think I have?"

"Months. Six months, at best."

"Second question, can I be kept comfortable?"

"I can give you information on hospice care. They'll keep you comfortable. I'm sorry I don't have anything better to offer."

"Like I said, I'm almost eighty. I've lived an amazing life and will leave with no regrets. Now, if you'll give me the hospice info, I'll let you get back to saving lives."

Dr. Chui grabbed a packet from his desk and handed it to Dennis. They stood and shook hands then Dennis turned toward the door.

"Mr. Oakes," the doctor said. Dennis turned to him. "If you change your mind, sooner is better than later."

"Noted. Thank you for your time."

Dennis left the office. When he got to his truck, he called his attorney and scheduled a visit for that afternoon. He went to Denny's, had a small lunch, then drove home to his trailer.

After retiring, ten years earlier, he had bought the small travel trailer and parked it near the pond on his son, Jeff's, property. His retirement had been quiet, and he had spent most of his time alone. He saw his son a few days a week, mostly in passing. His daughter-in-law, Sarah, visited with him daily. She and Jeff had married just two years earlier and they had gotten close. He called Sarah on his cell phone and invited himself to dinner. He rarely actually visited their house, preferring the solitude of the back forty, as he called it.

After gathering up his important papers, he left for the attorney's office. He updated his will and made sure there would be little left for Sarah and Jeff to oversee when the time came. He left everything to his son. There were no debts to pay. His cremation had already been prepaid.

After dinner, he sat on the back porch with them and told them of his diagnosis and about the visits with the doctor and lawyer. They discussed options and agreed to his decision.

"Why don't you move into the house? I'd rather you not stay in your RV," Sarah asked.

"I need to finish my book and I need to be alone for that. When that's done, I plan to move to a nursing facility for hospice."

"Dad, those places suck. Stay with us," Jeff suggested.

"Thank you both, but no. I want you two to continue with your lives. You can come and visit me at the home. I'll be in the room with the line of old broads outside."

Jeff chuckled. "Probably so."

"You?" Sarah asked, incredulously.

"Don't let him fool you. Dad used to bring home a different woman every night. Well, after for the Heidi thing, anyway."

"My father-in-law, the male whore," she said.

"Pretty much," Dennis replied. "I finally quit that when I retired."

"Why?" Jeff asked.

"I guess I was looking for something. I finally came to the realization that I was never going to find it."

"What were you looking for?" Sarah asked.

"You were looking for what you had with Heidi, weren't you?" Jeff asked.

His father nodded.

"Who and what is Heidi?"

"Sarah, do you believe in love at first sight?" Dennis asked.

"Oh yeah," she replied, squeezing her husband.

"I was about twenty-five. I saw Heidi in a restaurant and fell head over heels in love with her."

"So, what happened?"

"We were together for about three months. The happiest three months of my life. One day she just left. I never heard from her again."

"Why'd she leave?"

"No idea. She left me a note on the kitchen table that said, 'I'll see you again.'"

"Did you?" Sarah asked.

"No. It was like she left the planet."

"Before Heidi, dad dated occasionally. After she left, he didn't go out with anyone for a least a year. Then he went woman crazy," Jeff added.

"You really loved her, huh?" Sarah asked.

"I still do. I never got her out of my system."

"That sucks," Sarah said, seriously.

"Yeah, but if I had it to do over again, I would. Those three months made the next fifty-five years worth it."

"I'd like to hear more about her sometime," Sarah told him.

"You can read my book when I finish it."

"I'd like that," she replied.

Dennis went back to his trailer a short time later. He was up writing much of the night. The following day he met with hospice and made arrangements for placement when time grew nearer.

A month passed, then a second. His book was finished. He had lost a lot of weight. Before asking Sarah to drive him to the Collinwood Nursing Facility, he presented her with his only copy of his book. The title read, "Found, Then Lost Forever." She drove him to the facility and stayed with him until he was settled in. Sarah cried on the drive home.

She began reading the book the following morning and had trouble putting it down. When Jeff came in from mowing, he found her on the bed crying. He sat next to her, stroking her long brown hair.

"What's wrong?"

"I finished your dad's book. That was the most beautiful, heartbreaking, thing I've ever read."

"Heidi was special. We both loved her," he said.

"You knew her?"

"I did. She said she was the Queen of the Fairies. I believed her, but I was only about five."

"I wonder what happened to her?" Sarah asked.

"No idea. I can't count the number of times I've looked for her online. She just doesn't exist."

"Do you think she loved him?"

"She loved us both. Sarah, there was something magical about Heidi. I have no doubt that it hurt her as much as it did us when she left."

"It just doesn't make sense that she left that way."

"No, and I doubt we'll ever know why."


Jeff and Sarah visited their dad the following afternoon. He was sitting at a large table full of women playing bingo. The women seemed infatuated with him. Sarah chucked and pointed it out to Jeff.

"He's a chick magnet, babe. Kids flock to him the same way. The dad you know isn't the one that raised me. He was always the life of the party."

"Was he like that before Heidi?" she asked.

"Not to the extent he was afterward. She changed him. Me too. I was a really shy little kid until I met her. She brought me out of my shell."

"He has the note she left in the back of the book."

"Damn, that's about fifty years old."

They waited in the sidelines until bingo was over then joined him at the table. None of the women seemed to want to leave until he did, and even then, two of them followed along behind as he went to his room.

"So, how is the place?" Jeff asked.

"Crowded. It's tough finding a place to be alone."

"You'll have to lock your door to keep your fan club out," Sarah chuckled.

"No lock on the door. If it's closed, the staff knocks once then comes in. My fans, so far, don't come in unless invited."

"I read your book. Are you going to publish it?" Sarah asked.

"Hadn't planned on it. What did you think?"

"Beautiful, loving, heartbreaking. You should publish it."

"I won't have time for that. After I'm gone, maybe you can do that. Change the names though. The original is on my laptop."

"Why change the names?" she asked.

"Heidi's probably out there with a family of her own. I wouldn't want to do anything that might interfere with that."

"You did get pretty graphic with the sex," Sarah said, grinning.

"Yeah, but the story wouldn't have been complete without it."

Sarah thought for a moment before answering. "No, it wouldn't have.

They chatted for about an hour before leaving.


His decline was rapid. Within a few weeks the pain had become worse, he wasn't eating hardly anything, and his weight dropped rapidly. Sarah visited daily. Jeff came about every other day. Watching his father's rapid decline was taking a toll on him.

Within another week Dennis was mostly in bed. He slept more than he was awake. Sarah got a call from Diljan, his hospice nurse, telling her that it would be a matter of a few days now.

When Jeff got home from work that day, they drove to see him. As they walked toward the entrance from the parking lot, they saw a woman walking in ahead of them. Her hair was pure white, straight, and went to just below her shoulders. Her gait was elegant with her head held high. She wore a white flowing dress that went to about mid-calf and sandals. In her left hand the woman carried a shopping bag. As they went inside, they followed her down the hall. When she arrived at Dennis' room, she opened the door without knocking and stepped in, closing the door behind her.

"Do you know her?" Sarah asked.

"No, but I didn't see her face. Probably from hospice or something."

They went into the room. The woman was sitting on the side of the bed facing him. She leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the lips. He didn't respond. Jeff and Sarah stood watching her as she stood and turned to them. She was beautiful. Her blue eyes were a shade rarely seen in nature. When she smiled, her dimples appeared. Jeff gasped.

"It's been a long time. You've grown up," she said.

"You look the same. How?"

"I'll explain that shortly. Who's this beauty with you?"

"Sarah, this is Heidi. Heidi, this is my wife Sarah," he said.

Heidi hugged Jeff then Sarah.

"Actually, my name is Eide. It's pronounced like Heidi without the H and a little more accent on the D. It's wonderful to meet you."

"You should be in your seventies, shouldn't you?" Sarah asked.

"I'm much older than that. I have a lot to tell you. We should probably sit down," she replied, with a beautiful smile.

Eide sat back on the bed lifting Dennis' hand and holding it on her lap. Jeff and Sarah pulled up the two chairs and sat together facing her.

"How can you still look like you're twenty?" Jeff asked.

"My kind doesn't age as fast as humans do."

"What, exactly, is your kind?" Jeff queried.

"You know what I am. I told you when you were little."

"A fairy?" Sarah asked.

"A fairy," Eide replied.

"Right," Sarah said, sarcastically.

"Most humans don't believe after about age seven. Jeff, I'm surprised that you don't believe. As close as we were, I expected you would."

"Growing up does that to you," he told her.

"Your dad is a fairy too."

Jeff laughed. "Now I know you've lost it."

"I'm glad I got here early. Looks like I'm going to have to do some convincing," Eide said.

"Convince away," Jeff replied.

"The Fey ages at about a tenth of the rate humans do. Where you've aged fifty years, I've aged five. In your time, I'm about twenty-six. In Fey time, I'm two-hundred-sixty-four. Your dad, is two-seventy-five. We're young adults."

"What is Fey?" Sarah asked.

"People, collectively, are humans. Fairies, collectively, are Fey. Your father and I grew up together. We fell in love as adolescents. He was a healer and held a place of honor in the Fey. His name is Enni, by the way."

"Dad was born in Indianapolis."

"We'll get to that. Be patient. Even though he had a prominent position, my father, King Ichar, wouldn't allow us to marry. My mom was fine with it, but dad refused. He had promised my hand to someone else. Your dad and I ran away and got married anyway."

"You and dad are married?" Jeff asked.

"We are. He doesn't remember yet, but he will in about an hour."

"Eide, he's in a coma."

"Only for another hour. Then he'll surrender his human body. He'll remember it all."

"Hell of a lot of good that'll do if he's dead," Jeff retorted.

"Let's go on with the story. You'll understand better. My dad was livid when he found out and declared the marriage illegal. As punishment for your dad, he banished him from the Fey for four score, eighty years. He would live his live from birth to death as a human. He was born, as a human, to Bette and Harold, in Indianapolis. With your dad banished, I was betrothed to another. My mom, Ild, told me a way to get out of it. She changed me to human form temporarily. That's when I tracked down your dad. I wasn't expecting you since your dad couldn't produce human offspring."

"What the hell am I?" Jeff asked.

"You are 100% human. Your mom, Patty, was best friends with your dad. They were both in the Air Force. She was in a relationship with a man named Bob Loftus and got pregnant. He was killed in Vietnam before they had a chance to marry. In those days, a single pregnant woman would have been kicked out of the service. Your dad stepped up and married her. He was with her through the pregnancy, the birth, and right up until she died in that awful car crash. You were his son on your birth certificate, and he raised you that way. You were his. He loves you more than you know, but he's not your biological father. Bob Loftus was."

"That can't be true," Jeff said.

"Get a DNA test if it would make you feel better. He's your father in every way but biologically. That's what really matters. Back to the story. I came to your father for the sole purpose of getting pregnant. It took three months, but we did it. The spell to send me here was only long enough for that. I left to return to the Fey the morning I found out."

"You and dad have a kid?" Jeff asked.

"We have a beautiful daughter. She has my facial appearance and body but your dad's hair, eye, and skin color. Princess Elis, she's five in Fey years. She'll become queen when she turns twenty-one. I get to retire then."

"Eide, it's an interesting story, but you still haven't proven anything," Sarah said.

"I'll get there. When I returned to the Fey and told my father I was pregnant he flipped. If he had been able to find your dad, he would have had him killed. They got close once, but my mom put a protection spell on your dad so he couldn't be found by the Fey. If I had come back, they would have followed me and killed him. Did you notice that your dad changed after I left?"

"He was depressed for about a year then suddenly it seemed to disappear. He started...uh, uh...."

"Screwing everything that moved?" Eide asked, smiling.

"Not everything. They were all babes."

"If a human makes love to a fairy, it kind of becomes an addiction. No human female can sate the desire, but the male still seeks it. It's enjoyable but not the same. With a fairy, lovemaking is an event where two become one, and the one joins with the universe. Once experienced by a human, nothing can compare. Did anything else change?"

"People, mostly women and kids were drawn to him."

"That's also a side effect of the spell. Part of him became Fey again. Kids still believe. Unlike someone I know." She smiled at Jeff. "Did you notice a change in how he saw the world?"

"He seemed more peaceful and tolerant. He had an insight into people like you do."

"Also, part of the spell. It brought out more of his true nature. How about plants or animals?"

"Dad could grow anything. He developed a green thumb. When he lived in California a deer came up to him on his porch and stayed there for a couple of days. It was apparently sick. It died a couple of days later. He always had squirrels and rabbits around. Even at my house they came to him."

"Animals sense Fey. They trust us. Any questions?"

"Eide, I understand why you couldn't come back. But why are you here now?" Sarah asked.

"I'm here to take my husband home. To take his place as King of the Fey and to introduce him to his daughter."

"He's dying."

"Only his human body is dying. As that happens, the spell can be stopped, and his fairy self can return."

"How do you stop it?" she asked.

"By making love to him. Love is the most powerful magic there is or ever will be."

"You're going to have sex with him?" Jeff asked.

"I am."

"I'll believe that when I see it," he chuckled.

"I won't force you to leave, but it really is kind of personal," Eide replied.

"We'll leave. Jeff and I will make sure no one comes in."

"Thank you, Sarah. We've waited for fifty years. I doubt it'll take either of us very long."

"Fey get horny too, huh?" Sarah asked.

"You have no idea," Eide chuckled.

"Just say when," Sarah said.

"When," she grinned.

Sarah grabbed her husband's arm and pulled him from the room, pulling the door closed as they left.

"So, what do you think will happen now?" Jeff asked.

"Beats me. You're the oldest man I ever had sex with. Fairy Viagra maybe," she chuckled.

Eide slipped off her sandals and then her dress, carefully laying it across one of the chairs. She looked at him as she stood there nude remembering how he had loved looking at her body before. She put her finger into the moisture between her legs then put the finger into his mouth. He lay there unmoving for a moment before she felt his tongue sliding over it. She removed the finger and collected more from deeper inside this time. He began sucking the moment her finger went into his mouth. Eide smiled as his cock began to rise under the sheet.

"Yes, my love. I'm here to take you home."

By the fourth finger full he was nearly fully erect. Eide got on the bed, straddled his face, and took his cock into her mouth. As she began sucking, she could feel his lips moving on her labia. She moaned softly and soon felt his tongue searching for her vagina. At the first taste of his pre-cum, her fluids began to flow. His tongue eagerly lapped it up. Eide felt herself flushing from her arousal and began taking his now fully erect cock deep into her mouth. She heard his first soft moan.

"Use my nectar to come back to me. Drink from my fountain as I drink from yours," she told him.

In a moment, both were moaning softly. Soon his lips had sucked her clit into his mouth and began teasing it with his tongue. Her hips began to rock slightly as she neared her peak. He exploded into her mouth, filling it with stream after stream of his warm cum. The first release triggered her climax with his. His hips began thrusting as he flowed into her hungry mouth as hers did his. When both had finished, she moved off his face and looked at him. His eyes were now open, and he smiled seeing her face.

"Am I dreaming?" he asked.

"No, my darling. You're not."

Other than being awake his appearance hadn't changed. He was still white haired, wrinkled, and frail. She moved to position herself over his still hard cock and slowly lowered herself onto him.

"Ohhh," he sighed as she did.

"Fill me and we can share our nectars to become one again."

She began to slowly rise and fall on him. As they moved together, she watched him change. The lines in his face began to disappear and his hair began returning to its original black. Her hands resting on his chest felt the muscle returning to its former mass and tightness. The sparkle returned to his eyes as his mind and body returned to where they had been fifty years earlier.

"I love you," he said.

"And I you, my king."

They moved together in perfect harmony as each neared the completion of their joining. They became one voice, one body, one being. At the same moment, both found release and blended their fluids deep within her. Their lips met and tongues began their lover's dance. His cum and her nectar mixed, completing the rejoining. She sat up and smiled down on him.