A Magical Moment

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A lady and her park ranger find their magical moment.
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I stared into the deep smiling brown eyes I had grown so fond of over the past few months. "The last time we texted you said you wanted to make love to me Cal. I chickened out; I didn't answer you honestly. I wanted the same thing. I want you to make love to me Cal," I stated simply. I saw the startled look in his eyes. Mine fell. I turned away, a silent tear trailing down one cheek, my chest tightening. I was sure he had changed his mind. My thoughts skimmed back over images of how this had all begun...

I am a divorced mother with two kids 15, and 11. I work early mornings and then come home to errands and chores till the kids got home from school. I never took time for me until about four months ago.

I started texting on this app. It was fun, nothing serious. It was safe, nothing serious. The guys I actually became friends with lived far across the country from me, safety in distance

I had discovered that even here it was true that the most beautiful men were usually stuck up, mean, dumb, or expected too much. It's what I'd run into my whole life. I know many would disagree with me. I'd say prove it.

That's why when I received a text from a pretty face I rarely answered. I rarely answered anyone closer than 100 miles either. My husband had been a pretty face, handsome. He had turned mean, a bully. It had left me untrusting, afraid, and with a bad self image.

Since the beginning of the year I had begun fighting what I'd been left with. I'd dropped 50 pounds and looked and felt better. I kept finding new forms of exercise to try and enjoyed most of them. Still, the clouds were there if I looked up.

After I'd been texting people about two months I received one from a guy named Cal. He had a kind face, handsome, not model handsome, but good looking. His dark brown eyes and slightly quirked smile drew me in though. I answered his text without even looking at his bio. I just wanted to talk to him.

Turned out he was kind...and close by, just what I didn't want. He was an army vet who was working as a park ranger at a small state park I'd never heard of that was only about 10 miles past where I worked. He was also just over 10 years younger than me.

Over the next two weeks we texted quite a bit, He told me more about the park and I was intrigued with the hiking trail he mentioned. I hadn't hiked in too many years to count. I decided I'd try it one day so left from work and headed out.

I actually found the place without getting lost. Feeling quite pleased with myself I slung my backpack over my shoulder and headed to the ferry dock. As I waited there for the ferry for the ride to the island, the man who had been standing there when I walked up started talking to me.

"Have you ever been to the island?" he asked. I looked over and noticed the ranger uniform first, then the deep brown eyes Shit! It was him! My eyes shot to his nametag for confirmation. Yep. Him.

"No, my first time."

"Well, there are maps next to the ranger station. Make sure to take one," I could almost hear the chuckle in his voice. Cal knew from our chats that I always got lost.

"Afternoon Cal," the ranger driving the ferry addressed him as he tied up for us to embark. I took a seat and stared fixedly at the island. I didn't hear anything that was said. I oozed nervousness.

I made straight for the maps as soon as we arrived and made my way into the island. When I got to the hiking trail I realized I wouldn't be able to walk it. It was too wet. I walked around some more. Took pictures. Ate lunch. And wasn't sure whether I hoped to bump into Cal or not.

"Hey," I heard from behind me. I had stopped at a picnic table by the ranger station to check my phone. My battery was low. I had to leave. "Come here."

I turned and noticed Cal beckoning me toward the corridor dividing the ranger station from another building. As I walked toward him a wave of dizziness washed over me. Damn I had gotten dehydrated. I stumbled. He caught me.

"You ok sweetie?"

"I don't think so, not enough water as usual."

"Come here then," he ordered taking my hand. He led me in a door that led to the island museum. It was air-conditioned. "Why didn't you drink enough?"

"I always forget. Didn't realize that walking around would zap me so. Don't worry about me."

"Somebody has to," he answered. He took me in his arms and gave me a squeeze. I kept my arms between us. I wanted this but I just didn't trust him yet. He sat me down on a bench and took the seat beside me.

"You're not going to get in trouble for talking to me, are you?" I asked.

"No sweetie, don't worry. We have a few minutes. Here, take my water." He handed me his water bottle and we talked quietly for almost ten minutes when a text came in from my oldest. It was time for me to go.

We stood and I just stared in his eyes. He pulled me to him and kissed me. I could feel his hand at the back of my neck. I allowed the kiss to deepen. Our tongues danced. It felt so good. I could feel my body coming to life. I pulled away.

At the door he gave me one more kiss on my forehead. I put my head on his shoulder a moment. I could really like this man, I thought to myself. We walked out the door. He back to work, me to the ferry dock, my car, and home.

We texted often over the next two months and I had been back to the park at least once a week. I had managed to hike the trail often. I loved it. It was so quiet and peaceful, but also hot and sweaty. I'd gotten dehydrated again often. We had snuck in a couple of make out sessions but often he was too busy to even talk.

Our texts had gotten quite steamy and I had gotten quite turned on by them. The last time we had texted I had told him I was cooking dinner over a hot stove. Wasn't so bad. I was naked.

He had told me how he'd love to come up behind me, naked also, reach his arms around me and rub his cock against my pussy while he fondled my breasts.

I had stated I didn't think dinner would get finished. I would. Right there on the kitchen floor.

Nope he had told me he would lean me over the kitchen counter, spread my legs, and plunge into me holding my hips. Deeply.

I wanted it. Wanted him. I had sat staring at my phone for a few minutes when a text appeared. Whatcha thinking. I laughed at his favorite line.

I told him you first. He promptly answered that he wanted to make love to me. I blushed. My pussy flooded. My body tingled. I couldn't answer him honestly. I want to get to know you more I texted back.

That was the last I heard from him. I went to the island. It was his day off. I tried texting. He didn't log into the texting app. I missed him. I was so sad. I decided to take a break. A good friend had invited my kids for an end-of-summer sleep over with her kids, perfect, so I booked one of the camping cabins for the next night.

I went to the island as usual. Checked in with the ranger on duty and was shown which cabin was mine. He told me I was the only one staying over. It was the end of summer on a weekday. It was slow. I put down my things and changed into my hiking boots. I would not think of Cal I promised as I took off down the trail.

It was nearing dusk as I completed the trail. I hurried to gather my towel and soap and headed to the showers near the ranger station to get cleaned up. It was there I saw him again.

Despite how grimy I was I couldn't let him get away. I knew his shift would be over soon. He would leave the island and go home. If he left me now, I wouldn't come back. I took him by the hand and pulled him into the museum.

"I want you to make love to me Cal," I stated simply. All these thoughts and memories passed through my mind in an instant as I turned. Sure it was over, I started walking away.

I was stopped by his hand on my arm and a simple "Wait."

"What?" I demanded, suddenly pissed as hell at him. "You don't text me for days on end and then when I open up finally and admit the truth you look like I hit you with a brick!"

He had the grace to blush. "My phone fell," he admitted.

"Fell where?"

"In the river, off the ferry."

"What the fuck! You must be lying. You're a ranger on an island. You work out in the rain and drive that ferry half the day. Even if it fell in the river, don't you have a waterproof case?"

"Yes, but it doesn't float." He held out a phone for my inspection. It was a new one. I knew what his had looked like. "I'm sorry. I just had time to get it today, this morning. I switched for a late shift to do it. Haven't downloaded the texting app yet."

"Oh," I said quietly losing all my steam and anger in a single breath.

"Now, what was that you were saying?"

"Um, nothing," I responded almost silently.

"You know," he said knowingly, " you're about to miss the last ferry of the day. And that's just too bad because I did hear you and I'm not about to let you go."

"I'm staying."


"I'm staying here for the night, in a camping cabin. Alone."


"We'll maybe not alone. There are bugs and other..."

He grabbed me and crushed me to him. His lips found mine, and all talk ceased. His tongue plunged masterfully into my mouth. One arm wrapped around my waist, one grasping my ponytail pulling my head back and holding me in place. We finally came up for air several minutes later.

"Damn it woman!" he scolded. "You better not be teasing me. I've wanted you too long." He turned me around and steered me toward the door with a sharp smack on my ass. "Go," he ordered me. "You need a shower and I need to close up."

"You're not leaving, are you?" I asked, afraid of his answer.

"Hell no sweetie! No worries babe. Go get clean. Ill meet you outside the showers in a couple minutes."

I made quick work of the hot shower; still not believing things would work out. Stepping out, I ran a brush through my wet hair and pulled on one of my old T-shirts that was now oversized for me and worked well as a nightshirt, falling to mid-thigh. I had kept my favorite ones and this was my very favorite. I had had it so long it was worn and practically see through. I hoped he wouldn't laugh when he saw me wearing a cuddly little elephant eating chocolate covered strawberries. I slipped back into my sandals and stepped out of the shower room.

The sight before me made my heart sink to my toes. Tears threatened as I saw a small boat halfway across the river, a ranger with dark hair aboard. I walked toward the bank and stood there behind a park bench my hands gripping tightly.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt strong arms wrap around me from behind. "What's wrong sweetie?" Cal's voice whispered against my ear.

"Nothing," I answered turning in his arms.

"Cute," he said with a chuckle noticing my shirt, then he must have seen the look in my eye and he glanced over my shoulder to see the little boat docking and the ranger stepping out. "You still don't trust me, do you?" he asked. "That's Matt. He's leaving for the day. I was in the station changing. You need to start trusting me."

"I do. I'm trying. It's hard Cal. The last two weeks of no contact have been hard on me. I missed you terribly," I admitted.

"You remember our last fantasy?"

"The kitchen counter? Oh yes. But, Cal, I haven't had sex in two years. Not since the divorce, since him. He always said I was no good, a cold fish. What if he was right?"

"He wasn't right sweetie. He couldn't have been more wrong. And we aren't going to have sex. We're going to make love, crazy, wild, rough, physical love. "

He turned me around in his arms. I leaned back against him, his arms around me. We stood silently, peacefully watching the river. I felt his hands on my breasts and his lips on my neck. My body tensed and arched against him.

"Mmmmm," I murmured. "So, the kitchen counter? There is no kitchen here." I felt his hands snaking down my body to my thighs and creeping under my shirt.

"We don't need one sweetie. Put your hands on the bench and lean over. I'm taking you here and now."

I did as he ordered. He pushed my shirt up and I felt him caressing my ass. His fingers drifted to explore my wet pussy. I couldn't stifle my groan. I wanted him. Now.

His fingers left my pussy. I felt his hands upon my thighs pulling them wide. I felt his cock rubbing against my slit, like steel wrapped in satin. My ass arched involuntarily into the air. His hands gripped my hips and his cock entered me.

He eased his way in gently. Right now I didn't want gentle though. I pushed back against him determined to have all of him, no matter how long it had been for me. I was so wet and ready for him that he slid into me to the hilt.

He held still, caressing my back, waiting till I was ready for more. I enjoyed the fullness but needed completion. I began thrusting my hips against him. Taking my cue he held me still and drew back only to slam home again. Over and over he rammed into me. It felt so good.

It wasn't long before I was panting and needing to cum. As if he understood what was needed he reached around me to stroke my clit. It put me over the edge. My pussy tightened on his cock as it flooded with my juices. Cal grunted and stiffened behind me as he came too. I could feel his heat shooting into me. My body shook and quivered as my muscles threatened to give way. I cried out into the night.

When we both settle back down some he pulled out of me. I could feel our juices dripping out of me down my legs. I stood up quickly, too quickly, because as I turned in his arms a wave of dizziness came over me and I almost fell.

"Sweetie?" he asked, concern in his voice as he caught me tight. He knew me well by now though for his first question was, "What have you eaten today?"

I blushed, not really wanting to answer but knowing I couldn't escape it. "A pastry crisp and fruit cup at breakfast, and a half a tuna sub for lunch," I answered truthfully. "And I've drank 64 ounces of water today!"

"Did you hike the trail?"


"And for dinner you had?"

"I haven't eaten yet."

"Ok. For your dinner you brought with you...?"

"I have a package of chips I didn't eat with lunch. Kind of forgot the whole can't get anything over the evening here thing."

Damn it woman!" he seemed to like swearing at me this evening. I didn't blame him though. "What the hell are you thinking letting me love you like that when you haven't eaten? You're on fumes! Sit down on the bench and don't get up," he ordered.

"Bathroom first?" I asked meekly.

"Fine," he relented. He took me by the hand and walked me there. He must have waited outside because he was still there when I came out. He walked me straight back to the bench. "Sit."

I sat. He disappeared into the ranger station reappearing with a plastic container and a pack of matches. He went straight to the grill that was set up for park visitors and got busy. He soon had red coals and plunked something down to cook.

"What is that stuff?" I asked.

"Fish," he answered succinctly.

"Where'd you get it?"

"Someone caught them earlier today and gave them to me. I was going to take them home for supper but now I'm going to feed them to you."

"What if I don't like fish?" I asked saucily.

"It doesn't matter. You'll eat it because I said to. You need someone to watch out for you girl. Now where are those packs of chips?"

"They're in my cabin. Ill go get them."

"The hell you will. Got a flashlight?"

"Well, no."

"I'll get them. Here, drink this while I'm gone," he ordered handing me a bottle of water. With that he flicked on HIS flashlight and headed off down the path.

I kicked off my sandals and pulled my knees up covering them with my shirt. I sipped at the water, then realizing how thirsty I was I downed the whole thing quickly. I laid my head on my knees and began to doze thinking of Cal and how good it had felt with him inside me.

"Wake up sweetie," was the next thing I heard. "Our dinner is ready." I opened my eyes to stare into concerned deep brown ones. I slipped back into my sandals and we walked to the picnic table where he had citronella candles burning next to two grilled fish dinners with chips on the side.

"This is so romantic," I commented honestly. "And sweet. Thank you Cal. What would I do without you?"

"Maybe we won't have to find out," he answered gazing at me. "Eat your fish."

I sat down and dug in. I didn't care what kind of fish this was. It was delicious. I ate it all plus the chips and downed the full bottle of water at my spot too.

When I came up for a breath all I could say was, "That was awesome. I'm stuffed. Thank you Cal."

"You're very welcome sweetie. I needed you to have energy for the night ahead. Now help me clean up."

We made quick work of our mess and blew out the candles. We each refilled our water bottle at the drinking fountain. I used the restroom. Then Cal flicked on his flashlight once again and we made our way along the darkened path to my cabin. Honestly, I don't know what I was thinking planning to stay here all night alone. The darkness was complete and to me menacing. I held tight to Cal hand and jumped at small noises.

"It's ok sweetie, we're here." We entered my cabin and he fastened the door behind us. It wasn't big and very plain. It housed a full sized bed, a chest of drawers, and a table with four chairs. I could have been the Ritz and it wouldn't have mattered, I had Cal and would have him to myself all night. That was what mattered.

He reached out and yanked me toward him by my oversized T-shirt. "You have on too many clothes sweetie," he commented with a glow in his eye.

"It is rather hot tonight," I replied demurely.

"Take it off," he ordered.

"Maybe," I sassed back. "You first. Shall I help you?" I sank to my knees before him and reached for the tie on the sweatpants he was wearing. One yank and a tug and they were puddled at his feet, his cock standing straight and tall before me.

I hadn't done this often. I had been told I wasn't good at it by Him. This was Cal though. I trusted him. Anything I did would be right, ok. I reached out and stroked his cock with my hand. It jumped and quivered at my touch.

Growing bolder I leaned forward and swirled my tongue around the head of his shaft. I could taste the saltiness of the drop of pre cum. Yum. I opened my mouth and took him in, sucking gently as my hand eased up and down his shaft.

His hands came to the back of my head, encouraging me without words to continue. I let go with my hand, relaxed, and took him all the way in. I could feel his head at the back of my throat. I held him there a moment then backed off. I looked up at him and was thrilled at the looked on his face. I took him back in running my mouth and hand up and down his shaft together.

Then his hands were encouraging me to stop. He raised me to my feet and captured my mouth with his, his tongue delving into my mouth, gaining mastery over mine. This was no simple kiss but an erotic act. It turned me on faster than he could flick on his flashlight.

As the kiss continued, he backed me up slowly until I could feel the bed at the back of my legs. He sat me down on the edge and lifted my shirt over my head. He lay me back gently upon the mattress. I fought the urge to cover myself as he gazed at me.

"You're beautiful," he said, honesty in every syllable.

"No,..." I began to deny his statement.

"I'm right, you're wrong, quit singing your sad, sad song. Stop denying it. You need to accept that others see you more clearly than you yourself do. You're not perfect, never will be. It doesn't matter. Perfect is overrated."

A tear ran down my cheek at his words. I'd hated myself for so long. He was right. It was time to start loving myself.

Cal took his shirt off spread my legs and knelt between them. He looked up at my shocked face and grinned. "My turn," he said, and his face was in my pussy in an instant.