A Maid Man - Act 01

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Ex-con Stanley and a new job that seemed 'maid' just for him.
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Act One


Far away

Across the field

Tolling on the iron bell

Calls the faithful to their knees

To hear the softly spoken magic spell

'Time-Pink Floyd'

I had never had much growing up. My mum was a poor, single parent who did the best she could. I never knew who my dad was and it was probably for the best. I made it through high school and even learned a trade. It was more than most of the kids around me accomplished. For the most part I stayed out of trouble and worked hard.

We never had any kind of close family around either. My mother named me Stanley Moore after my absentee father and that was as close as we came to outsiders. There were a bunch of no good 'cousins' that Mum mostly kept away from me though. Childhood wasn't easy but my beautiful mum kept me safe and raised me well.

She worked long hours to support me and I spent a lot of time alone. We were dirt poor but happy. Sure I was a lonely kid but where I come from friends could do just as much harm as good. We only had the two of us and that was enough. It was the least I could do to get good grades and a decent job out of high school. I stayed out of trouble and kept my nose clean.

I grew tall and strong in our project and the girls threw themselves at me. I was big as a linebacker and had manners to boot. My skin was clear and my features were strong and handsome. Even with all the attention I was safe and smart. If I had any kind of vice it was sex.

High school passed by and after graduation I was a qualified mechanic free of kids or girlfriends or any obligations except my mum. I was getting ready to strike out on my own at this point. Maybe the military or a union job somewhere. Just as I was gearing up for a big change, I lost my mum.

It was an accident at work, they said. One day she just never came home. Cleaning up after folks year after year she was weary to her bones and they say she fell. By the time they found her it was too late. My beautiful mother was gone and after she was gone I was truly alone.

Part of me died with her. I broke down and just rumbled around our house broken and lost for weeks. Grief took me like a storm, and for a while I thought I might follow her rather than live with this pain. Gradually though, I came around. I was barely twenty now and life kept marching forward and eventually so did I.

To my surprise Mum had a life insurance policy that paid out in case of accidental death and I was the beneficiary. I used the money to start my own little garage, Moore's Auto. Maybe the old family name was lucky or maybe Mum was blessing me but the business took off.

I was good at my trade and my garage grew nicely. I did honest work and had a comfortable customer base. I even did my own taxes. For a time it seemed everything would turn out for me. You never see the blind curve coming on a straightaway. Once a fool, always a fool.

Putting the old family name on the business was a mistake. After a year of hard work and grief my 'cousins' started coming around. I hadn't done much socializing since mum died. In between work and home I rarely saw anyone beside my customers. I knew they were trouble of course, but blood was blood and after Mum died I was desperate for a connection.             

I was never really sure what the cousins did for a living. I mean drugs, crime, pimping, and violence. I knew what they did but it wasn't my business to know. I knew they didn't turn any wrenches to do any honest work. At first it was nice to have 'family' around, despite their characters. I was distracted anyway or rather being kept 'busy'.

They started with beers and cards after hours. Before I knew it they were asking me favours. I was ripe for the plucking and couldn't have resisted if I tried. Innocent enough but then they brought in a honey pot and while she kept me busy they fucked my business blind. I'm smart enough but man, loneliness can really mess with your common sense.

Tracey seemed just like one of the girls from the old neighbourhood. Trashy and gorgeous and wild. She smelled great and fucked like a wildcat. I should have known better but God damn it she was hot. Every time I tried to look around she was there with her hot wet pussy in my face or her dirty talking mouth around my cock.

After all the years of being safe and smart with my sex life I let Tracey lead me by my dick and blind me. I had been pretty overprotected and naive I guess 'cause I fell into the trap like a total rube. She was a real pro and I was in lust so fucking hard.

It started small enough, the cousins asked me to hire one of their guys. Seemed harmless at first like an apprenticeship or something. Soon they started bringing in their own work, just to him. Mostly paint jobs but sometimes he would scrap perfectly good cars. Insurance job they would say. By the time I caught on to the scheme it was too late.

Like I keep saying I could be a damned fool. My cousins had been running a stolen car ring while their plant kept me occupied. I was set up but the Law doesn't care if your stupid. Tracey disappeared, the 'cousins' vanished and it was just me left holding the bag. So in one fell swoop I had lost everything.

I was just over twenty years old and suddenly my life was over. I lost my house, my business and my community. God what would my mum have thought, I was so ashamed. Luckily, my clean record and earnest remorse influenced the judge because I got a five year sentence with time served.

My trade was to help again and I got work at the prison garage. I kept my knuckles clean and my head down and I was out in four. I could talk a lot more about that time but I won't. I'll say this though, you get used to it way too fast. I mean the loss of freedom and dignity, all of it. You get used to your cage and get used to taking orders. It gets to be a habit. It changes you.

I had been an ideal prisoner and it had earned me my early release and a quality job. I was going to be a junior mechanic at something called a Manor house, on Everwood estate. I had no idea what to expect but it was room and board and decent pay. Sounded like a sweetheart deal to me.

I had no real friends and had no home left to go to. Working in the country for some rich people seemed like just the ticket. Maybe I could even save up and start over. That was something to look forward to at least. Clean country air free from 'cousins' and crime. Good clean living was as good a fantasy as any.

Hope is the biggest commodity in prison. It seeps away and kills you more surely than any disease. I had almost lost it when this job opportunity came up for me. I started dreaming of this nice family I would be working for on this bucolic farm. Silly things like that. What harm could it do?

My release day came and after some dull admin I was out in the wild again. Without any fanfare I found myself standing outside the prison gates with a plastic bag between my feet. I was instructed to wait for someone from the new job to pick me up. As I stood there awkwardly, a beautiful luxury car pulled up neatly at my feet.

Hardly the quaint country vehicle I would expect for a farm. I don't think I had ever even been close to a car like this before. I knew exactly what it was though. It was a Rolls Royce Phantom. She had a black exterior and black tinted windows with chrome trim and she was a beauty. A true luxury vehicle. I must have looked ridiculous standing there gawking.

As I stood there drooling the driver side window opened and a woman's voice floated over to me.

"Stanley Moore I presume. Hop on in. We have a long road ahead of us," she said in a deep and melodic voice.

I hadn't even noticed a driver til then. I hadn't been this close woman in years and her voice was musical to hear, you don't get much of that in jail.

I grabbed my stuff and headed over. I couldn't help but to run my hand over the hood as I passed it. What can I say? It felt like money. I went for the front passenger side door but she stopped me with a gesture.

"Today you get to ride Mr. Moore," she said "Jump into the back and make yourself comfortable."

She wasn't exactly flirting but her voice was friendly and commanding so I did as I was told and got into that luxurious car with its cream leather interior. The car even smelled rich if you know what I mean. The leather was incredibly soft and supple. It invited touching and I obliged.

I ran my hands over everything as I got settled in. Good thing I had scrubbed up thoroughly before leaving the joint. There were two main activities in prison, working and working out. I stand 6ft 4in and weigh 20 stone. I was in the best shape of my life yet I still felt small in the back seat of that fancy car. I had never been so close to this kind of wealth and it took my breath away.

I was feeling almost dizzy by now and was relieved when we started moving. If this was all a dream I wanted to enjoy it as long as I could. With my head spinning I closed my eyes to try and get my bearings. It didn't help at all. I could hear the engine purring and smell fresh coffee and pastries.

"Eat up Mr. Moore. We didn't know what you might like so our head Chef just packed a variety of staff favourites. We have a few hours drive ahead of us so do settle yourself in."

It was all laid out for me like I was somebody special. A brimming basket of delectable looking treats sat on the seat beside me. There was a flask of hot coffee, tea and fresh juice too. It all smelled amazing. I wasn't sure if I trusted the situation but I was willing to risk it.

I tucked in and got comfortable and let me tell you, that food was divine. Maybe it was the years of prison grub but I had never eaten anything finer. There were pastries with sweet and savoury pies and a whole selection of fresh fruit and veg. I devoured it all like a starving man which I suppose I was.

My belly was full and I was incredibly relaxed considering the circumstances. The car ride was steady and lulling. The soft leather felt cool and soothing while the engine purred along. Unbelievably I think I dozed off after a while.

Instantly I was awakened as we took a sharp turn and found ourselves driving through a tunnel of grand old oak trees. I sat up trying to situate myself a bit. I could only see glimpses of manicured lawns to either side of the tree tunnel. No bucolic farm after all. Instead it seemed I was to be working for the upper, upper class.

At the end of the driveway an imposing and ancient castle loomed up into view. It had turrets and wings and about a hundred windows. The front doors looked big enough to drive a tank through. It was too large to see around and commanded the whole horizon as we got closer.

'Manor House?' I thought to myself. 'Fucking rich people. What had I gotten myself into?'

It took some minutes to drive up to the building. We took a sharp left and continued around to the back of the property. We drove on just past the huge house and pulled up to a set of dilapidated looking old stables.

"This is you Mr. Moore," said my mystery driver.

I was frozen there for a few minutes in the back seat trying to get my bearings. From a dank old prison to a castle out of a fairy tale. It was almost too much for me to process. The morning had been surreal enough and now a fucking palace? I started looking around for something familiar to ground myself. I found myself focusing on the driver.

I had to strain to see her more clearly in the rear view mirror but she had a drivers cap on, pulled down low. It covered her eyes completely and hid most of her face in shadow. Only her mouth was clearly visible. As if she knew what I was thinking she flashed me a smile in the mirror and without turning around said.

"Our head mechanic Bert is waiting there to show you your duties and the property. Don't worry Mr. Moore, you'll be getting to know me soon enough. I'm Miss Sophie."

Her voice was lovely and deep and velvet in my ears and I found myself reassured. I got out of the car with my meagre bag still pretty shell shocked. To my amazement an elevator popped out of the ground and the Rolls Royce drove into and vanished. It was like something out of a movie. I just stood there a deer in headlights with my mouth agape.

"It's all a little much at first," said a friendly voice of an older man who had appeared beside me. "You'll be surprised how quickly you can get used to things."

"I'll have to take your word for that," I answered dryly.

As it turned out the old stables were just a facade. It actually held a fully modern and beautifully equipped work garage. The Manor House was on a huge property called Everwood estate and held 1000's of acres of land. The house itself was ancient and had been held by the De La Mare family for hundreds of years.

There was indeed farmland all around us but in small hold farms that rented the land from the Family. The De La Mare's owned everything around here for miles and miles. It was clear from the very first that this was beyond anything I had ever experienced. The family was God in these parts and had been for Centuries.

The older man who had greeted me, Bert Davies, was the head mechanic and he and I would work together on servicing the small fleet of vehicles that helped the estate run. He showed me around the garage first, a beautiful, modern and well equipped work space. All the tools were of the best and highest quality. With bays for five vehicles it was spacious and very, very clean.

The building held our living space too. Nestled upstairs were two quaint and cozy apartments. I had a brand new warm and cheery One bedroom. It was fully furnished and nothing looked cheap. It had a lush looking bed and full bathroom and even a little kitchenette. It was more than I could've dreamed.

There was a small living room with T.V and an overstuffed couch. The was the aforementioned small but serviceable kitchen and there was even a fancy coffee machine that looked exciting and a challenge I couldn't wait to try. Bert pointed out that the fridge and pantry were stocked up too. Somehow they had known or guessed at my favourites.

My bathroom was truly exceptional. I suddenly had a full Jacuzzi bath and separate shower all in a black marble. The accents were green jade and brass. The floor was heated and the towels were thick and luxurious. It was like something out of a movie.

The bedroom was equipped with a queen sized bed. There were beautiful oak furnishings and the curtains looked like real silk. I wanted to touch everything and nothing all at once. I was almost afraid to put my rubbish stuff in the tall elegant wardrobe.

Bert and I had it good here. We were among a select few who had our own space. The head chef and the head gardener had suites up in the main house and the maids shared rooms. The grounds keeper's staff had a bunk house that they all shared.

The only other person with his own space like us was the game warden. He had a small cottage somewhere off in the vast property. It made sense to be situated close to your work in a place this big. Not only were the house and immediate buildings huge but the whole place sat on hectares and hectares of land.

The help had their own dining room in the lower part of the Manor house. I would share most of my meals with them. There was a staircase just for the servants and it led us down to the kitchens and staff areas. It was grander than anything I had seen before and I hadn't even been upstairs yet.

We got me my uniform which turned out to be comfy overalls and cotton under drawers. They even provided shoes, really nice leather ones. We met most of the staff at lunch and by afternoon I was feeling pretty good about things. Everyone was friendly to me and the food was fantastic.

The property was far too big to see in one day. Bert had been a thorough tour guide and I felt pretty confident that I could adequately fulfill my duties. There was still plenty for me to learn but Bert was wrapping up. I thought I had a pretty good idea of how things worked here. A few things did stand out as odd to me though.

For one thing all the maids were young and very, very beautiful. I was just out of the cooler but even I could tell these women were exceptionally lovely. There were an awful lot of young handsome men around the grounds too. I mean we are talking dozens and dozens of modelesque people running around

Bert was an older guy but even he was a very handsome man and strangely familiar too. Odd thing to notice I know but it really stood out. It was obvious enough to make you pay attention, not that I was complaining or anything. I liked it, a lot in fact.

I expected a fancy old family estate to be more old fashioned I guess. Everywhere we went I saw bare flesh and bouncing bodies. The young men were often shirtless and in skimpy little shorts. It was early spring and warm out but still there was a lot of young skin on display.

Scantily clad or not, everyone was working hard. No one was lounging around or even sitting down except for break time or meals. Busy but beautiful half nude servants. It was just a little weird. My uniform offered full coverage so I decided to accept things as the status quo.

I figured the family was rich and probably perverts to boot. I had read my share of historical fiction back in high school. These old families usually had at least one real lech or so I imagined. The ultra rich were always the worst kind of maniacs for vices to my mind.

We got back from our exceptional lunch and Bert led me to a large security door. It was off to the back of our work space and kinda hidden. I was pretty sure I knew where it would lead. Now this was something I was really looking forward to.

Bert keyed in an impossibly long code and spun the center lock. The heavy door swung slowly open to reveal a long endless kind of staircase. The stairs descended farther than I could see but they were well lit and very modern. I was already excited for this part.

So far I had not seen any real luxury vehicles since the Phantom. It had been all work cars and tractors and such. Cars were my passion. I think I liked cars more than most people I had met in my sorry life. I had always found working on them rewarding and peaceful.

Cars never betrayed you or fucked around. I could fix most anything that went wrong and in return cars would care for me back. I felt at home under them and in them and I was good with my hands. I understood the world in engines and oil. It was the only place that I really excelled.

The thing I was most excited for were the true luxury vehicles that I hoped I would find down these stairs. It turned me on just thinking about the opulent kind of machines a family like this might possess. I had seen the Rolls vanish into an underground elevator and this was bound to lead back to that.

Fine cars were better than fine food or booze or even women, not that I had had any of those things. I was fired up just imagining the goods. At this point in my life I was happy just being close to truly magnificent cars. That I might get to work on them yeah that was downright arousing.

The kind of quality that money could get you in this world was unparalleled. I was excited like a kid going to Disneyland. No matter what I expected the collection was going to exceed all my imaginings. The kind of money that flowed through a place like this was unimaginable to me. All I really understood were the cars.

"Follow the stairs down, young man and Miss Sophie will see to you. I want to tell you I am happy you've come to join us here, seems to me you're going to fit right in."

Smiling warmly he gestured for me to go through the opened door. The stairs went on forever but eventually a huge showroom opened up before me. Just as I had expected it was the underground garage that the Rolls Royce had disappeared into earlier.