Book 01: A Match Made Ch. 01


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"That's extraordinary, June. Congratulations!" Kara reached and squeezed her arm.

Curious, I asked, "With that record of achievement, were you in the running to be Valedictorian?"

Smiling shyly, she replied, "Yes, I was. Apparently I was in the final three. I think Rach was more disappointed than I was that I didn't get to be." That last came with a shrug attached.

As if to validate the sentiment, my baby reached and took her girlfriend's cheek, pinched it, and said in a coquettish voice, "With a face like this and that brain, how could they not choose my Juney-wooney!" Kara and I laughed like crazy. 'Juney-wooney' was thoroughly mortified. Her lover leaned and gave her a kiss, then quickly sat back in her chair. I thought she might melt of embarrassment.

Quickly, to make them both feel more comfy, I leaned and put my honey in a lip lock. Um, remember me mentioning that Ms. Kara wasn't real big on public displays of emotion? Yeah well, she slinked from her chair to mine, never breaking the kiss. Straddling me, she locked her arms behind my head. Her hips were doing evil things – evil in that my kid was in the room. Oh wait! Blondie was probably letting the other two off the hook. Right, and I'm still going to kill her!! She pressed herself to me. Well, maybe not. I do like Sunny and Delight!

Smarty panties asked, "Should we leave you two alone?"

Hysterically, her honey replied, "Why don't we just go to your room?" That did it!!!

I tore myself from her mouth (I'm lying!) and snarled, "Get off of me!" Reattaching herself, she shook her head. The other two were giggling madly. I gave her ... them ... the finger.

"The way the two of you looked as you came down the stairs, you already did that, mother." You are my daughter!! Kara giggled. I heard a chair scrape and whispers. I opened my eyes to find my blues watching, amusement showing in them.

In a whisper, I said, "They're kissing."

"So were we." She kissed me again, then stood, lifted her leg, and turned sideways in my lap. That's better ... sort of.

June was straddling my little girl, who was peeking at us over her honey's shoulder. She shifted her eyes to June, who did what Kara had done. One pair of lovers smiled at another, one pair of arms hanging loosely around the other's shoulders.

June started. "That was fun!" Kara laughed.

"You're part of my daughter's life, June. Tell us about you." The two of them looked at each other. Rach shrugged her shoulders in a 'whatever you want' way. Loose, natural curls jiggled as June nodded.

"I was born in Boston; my family moved to Philadelphia when I was ten. I'm the middle child of three, older and younger brothers. My Mom, Anne, is black. My Dad, Joel, is white." I saw the shadow briefly pass over her face. My eyes moved to my daughter, who looked, I thought, sad. Hmm. "My Mom is cute. Her skin is quite a bit darker than mine. When I asked about it one day, she poured a cup of coffee and added a couple of splashes of cream, which lightened the coffee." Rach smiled, having heard the story. "That's how she explained the difference." The story and June were cute.

"Tell them about coming out to your parents, honey." My heart did flip flops. Oh well. If I can call Kara 'lover,' she can call June 'honey.' Kara somehow sensed what I was thinking and put her head on my shoulder.

"I told my parents I'm gay in my senior year of high school. I think my Mom knew, though she thought it was a phase." Rach rolled her eyes. Please don't ever let me say anything that stupid to my daughter! "Dad ... um, he had plans for his little girl." She made air quotes with her fingers. "Marriage, a family, something he could be proud of." I felt myself choke up. Kara took my hand and squeezed it. My daughter kissed her honey sweetly and hugged her. Her eyes and voice lowered. "He ..." she took a deep breath. "I haven't spo ... He hasn't talked to me since I left for college." She shook her head. "I miss my Grammy and I miss my Daddy." Tears came. I couldn't help it.

I was angry, I was sad. I loved the way my Rachel comforted her lovely, wounded girlfriend. My daughter's eyes met mine. I shook my head – as in, that's enough for now. She nodded in agreement. She whispered, kissing her sweetie's head, her hand rubbing a very slender back. Kara lifted her head, looked at me and smiled. Her kiss was soft, sweet.

"Mom, we're going upstairs so I can change. I'm going to put some clothes together so I can spend the weekend at June's apartment. Um, if that's okay." When did she grow up? Wasn't I paying attention? How do I get rid of this boulder in my throat?

"Yes, of course it is. June, the two of you are welcome any time." As the two of them headed upstairs, both Rach and June gave me a kiss. I looked up at them, side by side, chattering. I felt Kara's arm around my waist and turned.

"You must be one proud mom, baby." I crumbled. She held me as I cried. "I felt so bad for that gorgeous little girl." She laughed. "A little girl who's maybe six inches taller than me." I nodded, sniffling. "We have the afternoon to ourselves. What do you want to do?" I hadn't thought a minute about the rest of the day.

"Maybe shop for groceries. Honestly, I hadn't given it a minute's thought." Truth is, my body was still singing from this morning and my heart hurt for June.

The girls bounded down the stairs, Rach in red shorts and a powder blue short sleeve top, red shoes and white anklets on her feet. Kara looked at me, smiling. I did too. My baby had a pink Barbie overnight bag in her hand. She'd had it ... geez, I have no idea how long she'd had the damn thing. They both stopped when they saw us looking. Mine blushed.

"I know Mom. June gave me shit about it too." It's not that I hadn't heard the word before; maybe she had just made it a point not to use it around me, here. Whatever! "I'm not bringing all that much. June's kind of bugged me about bringing some of my clothes anyway." Thud! We hadn't hung up Kara's clothes yet. I felt her stare. Isn't twenty two too soon to ... um, that's right. I was married at that age, just a month shy of my twenty third birthday.

"You're both just too cute!" Kara's smile brightened a sun splashed room. My heart!

June bubbled, "Bye Mrs. Stone, bye Kara. It was nice seeing you both again." Kara gave her a little hug. I did too.

We followed them out the garage door, watched them giggle, get in the car, wave, back out of the driveway, and leave.

"Meet you back in bed!" She's a brat; my brat!

"Did Rach do the right thing asking June to tell us about her coming out? We had no idea the story would be so painful, but Rachel did." I was giving voice to a niggling doubt that had bugged me. I had wondered if it was part of the reason I'd fallen apart after they had hurried upstairs.

God love her, Kara took her time answering. She could be goofy when being a goof was called for, but she was rock solid and I trusted her completely!! Not that it matters – but in and out of bed.

"Baby, you asked June to tell us about herself. Rach had to know that some of the story was painful to the woman she loves." Sorry, I was still getting used to that idea. Blondie had a point though.

"Yeah, that's a good point. It might be tough for her to talk about, but June held up well telling us the story. Knowing my daughter like I do, she probably ... I think, took that into account when she urged June to tell us about it." I thought for a moment. "I'll bet there's a ton we didn't hear!" You nodded.

"Yup, totally agree." I smiled.

"We never did hang up your clothes ya know." That's how we wound up naked, back in bed, again. No, not so much!!

As we fussed in the bedroom, Kara said, "Wear shorts today." It is June; the month of June that is. Anyway, I did.

"Stop at the closest Walgreen's will ya? I need to get a few things." Her period did start Friday. She was in and out of the store in maybe five minutes. Smiled as she got back in the car; kissed me too. Wink!

The grocery store had a parking garage. I needed luck and patience to find an open spot on Saturday. I was annoyed that Kara was fiddling with whatever she'd bought at Walgreen's. I needed to concentrate. I know – you don't care.

"Take off your panties."

Incredulous, I screamed, "WHAT!!!"

Kara leaned across the console, smiled, and repeated, "Take off your panties." She kissed me. "Give them to me when they're off." Already annoyed, I stared in disbelief. "You did tell me that you wanted to be pushed, tested, have me do things to you, tell you what to do. Am I leaving anything out?" I thought that was going to be in the bedroom. Well, she did parade me around the house, blindfolded, cuffed, nude. I had to ask.

"What does any of that have to do with this?" Blue eyes got cold. "Miss." Gulp. She stared. Well shit!

I had shorts on. I could go commando. No one but the two of us would know. Right?

I can't believe I did it. I looked around quickly. The garage was full but no one was approaching the car. Quickly, I pulled my shorts and panties down and took them off. Faster than quick, I pulled the shorts up, buttoned and zipped them.

"Very good, pet. Give them to me." Her purse or mine; what difference did it make. I handed them to her. She smiled and hung them on the rear view mirror!!! No really!!! I know – me either. Jaw slack, I stared. Ya know, you think you know someone after a while when you're in a relationship. No we weren't living together, yet. And we'll see about that!!

I honest to god thought she'd lost her mind. Leaning across the console, she lifted the leg of my shorts and put her hand between my legs. It happened so quickly I hadn't seen what was in her hand. Something pressed between my labia. It was soft and plastic. Oh god! There was hard plastic pressing ... oh my god!! Whatever it is was pressing on my clitoris.

"Wondering what it is?" Yes! I nodded. "It's a pacifier." What? "Don't look at me like that. You're the one with three kids." Yeah so? "The soft plastic is in your vagina." Uh huh. "The hard plastic is lined up so that one side presses on your clit." I know!!! "Delicious isn't it?" Oh my god! I could feel perspiration form above my lip and between my eyes.

You're not gonna believe what came next. "Be sure to keep it inside you when we're in the store, pet. You do NOT want to let it fall." Here's the thing. My, um, Kara had just put the damned thing in me and I was already in ... oh god, it felt so good pressed to my pearl. It's just delicious. No damn way could I walk with this thing in me.

"How on earth do I keep it from falling?" It was as if she'd been waiting for me to ask. I knew I was in trouble when I saw that grin on her face. It was evil. She's evil. I leaned across the console and kissed her, hungrily. She slipped her hand into my shorts and tapped the pacifier with her finger. I moaned into the kiss in delicious agony. I fucked her mouth with my tongue. She giggled. Her hand was still in my shorts. Hmm, could she keep it there in the store?

She pulled her hand out of my shorts and her face away from mine. I was panting and flushed. I was one tap away from an orgasm. I think. I hope. I wish!!

"You ready to get started?"

"I'm almost finished." She laughed. Yeah, it was funny. Good thing I love you, cuz I want to kill you.

"The fun has only begun." I moaned and shook my head. She kissed me again. I might as well go. Or cum.

First challenge: Get out of the car without the damn thing falling. I had to put my legs together. I closed my eyes and panted. I swung my hips, scooted myself toward the edge of the seat, put my legs on the ground and pushed off, holding the car door and the post between the driver's door and the back seat. Shaky, I stood ... carefully. This is a breeze!

I'm kind of tall and normally my stride is pretty long. That Saturday? Not so much! I had no idea what Kara might come up with as 'punishment' for dropping this ... glorious, beloved pacifier. I don't remember being a baby and don't know if my Mom used them. I do know I was going to go buy some. Hey! For me. Wink!

Amused, Kara walked next to me as we shopped. "You look like you're enjoying this, baby." I hate her! "I know you read stories at the same site I do cuz you told me about it." Worst thing I ever did! Wink! "You had to have read the story that described two women introducing the sister of one and her girlfriend to being pacified." I was searching, trying to recall the story. It did sound familiar. I remember something about a massage. Not sure.

"I should call Rach and see what she wants me to buy." Anything I can do to shut her up.

"That's a fabulous idea. We have to tell her about this." Your head will be on a platter if you breathe a word of this to my baby. I felt the plastic slip a bit as my mind thought about my daughter. Frantic, I clenched ... and shuddered. I moaned, my vaginal walls ... god, it's glorious. If I turn toward the shelving, no one can see my hand go into my shorts.

"No touching, pet!" Dead! I cringed as I relaxed and reflexively tensed and moaned again. I'm not kidding either!!

"Yes miss." I pressed send and pressed my hips against the railing of the produce rack. Bitch giggled. "Hi honey, we're at the store. Anything you want me to pick up for you and June. Yeah? Okay, anything else?" It's delicious. "Gotcha. It was wonderful meeting her, sweetheart. She's wonderful. Yup, I love you too. Have a fun night. Bye!" I'm so close.

Her breath warm in my ear, my miss asked, "How close are you?" Her fingers slipped up my hip, the tips ... there! God!

"She wants me to get some yogurt and some other healthy stuff she never used to eat. I don't know what happens when kids ..." She tapped the plastic and I slumped. It almost fell that time. I had to concentrate. It's agony people!! You have to do to know!! Wink! I wanted to tip over the peak. I wanted to rip the clothes from her body, and mine, and take her here in the store. I was convinced I had lost my mind. I smiled when I typed that. I'm not kidding!!!

I have no idea what we bought. Nor do I have any clue what we spent. My electronic bank statement said I spent over one hundred fifty dollars that Saturday, about twice as much as I normally spend. Spend? Oh god. A story had a woman who called an orgasm that. Did I mention I love pacifiers!!!

The cashier, not more than twelve, kept looking at me. I have no idea why. It was nothing more than another trip to the grocery store on another Saturday. The plastic lodged in my nethers? Pay no attention to the flush on my face, my wild eyes, the short, gasping breaths! Nope. I slid my credit card through the slot easily ... on the fourth try. Panting, in agony, I scrawled who knows what on the signature thingie. I was sure the fraud prevention wizards would call.

I wheeled the shopping cart to the escalator. They had an electronic something for the cart. You push it into place and it catches on a track and goes up to the top. Normally I just carry the bags. I didn't dare today! Kara had her arm around me, my head on her shoulder. Which I bit. I had to! She was not happy. Her lips pursed, her hand in the small of my back, she led me to my execution.

Taking plastic grocery bags out of the cart and putting them in the trunk was normally not a big deal. That is, if you don't have plastic in your most private place. I did; I loved it. I'll kill her later. I needed to cum. Now! Rob a bank? Can I cum? Everybody get your hands in the air! Use my debit card to get as much cash as I can? The nearest cash machine is half a block away. I still had to get back in the damn car. Don't laugh! I put my butt on the seat and faced the door. I lifted my legs and swung my hips and legs so I faced the steering wheel. I closed my eyes and said a prayer of thanks.

"Do you need to cum, pet?" Dead, slowly.

"Yes please, miss." I love her!

"Please, help yourself." I get to flip the switch? I thought you were going to do it.

Cars have a kind of safety glass that, when broken, doesn't result in sharp, jagged edges. I think it's called 'spidering.' No matter; you know what I mean. I lost my vision for a few minutes. Kara told me that night she'd never heard anyone scream so loud in her life. Point? And she's never had children! I thought I knew what a good orgasm was. I was married. He wasn't always an ass. My honey has given me some damn good spends too. There's that word again. Nothing has come close to what happened to me in that car. I exploded into about a tremillion pieces of pleasure. I don't care if spell check doesn't like the damn word. It was my orgasm and my beloved pacifier that she wanted to take out of me and almost lost her hand. I think that's a run-on sentence. Tough!

"You okay baby?" Never better! My vision had returned. I had to open the windows. I couldn't find the keys. They were in the ignition. How they got there I have no idea. "Do you want me to drive home?" That may have saved my life.

"Find someplace and park the car."

I needed sex. Don't ask. Kara looked at me funny. It was the middle of the afternoon, more or less. Our clothes were gone, we were in the back seat, she under me. I think I described her cum as intoxicating. I was drunk on it that Saturday afternoon. She screamed all right; a lot. She called me names, some good, some better. She called my name. I'll give her a stay of execution ... until I'm done with her. Like never. Sunny and Delight would miss me!! I'd miss them too.

Here's the part I left out about my taking. She begged me to let her cum. I whispered something about buying more pacifiers. She screamed something about buying a case of them. That seemed a little low but I was in a generous mood. Plus I was thirsty!! Wink. And hungry.

After our nap, I took care of that hunger thing.

I couldn't do much more than whisper Saturday night.

I never thought about this until just now. I have three kids. I never understood why they put two pacifiers in the same package. Now I know – hers and hers! Mystery solved. Hold your applause.

Where was I? Oh yeah, me and whispering. We went out for dinner Saturday night. It's June; we went to a Mexican restaurant I'd never been to. The main attraction was outdoor seating. The number of tables was limited but it was early. Chips, salsa and water were served by a very pretty young redhead. Kara eyed her hungrily. I kicked her.

"Put those eyes back in your head. She can't be more than eighteen." She laughed. "Besides, I'm dessert."

"Baby, you're too old to know how old that woman is." You can sleep on the sofa. "Who's dessert, pet?" She reached across and tapped the pacifier. Yeah, I forgot to mention that we each were, with panties this time. God it's fabulous.

"How old is she?"

"Ask her yourself. She's coming to take our drink order." Bitch! She smiled sweetly though.

"Laura, how old are you? My daughter wants to know?" Blue eyes widened.

"Twenty two. I'm home for the summer." She looked from one of us to the other, trying to figure out ... something. No way is this child twenty two! Oh god, her eyes lingered on Kara. Is she gay? My daughter is her age and is spending the weekend ... god!

"I have a daughter your age." She shrugged. "Are ... is the restaurant hiring?" She nodded.

"Actually, I think so. What's your daughter's name?"

"Rachel; Rachel Stone. She has blonde hair like her older sister." With that, 'her older sister' leaned and gave me an open mouth kiss, complete with holding my head in place with her hand. Laura's brown eyes were wide with surprise when my honey turned me loose.