Book 01: A Match Made Ch. 02


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"That'll be fun, honey." She looked down at her salad, smirking. Oh great! "So you weren't too sore this morning after our night." A male server was walking by. He turned and smiled at us; your back was to him. "He heard us and looked, right? He's probably not interested in us, Lissy." I nodded. You leaned in and said, voice soft and dirty, "I loved watching you when I fucked you." I felt like I was going to melt from the inside out!! "The idea of putting your leg on the chair was brilliant. I don't know if I could have held you all that time." God help me, this woman is SO damn sexy! "How's your sandwich?" I laughed.

"Great; how's your salad? Can you see me melting in my chair?" She laughed. "I'm not kidding." I lowered my voice. "I'm so wet right now." Oh perfect. "I'm squirming; I can barely hold it together." She had taken her shoe off and was rubbing her foot on my leg. "Will you stop that?" I said in a hissed whisper. And it's on it's way higher.

"What are you freaking out about? We're at a restaurant that's friendly; chill out." Uh, yeah, she has a point. Well, when in Rome. I slipped off my shoe and returned the favor, which got a grin. "That's much better, girlfriend. So you want me to stay the night." I smiled and nodded. "What do you have planned for us?" I swallowed. I couldn't tell her. "Tell me!" After turning my hand over, Kara scraped her finger through the avocado in my sandwich and smeared it on my palm. I moaned. She brought it to her lips and slurped loudly. Kitty shivered!! Blondie is proof that 38 can teach this old dog new tricks. I love learning!!

We took our sweet time with lunch, figuring that the girls would get to the house... whenever! Taking our sweet time gave me a chance to tell my honey some stories about my brood.

"That blouse? I told you I wore it for a woman."

"Yeah you did. Geez, Lissy, you looked so fabulous in that outfit." I blushed again. "Anyways, go ahead baby."

"I wore it once for Dylan; just once." I could see questions in your eyes. I sighed. "Only Bette knows what I'm about to tell you, lover." You reached for and took my hand in yours, caressing it gently. Geez I love your smile! I gulped. "He developed high blood pressure, in part because of his drinking. I think. He refused to talk about it, which was wonderful, because what came with it was E.D."

"Oh god!" I nodded.

"Yeah, exactly! The good and bad in that it was the first time was when I had the blouse on." You laughed; I blushed. "Okay, I could have said that better, but you know what I meant." Which 'earned' me a kiss. "After we'd undressed, he couldn't... um, perform. He was embarrassed. I was relieved – silently of course." You turned your chair a little after moving a bit closer. I made a little shrug with my face. "You do what you have to, Kara. I'd long passed the point of wanting him to touch me. It's why I went looking... for women." Your smile was sad. "I know. Some would call me unfaithful, being married. I had to wrestle with that. Was I being a good wife? Was it cheating?"

"We've talked about this. I didn't know about... Marissa?" I nodded. "You've given me sketchy details here and there about things with him." Blue eyes bore into mine. "He's gone, which is miserable for the kids. And it's not exactly a piece of cake for you either. Cheating or not, what might have been good once hadn't been for quite a while. Why beat yourself up about what was? You're here; enjoy it. Live; you can, so do!" Your kiss was soft and urgent. "To change the subject on purpose, are you intentionally making June feel comfortable, given all the turmoil she told us about?" Well that sure came out of left field.

"Aside from the fact that was totally out of nowhere, I really hadn't thought much about it." I stopped for a moment. "She's cute, it's clear my daughter likes her. Did I do it on purpose? I'm not sure, Kara. She's a very nice young lady. I've tried to make her comfy around me, in my home. Was it on purpose? No, not consciously at least." I laughed. "Now I'll probably be thinking about it and mess something up!" Enough about that. We got our check, paid, and left. We wandered back in the direction of the car. The sidewalks were moderately full. The weather was seasonably warm.

We talked some in the car on the way to the house.



"About last night; did it bother you seeing me getting pawed by so many?" You laughed. Oh great! "I saw people hit on you too. I ... it worried me a little but I liked it too. I just wondered." You had taken my hand as I talked.

"I was overwhelmed when you pulled up to the loft, Lissy. I don't mean anything negative by that; I had never seen my gorgeous woman look so fabulous." I nodded. "I watched you, the flame, attract moths of both sexes. It made me smile and made my pussy tingle." Gawd!! "I was proud. I loved seeing younger people of both sexes flock to my woman." Flood alert "I'm sorry for insisting we go to that second club." I waved off your protest. "No, stop! We were having a wonderful time; it turned out shitty with Raven." You got quiet for a bit.

"You might as well get whatever it is said, Kara." Truth is – I was curious what it felt like you weren't saying.

"I loved seeing you ... no, having others see you like I did... do." You were struggling. "It was all good until Raven, which I should have known." Ah, we're finally getting to the heart of it. "I saw you look for me, baby; saw your frantic eyes. That was when I moved. I'd been keeping an eye on you." I brought your hand to my lips.

"I'm not sure I could have let things go as long as you did, Kara." I saw your eyes shift and shrugged. "Was I angry? No, of course not. Am I now? No, I'm not. I like that you kept an eye out for me. I guess I need to do more strength training." We both laughed.

We stopped and bought a couple kinds of salad, hamburger buns, beer, wine, soda, and a bottle of ice tea I'd never heard of but Kara raved about – Gold Peak. Live and learn. I also bought a couple pounds of ground chuck. Kara reminded me that fresh is better than frozen; she was right. We didn't know when the kids would get home and we were in no hurry. Fresh seemed like good insurance and what was already frozen would keep. Is that enough detail?

Naturally, there was an extra car in the driveway. Two bright, bubbly kids squealed, kissed and hugged us both. My baby looked particularly gorgeous, but then again she always does to me. The two of them talked over each other, back and forth. It was as if Kara and I were watching a tennis match from three feet away. It got so crazy I finally had to say, "Hey you two; enough. One at a time, please!" Two faces pouted; Kara laughed.

"It was at this place called Metro. There were some Cubs players and a bunch of other, older guys we didn't know. But Kerry Wood was there. He's SO cute, Mom. Course he's married, so like there was nothing I could do, but his wife is totally hot!"

"She really is, Mom. I think the Cubs TV broadcaster was on stage. Everybody was going nuts for some guy named Epstein." She shrugged. "It was just ... there was such a cool vibe the whole time. It was iced." Iced huh? "Oh, one of the bands was the awesome Poi Dog Pondering." Well, how special is that!

The only reason I tell you about that is that if you're from Chicago, you may know who Kerry and Sarah Wood are.

Dinner on the patio was wonderful. But what was really fun was the conversation.

"It was three years ago when we had everybody up to South Haven in Michigan. We rented a house and had the kids and their spouses for a week's vacation." I glanced at my daughter, who was making eyes at her honey. "Rach had a bikini with a thong bottom."

"Mom, you will not!" June laughed.

"Shush you. Mom, please continue." Blondie (hers) started to say something but was shushed again.

"Dylan took one look at his daughter and said, 'You wear that in public?' Rach replied, 'No, only when at the lake or on campus,' which none of us believed. As it turned out, he went to a store and bought her another, much more modest two piece suit."

"Tell them the rest of it, Mother!!" June slapped her wrist. "Stop that!" An eyebrow was raised. "Sorry; go ahead."

"The suit was not only more modest, it was a size too big." Everyone laughed. "I made him take it back and get the right size." Everyone, me included, was in hysterics!!!"The rest of the week was great. We took turns making dinner. As it turned out, everyone cooked twice. The last night we went out to a fancy restaurant; it was wonderful." I looked down and shook my head. It was wonderful!! It may be the last time we do that kind of thing now that Dylan is gone and the older two have babies. I shook my head again as I talked to myself. Maybe, maybe not; we'll see.

It was very funny actually. June asked Rachel if she had any family secrets to tell. Her smirk let me know she did!

"Jenna may look all buttoned down now that she's married with a family, but she was a hellion. I always thought Daddy had a soft spot for her as his first born." Kara smiled and squeezed my hand. "Mom was in grad school and working; I was eight. Anyway, she was supposed to come pick me up at soccer practice. JR came way late and got me. He told me Mom's car got stolen. When we got home, Mom was ranting and raving at Jenna, who was all miss innocent. I found out later Dad took the blame, telling Mom that he'd moved the car when he left for work. Jenna told me much later she'd moved it." I had sort of figured out what was coming but the actual story left me a little stunned and just as embarrassed.

Out of the blue, Kara asked, "June, we got the feeling there was a bunch you didn't tell us about your family. Would you care to share anything else?" Good god; I suppose I should have known after earlier. Rach looked at me. June squirmed a bit in her chair but got right to it.

"My Mom and my Grammy were the two biggest influences in my life. Grammy told me what my name meant in Roman mythology." I listened, interested. "Juno was the wife of Jupiter, the protectress of women, marriage, and family." I saw Rach look at me; I winked. "I miss her for a lot of reasons. She was all about our black heritage." She smiled. "She was in her sixties when she decided to go back to college and get her degree, which she did. She did a little dance on stage, her diploma held high over her head." Her eyes teared. "I want to make her proud!"

"She bites her nails." June slugged her honey. "Well, I needed to lighten the mood a little, lover." I thought it was cute.

June got 'even' rather nicely. "We've talked about the two of you. Since you're going to be moving in together soon, we decided to get you 'hers' and 'hers' bathroom towels." Rach looked like she wanted to strangle her girlfriend. Kara laughed and laughed. I just stared.

"What Mom? I mean really. The two of you are joined at the hip." I thought Kara might convulse in laughter. I admit I laughed as well. It was about our night last night. I'm smiling as I write!! Forgive me. "Will we be allowed to stay overnight once you are living together?" THAT did it!! I threw my napkin at my last born! Kara and June laughed for a good three minutes while I blushed. I had to think of something. Ah!

"We shall see! If you come home and the locks are changed ..." Rachel's face crumpled. I hurried to her, knelt and said, "No way would I ever do that, sweetie. I meant it as a joke and I'm terribly sorry if I upset you." I kissed her.

After a decade of seconds passed, pained blue eyes said, "It's okay, Mom. I panicked a little. I've already lost my Dad and can't bear the thought of losing you." Where's an ice pick!! I never should have said what I did.

"Honey, all of you lost a dad. Your Mom lost her husband." By the time he died he was a 'sorta' husband but I still missed him a little. I looked at Kara, who looked like she had been watching me closely. She arched an eyebrow; I shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess that's true. It's just not much fun to lose a parent suddenly." Rach turned to June. "Are we ready to go?"

"I guess, yeah." She stood. "Thanks for dinner, Mom. Everything was delicious." We were all standing by then. The usual kisses and hugs were exchanged. We walked them to the car and waved as they backed out of the driveway.

"They're wonderful, Lissy. I think they make a great couple; kinda like another couple I know. Let's clean up here and go sit outside some more."

"That sounds like a plan, lover."

The night ended quietly... and romantically.


Author's Notes:

This is the second of what I think will be five chapters. We'll see. It's by far the longest I've posted, but the story seems to dictate when I end a chapter. And my readers seem to enjoy a long chapter.

If you're just finding me, thank you. If not, I'm trying some new things in this story. I hope they're not distracting.

Something else – I try to change up how the characters talk and stay away from getting predictable in dialogue and other things. I try to write like we humans talk – it's not always in a straight line, whether it's speech or thought.

Also, let me deal with this as constructively as I can. A story of 150,000 or so words is likely to have a few misspelled. I write, I edit, and I have someone very capable proof. And still things get missed. I'm pretty good but I will never claim to be perfect. It happens. Please do make allowances for the human factor.

I adore interaction with those who choose to read my stories. If you are interested in a little more 'Vixen,' please check my bio. And won't you please vote... and please consider leaving a comment. I honestly don't mind constructive criticism. It can and does help. And if you feel the need to do so privately you can email me. I try to respond to everyone. It makes writing so much more fun. Thanks to all!! ~ AVL ~

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josenussbaumjosenussbaumabout 2 years ago

Up till now this would have been a 5* story. However, I absolutely hate cheating. Seen the situation with her husband I still gave 3* instead of my usual 1*.

But she should have broken with her husband before starting to cheat on him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Switching in and out of 2nd person was, at first, disconcerting. However, after you did it several times, I realized you’d changed something else … overtly breaking the 4th wall and talking openly to the readers. While I think the first chapter was written, stylistically speaking, in the more conventional mode, I thought the 2nd-person/4th-wall style to be much more intimate, changing the presentation to reminiscent of a diary. One *VERY* important thing to remember is that language evolves everyday. Vocabulary, styles, idioms, everything. Being forced to stick pedantically to a “conventional” mode from the past doesn’t allow writers to be full-blown artists. If painters, for example, were thus restricted, would there actually be any past masters? Or future ones? Explore. Experiment. Decide for yourself what styles you wish to use, how successful they are, and what impact they have on the story and how you wish to tell it. It’s your art, own it.

Mymantoy999Mymantoy999almost 8 years ago
I am a little late to the party

but, I really love your writing style and find that for the most part is is easy to follow. There have been a couple of times where I said "huh??" and had to reread something, but that is more because I missed it the first time.

I am a Leatherman and married to my Mistress. Virtually everyone I actually consider friends are my Leather brothers and Sisters from the LGBT community (yeah, there are a few het Letherfolks that I like). I had to laugh at your "potato Chip whore" (I forget exactly how you worded it), because in real life I know Master Steve and his slave Kirk. Slave Kirk is a "chocolate whore" (his words) and Master Steve loves to hold chocolate under his nose so that slave Kirk begs for it.

So I will continue to read and try to catch up.

Slave Ed

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Double the Flavor

First let me say that I didn't find the change of person confusing in the least. It was a consistent style and easy to follow. In fact, I enjoyed it. It made the lovemaking more intimate.

Second, these two women are "double the pleasure". I felt a little guilty reading this at work today. Since this is anonymous I can also admit I went straight home to "tend to some unfinished business"

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 10 years ago
Change of Person

While I am enjoying the story, I do find it disconcerting when you change person,

One paragraph you will refer to Kara as "she", as if you are telling US the story, then the next paragraph you refer to her as "you", as if you are talking to her.

Please try to be consistent!

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