A Most Indecent Proposal

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The seduction of a baby sitter.
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Shane and Marisa Sherman seemed a normal couple when I first met them through my baby sitting duties. I was asked to baby sit their five year old daughter Molly on a regular basis. She was a delightful young child whom I quickly developed a real bond to, and she to me. I quite liked Shane and Marisa too; they seemed real nice people who made me feel very welcome in their home. I guess I was in a little awe of Marisa, for she was a sophisticated and pretty lady, tall, blonde and always looked a million dollars in stylish clothes and superbly applied make up. She was both confident and funny, and had a knack of putting me most at ease whenever we were together. Her husband and Molly's father Shane was an okay guy, kind of good looking I suppose, but girls my age just don't find men in their forties particularly desirable. I like my men young, lean and good looking with a touch of innocence about them.

My name is Tessa Banks, but friends just call me Tess. At the time all this happened I was a sprightly twenty two year old student studying early childhood education. My baby sitting jobs gave me a little play money and quality time with children whom I simply adore. They however curtailed some of my Friday and Saturday night social activities which are a bit of a downer, especially if I had a boyfriend at the time. If I had to describe myself, I guess the word average would be appropriate. I've got brunette hair bordering on ginger in certain light, I'm average in height and weight with ample breasts and a nice round butt. I like to wear tight tee shirts and jeans, and hate feminine clothes like fancy dresses with a vengeance, much to my parent's discontent. I'm told I'm pretty; people seem to comment favourably on my big blue eyes and my cute upturned nose.

My sexual experiences started like most other girls, holding hands and sneaking kisses with your first love is something never to be forgotten. This of course led to park up in cars where wandering hands led to the lifting of tops and the partial sliding down of jeans and panties allowed further exploration. As I got braver and more interested, the further I went until the inevitable loss of my virginity. Thankfully it was with a boy I really loved and there were no regrets. It was all pretty well planned and I was on the pill on that unforgettable night. You've probably heard the same first time stories I have, painful screaming and lots of blood. It wasn't like that for me; I was so excited and aroused that his cock slipped inside me with ease. I'll not forget the memory of the pleasure of making love for the first time, the warmth of a nice hard cock inside me and all the excited kisses that we shared. I especially liked it when he ejaculated deep inside me, his warm cum completely flooding me and changing the sensation of his cock sliding back and forth. Looking back, we may have been a little inept, but it was still good fun. That relationship lasted a few months during which time I'd got to like sex more than a lot.

My next boyfriend was a little older and a lot more experienced; he taught me a whole lot more; especially oral. He had access to a bed which was a lot better than the back seat of a car. It didn't take me long to appreciate a good licking which I got a lot of, in return I became quite good at delivering blow jobs. I learned to tease with my tongue and bring him close to orgasm a few times before withdrawing my services. Depending on my mood at the time, I might let him cum in my mouth, but most times though I would suck him to the brink and let him cum on my face to avoid the unpleasant bitter taste that we girls feel obliged to complain about. By the time that this relationship dissolved, I'd become quite an accomplished lover, and after that boyfriends came and went. My rule was that I'd never drop my panties on the first two or three dates, but if I really liked them, I certainly kept them interested until I was ready to spread my legs.

One of the things I really like about sex is watching a cock grow nice and hard. I enjoy initiating sex, and getting in early is important. I like the power of being able to control a mans arousal, to me the thought that my presence alone can make a cock stand up nice and proud is something special. I can't imagine growing old and wrinkly and not having that magical power over men and their cocks. There's this one special game I love to play, starting with making my lover at the time take his pants off while I'm still fully dressed. Ensuring he's not already hard, I start doing a seductive striptease. He's of course not allowed to touch his cock as I love to watch it grow all by itself. Of course some guys are spoilsports and just can't manage it, and are hard before they get their shoes off. They are made to wait, and sometimes running their cocks under a cold tap to make them soft again is required.

So, at the age of twenty two, I thought I had the sex thing all sorted out. I loved sex, and knew exactly what I wanted and needed. While I'd heard stories and watched the odd adult movie with group sex activities, it was mostly fantasy and for other people, not for someone like myself. Or so I thought.

Getting back to Shane and Marisa, they lived in a huge rambling house fifteen minutes out of town from where I still lived with my parents. The road between was winding and treacherous, especially at night where there seemed to be more than a fair share of drunken drivers. Marisa was concerned about me driving home after baby sitting and suggested that I should stay the night. I declined the first few times, but I nearly had a head on collision driving home one night which made me reconsider the offer. When Marisa found out about my near miss, she gave me two options, either stay the night or no more sits. Neither Shane nor Marisa wanted anything to happen to me, which was really good to know. The next time I sat for them, Marisa showed me a spare guest room at the other end of the house. It was big and palatial with its own bathroom; and it was to be mine anytime I sat Molly.

Shane was some business bigwig, and his presence was sought after at social activities which steadily increased the times my baby sitting services were requested. Due to the fact that I was willing to come all that way and stay the night, I was paid well over the odds for my sits, the extra money most welcome. As time went on, I became more comfortable and began leaving my door unlocked so that Molly could climb into bed with me in the mornings as she liked to do. I can tell you those morning cuddles sure brought out my maternal instincts. My relationship with Marisa developed and we soon became quite good friends. We spoke of the men in our lives, and I got to know more about Shane than he might have liked. Marisa asked about my love life, and I would tell of my boyfriend of the time. Initially our conversations were without detail, but as time went on they certainly got more explicit. It wasn't like we were trying to be smutty or anything; it just sort of flowed with the humour. I learnt that Shane was quite well endowed, that Marisa had a collection of sex toys, managed multiple orgasms, her favourite position was doggie on the couch, and that she had a Brazilian down below. I would later find out Marisa had quite a few other little secrets. While happily married to Shane, she confessed to a little jealousy of my single life and being able to change lovers at whim. As for my own confessions, well, Marisa giggled when she found out about my little fetish watching cocks grow hard.

Marisa and I got closer as time went on, and Shane was always nice to me. Sure, he used to tease me about innocent things, but there were never any of those lusty, lingering stares or sexual innuendos that older men seemed to dish out. I liked him and felt perfectly comfortable whenever in his presence. At the back of the house was a large swimming pool, and Molly and I would often frolic in there. Even when in a swim suite, Shane behaved like a perfect gentleman which put me even more at ease. So what was about to transpire was a little unexpected to say the least.

It all happened on a Saturday night. I arrived at around seven in the evening to find Molly totally zonked out after a friend's birthday party. We had a cuddle and a story through which she fell asleep. I then went downstairs and settled in to watch music videos on their fifty inch plasma until Shane and Marisa arrived home just after midnight. It didn't take long to realise that Marisa had consumed a substantial amount of alcohol and was more than a little happy. In turn, Shane was completely sober from having to drive to and from the function they had attended. Marisa kicked off her shoes and disappeared into the kitchen returning with a beer for Shane, and two premixed Pina Colada's cans for her and me. Marisa had introduced me to Pina Colada's over time, and I'd developed quite a taste for them. While Shane wasn't too happy with Marisa's condition, he graciously accepted his beer and settled down on the couch beside his lovely wife.

By the time Marisa had demolished her first Pina Colada and into her second, she was well drunk and in fine form with her lusty humour. The gold slinky dress she was wearing had slits up the side, and had ridden well up her thighs to the point I could see her matching panties from where I was sitting opposite. She was soon cuddled into Shane and becoming a little amorous which he no doubt found embarrassing in my presence. But the more he tried to fend her off, the worse she became. The little kisses and the wandering hands, then a quick glance in my direction accompanied with a little wink. I suppose I should have excused myself and left them to it, but it seemed good fun to watch Marisa playing up. I'll use the excuse that my Pina Colada was still half full and too good to waste.

"Let's fuck him." she suggested cheekily.

"Shit Marisa, pull your head in, not in front of Tess." Shane complained pushing her hand away from his crotch.

"Oh c'mon darlin, don't be a spoil sport." Marisa purred. "Don't worry about Tess, she's a dirty bitch too."

That was nice I thought to myself, when exactly did I become a dirty bitch? But I had to laugh as Marisa distracted her husband with a kiss while her hand deftly slipped the zipper down on his trousers. Her hand was soon inside caressing his manhood, and his struggles slowly faded. After a minute or so, Marisa eased the top half of her husband's manhood into freedom. While there was no real indication of its length, the fact that Marisa's hand could not encompass its girth told a story. As her mouth slipped over the fat head, the first slither of my own arousal floated through me. Shane soon lay back on the couch in complete submission as Marisa undid his belt and pushed his trousers down a little exposing his cock fully. It was no doubt the biggest cock I'd seen in real life, not so much long, but just very, very thick.

I'd never watched anything like this before, and I could feel my panties becoming very warm and wet as their antics became more intense. As Marisa suckled Shane's cock noisily, he eased her dress high up over her panties, his fingers tracing the panty line between her thighs. A loud sigh escaped Marisa's full mouth as his fingers slid under her panties and into her pussy. She removed her mouth from his cock and rested it on his navel, her hand slowly stroking the substantial shaft in front of her face.

She looked over and smiled at me, "How'd you like to help me out over here?"

I cannot remember being so aroused and her invitation was exciting as it was tempting. I hesitated for about half a second.

"Are you sure?" I stammered.

Marisa chuckled and lovingly looked up at her husband, "Would you like Tess to come and play?"

Shane opened his eyes and smiled, "Only if you want to."

I was trembling with anticipation as I slipped towards the couch on which they were sprawled. Shane moved over to make room for me, and I made myself comfortable beside him. Marisa reached for my hand and guided it to Shane's cock, and like her, my fingers couldn't encompass its thick girth. It was slightly thicker at the base than the head, fat veins stood proud while pumping the necessary blood to keep it erect. The circumcised head was large and round, and already slippery from Marisa's saliva. She again lowered her mouth over the head and suckled him while I slowly stroked his shaft.

Then she lifted her mouth and looked over at me with a smirk, "Your turn."

I held her stare as I lowered my face to his cock, my tongue swiftly darting over the eye causing Shane to shiver. Marisa laughed as I tormented him for a few seconds before slipping my lips over the bulbous head. My mouth was stretched wide and I knew that I was going to struggle with his size, but there's more than one way to skin a cat. I sucked him for a while then lifted my mouth allowing my tongue to trace the rim of the head and the glands below. Marisa's lips replaced mine, and we shared duties, her sucking and me licking, leaving Shane whimpering quietly in pleasure. Our mouths were so close that we couldn't help but touch, and I began to notice Marisa intentionally doing it. Then all of a sudden, her lips were upon mine, and I initially tensed in shock. But I didn't pull away as her warm tongue entered my mouth and danced briefly over mine before retreating to Shane's cock.

Wild thoughts flooded my mind at Marisa's audacity, for I had never been kissed by another woman, or even had thoughts in that direction. I was confused but not unhappily so as I continued my licking duties of Shane's cock. Marisa's mouth again came close to mine, and I surprised myself and turned to meet her kiss, and our tongues desperately sought each others. Her lips were warm and soft, the taste of foreign lipstick and Pina Colada apparent. Marisa broke the kiss and returned to Shane's cock but returned several times to steal another kiss.

"Mmmmmmmmm, we're gonna have some fun tonight." she said turning her attention to the removal of Shane's shirt and trousers.

I carried on with my stroking and licking as Shane was completely stripped. The next thing I know is that Marisa slipped over both Shane and I leaving me pinned between them. I sat nervously still as both Shane and Marisa turned their attention to me; they took turns gently kissing me as their hands began to roam over my aroused body.

"Are you okay with this?" Shane whispered into my ear between kisses.

"I guess." I replied nervously. "I don't want you to stop."

For those who have never experienced two pairs of hands seducing you, I can tell you its absolutely incredible. There's confusion mixed with excitement and the odd flash of panic. My blouse was unbuttoned and removed, my bra straps eased over my shoulders exposing my breasts. I heard myself cry with pleasure as they each took one sensitive nipple and suckled gently. I then felt a hand on each of my thighs slowly sliding upwards taking turns to caress my pussy through my jeans. My eyes were closed as my jeans were unbuttoned and the zip unfastened. I eagerly raised myself from the couch so they could be slipped downwards; my only concern was embarrassment of how wet they might find me. My panties quickly followed my jeans and it only took the removal of my bra to leave me naked as the day I was born. Gentle hands spread my legs a little, and I felt the first tentative exploration of my wet pussy. I nervously opened my eyes to take in the proceedings.

"Mmmmm, what a thick bush." Marisa commented running her fingers back and forth through my pubes.

For a short time this naughty couple were content to explore my body. My pussy was nicely stroked, my clitoris given all the attention that a clitoris deserves. There were hands and little kisses everywhere as my anticipation of what might lay ahead heightened my excitement. Marisa then got to her feet, shrugged herself out of her dress and stepped out of it. She looked over at me to make sure I was watching as her bra was also discarded. She stepped closer as her hands moved to her lacy gold panties and pushed them seductively downwards exposing a completely bald pussy. Her lips were large and pronounced with a hint of pink peeking through the slit between. Her tan body was lean but curvy, her breasts smallish and slightly low from motherhood. A narrow waist curved outwards to hips and round thighs. She let me look for a while; then stepped close enough to Shane so he could kiss her thighs and pronounced pubic mound before running a finger back and forth through her bald slit.

"Let me watch you give Tess a licking." Marisa whispered.

Shane slid off the couch and positioned himself between my thighs. I trembled with anticipation as his tongue teased my thighs and navel avoiding where I really wanted him to play. Finally he ran it down through my pubes and into my slit, and I jumped as it flicked over my clitoris. It didn't take long before I was at the right end one of the best lickings I'd ever had. Shane's mouth spoilt my pussy to a lavished crescendo of pleasures without allowing me to cum. My lips were kissed, licked and sucked upon, my clitoris tormented while his finger attacked my lovely little G spot with expert precision. Looking down I could see my juices all over his face, but he carried on working me.

I felt Marisa climb onto the couch beside me; her mouth quickly found my breasts and gently kissed and licked them. I placed my arm around her shoulders and ran my fingers through her thick mane of hair as she moved upwards kissing my neck and ears. Again I consensually turned to meet her lips. Our embrace became more passionate, our tongues darting back and forth in each other's mouth. I will always remember this moment, the ultimate pleasure of my clitoris being sucked while being kissed in a way that only another woman knows how. For some time we stayed just like that, Marisa holding my face still so that she could kiss me lovingly and passionately. Then she slipped from me.

I watched as she rolled face up onto the carpet and positioned herself between Shane's powerful thighs. His body tensed as she took him into her mouth, and while I couldn't see what was going on, he seemed to like what ever sin she was committing. She stayed like that for a minute or so, then slipped upwards and knelt beside my spread thighs to watch her husband licking me.

"That's enough of that, its fuck time." she suggested.

Shane wet face looked up from between my thighs.

"Do you want to fuck?" he asked.

I appreciated the question, but I was too far gone to say no.

I smiled, "Sure."

An eager and smiling Shane raised himself into a kneeling position between my wide spread thighs, Marisa leaned over and suckled on his cock for a second or two before guiding it towards my pussy. With one hand she parted my lips and with the other guided her husband's cock between them. She rubbed the head up and down the slit a few times before placing it at my opening.

I braced myself for the girth of Shane's thick cock, but my aroused wetness accepted him with ease. I felt my pussy stretch as never before as inch by inch it entered me with short little strokes until he was in to the hilt.

"How's that feel?" Marisa asked as Shane began to slide back and forth inside me.

"It's quite nice." I replied nervously after a few seconds of contemplation.

Marisa smiled, "You can relax; Shane won't hurt you. He's a wonderful lover."

Shane smiled, "How do you like it, fast or slow?"

"Slow would be good." I replied sensibly.

It didn't take long for Marisa to get in on the act. Every now and then she would reach down and guide her husband's cock from my pussy and then suckle on it before guiding it back inside me. Then she got a little braver and slid her face over my navel trying her best to get her tongue onto my clit as Shane slowly fucked me. I soon began to enjoy the size of Shane's cock, for each push filled me completely. It was rock hard and my pussy hugged it tightly through his long strokes. And Marisa was right; her Shane was a very accomplished lover. His patience and gentleness with his large cock bringing me great pleasure, it was all very, very nice.