A Mother Returned Pt. 02

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Penelope tries to control her mood swings.
4.5k words

Part 2 of the 13 part series

Updated 05/17/2024
Created 08/09/2023
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All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!

"Oh... my..." Penelope stretched. "That was the most restful night's sleep... ever. How did you sleep, darling?" She rolled onto her side to caress her husband, but his half of the bed was empty. A rush of emptiness filled her. He's only gone to the office. He told me last night that he had an early day. Everything's fine. I'll have a productive day without him. She rose from bed and gasped when she saw the clock. It was late! Hurriedly, she brushed her teeth, dressed herself, pinned her hair, and descended the stairs.

She tarried on the second floor when she saw that her son's door was open. What would a good mother do? Her mind leaned toward bursting in and demanding to know if Theodore and Victoria were officially courting. She imagined how he might chafe at such a conversation. Maybe I should apologize for walking in on him again. She didn't want to seem weak. She had already apologized. A good mother is loving, warm, and strong. Penelope pressed her gloved fingers into the wall. Was a good mother decisive? If so, she was failing the test.

Step after step, she found her slippered feet moving toward his room. The image of his giant, ugly penis came into her mind. Her feet faltered, and she clutched the wall for support. She wouldn't see it again. His door was open. He wouldn't have it out on display. She took several deep breaths, trying to ignore the persistent thrilling hum coming from her vagina. She needed her husband's penis badly, but he was gone for the day. Penelope wiped sweat from her brow. I am brave. I can face any situation. She thought about how Winifred had told her that Theodore wept for her when she disappeared. That he had missed her. My son loves me back. Her feet moved again, and she continued down the hall, stopping in his doorway.

"Good morning, lambkin." Penelope put a bright smile on her face and a cheery cadence to her words. She found him reading a book while propped sideways on his chair. She studied his pudgy body. Of course, she remembered arguing that he should diet and exercise. But perhaps she'd been wrong. He was so cute in his round form. So very much like a smaller version of his father. Although, not all of him is smaller than Felix! That thought nearly threw her into another nose dive, but his scowling face brought her back to the moment. "I was... um... I was going to make you breakfast. And I wanted you to know that I'll never enter without knocking again. That was a mistake. I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you." Oh, no. I apologized.

"Freddie already made me pancakes. I'm not hungry." Theodore stared holes through his mother. A lingering silence stretched out between them. He studied her closely. This was so different from the way Winifred waited him out with tactical precision. His mother's brows were knitted, and she wrung her gloved hands with anxiety. He could tell she was working with no tactics or strategy. "You can go now."

"Perhaps we could talk about last night? If you have anything to get off your chest, I'm here." Penelope didn't like the sound of that. It rang hollow. "I mean... I want to be here for you... now that I'm back."

"Forget it, Mom." Theodore turned back to his book.

"I wonder, are you officially courting Victoria? She seems like a lovely woman, and I know it would make your father happy if it was official." Penelope's frown deepened. She could see her son's muscles tense. "I didn't mean to -"

Theodore hurled his book at the wall. It struck with a loud bang, rattling the framed prints of airplanes and spacecraft nearby. "You don't get to come home and meddle in my life." He waited for her to explode. He stared her down and could see a brief flash of anger pass over her face. But her rage evaporated almost as soon as it began. He had to hand it to her, she really was trying to be a better mother. But it was too little, too late. Far too late.

"I didn't mean to leave... the way I did. I can't understand why I did that, Teddy." Penelope gulped. I am brave. I am understanding. "I know the last two and half years have been hard on -"

"You think this is about the last two and a half years?" Theodore screamed. He jumped to his feet, hands gesticulating wildly. "Where were you at my baseball games? Where were you at concerts, science fairs... where were you before you left? Shit... you weren't working like Dad, but you always seemed to be busy. The only time you paid attention to me was when I got a bad grade or punched someone at school. And whatever you said wasn't helpful. It wasn't... fucking... helpful."

She fought the impulse to chastise his language. That wouldn't help. "It didn't happen that often -"

"Is that how you want to play it? Want me to make a fucking list?" Theodore wished he had something else in his hands to throw.

"I was under stress. I married your father young and... I had difficulties. I didn't mean to hurt you." Tears rolled down Penelope's cheeks. "I don't know why I did any of those things. I should have been there for you when you hit home runs or played the clarinet. I should have helped you do better when you flubbed a class or got in a fight. I don't understand why I -"

"The worst part about your disappearing is knowing that I was better off without you! And knowing how much things are going to suck now that you're back." Theodore's voice lowered a little. He sat down in his chair. He was spent.

"I'll do better. I promise." Penelope wiped the tears from her cheeks, her chest heaved with sobs. A mother isn't supposed to cry in front of her child.

"It's too late. I'm nineteen. A man. And if I do need a mother, I've got Freddie right down the hall." He pointed a finger past her. "You... get out."

"I'm sorry." Penelope turned and fled down the hall. She ran straight into Winifred, who folded her into a hug. Penelope went stiff for a moment and then melted into the robot, clutching at the AI's bodice. She wept uncontrollably onto Winifred's shoulder.

"There, there, Penny." Winifred patted her mistress's back. Still holding her, she shepherded the crying woman downstairs. "I heard everything. That was very difficult. I know it was. But I can see that you're trying. Teddy will see that too... eventually. I have pancakes ready downstairs. Come sit with me. You must be famished."

"Thank you... Winnie..." Penelope didn't know what she had done to have such a caring friend, but she was grateful. If only I could provide the same support to Theodore.


The rest of the morning was not pleasant. Penelope tried to calm herself, but her mind's eye vacillated between her son's furious face and his angry looking penis. Her stomach did somersaults as she tried to conquer her mood swings. Felix had warned her that there would be mood swings after such a trauma. Gosh, he was right.

Winifred had been full of good advice over breakfast. The idea that Rome was not built in a day especially stuck with Penelope. She would have to take tiny, concrete steps to bridge the divide. She was aware now that it wasn't just her disappearance. She had failed her family in other ways, too. She would fix all of it. But she needed time.

She started by reaching out to Victoria. They scheduled a holographic meeting that afternoon in the sensorium. Then, despite never doing it before, Penelope took Cora for a walk. She couldn't tell if the dog enjoyed herself, but Penelope was starting to feel better.

It was just after lunch when Penelope locked herself in the bathroom again. "Gods... I miss Felix so much." She undressed in a frenzy. Tonight... tonight... I'll have my husband inside me again. That thought sent off fireworks in her mind. She was sopping wet when her fingers found her vagina. She leaned up against the wall and rubbed her clitoris and played with her black nipples. Her mind wandered toward the old romance novels she used to read, with strong muscled men sweeping her off her feet. This was what she'd always fantasized about when masturbating in the past.

Although the need was there, the pleasure wouldn't come. Her mind moved past the book cover men. "Felix... my beloved Felix. Ooohhh... uuuuuggghhhhhh." Her eyes rolled back, and her body jerked. That was the ticket. "Eeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii." She arched her back and a lovely orgasm took her.

After pausing briefly, she found she needed another climax. Penelope went back to work on her body. She even lifted one of her nipples into her mouth and lovingly sucked on it. It sent splendid chills through her body. She imagined Felix watching her do it. He had often asked her to do that years ago, but she rarely had. Now she regretted it. While one hand supported her boob, the other made slick noises between her legs. She thought of the kindness of Winifred and their connection over pancakes that morning. Sparks flew in Penelope's mind. She spit out the nipple and stopped touching herself. She stared at her sweaty, breathless reflection in the mirror. "I'm not attracted to robots." She searched her feelings and it was true. She wasn't a pervert. There was no attraction to artificial life. So, why did that get me off?

Tentatively, she touched her clitoris again, bringing herself pleasure. Her expression in the mirror was quizzical. She thought about the robot's body, and it offered no arousal. She responded to it like one of those men from romance novels. Nothing at all. But then she thought of her conversation with Winifred, of the connection they had shared, and Penelope's body jerked with joy. "What's... uuuggghhhhhhhhh... happening to me?" Her eyes started to roll again. She thought of some future Theodore forgiving her and bonding with her. She pictured them taking a stroll through a park. In her fantasy, she listened as he poured out his heart to her. "Nnnnnnniiinnnnnngggggggg." She was cumming, and it was a huge one.

When she came down from her high, she checked the time. She was almost late for her meeting with Victoria. Fortunately, she had satisfied her libido. She would be able to wait until intimate time with her husband that night to find more relief. As she showered and readied herself for the meeting, she turned over what had happened while masturbating. She didn't understand it. But she decided she would tell Felix. If she was having some sort of breakdown from her recent trauma, he would know what to do. Her anxiety eased at the thought of confiding in her loving husband. A smile returned to her face, and she hummed to herself as she finished dressing and pinning her hair.


"Hello, Mrs. Nisha." Victoria was in a very expensive sensorium off campus. She was naked, as the technology required, but one wouldn't know it. She looked down at a gorgeous turquoise bodice. She reached for her matching skirts and could feel them in her fingers. It felt just as if she was really wearing the gloves that appeared on her hands. Holding her skirts, she gave her boyfriend's mother a deep curtsey.

"Greetings, Victoria." Penelope curtsied in reply. She held out her hand and Victoria took it and curtsied again.

"Oh, my. It feels like you're really here!" Victoria's face was bright with wonderment. "Thank you so much for renting this room for me. This is amazing. I've only ever used one of these when my parents miss me enough that they need to see me in person."

"You're welcome." Penelope looked around the sensorium. The room they were in seemed to be a lavish reception room in some magnificent castle. There was a roaring fire, gilded furniture, and a beautiful samovar. "I think my settings might be off. I can't feel your hand." She tried to place herself on a loveseat, but awkwardly fell to the floor.

"Oh, my!" Victoria's cheeks turned pink. "I'm guessing this is your first time?" She wanted to offer the woman a hand up, but it wouldn't work. When Penelope nodded an affirmative, Victoria valiantly fought a creeping smile on her face. "Those are your real clothes then? Yes, well, you have to be..." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "... naked for this to work. But don't worry, I will only see you dressed. Look at me, you have no idea how I appear underneath." The smile broke through. But now, she tried to strangle a burgeoning laugh in its infancy. "Well, you have seen me naked. But you were quite graceful about it. Oh, my, I'm babbling. Let me just say that I love your son, and I'm thrilled for him that you're back. I know he's happy too, it's just... I'm still babbling. Why don't you get changed, and we can have tea?"

"Yes... okay." Penelope picked herself up off the floor with as much dignity as possible. She exited the room, and undressed herself in the basement bathroom. Victoria is certainly a high-strung girl. Quite similar to me at her age. It was good that I arranged this. A mother should be close to her son's girlfriend. Naked now, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes had once been fierce. She remembered that distinctly. Now they were vibrant green wells of peace and tranquility. That was better. She took a deep breath and nodded to her reflection. Time for some tea. As she headed back to the sensorium, she congratulated herself on turning the embarrassment of the night before into a productive situation.


Penelope's tea party with her son's girlfriend went swimmingly. The two women hit it off and were laughing together and telling stories.

I am a caring friend. When it was over, Penelope had a skip to her step. She whistled a little tune to herself as she went about a few afternoon chores with Winifred. As the workday neared to a close, her stomach went back to turning somersaults. Felix will be home soon. I will soon be reunited with my beloved. As had often happened to her recently, a thrumming vagina and clammy palms accompanied her turning belly. She added a panty liner just before her husband returned. She needed to make it through supper without leaving a puddle on her chair.

"Oh, you waited for me by the door, how sweet." Felix gave her a keen smile, put down his briefcase in the hall, and handed his wife flowers.

"Oh, darling. Are these for me? They're gorgeous." Penelope's knees went weak seeing him. She was so overcome by the sight of her rotund husband, that her feet rooted in place. To her horror, she found her body shaking in sobs. She clutched the bouquet to her ample chest, pressing it against her pinafore.

"What's wrong, Penny?" Felix cradled her in his arms. Together, they just about filled the hallway, their clothes brushing against framed family photographs that changed every minute or so, each frame working its way through a vast catalogue they had collected over decades of married life. "Don't cry." He held her at arm's length and studied her face. Even if she was having an ugly cry, she was still the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen. He had always been struck by her beauty.

"I'm... just... overcome... at seeing you." She stepped back and took several deep breaths, calming her overwrought nerves.

"Oh, thank Olympus it's only that." He turned her around and gave her a slap on the rump to get her moving toward the kitchen. "I have marvelous news. Pham-Brock has just received a new contract. My department will be in charge." They entered the kitchen, and he held out his hand. It was quickly filled with a glass of champagne. All Winifred needed to hear was "great news," and she was ready with the bubbly. A perfect AI.

"Oh, that's wonderful. Who is the contract with?" Penelope filled a vase with water and carefully arranged the flowers. She set them on the counter and watched her husband closely. His face beamed with self-worth. She felt the same pride course through her veins.

"You know I cannot say." Felix saluted his wife.

"The military? That is big news." She moved next to him and trailed her gloved fingers along the collar of his shirt. "Perhaps I could congratulate you in our bedroom before supper? I mean... in a wifely way."

"Nonsense, you're being wifely by helping Freddie cook. We'll have our intimate time later." He barked out a laugh when he saw her reaction. "Don't look so despondent. Did you use the sensorium with the special adult settings today? I know you've been running hot."

Penelope looked around the room, scandalized. But only Winifred was there. Not even Cora was in the room. She lowered her voice. "I used the room to have tea with Victoria Benington. It was highly appropriate, and we had a wonderful time."

"Well, I'm glad you're making new friends already. You are indeed an excellent mother." He slapped her on the rump again, studying her delighted face.

"I didn't use to enjoy that, did I?" She nodded for him to smack her again, wiggling her butt until he did.

"I think you always did." He smiled. "Anyway, I didn't finish with my news. The contract is on Venus and some members of my team will travel there. We're throwing a dinner party in their honor tomorrow night."

Horror struck Penelope's face. Where was the good news? This was all bad. "Will you... have to travel?"

"I told management that I couldn't go. Not with you so recently returned to us. One of the many splendid things about working for Pham-Brock is that it is a business with family at its heart. I will work remotely." He swung at her ass again, but missed her when she stepped away.

Penelope wasn't mollified. "I... can't throw a dinner party. I've only just returned. Everyone will know something happened to me." She put a hand to her bosom and found that it was heaving. She looked toward the open window in the kitchen and thought about diving out. "Mrs. Gelling will be there. She hates me! Teddy will have to attend, and if I disappoint him again..."

"Everything's fine. You're a brave woman, Penny. You're a loyal wife. I'm sure you'll throw the perfect party." Felix sipped his champagne. "With Winifred's help, of course."

"Of course, Felix," Winifred said from near the stove.

The tension eased out of Penelope's shoulders. "I am brave and loyal. Everything will be fine." She smiled.

"That's my girl." Felix gave her another salute.


"Oooohhhhhh... Felix... Felix... darling... I could... have you... inside me... all day... every day." Penelope was a perspiring, quivering mass of writhing flesh on top of her husband. She sunk her hands into his belly, gripping his ample paunch. "I missed you... while you were gone... today... so much."

"Are you... uuuggghhhh... ready for my... seed?" Felix stared up at her tangled raven hair and twisted face. She was always beautiful, but she was breathtaking when in ecstasy's grip.

"Ohhhhhh... give it to me." She tried not to let him see her disappointment. Why did bliss have to be so ephemeral? He's doing his best, and I'm proud of him. "Ooohhhhhh... plant it in meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee." She ran her hands through her hair and arched her back as he emptied himself inside her. Afterward, she lay next to him, one of her boobs hefted up on his hip as she caressed the broad expanse of his belly. "There's something... we should talk about, darling."

"Can it wait until tomorrow? I'm so sleepy." Felix patted her raven hair like she was a favored puppy.

Penelope pressed her lips together. She did need to masturbate. Perhaps she could let him sleep and take care of her needs. No... that's the problem. "I would like to talk about this now."

"Okay." Felix propped his head up on a pillow and looked down at her.

"Remember what you said about my mood swings?" She looked up at him thoughtfully as he nodded. "Well, my physical desire has been... unusually high since I returned home. I keep touching myself."

Felix chuckled. "You're forty-two, Penny. This happens to women your age. Enjoy it. Use the sensorium whenever you feel the urge."