A Mother Returned Pt. 05

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Penelope must find a way to bridge the gap with her son.
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Part 5 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/02/2024
Created 08/09/2023
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All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!

A week passed.

Felix was finally ready for a conversation. Unfortunately, there was more than a six-minute delay between when the message was sent to when it was received. That was over twelve minutes round trip. Despite her excitement, Penelope felt that it made their normally wonderful back and forth difficult.

"I have much to tell you, my beloved," Penelope said into the screen. She could see her husband's eager face as he patiently waited for her words to reach him. Then, he was typing and looking off to the side. She supposed it made sense that he would multitask. There was no reason for him to sit and wait for each burst of conversation. "But much of what I would share is of a personal nature." A good wife shares everything with her husband. I so desperately need to get everything off my chest. "Can I detail for you things related to the transference we discussed before you left?" She pressed the button indicating that she was done talking for the moment.

Penelope plastered a smile on her face while she waited. It was so odd how she sat and stared at him while waiting for a connection. The last week had been confusing and overwhelming for Penelope. On the plus side, Winifred was a gem with comfort and advice. Cora seemed to be enjoying Penelope's company more. And she had exchanged several pleasant missives with Victoria. On the downside, she continued to run through carrots at an alarming pace. Her masturbation frenzy continued, and it was becoming more and more difficult to find satisfaction. She could still find orgasms, but just barely. The mind-bending climaxes that had so rocked her world disappeared almost as soon as they had arrived. And her fantasies were still muddled and odd. Many of them focused on rekindling a bond with her son. A connection that seemed ever more attenuated. He frequently blew up at her when she approached him, and she spent much of her time after such confrontations sobbing in Winifred's arms.

She saw her husband smile, and his attention shifted to her screen. Finally, he was receiving her message. After a moment, Felix shook his head. "It may be best to keep a journal or speak to Winifred about your concerns. Security is very tight here. This line is not private. But please, tell me more about your days. Are you still learning to cook? Is Theodore treating you well? How is Cora doing?" The notice popped up on the screen that he was done talking for the moment.

Penelope took a deep breath. A good wife is brave. I will tell him what he wants to hear. My sweet husband will be home before I know it. Then, I can tell him all. Maintaining the veneer of her smile, she nodded her head and spoke to him as if all was well back at home.

When the conversation was done, she flopped onto her stomach on the bed, buried her face in a pillow, and had a long cry.


"Just stop fucking bothering me!" Theodore screamed. "You've always been such a bitch. You're messing with my head. I just ... don't ... fucking ... need you."

Winifred positioned herself in the second-floor hall, ready to console Penelope when she ran sobbing from her son's room.

"Look ... Lambk ... Teddy ... I know I wasn't always a great mother. There were times I might have even been a ... b-word ... as you say. It wasn't always easy for me ... being a mother and wife." Penelope's voice was shaky and faint as it carried out into the hall. "But we also had plenty of wonderful times. We were close ... when you were little. We have a second chance to be close again."

"Get ... the fuck ... out ... of ... my room." Theodore punctuated his words with kicks that rattled his wooden bedframe.

The sobbing started, and Penelope ran out of his room into Winifred's waiting arms. Soon, they were seated in the sunroom. Winifred had freshly brewed some tea, and Penelope sipped it from a shaking cup. Tears still ran down her cheeks. "Was I really as bad as he says, Winnie? I know I wasn't up for Mother of the Year, but I don't remember it being that terrible."

"He's angry about your leaving. You're right that it wasn't always easy for you here, especially in the years before you left. But you're not a monster. You never were." Winifred enlarged and exaggerated her dark irises to give her eyes an empathic look.

"Do you know that I kissed him? I was so confused. So many thoughts ran through my mind." Penelope smoothed out her skirts with her glove and slowed her breathing. "He had just defended me so gallantly, pinning that horrible boy to the lawn. It was something a husband might do to defend me. I told him it was a mistake, but I fear I may have ruined the prime chance the duel offered us to mend the bond between us. He says the kiss doesn't matter, but I pressed my lips against his. I ... used tongue. What son wants that from his mother?"

"These things happen." Winifred was not a newly minted model from her factory in Urbana, Illinois. She had studied human behavior and spoken with other household AIs over the years.

"Excuse me?" Penelope blinked. The tears had dried, leaving salty streaks down her dark cheeks.

"What I mean is that Theodore will forgive the kiss. It was just a misguided act of affection. He cannot forgive your leaving. He feels it in his heart. You must heal that, little by little as we discussed."

"It's not working. He gets angry, and I burst into tears. Every time." Penelope's tea was growing cold. She gulped it down and rested the empty cup on her knee.

"Maybe he needs some tough love." Winifred retrieved the teapot and refilled Penelope's cup. She noted her mistress's raised eyebrows. "I know what you would say, Penny. And no, I don't mean you should yell at him. But, perhaps, you should be firmer with him. Assert your love and your needs. Let him know fully where you stand. He knows that if he screams at you, that is the end. You run out. He doesn't have to face his uncomfortable feelings about your return. Don't give him that easy escape. Be brave. Stand up for yourself. Be kind, but firm. Don't put him in a position to handily be done with you."

"A good mother is brave." Penelope nodded, sticking out her chin.

"Yes, she is." Winifred mirrored the nod, a stiff smile on her face. "And she is firm. And while she listens to her son, she also stands up for her own rights and needs. That earns her respect from him."

"I can do this." In her mind's eye she pictured herself standing up for herself. She pictured her son accepting her and embracing her, their first steps toward a grand reconciliation. Her palms turned clammy, her stomach somersaulted, and her vagina thrummed. She put down the tea so quickly it spilled on the table. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Winnie. I ... must go lie down for an hour." She rushed to the door.

"Before you do, Penny, I have something for you." Winifred passed Penelope into the kitchen and retrieved a rectangular box. "We've been going through too much produce. I took the liberty of getting you one that is the same width and length as the carrots you've been using. I'm sure Felix would approve. He wanted you to be happy and satisfied while he was gone."

"Oh ... my ... gosh." Penelope's cheeks heated profusely. She peeked inside the box. Sure enough, there was a dildo inside, about the same size as her husband's perfect penis. "I'm ... I'm ... sorry about the carrots."

"It's no problem." Winifred offered a carefree laugh. "You should see what Teddy does to his socks."

"Oh ... my ..." Penelope needed release so badly she was trembling. "Okay ... thank you ... for seeing to my needs." Box under her arm, Penelope turned and practically ran to the third floor. She quickly undressed, flung herself onto the bed, and put the dildo to good use. Unfortunately, her modest climaxes did not seem to scratch the itch that was building inside her.

She finished the hour with a cold shower, dressed, and walked Cora. The fresh air helped clear her head, but she still felt like a dam on the verge of bursting.


"She is trying, Teddy." Victoria spoke to her boyfriend through a screen hanging in her dormitory room. He was doing the same in his bedroom, sitting sideways on his upholstered armchair as he often did. Victoria adored the languid look of his posture. "She loves you, and I really think she's trying to make the most of her time with you."

"She's so pushy. If she'd just leave me alone, we'd get along fine." Theodore pressed his dark lips together. Furrows formed on his forehead, as they always did when he thought about his mother. He hadn't told his girlfriend about his mother's strange kiss and grope, or the way that moment had burrowed into his mind.

"She knows you'll leave for school next year. She's trying to make the most of the time she has with you." Victoria smiled and nodded her head, trying to be encouraging.

There was a knock on Theodore's door. "Teddy, can we talk?" Penelope's muffled voice filtered into the room.

"It's my mom. I'll tell her to take a hike." Theodore turned his head to the door, about to yell at his mother.

"No, go talk to her. I have class soon anyway. We'll talk in the evening." Victoria blew him a kiss. "Be kind to her, Teddy." She cut the connection before he could argue.

Theodore exhaled loudly. "It's unlocked, come in." The door opened. When he saw his mother's bright, nervous smile, something clenched in his heart. He tried not to stare at her dark, full lips.

A good mother is brave. A good mother is firm. I am those things. "Hello, Teddy." Penelope wrung her hands together, burnishing the wedding ring under her left glove. She drew strength from knowing it was there. It was almost like having Felix beside her. She needed her husband's presence in that frightening moment. "I'd like you to come on a walk with me and Cora."

"No thanks." Theodore shook his head, eyeing his mother. Her shiny, black hair was perfectly pinned. She wore matching gloves, bodice, and skirts in a muted, mossy pattern that matched the color of her eyes. Matched the color of both of their eyes, really. He could see her toes peeking out from under her skirts. She was wearing thick, black socks. She hadn't applied any makeup, but that was usual for her since his father left.

"Please don't be cross with me, but I have to insist." Penelope cringed. "You must come on the walk."

"Well, I have to insist, too." Theodore raised his voice. He stood and pointed at the door. "Get the fuck out."

"I have needs too, Teddy." A good mother is firm with her son. "I need to be a good wife and mother. I need to mend our relationship. I know I was the one that frayed it. But you have to give me a chance. We can be close again. Like we once were. Do you remember how you always used to follow me around when you were little? How you used to hide under my skirts?" She bravely fought back the tears that threatened to burst forth. Her gloved hands balled into fists at her side. She looked him up and down. He wore socks, trousers, and his shirt was untucked and only partially buttoned. She could see his hairless chest underneath, and part of his wonderful, rolling belly.

Outside Theodore's room, down the hall, Winifred moved to her accustomed position, ready to receive her mistress when Penelope rushed out of the room, sobbing. She silently waited.

In the room, Theodore trembled with rage. "I'm a man now. Nineteen years old. I'm not running to hide under my mother's skirts anymore. Never again." He picked up a book and flung it at the wall, where it knocked a framed print of an airplane to the floor with a crash. "Why won't you leave me alone?"

"Okay. This has gotten heated. I just wanted a simple walk and talk." Penelope's voice was full of pleading. She still held the waterworks at bay. "Please come along with me."

"Are you deaf? Get the fuck out!" He stepped toward her like he might be ready for violence, although he would never hurt her. Not that way.

Penelope mirrored his movement with a step toward him. She wouldn't let him shut down their connection with anger. "A good mother is brave. A good mother is loving. A good wife anticipates her husband's needs. A good mother is firm. A good wife would never leave her husband cross with her. A good mother shares with her son. A good mother makes her son happy." Her body trembled. The familiar triumvirate of belly flipping, palm sweating, and vagina thrumming hit her hard.

"You're insane. Is that what this is? Is Reginald correct?" Theodore was yelling so loud it shook the remaining frames on his walls. "Did you run off with your dealer, tumble with him for two years, and come back when he ran out of supply?"

"No ... I would never. I'm a good wife and mother." She took another step toward him, her mind swimming with affirmations. I am brave. I am loyal. I am of service. "I don't remember what happened. But I would never. You don't believe that I would do those things you said, do you? I love you and your father more than anything. You and your father. You're one and the same to me. I love you both beyond words."

"I said ... get out of my room ... you fucking ... crazy bitch." He stepped toward her again, his shoulders hunched and his chest heaving. They were now only two feet apart.

"No ... no ... I will be firm." Penelope stamped her foot and charged him. He was only an inch taller than her, but with her ample curves, she outweighed him. He was of course much stronger than her, she had seen his ferocious strength during the duel. But she had surprise in her favor. Indeed, her tackle bewildered them both. They landed on his armchair with her on top.

"What ... the fuck?" Theodore was so astonished by the onslaught that he offered no resistance at first. His mother was planting little kisses all over his face, ear, and neck. She was also tugging and tearing his shirt.

"I love you ... I love you ... I love you ..." Penelope said between each kiss. Buttons flew about the room as she opened his shirt wide. Soon she was kissing his magnificently pudgy chest and belly. His trousers tore with a loud rip as she didn't bother with zippers or buttons.

"Crazy ... bitch ..." He pushed her off him. She landed at his feet awkwardly, but she sprung back up with quickness he would not have expected from her.

"I must be firm!" Penelope's voice bounced off the walls. It wasn't so much a scream as it was a war cry. She pounced on her son again, pressing her lips to his. Her tongue forced its way into his mouth. A mother is brave. A wife never leaves her husband cross at her. I am both! I am a mother and wife. He's a teenager. I know what he needs. I am wife and mother. I know how to please him.

"Mmmmmmpppphhhhhhhh." Theodore pushed her off again. She fell onto her knees in front of him, further ripping his trousers with her gloved fingers. There was animal frenzy in her eyes. It was nothing like the anger he had seen in those eyes before she left, or the panic they often contained after her return. This was something new. "Mom! Mom ... you have to stop ... something has ..." When she tore his underwear asunder, his dick flopped into the air. It stood tall and proud, bending, as it did, to the right. He was so distracted by her attack, that he hadn't noticed his erection forming. Suddenly, her demeanor changed. Her eyes went large and soft, and her magnificent lips came together as she cooed softly. She gently held his cock in her gloved fingers like it was the most delicate treasure in the world.

"You need it ... see? It's too hard. It's straining. I'll take care of this. Don't you worry. Hush ... don't you worry." She gazed at the wide mushroom on top. He had a surprising amount of pre-ejaculate oozing from his little hole. There were so many stark veins meandering all over the thing. And it was absurdly huge. If my husband's penis is perfect, which it is, what is my son's penis? It's a fiendish, monstrous version of perfection. The monster that I created with my womb. My monster. Her gaze was total adoration. Her belly did a whole circus routine, her palms were swamping her gloves, and her vagina was doing the same for her panties.

"Don't you dare, Mom." He put his hand on the top of her head to push her away. "Don't you ... aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... shit." He watched her amazing lips part, jaw stretching wide as she took his cockhead into her mouth. Rather than push as he had intended, his hand clutched her raven hair, pulling some of it from its pin.

"Ggggggaaaaaccckkkkkk ... ggggaaaaaccckkkkkkkkk." Penelope struggled to get more of her son's massive penis into her throat. He was certainly no carrot. She didn't know what he was, but she knew she wouldn't find anything like this tool in their produce drawer. A hothouse cucumber maybe? "Mmmmppphhhh ... gaaaccckkkkk ... gggggmmmmmcccckkk." She held the lower part of his thick shaft with all ten gloved fingers. If she was honest with herself, the size and shape of his penis frightened her. But she was brave. And she was being very firm. And she was assuredly making him extremely happy. I am a good mother. I am a good wife.

"Shit ... Mom ... I can't believe ... you're doing this." Theodore stared at her bloated and twisted face. This was what had been haunting his mind for a week. And it was really happening. What had she done to him? Why was she doing this? The worse part was that he could do nothing but stare at his gagging, gurgling mother as she inched her way down almost half his length. He lacked the internal fortitude to end this. His father had asked him to look after her. His father would be severely disappointed. When she began bobbing her head and humming rhythmically on his dick, all thoughts of his father, or anything other than the blowjob, vaporized.

Hidden out in the hall, Winifred retreated to her room. This was a most unexpected outcome, and it left her in somewhat of a quandary. She needed to let her mistress assert herself. But Penelope was going about it in the strangest way. Felix would certainly not want his wife and son engaged as they were, but she found no protocol to intervene. She decided she would have to study this sort of behavior and form a plan. She knew it happened between mothers and sons. She just hadn't expected it to happen to her humans.

Back in her son's room, tears rolled down Penelope's swollen cheeks. She wasn't in the least bit melancholy, however. Her body was simply responding to shoving so much outlandishly-sized penis down her throat. A good wife pleases her son. She could tell from his gruntled sounds that Theodore was happy. That was all the motivation she needed to give this intimate act her all. She now grasped one of his overripe testicles in one gloved hand, while she held the thick base of his penis with the other, just above his dark curly hair. Penelope bobbed her head about halfway down and up again, making the most unladylike sounds. She was forced to bend her head to the side to accommodate the rightward curve of his penis. Her breath whistled through flared nostrils. "Gggaackkk ... gggaackkkk ... ggaaacckkkk," she offered him encouragement. Her dreams were coming true. She would be able to put her son in a state of bliss. She would make up for her past failures.

"Mom ... shit ... Mom." He moved the hand on her head forward to cup the back of her skull. Her hair was thick and silky between his fingers. He didn't push on her head. He didn't have to. She was already giving him the deepest blowjob he'd ever had. Unless he counted the sensorium-aided deepthroat. Thinking about his sweet girlfriend sent a wave of guilt through him. But just as thoughts of his father had vaporized in the heat of his mother's attentions, Victoria quickly lost her purchase on his mind, too. "Why ... why ... Mom ... why ... is this ... so good?"