A Mother Returned Pt. 07

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Two surprise visits.
4.5k words

Part 7 of the 13 part series

Updated 05/17/2024
Created 08/09/2023
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All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!

"Yes ... they didn't rob her. They only took Cora." Winifred had two of her robot bodies in the living room. One was hugging the sobbing Penelope, the other stood before a screen talking to Felix. Unfortunately, the twelve-minute delay was making communication difficult with her master. "She's back home with us now. Your wife is safe. My original question remains, Felix, do I send word to the constables? If this is related to something from your work, or something else that we might need to keep quiet, I won't involve the authorities. But if it's not, I would like their help."

"I ... um ... oh ... receiving your second message now," Felix said more than a dozen minutes ago from his secret location somewhere else in the solar system.

The room was quite loud, with Theodore talking to Victoria on another screen and Penelope wailing. But such things didn't break Winifred's concentration. Winifred ignored the interruption. "The constabulary have warrants and sanctions that give it access to surveillance I cannot see. I have tried sweet talking some of the household and business AIs in the area, but they have not been helpful. I received only one brief capture of the assailants exiting the park. I'm sending it with this message." Winifred pressed the button to indicate she was done talking for the moment. She continued with all her other myriad tasks while she waited.

"Can I talk to your mother? I can hear her crying. It's breaking my heart." Victoria wore a brown bodice and skirts. She frowned at the screen.

"My mother? What about Cora?" Theodore frowned back at her.

"Well ... I can't talk to Cora. That's the problem." Victoria scrunched up her face like what he'd said was in bad taste. "I would like to console your mother. She doesn't have many friends."

Penelope heard that and sobbed louder for it. It was true. One of her only friends on Earth, or anywhere else in the galaxy, had vanished. A sweet, loyal dog.

"Mom's busy crying. You can talk to her later." Theodore glanced at his mother. She was a mess.

"I have to step away for a minute, Freddie." Felix got up and left his screen.

"Ms. Benington?" Winifred's robot that had been at Felix's screen, ambled over to Victoria's screen. "I think it best if you said goodbye to Theodore for now. If you want to do something nice for Penelope, perhaps a warm-hearted missive would fit the moment well."

"Yes, of course. I don't mean to be a bother." Victoria nodded at Winifred. "Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help. I love you, Teddy." She blew a kiss to her boyfriend.

"I love you, too." As Theodore said the words, he found he couldn't look Victoria in the eyes. "Talk soon." He cut the connection.

"I'm back." Felix said on his screen. And indeed, he was. He was sitting with his hands clasped and leaning toward the screen. "Teddy? While I'm waiting for the next message, I wanted to say a few words to you. Freddie, can you put Teddy on?" The message paused.

"Your father wishes to speak to you." Winifred pulled Theodore over to the screen.

"Dad, I -" Theodore was silenced by one of Winifred's cool fingers on his lips.

"I know things are chaotic here, but remember that the delay means he can't hear you." Winifred pressed the button to continue the message.

Theodore nodded and watched the screen. He studied his father's face. He saw strain and worry there. His father was so often above the fray, but it seemed this was getting to him.

"I will send a message to your mother in a few moments. I understand the difficulties you're having letting her back into your life. But please, for my sake, show her kindness now." Felix leaned even closer to the screen.

"Dad ... I ..." Theodore didn't know what to feel. Guilt, anger, jealousy, rage, worry, loss ... his mind was too crowded. So, he focused on Cora. He focused on the men who had taken her. Rage moved to the fore.

"Your mother has always loved us. But she hasn't always needed us. She needs us now," Felix said. "Your mother was in a delicate state before this assault. I fear for her well-being. You must care for her as a loyal son. And, you must help Winifred find and punish whoever did this. A duel might be the most honorable resolution, but it might not be the most efficient. My work here is difficult and sensitive. In the future, I may not be able to give you advice in time for it to be useful. So, here is my advice now. Go forth with all the love you can muster for your family and all the fire that burns for those that did this horrible crime. Act swiftly and justly. Be a man, and I will be proud of you." The light flashed, showing that he was done talking.

Theodore nodded his head. He walked over to where his mother and the copy of Winifred were sitting on the sofa. His mother was shuddering with sobs. He sat down next to her, on the opposite side from Winifred. His body was tense and stiff. He pushed through his discomfort. "I'm here, Mom." Awkwardly, he put his arm around her shoulders, careful to avoid staring at the swell of her bosom under her bodice. Winifred removed her arm, making room for him. Theodore made eye contact with the robot and nodded. "You're safe, Mom. You're safe with us." He shivered. It wasn't that long ago that she had been soothing him with her breast. And in that brief moment, she had made him feel safe and loved. He couldn't deny it. Now, he was trying to return the favor. But with less tits and cum. He shivered again. "We'll get those fucks, Mom. We'll rescue Cora, and we'll make them pay."

Penelope's sobbing died down. She leaned her head against her son's shoulder, soaking his shirt with her tears. Despite the terror of the last few hours, a calm warmth spread through her. Theodore did love her. She had found it only in glimpses, but it was there. She let out a long, shuddering breath. He was strong and solid, and he was hers. She had to catch her hands before they crept onto his belly and thighs, but catch them she did. She was in control. Perhaps as they forged a new relationship, the mania that had overtaken them would fade, and they could have a normal relationship. The thought of that caused her palms to sweat and vagina to thrum.


It was a difficult back and forth, but Felix directed Winifred not to involve the constabulary. But she was to do all she could to retrieve Cora. He authorized payment of a hefty ransom, should it come to that. He also specifically named the assailants as men seeking physical harm to the Nisha family, which removed any constraints Winifred had against violence toward the men. This was a bold move, but Felix could see it needed to be done. Any harm to others could be smoothed over after the fact. But he wouldn't risk his loved ones. He would not lose his family again.


"Cora and I ... usually take this trail." Penelope walked side by side with Theodore in the park. She glanced over her shoulder. Winifred was behind them, following about thirty feet back. She was there to ensure their safety, but it felt to Penelope like having a chaperone. And why shouldn't she have a chaperone? Sure, she was forty-two years old, but she was also hornier than a teenage guy. Which was saying something. And her son was indeed a teenage guy. So, it was probably best they weren't left to their own devices. She didn't want to end up giving him oral sex on a park bench.

"Which way did they take her?" Theodore looked around at the scene, as if deciphering clues. He knew that's what Winifred was doing. But he wanted to be helpful, too. Or at least feel helpful.

"This way." Penelope turned across the lawn, heading to the exit where her assailants had fled. She tried to smile at her son and found she couldn't. His face was all furrows as he glanced at her. She supposed they didn't need a chaperone after all. Having one's heart ripped out when hoodlums stole your sweet, little friend dampened the mood. "I chased them ... over here." She held her bosom firmly, lifted her skirts, and jogged as she had done during the attack. She flew over the green and out onto city streets. She continued on several blocks and stopped. Her son and Winifred were far behind her. She put her hands on her knees and panted while waiting for them to catch up.

"Wow ... Mom ... you're fast." Theodore slowed his jog as he approached her. He wasn't in baseball shape at the moment. Even so, he'd always been able to run. At least she looked winded, too. And her face had a sheen of sweat, caught by the setting sun. "So ... what happened here?"

"This is where I lost them." Penelope glanced at Winifred. She knew the AI was creating a complex map with escape routes the assailants could have used. It was obvious Winifred was the one to address for answers, but she kept her eyes on her son. "What do you think, lambkin?"

"I ... well ..." Theodore caught his breath and puffed out his chest. She wanted his opinion. He thought of his father's words and gave her what he hoped was a sagacious and kind look. "There's an alley over there. Or they could have gained enough on you ... despite your excellent stamina ... and turned down that street there." He glanced at Winifred, and she gave him an encouraging nod. "It seems likely they went south. Although, I suppose they could have caught a ride and changed directions. But we might be able to look into car services that picked people up in the blocks south of here. Or suspects that live in that direction."

"Very good." Winifred nodded. He was missing about a dozen other options, and what she considered some very big clues, but he was certainly doing his best. He was only human, after all. "Do you have anything else to tell us about this place, Penny?"

"Nothing. But I do have something to say." Penelope put a hand on her son's back.

Theodore cringed. "Don't spoil this, Mom. Focus on Cora."

"I'm thinking about Cora." Penelope nodded. "I just want to say that I'm eager to catch these culprits so that you might pin them to our lawn ... each and every one of them. And I look forward to cheering you on while you do it." She studied his face. The furrows disappeared for a moment, and his eyes widened in wonder. Then his countenance closed off again.

"Fucking right, Mom." Theodore nodded. "But first we need to find Cora."

"Yes, of course. She'll be in my arms as you distribute justice." Penelope nodded with satisfaction. Her son didn't yell at her. He didn't dismiss her. They were in this together. The thrumming in her vagina grew more intense. "Perhaps we should take the car home. I think I need to lie down after all that has happened."

"Yes, of course." Winifred nodded. The car pulled up a few seconds later.


"Felix ... Felix ... darling!" Penelope pulled the smaller dildo from her vagina in frustration. She'd been pumping herself for twenty minutes with nary an orgasm to show for it. She leapt from the bed. She was naked, and her body bounced and jiggled with her movement. She thought of how her son had looked at her boobs when she'd shaken them for him. She strode to the bedroom door and put her hand on the handle. If she could guide him to another release, she was sure that she could find her own climax afterward. A good mother makes her son happy. He's torn up about Cora. His girlfriend is far away. He needs the distraction that only I can give him.

Slowly, she removed her hand from the door. She turned and put her back to it. This isn't right. Why can't I be a good wife and mother at the same time? A good wife is loyal. A good mother puts a smile on her son's face. She slid down the door slowly until her butt hit the ground. Her hand found her clitoris and rubbed it with vigorous little circles. A good wife takes care of her family. A good mother soothes her son. A good wife is brave. A good mother is firm.

Penelope imagined she and Theodore rescuing Cora together. The adventure of it drove mother and son together. When he was done vanquishing their foes, she would pull him home and reward him. And he, in turn, he would reward her with his warm, salty stuff. "Oooohhhhhhh ... Teddy ..."

With the hand not in use, she lifted her breast and sucked on her nipple. She pretended it was her son's gruff lips that teasingly bit and longingly suckled there. Sparks shot through her nerves. "Mmmmmpphh ... mmmppphh ... mmmmppphh ..." She couldn't say the words with her mouth occupied, but she thought Teddy ... Teddy ... Teddy.

She imagined that when he found his release, it wouldn't be enough for him. His big, frightening tool wouldn't be as easily vanquished as the ruffians who stole Cora. She would have to be very brave. Very brave indeed, because she already knew the thing wouldn't fit inside her. She had tried with the larger dildo, and it hadn't worked. But she was brave. And firm. And she would put him on this back, and wedge the mushroom of his penis head inside her vagina. And she would vanquish the turgid reality of his member, sending it back to its somnolent state.

"Mmmpppphhhh." Penelope shut her eyes tight. When her orgasm hit, her body jerked so hard that she released the nipple from her lips and cracked the back of her head on the door. It smarted, but she paid no attention to the pain. Instead, she let the ecstasy of her climax wash over her. In that moment, she was a perfect wife and mother. But even as bliss enveloped her, she knew the moment wouldn't last.


If Winifred were more inclined toward metaphor, she might have thought that dark clouds hovered above Theodore wherever he went. He sat slumped on a barstool, while Winifred and Penelope cooked. "Would you care to join us, Teddy? We're making a green curry for supper." She gave him her mechanical smile.

"Fuck no. How can you even think about eating with Cora suffering or ... dead somewhere?" Theodore scowled at Winifred.

Penelope stopped stirring the sauce and stood frozen, carefully watching them both. Her gloved fingers gripped the mixing spoon tightly.

"We'll have none of that business here, young man." Winifred put her hands on her hips in a slightly off version of what a human mother might do in response to her unruly son. "Of course, you know that I don't eat. And even if I did, the purpose of this meal isn't consumption. It's to get our minds off things."

"We shouldn't get our minds off things! We need to find Cora!" Theodore lifted his water glass, tensed to throw it, glanced at Winifred, and thought better of it. Instead, he took a drink.

Penelope realized she was holding her breath. That knowledge didn't allow her to exhale. She stared at Winifred, waiting to see what she'd do.

"I am currently negotiating with three AIs to obtain footage of the assailants. I am having a friendly conversation with the Gellings' AI, in case that horrible family is involved. I am brushing up on my detective theories. And I am helping your mother cope with what was a horrible event for her." Winifred made an audible sigh. She didn't need to, but it was what Theodore needed to hear. "You heard what your father said about her delicate state. I'm doing my best to keep this family hale and whole."

"I'm ... sorry, Freddie." Theodore matched her sigh and slumped on his stool.

"If cooking isn't for you, may I suggest you find an activity to take your mind off things?" Winifred removed her hands from her hips and turned back to the stove. "Perhaps you might lift some weights. You used to enjoy that."

"I used to play baseball." Theodore glanced at her.

"Well, go hit some baseballs then. You need to be productive, and whacking something in the process might help with your mood." Winifred started humming as she worked, a sign that the conversation was over.

"Okay, I'll go lift for a while." Theodore didn't bother changing out of his shirt and tie, he went straight for the basement stairs.

When her son was out of sight, Penelope exhaled. "That was magical. You diffused a ticking bomb! You were so brave and firm with him." Her cheeks heated. She didn't say the next part out loud. And you didn't even have to grip his penis. But she was sure it was understood between them.

"You'll learn, Penny." Winifred gave Penelope a staccato wink and showed her how to husk coconut.


"Penny ... Penny ... wake up." Winifred knocked on her mistress's door.

"What ... Felix, darling ... what is it?" Penelope reached for her husband in the dark, but he wasn't there.

"It's Winifred at the bedroom door." Winifred called through the door. Although, she might just as easily have used the room's speakers, she liked abiding by the unspoken rules humans observed. While someone was sleeping, it was polite to knock. "May I come in?"

"Come in, Winnie." Penelope started to relax, but that process halted when she remembered poor Cora. As the door opened, she leapt out of bed, her nightgown tangling in the sheets. She pulled it free and stared at her friend. "Is it news? Did you find her?"

"It is news, but not about Cora." Winifred stepped into the room and clasped her hands. "Ms. Bennington has come for a surprise visit. She's waiting at the front door. Both you and Teddy are sleeping, but I wanted to alert you first. Shall I let her in or send her away?"

"Victoria is here?" Penelope ran a hand through her messy, raven hair, trying to get her bearings. No news of Cora. "She sent that nice letter today. And I wrote her back saying she should visit sometime."

"She does seem a tad impetuous. Should I send her away?" Winifred waited.

"She reminds me of myself at that age." Penelope rubbed her eyes. It might not be the best that she's so similar to my temperament ... but Victoria is brave, loyal, and generous. "We'll let her in. But let me greet her." She headed for her closet to get dressed. "Can you imagine the explosion if we told Teddy his girlfriend arrived to give him aid, and we sent her home?"

"He would not be pleased." Winifred nodded her head in agreement.

"I'll be right down." Penelope roused herself further, dressed, and rushed downstairs. Winifred waited by the front door. When Penelope nodded, Winifred opened it and stepped to the side.

"Mrs. Nisha ... I'm sorry for arriving unannounced in the middle of the night." Victoria curtsied deeply.

"It is certainly a surprise." Penelope gave a shallower curtsy. "But honestly, it is very sweet of you to come. I know you must have school matters to attend to. Teddy will be touched that you found the time to travel all this way. Please come in."

"Wonderful. Is he awake?" Victoria carried a small suitcase with her into the house.

"Theodore is sleeping, miss." Winifred closed the door, took the luggage from Victoria, and then took Victoria's coat. She gave Penelope a meaningful look. There was a moment of silence. Winifred cleared her throat. "Where will Ms. Benington spend the night?"

All eyes were on Penelope. She could feel that the moment was some sort of motherly test. A good mother is wise. A good mother seeks her son's happiness. "Victoria will stay in Teddy's room, if she wishes it. I think Teddy will be very pleasantly surprised."

"Indeed he will. Thank you, Mrs. Nisha!" Victoria squealed with joy. Her cheeks turned crimson, all in the room knew the sorts of sordid things she would do to comfort her poor boyfriend in his time of distress. "Again, I should have called ahead. I was here before I could even think about what I was doing. You truly are Minerva's guide for letting me stay."

"You're quite welcome. Treat him well." Penelope smiled and nodded to dismiss her. She watched Victoria's skirts fly as the young woman raced up the stairs. Penelope thought about returning to bed, but instead walked into the kitchen. As if reading her mind, one of Winifred's bodies glided into the room and put together some herbal tea.