A Mother Returned Pt. 13

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They learn something unexpected at the hospital.
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Part 13 of the 13 part series

Updated 05/17/2024
Created 08/09/2023
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All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!

The aircar flew over farmland. Greenhouse towers rose from the earth below, some reaching heights just below their flight path. Theodore had learned in history class that farming used to happen in the open, exposing crops to the vagaries of weather and pests. What an odd thought that was, as he looked out at the neatly ordered glass skyscrapers, each producing tons of clean, healthy food per day. The gods were good, bringing him to life in a civilized era. He glanced at his mother, who was also watching the passing farmland out the window. He had so often cursed his luck having her as his mother. But perhaps the gods had known what they were doing about that, too. He studied the swell of her tits under her bodice, the beguiling angles of her perfect face, and her lustrous, shining black hair pinned carefully in place. He realized that he had stopped breathing, and forced himself to start again.

An awkward silence carried on between them. Penelope felt the discomfort growing. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see her son watching her. What did he expect of her? Should I simply ask him if he wants me to please him? Should we use this time to talk? What should I ask him about? A good mother communicates with her son. Where should I start?

Theodore took a deep breath and broke the silence. "Are you nervous about going back to the hospital? I mean ... it must have been unpleasant finding yourself there ... not knowing what had happened."

"That's very considerate of you to ask, Teddy." Penelope turned her gaze fully on him. He was sitting across from her in the car, slouched in his seat, with one leg straight. His tie was loose, and he wore no jacket. She loved the way he reclined wherever he was. "I ... am not looking forward to going back there. I wouldn't do it without you." Her smile was tight, barely spreading from her lips to her eyes. "It was terrible waking up in that locked hospital room, banging on the door for help. Praying that your father would come for me. And he did, thank the gods."

At the mention of his father, Theodore went quiet again. He looked back out the window. Did the gods have a plan for his father, too? Can I have only one parent that loves me? Is this some new curse? Maybe the gods weren't so benevolent.

Penelope could see her son's inner turmoil. It twisted and wrenched her heart. She thought about pouncing on him, but her body wouldn't fix everything. He needed her mind, too. "How are you feeling, lambkin? Are you happy to accompany your mother on these interviews?"

"I'm feeling better, Mom." Theodore couldn't remember her asking him about his feelings in the past. At least, not in the few years leading up to her disappearance. He moved his gaze back to her. She was leaning forward, her eyes inquisitive, her posture at attention. He could see that she really wanted to know. In that case, why not tell her? "I've been lonely, Mom. You left me. Then, my friends left after graduation, and I stayed behind. Then ..." Theodore forced himself to swallow the knot forming in his throat. "Then, Victoria left. Even Cora was almost taken from me. I ..." He clenched his fists. The heat of anger rose inside him.

"I understand. I ache that I had a part in this. I never wanted to hurt you. I'm trying to be a better mother." She saw his forehead furrow with rage. That expression both terrified and enthralled her. "You're not alone now, though." She moved over to his seat, sat next to him, and pulled his head to her bosom. She rested his cheek on her bodice, feeling his weight on the top of her breasts. Lovingly, she stroked his hair with her gloved fingers. "I have improved as a mother, haven't I?"

"Yeah, I'd agree to that." Theodore nodded his head, feeling her ample flesh shift under her bodice and bra. He was hard again. It was difficult not to be erect around his mother these days. "I'm still lonely. But ... you've been good for me recently. I know how much effort you're putting into our relationship." He thought about how her face had looked when she'd struggled through the pain of bouncing her pussy on his dick. Her expression had been deeply strained but steadfast. She really was committed to him. The anger that had swelled at his loneliness faded into nothingness. With that gone, his emotions were mostly aligned with ... he wasn't sure. What am I? He thought for a moment, and the answer was plain. He was horny. He was horny and grateful to have his cheek on his mother's magnificent tits, with her gloved hands in his hair. A minute later, he watched her gloves drop to the floor before his eyes. Her bare hands were in his hair now, her delicate fingers gently massaging his scalp. He closed his eyes. It felt sublime.

"We still have several hours before we arrive. Would it make you feel less lonely if I took care of your needs?" Penelope sighed. It was so lovely to have him cuddled up to her. His glorious, pudgy body was perfect for snuggling. Her belly flipped over and over, her palms grew clammy, and her vagina thrummed with expectation. She suspected that her panties were already soaked through.

"What about your needs, Mom?" Theodore lifted his face off her bosom and looked into her liquid, green eyes.

"All I need is for you to love me." She smiled at him with warmth, caressing his cheek with her bare hand.

"I love you." Theodore leaned his face close to hers. He saw her eyes grow distant and her lips part. She had the most alluring kiss-me-face.

"I love you too, Teddy," she whispered, her words barely above a breath.

"I'm engaging privacy mode with the car's AI. It doesn't need to see what comes next." Winifred's voice came over the aircar's speakers. "Or, you could simply sit on opposite seats as you were before."

"Yes ... yes ... engage privacy settings." Theodore's face heated with anger at the interruption. "And leave us the fuck alone, Freddie."

"There's no need for that sort of language, Teddy," Winifred said.

"Oh, Teddy, I become undone when you're cross like that. I don't know why it affects me this way." She drank in the sight of him: the way his brow furrowed with rage at their AI. On the one hand, a good gentleman is kind with his friends. On the other, he's driving me out of my mind with desire! Penelope ripped her bodice open without thinking, buttons pinged around the car.

Theodore stared at his mother's sudden cleavage as her bodice billowed open. His cheek stung where one of her buttons had ricocheted off, but he barely noticed. His irritation at Winifred's interruption faded. "It's mesmerizing when you go crazy, Mom. I ..." He lunged forward as she gripped the back of his head and pulled him to her breasts. "Mmmmpphhhh." He buried his face in the deep trench of her cleavage, licking and sucking at her bountiful flesh. It wasn't easy to breathe buried as he was, but he didn't care.

"Yesss ... yesssss ... these are yours ... lambkin." Penelope removed the remains of her bodice and then her bra. She pulled her son's mouth down to her nipple and arched her back in pleasure when he suckled in that rough way of his. A good mother feeds her son. I wish I had milk for him. She decided that if her breasts were dry, she could at least milk him. She reached down and moved his legs onto the seat, so that he was lying with his head in her lap, still latched to her breast. She unfastened his trousers, pulled out his penis, and spit into her palm in the most unladylike way. Soon, she was pumping his turgid flesh with her slender fingers, listening to his gruntled sounds, muffled by her nipple.

"Mmmppphhhhh." He was sailing among the clouds. But he had no interest in watching farmland now. His mother's hand and tit were flying him right to Mount Olympus. Her fingers were like lightning on his dick. He could feel how hard she worked for his pleasure. He knew her arm must be getting tired with the frenzied pace of the handjob, but she didn't slow. Occasionally, she would remove her hand to add more spit to her palm, but those were her only breaks. The sublime moment carried on and on. He rolled her nipple with his tongue, and gently chewed on it with his teeth. He heard her sharply inhale when he bit harder, but she didn't tell him to stop.

"We've been doing this for a while. Are you going to shoot your stuff?" Penelope watched her son shake his head, his mouth not leaving her breast. "Well, when you're ready, let me know. We can't have you making a mess of our clothes before we arrive. Can you imagine if we showed up at the hospital covered in sperm?" The thought should have horrified her, but instead, she giggled.

Finally, Theodore pulled back from her tit. "I'm going to put it inside again." He sat up next to her.

"Not without a condom, Teddy." She shook her head. "I'll finish you with my mouth."

"No, I want your pussy, Mom." He gave her a cool stare as he pulled his trousers and underwear all the way off. "You can ride me."

"I'm still sore, and you're so big." She reached for his penis and pumped him frantically with two hands. "I want to finish you. I want to taste your salty stuff."

"Which is it? Is the problem that there's no condom or that you're sore?" Anger crept into Theodore's voice. "It sounds like you're making excuses."

Penelope chewed on her bottom lip, staring at the mushroomed head of his frightening penis. "Both of those things ... are true," she said. "But ... you can put it in for a few minutes. Then you can choose from my breasts, hands, or lips. Although, I'll have to finish you in my mouth to keep things clean."

Theodore thought of the cum hanging from her chin in his dad's study. There probably wasn't a clean ending to this session no matter what they did. He didn't know how they'd make themselves presentable for the hospital. He tried to force his brain to be rational about things. They could have sex on the ride home. He'd only have to wait a few hours. Nah. "I'll only be inside you for a few minutes. Climb on."

Penelope stopped pumping him. She lifted her skirts and removed her panties.

"I packed some condoms in the storage compartment under your seat," Winifred's voice cut in. "Sorry for the interruption."

"Oh, Winnie. You're a lifesaver." Penelope got on her hands and knees on the floor and opened the compartment.

"Yeah, thanks, Freddie." Theodore ground his teeth. It wasn't smart, but he wanted to feel his mother's pussy without a condom. And he'd been so close.

"You're welcome," Winifred said.

"You also packed extra clothes." Penelope glanced from the compartment to her sundered bodice. "That was very smart of you, Winnie." Penelope found the condoms and pulled one out. She held it up triumphantly for her son to see. "Got it!"

The aircar banked gently, pushing Theodore deeper into his chair. He glanced outside, there was a city ahead, and they were angling to arc around it. He looked back to his mother's victorious smile. "Put it on," he said.

"Yes, of course." Penelope's smile dropped, and a mask of concentration fell over her face. She tore the packet and carefully rolled the prophylactic over his wide head. When it was ready, she grabbed his penis, hiked up her skirts, and climbed on. It did not enter her any easier than the first time. "Gggggrrrrrhhhhh ... oooohhhhh ... Teddy ... I feel like I'm ... sitting on one of those ... skyscrapers." She nodded toward the tall buildings in the approaching city.

"It's ... tight ... Mom." Theodore watched her strained face. She was clearly in pain again, but that didn't stop her from lowering her hips. He grinned. "So ... tight ... how did I ... ever come out of there?"

A flicker of a smile peeked through her tormented face, but it was gone in an instant. "What ... an odd ... thing to say." She impaled herself relentlessly on his penis. She promised herself the pain would ebb soon enough and ecstasy would take over. Of course, she couldn't afford too much pleasure; she dared not squirt all over him again. They needed to avoid a mess. At least the condom will contain his sloppy stuff. A good mother ... is ... is ... Her thoughts drifted away. It took all her concentration to push through the pain. Finally, she hit bottom. Unlike the time before, she didn't wait with him buried inside her. Instead, she lifted her hips and began the arduous task of bouncing on him. "Ugghhh ... uuugghhh ... uuuuggghhhh ..." Her animal grunts were frantic. She could feel her mind slipping into fight or flight. She resisted. Her current pain was nothing compared to the hurt her son had felt when she'd left him.

"Mom ... Mom ... Mom ..." Theodore watched her face with lust and fascination. It was clear this was a herculean task for her, but she didn't stop. If anything, her hips accelerated. The sloppy sound of their bodies slapping together was muffled by her skirts as they fell back down around them. He massaged her tits, rolling her nipples. He wanted her to feel something pleasant, but her grim expression didn't change. Guilt welled inside him for pushing her to do this while she was still sore. That feeling was met head-on by pride and exaltation that his mother would do this for him. Each emotion then needed to make room for the anger he felt at his guilt. Add to that the rising pleasure surging from his dick, and his inner world was a twisted jungle. "You're hurting ... ah ... ah ... yourself."

"For you ... Teddy ... I'm doing it for ... uugghhhh ... you." Penelope felt his strong hands under her armpits as she was lifted roughly off his penis. "Ooohhh," she cried out in surprise.

"You don't need to hurt yourself, Mom." He moved his mother to a seated position on the cushions next to him, he dropped himself to the floor in front of her, and threw her skirts over his head. "I'll take care of you for a change." He dove his tongue into her pussy. She was sweet, salty, and tangy.

"Ooooohhhhhhhh ... oooohhhhhhh ... Teddy!" Penelope's mouth hung open with shock and bliss. The pain of his previous entry was quickly replaced by the pleasure of his tongue. Her son was going down on her. This was like one of her programs in the sensorium, but so much better. "What are you ... oooohhhhhh ... I see ... you know where my clitoris is ... that's a good ... boooyyyyyyyyyyy." She pressed her head into the cushioned headrest. Her mind swirled with wonder and joy. "You're so ... good at this!" Of course, she hadn't expected him to give her oral sex. She was his mother. It was her job to provide for him. But now that he was down there, she had the additional surprise of his skill. He knows so much about my anatomy for a teenager. He must have practiced with Victoria often. That sweet woman trained my son well. A good mother appreciates and respects her son's girlfriends. "Ohhhh ... yes ... fingers in there ... fingers ... feel good ... I'm ... eeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiii." Penelope orgasmed wildly, clutching the seat with desperation.

"Mmmpphhhhh." It seemed Theodore constantly had some part of his mother in his mouth these last few days. He prayed to the gods that the trend would continue. He lapped and sucked her pussy, driving her to two more orgasms. When he came out from under her skirt, his face was slick with remains of her pleasure.

"Teddy ... Teddy ... that was ... incredible." Still trembling with post-orgasmic bliss, Penelope slipped to the floor and pulled him up onto the aircar's seat. She kneeled before him, pulled off the condom, and opened her mouth wide. Soon, she was bobbing her head like an over-enthusiastic metronome. She gripped his shaft with both hands, gently wringing out his penis under her stretched lips.

"I'm ... glad you're back ... Mom." Theodore laced his fingers into her shiny, black hair, partially pulling it out of the pin. He cupped the back of her head, but didn't need to encourage her movements. Like everything she did with sex, his mother was going all out on his cock. The car filled with the sounds of her slurping, popping, and gurgling. He strung the blowjob out as long as he could. The city towers were long behind them by the time his orgasm arrived.

A chill ran down Penelope's spine when her son's growls of climax ramped up. Her mind was in tatters, her body feverish and perspiring, and her mouth was quickly filled with sperm. She gulped and gulped from the chalice of life. There was so much, and yet she felt a loss when it ended. She suctioned her mouth even harder, trying to draw more sperm out.

"Mom ... gods ... Mom ... you're going to ... suck out my soul." Theodore gripped her hair tighter and pulled her slurping mouth off his dick. She continued to suck air for another second and then calmed. He let go of her head, and she fell forward, pressing her cheek to his thigh.

"Oh ... gosh ... oh ... my." Penelope could feel the warmth of his seed in her stomach. "Is it insane ... that I will be meeting with ... doctors and staff ... with my son's little swimmers ... in my stomach?"

"Yeah ... Mom. It's a little ... insane." Theodore tried to catch his breath. He looked down at her cum-covered chin. Then he touched his own sticky face. "I hope Winifred packed us wet wipes." He listened to her giggle at that. It was the sweetest sound in the world. He joined in. Together, they laughed for a long time before setting about cleaning themselves and changing into fresh clothes in the cramped car.


"I'll have to get back to my patients. I'm sorry I couldn't be more help." Dr. Montgomery adjusted his glasses and smiled pleasantly at Penelope. He studied her closely. She and her son were both disheveled. Their clothes were wrinkled and weren't tucked in everywhere. Penelope's hat was pinned askew, and her makeup was smudged around her eyes. He pondered the meaning of such a strange visit. "I'm happy to see that you're doing so well, Mrs. Nisha. I trust you've found your return to your family acceptable?"

"None of this is acceptable." Theodore clenched his fists. The blazing flames of rage built an inferno inside him. "We made an appointment to speak to the staff that were on shift the night my mother came in. You haven't produced anyone."

"As I said before, we had some layoffs recently. None of them are employed here." The tall doctor shrugged and checked his watch. He looked around the small medical exam room. "I really should be going."

"That's ridiculous." Theodore stepped between the doctor and the door. "We traveled hours to get here. I made an appointment. I was promised interviews."

"You didn't make the appointment with me." Dr. Montgomery wiped his brow. He was suddenly nervous. Theodore Nisha wasn't tall, but he looked strong. And Dr. Montgomery was a slender man. "Your mother checked herself in. There was nobody else. You can check the video feed if you like. This meeting is over." He took a step toward the door. When Theodore didn't move, the doctor stepped back and shifted his weight from foot to foot. Dr. Montgomery looked to Penelope. "Please keep your son on a tighter leash. He seems brash and ... impetuous."

"Ah, the impetuousness of youth." Penelope gave the doctor a wicked smile. "He is quite brash, and I've given up trying to control him. He's nineteen. A man grown. And to be quite honest, I like his youthful nature. You see that scar on his cheek? He got that brawling against four other men. And he won. I was a very proud mother that day, I can assure you." She glanced at Theodore, held up her gloved hand like she was holding something, and then opened her hand dramatically. "Teddy, this is me releasing the leash." She backpedaled until her rump was up against the wall. "My advice, Dr. Montgomery, is to tell us who brought me in. It has become quite obvious that you're hiding something."