A Mother's Tail

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Father wants to watch but gets more than he bargained for.
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This is a story of dominance and submission in the context of mother/son incest. If any of these things offend you, please read no further. All characters and events in this story are fictitious, and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All characters are over the age of 18.

I would like to thank my volunteer editor, Hatsuda, once again for his eagle eye and his helpful suggestions.


My name is Lyn Cox and I have no doubt that society would consider me depraved, perverted, corrupt, insane, even. Yet I love my son with a passion that many would call degenerate; even worse. He has become my master, my Dom and I revel in every moment of our relationship.

How this happened is a story of my slide into a wholly immoral bliss. When this started, my husband, Jay, and I had been married for 21 years; Jay was 50 and I was 40 with a 20 year old son, Corey. He was the apple of my eye; Jay claimed that I spoiled him, but there was never any suggestion of "spoiled brat" behaviour. He was a good kid, smart, funny, sensitive and very respectful towards me. He knew the boundaries and almost always stayed within them, and on the occasions he didn't, took his punishment, usually making a joke out of it. Corey is tall with a mop of curly black hair, pale skin and deep blue eyes. Well built and very fit -- not with rippling abs and a six pack, but he enjoyed long-distance running and cycling and he has enormous stamina.

His relationship with his father was a little different. It was not that Jay was in any sense unkind or abusive, more that he seemed to be in the background and leave much of Corey's upbringing to me. Both Jay and I were lawyers; I had an extensive criminal practice and a reputation for being particularly hard-nosed. Jay was a tax lawyer, much more conservative. We had met when he was a tutor in my law degree -- the attraction was instantaneous, and we married when I discovered I was pregnant with Corey.

From an early age, I had realised I had a submissive streak in my nature. My parents were demanding and insisted on obedience, and that became second nature to me. In my teenage years I sought guys who had a dominant streak, but they were more often abusive rather than truly dominant. But Jay knew what I needed and was prepared to provide it. In doing so, he was able to fulfil some of his own fantasies, namely having a submissive partner willing to do exactly what he wanted. He claimed that I was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

I thought he might have been exaggerating, although I was quite tall, around 5'7" well built and with no fat at all. I worked out regularly to keep in shape, apart from anything else because of a physically demanding occupation. I always thought my 36C breasts were something special; Jay agreed, as he did about my long, well shaped legs terminating in a well padded bottom and a slim waist. All these complemented by an oval face with clear, pale skin, high cheekbones and a slightly retroussé nose. Glossy straight black hair down to my waist and cobalt blue eyes.

Jay and I had never hidden our special sexual relationship from our son. When he judged that Corey would be able to understand, Jay gave him the usual "birds and bees" talk. He also said that he and I greatly enjoyed being together and might sometimes be rather noisy, but not to worry, everything was okay.

I believed Corey was aware of this activity although I suspect he had the standard attitude of not wanting to think about his parents having sex. Jay told me that, later in his teens, Corey became intrigued by hearing his mother refer to his father as "master" and asked him about it. Jay said that he found this mildly embarrassing, but told Corey in simple terms, that I was submissive. He explained this by telling him that his mother would do whatever he told her to do, and they both enjoyed playing this "game".

When he continued to show an interest in this submissive "game", Jay had told him that I found it an essential diversion from my stressful professional life.

"She's able to let go completely and allow me to control her totally," Jay had said. "Your mother is very good at what she does professionally. It's stressful and getting more so, but she needs a release from that continuing stress. We discussed this for a long time, and she told me she needed someone she could trust absolutely to be able to let go of all her inhibitions and be who she wants to be. That way, she could surrender herself to someone she could rely on and give that person complete control over her, letting go of all her responsibilities in her emotional life."

Jay understood this completely. The need for me to give up responsibility for myself and to have Jay take control had become a powerful motivation for me. I could abandon myself to him completely, give up all responsibility and even 'be nothing'. I wouldn't have to 'be myself' but just allow him to take control of my body and mind. Jay and I trusted each other totally, but I had a "safe word" which would guarantee that Jay would stop whatever he was doing if I couldn't handle it any more. I had never felt the need to use it.

Some time later, Corey and his father had a similar conversation although this one went somewhat deeper. Corey wanted to know about the locked door under the stairs—we lived in an old two storey house and there was a doorway under the stairs that we had always said led to an old storage area. Corey's curiosity had got the better of him.

Jay told me that he decided it was probably best that Corey understood all the details, although I was rather hesitant about it. Jay swore Corey to secrecy, not letting any of the details out of the house, then unlocked the door and took Corey down a short flight of stairs. He told me that Corey was astounded and could hardly believe his eyes. It was a small but well equipped BDSM "dungeon", complete with a bondage bed, St Andrew's cross, an array of paddles, floggers, whips, butt plugs and dildos.

Jay had explained that my submissiveness extended to bondage and discipline, and we both had a lot of fun in the "dungeon". He had added, which, in my opinion was rather too much information, that the sex afterwards was just fantastic.

For some time, Jay's and my relationship had been under some strain, and it seemed to be getting worse. I couldn't put my finger on it, and when I suggested it might be some form of midlife crisis, Jay became quite upset, and his dominance became more extreme.

It reached a point where I had been on the verge of using my "safe word"; on one occasion, I gasped, "Oh please, master, not so hard," as my Dom thrashed my bottom with his belt. I enjoyed being spanked when it generated a pulsating heat in my pussy, but this had been too hard and was cauterising all the pleasure.

He merely lashed me harder, saying, "You will take what I give you, bitch, and if you don't like it, too bad."

I demanded that Jay should sit down with me to work this out, and he confessed to having developed a voyeuristic habit and spent time on the net watching videos of men taking women hard. He told me he particularly liked videos about young men with older women, making them scream and beg.

"Jay, that's disgusting," I said. "How can you want to watch such stuff? I thought we had a pretty good sex life and now you want to watch this ... this ..."

"Lyn, you don't understand. You know I get really excited by the idea of domination, and seeing young studs dominate older women takes me back to my youth. Honey, I'm not as young as I used to be and this gives me a heap of vicarious pleasure. We still have a great sex life, and that shouldn't change, but watching these videos adds extra spice so far as I'm concerned."

"Jay, look, I need time to process this, but I think I understand, and I won't criticise you if this is what you really need."

A few months passed, and then Jay really blew me away. He had been tense and jumpy for a few days and as we were relaxing one evening, I asked him what was wrong.

"Nothing, honey, although you might think there is. I don't know how to wrap this up, so I'll come straight out. I want to see you with another guy."

I guessed, as my master, Jay could have ordered me to do this, but this was taking things a lot further than they had ever gone before.

"I see. You want to see your wife get fucked by another man. Am I reading you right?"

"Yeah, that's right, honey, but this is different from our Dom/sub relationship. That's really just a game, but this is serious stuff."

I was shocked. Being Jay's sub was more than just a game to me. It was a central part of my life, vital to my wellbeing. This was the way for me to be able to release the stress of my job by allowing him full control of my body to do whatever he needed with it. I had never realised that his view of our relationship was so different from mine.

"Let me think about this, Jay; it's a really big decision and I'm not sure if I can handle it."

He agreed, rather reluctantly, and over the next few days was extra attentive and extra generous to me.

The subject came up again, and Jay begged me to think seriously about it.

"You see, Lyn, this is becoming a powerful need. I don't mean that this should be a regular thing, I just want to see you taken and used by someone else, preferably a young stud. I just can't get this idea of older women being controlled by younger guys out of my mind."

I have to confess that I had thought of little else since Jay first raised the subject. It was starting to turn me on to think of Jay watching as I'm at the mercy of another guy who can do what he likes with me.

"Jay, if I agree to this, there have to be limits. He must not cause me any serious harm, and not break my skin in any way. He must respect my safe word, and at the end of the session, he walks away as if it never happened. What happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom, and that applies to the playroom as well. So he must respect that rule."

"Oh honey, that's just wonderful, but now the biggest hurdle is to find the right guy. I know there would be any number of men who would jump at the chance of being with someone as beautiful and sexy as you," I blushed, "but it's not a question of finding some guy at random, even off the net. The problem is, if it's anyone we know, confidentiality might be jeopardised."

"You're right, Jay, and it must be someone I'm okay with, not just some young jerk who is interested in sex with an older woman. I've got to know I can trust him." I knew that would narrow the field almost completely, but I wasn't going to compromise just for Jay to get his jollies.

A few days later, Jay approached me on the same subject, but this time he was tense and very hesitant. "I have an idea about seeing you with another guy, and it could work, but it's very dangerous and quite illegal."

I stayed silent, waiting for this revelation.

"Honey, it occurred to me that the obvious choice would be ... would be ... Corey."

I could hardly believe my ears. "Jay are you suggesting I should have sex with our own son?"

"I guess that's about it Lyn—but it makes sense. We can trust him, you've got a wonderful relationship with him, and I've seen the way he looks at you sometimes. There shouldn't be a problem."

"But he's our son, for god's sake. Apart from being totally illegal, it's also thoroughly immoral. And what is Corey going to think?"

"Well, illegal is only a problem if a complaint is laid, and I don't see that happening. And immoral depends on whether we can square our consciences. Are you telling me you've never wondered about how it would be to be up close and personal with Corey?"

I was still amazed by Jay's suggestion, but against my will, the idea started to seep into my mind. What would it be like to be with Corey in this way? The whole idea was completely corrupt and I should have given Jay a firm "No" there and then. But I couldn't get rid of the idea of Corey holding me and using his soft hands and mouth on me to excite me and drive me crazy.

"Jay, I can't say I agree for one minute at the moment. Please give me a few days to think this over before I give you a final answer. Okay?"

"Deadline Saturday, okay, Lyn?"

I mumbled agreement and we left it at that.

I couldn't get this idea out of my mind, and I reached a point late in the week where I found myself masturbating with thoughts of Corey and I together as he used my body in ways that drove me to an explosive orgasm. The answer had to be "Yes", although I still had huge hesitations and concerns, particularly how Corey would react.

Jay and I caught up with Corey one evening the following week and outlined the position to him. We had become rather secretive in his presence as if there was some tension between us.

Corey started the conversation, "Look, guys, please tell me what's going on? You both seem uptight, and if there's a problem, please don't shut me out."

Jay and I looked at each other, and I sighed and blushed. "Corey, this is so difficult I really don't know how to say this."

"Mum, is your marriage in trouble? Are you pregnant again? Does one of you have some dreadful disease? Please tell me; I need to know if something terrible is happening to the two people I love most."

"No, honey, it's nothing like that. Oh boy ... okay, I'd better jump straight in. As you know, your father and my sex life is ... well, shall we say, a little unconventional. Oh god, this is so hard well, your father has become increasingly voyeuristic and he has a kink, a fetish you might say; he wants to see me with another man. We've talked about this forever, but recently it's become a powerful need. Not ongoing, just once he wants to see me taken and used by someone else."

"Oh god, Mum that's incredible; how do you feel about that?"

We outlined the "rules of engagement" and acknowledged that the biggest hurdle would be finding the right guy.

"Yes, I see that," Corey responded. "Sounds like you have a real problem even if you do decide to go ahead with this crazy scheme."

"Up to a few weeks ago, I would have agreed. Then your father made a suggestion that I rejected out of hand at first, but in spite of it being both dangerous and illegal, it might work."

Corey raised his eyebrows but said nothing.

"Corey," I hesitated and then stammered, "we ... we'd like ... we'd like you to have sex with me so that your father can watch me being taken by another guy. We want you to be 'the other guy'."

Corey sat in stunned silence, his eyes wide. Eventually he managed to croak out, "You are serious, aren't you? This isn't just a put on to wind me up? You mean it?"

"Oh yes, honey, your father and I are completely serious. You are the one person we can trust absolutely, and we both believe that it will be a success for your father, I'll have an extra special treat being with my son—and I'll make sure that you have a night to remember."

"Holy shit, Mum; even apart from the incest angle, I can't imagine how Dad could let me loose on you, so to speak. Look, I'm ... well, my emotions are in turmoil. Can I please have 24 hours to give you an answer? But, what happens if I say 'No'?"

"Then we go back to square one, without any recriminations. I know this is almost unheard of, but the decision must be yours."

"Thanks, guys, I'll let you know tomorrow."

I was becoming increasingly tense about this whole project and worried that Corey would say "No" and even worse, report us to the authorities. But then he caught up with me after work the next day.

"Mum, are you sure you're okay with this? I mean, it is a very risky proposition, even though it is intensely exciting."

I looked at him with a mixture of uncertainty and fear coursing through me. "Honey, I think maybe you're the only person I can trust at this level. Corey, your father is changing in ways that I don't understand, and I'm afraid he thinks that our sex life is becoming, well, boring. He talks more and more about watching other people have sex, and I know he regularly visits porn sites on the 'net. It is affecting our relationship, and I'm hoping this experiment will help him to deal with his problems, whatever they are."

"He's becoming less and less communicative about sex and other stuff, and he's also starting to drink more than is good for him. And as I'm being absolutely honest with you, over the past year or so, the quality of our sex has steadily reduced."

"Okay, mum, I think I understand." He hesitated. "May I please ask one or two very personal questions at this stage?"

"Go ahead, honey."

"Do you shave your ... your pussy, and if not, do you think you could do that for me?"

"No, Corey, I don't, but I do sometimes have a full Brazilian wax—all off, and if you want that, I'll have it done for you."

"Great, Mum, and do you think you could have an enema late in the afternoon, please. You never know, we might want to ... "

I laughed and agreed.

"Now, what are you going to wear?"

"That's for us to know and for you to find out!"

"Mmm, I can hardly wait. But can I persuade you to wear your Poison perfume, please?"

"You bet, stud," I laughed again.

"If you're really sure about this, then I'm happy to be your partner for the evening. And, anyway, what normal red-blooded male could resist spending some time with someone as gorgeous as you."

I laughed. "Flattery will get you almost anywhere. Now, you can go tell your Dad; I think he's in his study—maybe looking at porn," I finished, feeling rather sad.

I heard Jay whoop with joy after Corey had told him, and Jay and I had agreed that, if all systems were go, it would be on the following Friday evening at 7.00 pm in our room. The arrangement was that Corey would have exclusive use of me for a maximum of five hours, in the bedroom and/or the playroom, whichever was appropriate. After that, everything would return to normal

And that was it until Friday. Today was Wednesday, and the next two days were purgatory. I couldn't concentrate on anything in the meantime.

Friday arrived, seemingly about ten years later. I had showered and made up to Jay's instructions, and dressed as we had agreed. I wore a filmy black teddy and a shelf bra designed to lift my tits and project them out. I also wore tiny black panties, not quite a thong, but very revealing. My hair was pulled hard from my face and tied in a high pony tail, with my makeup emphasised but not exaggerated. My lips were painted Ferrari red, matching my nail polish, and I wore 5" black patent heels with smoky grey, seamed hose attached to a garter belt.

I felt horny and like a total slut—which I guess I was, but this lust was tempered with apprehension about how Corey would react and how he would treat me. If I had anything to do with it, he would be quite blown away, and I would be able to control most of what happened.

Just before the appointed time, Jay put a soft leather collar round my neck and attached a lead, and at that moment the full realisation of what I was about to do hit home. I trembled with anticipation, but the bathroom where I was now waiting seemed cold and somehow ominous. I felt so humiliated knowing that, in a few minutes, Corey, my son, would control me and force me to accept his domination. And in spite of all of this uncertainty, I felt my nipples begin to harden and a dampness start to grow between my legs.

I heard a knock on the door to our bedroom, and my heart jumped into my mouth. Corey had arrived. Jay returned, and taking the leash, led me out into the bedroom. I stood looking at the floor without making any eye contact.

Jay handed the leash to Corey, saying, "The slut is yours for the next five hours. Use her in any way you choose within the rules."

"Wow, thank you, Dad." Corey removed the leash but left the collar in place. "Now, mother, look into my eyes."