A Need to be Paid


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She'd been paid.

After a quick shower, she redid her make-up and had just enough time to slip her dress on and rush back to the trailer in time to meet Scruffy.

"Perfect timing" he said as he himself walked up to the gate of the site and unlocked the padlock Stubbles had only locked minutes before.

Scruffy was dressed in cargo shorts and a t-shirt under an undone short-sleeve button-up. Looking freshly showered, he had never been so clean and she was grateful. As he unlocked the trailer, the sun dipped below the horizon and the light grew appropriately reddish, Morgan felt like a scarlet woman as she squirmed nervously, aroused by having just been in that space getting fucked half an hour before.

In the first aid room the twilight entered through a half shaded window, the blinds down, but open. More comfortable with the space Morgan strode in and positioned herself once more at the foot of the vinyl covered bed.

Putting on her most flirty customer service smile, she cocked a hip at Scruffy who gaped at her, frightened now that they were there.

"Lets work out the detail first, then have some fun, okay?"

Scruffy nodded, mouth open, eyes wide.

"Why don't you put your money on the stool here?" Morgan nudged the stool so it rolled closer to Scruffy, "then tell me what you'd like for your money."

The bearded man pulled a wad of money so perfectly aligned together they could only have been recently pulled from a bank machine. Then he pulled out more tens to put on that small stack twenties.

"That's $150. If its ok, I would fucking love a blow-job from you. Your face-!" he allowed his astonishment at how attractive he found her show on his own face, "Then I have to fuck you. Is that enough."

"That is exactly the right amount."

"Fuck ya!"

Wanting him to look at her nudity, Morgan pulled her dress over her head and bared herself to the older man. Scruffy was likely in his thirties, older than both the other men she'd had sex with so far and it was slightly intimidating, but the childlike awe he showed as he took in her nudity emboldened her.

"Would you like to sit, or stand as I suck your cock?"

In the brief moment it took for him to choose, Morgan felt a blush warm her face at the words she had just uttered. Having never actually sucked a cock, saying she was about to out-loud made her feel vulnerable and insecure in spite of her research earlier.

"I wanna stand! That's so cool!"

Morgan had no idea why it was cool, but she went to Scruffy and knelt before him, gazing up at him hoping she looked confident, but suspecting she looked every bit as shy and hesitant as she felt. Kneeling within arms reach of a man felt intimate and unfamiliar, the proximity strange, the implication of the position charged even when it wasn't about sex, but in that case it was explicitly about sex. Gazing up at him from her knees preparing to suck his cock would have been too mortifying if the raw hunger in his eyes for her didn't arouse her so very much.

Shivering with lust and nerves as she undid his belt and zipper, Morgan gloried in the way he looked at her, even as she shrunk away from the thing she was about to do. Gripping his semi-hard penis in her hand was easier than she thought it would be, the soft thing not as alien as she'd suspected. When she pulled it out and exposed him, Morgan's general attraction to male genitalia helped overcome the fact that she didn't find Scruffy all that sexy.

Bracing herself internally, she looked up at his face once more. Taking strength from his rapt attention focused completely on only her, Morgan relished being looked at so intently, something missing from her childhood. Revelling in his eager yearning for her mouth on his erection, she began to stroke him to fullness, summoning a smile for him as she tried to generate some saliva in her nervous mouth. When she worked up the nerve, Morgan kissed his knob, the warm flesh of his cock on her lips pleasant physically, but humiliating emotionally.

Always the student, one significant portion of her mind examined what she was feeling. Much like a scientist keeping precise records of an experiment, the young woman watched herself evolve into a sex worker as it was happening. With increasing daring, Morgan licked longer and more lewd caresses of her tongue along the firm length of Scruffy's cock.

Mechanically, she stroked his shaft with her left hand, massaged his balls with her right while slathering the top third of his erection in saliva with her fully extended tongue. Internally, she crossed an inner Rubicon that required more boldness than she was willing to admit even to herself. Raised to be a good girl and never engage in any activity that resembled what she was currently doing, Morgan found she easily shattered the boundaries she had previously considered adamant.

Suddenly, the young woman understood that sex was far more powerful than her pathetic human willpower. For billions of years life had succeeded in thriving in every environment Earth could throw at it, in a constant state of violent change; what was the feeble taboo of a certain time and place in human history in the face of life's unyielding impetus to carry forward? Life impelled human's to procreate. Humans felt lust easily compared to other primates and Morgan felt powerful lust growing as she sucked Scruffy's hardened cock, the response deeply ingrained in her genetics, but also inflamed by her persona life's journey.

Scruffy watched her wide eyed and mesmerized by her recently studied oral skills.

Having his gaze locked on her every movement thrilled Morgan deeply and she made a sordid display of herself as she lavished his pleasant cock with obscene affection. The more intense his observation of her the more brazen she behaved; the more lasciviously she acted the more fixed his regard. Morgan was in awe of how horny sucking cock could make her. Or, to be more precise, how horny being watched sucking cock made her.

Releasing his balls, Morgan began to masturbate while she bathed his scrotum with her curious mouth. The strange, hard, mobile ball inside the warm sack was objectively repulsive, but the carnal stir she got from burying her face in his loose flesh and suckling one, then the other of his testicles compelled her to rub her clit faster and shudder with pleasure.

"Can I fuck your face?" he asked breathlessly.

"Sure" she answered not certain what he meant. Wasn't that what was already happening?

When Scruffy took her head in his hands and began to drive his cock deep into her throat rapidly, she was shocked and gagged immediately.

"Whoops. Too quick. I apologize" the big man grimaced. "Move your hand closer to my tip. Yeah there. Now I can only go as far as you let me."

Scruffy spoke apologetically, clearly worried he had transgressed, but none-the-less he resumed fucking her mouth with quick humps of his hips right away. Morgan's own fist bumped her lips until she adjusted her grip and balanced the depth he wanted, his knob nudging the back of her throat, that being all she could take without gagging.

Once she was no longer worried about the depth of his plunge, she was once more able to work her tongue all over his shaft as he moved in and out. Caressing her lips over his skin as his cock slid past increased both their pleasure. Morgan found she loved the sloppy friction of his movement and she tried to touch him with as much of her mouth as possible as he drove in and out.

When Scruffy seemed to have released some measure of built up sexual tension, he released her head and allowed her to resume sucking him herself. Taking over, she stroked him with both hands and rested her jaw a moment by running her lips and the tip of her tongue up and down his shaft. Glazing his entire length with spit, she coated his whole cock while she relaxed her jaw. When the entire length was dripping wet, she resumed sucking him deep and lapping him while massaging what her mouth couldn't suck.

Then, without warning, Scruffy's climax began. The first jet of sperm shocked Morgan as it hit the roof of her mouth with a splat. The sudden gush of cum filled her mouth with its powerful flavour. Instinct kicked in and Morgan swallowed immediately, then another gush replaced what she'd ingested, so she swallowed again. Over and over, she devoured his cum as the man carried on jetting spunk into her mouth.

When no more jism dribbled from his cock, Scruffy held her head in place when she began to move. Following his lead, she remained where she was and carried on licking and sucking his tip as he gripped her almost painfully, his body shaking with tension.

Finally he stepped back and grunted "Fuck!"

With her mouth filled with the taste of his seed, Morgan felt dazed as she tried to understand what she had just done.

"That was fucking amazing."

Taking her chin in his big hand, Scruffy looked into her eyes in the dim light. Morgan suddenly wasn't sure she liked being looked at. Embarrassed by eating his sperm, she was ashamed by her instinct to simply swallow his ejaculation and his intense focus forced her to face the lewd thing she had just done.

Even though he had just had a climax, Scruffy remained wound up and guided Morgan onto the medical table, then positioned himself between her thighs ready for more. Feeling disassociated from her body, Morgan observed from just behind her own eyes as Scruffy fitted his knob between her labia and shoved himself into her warm embrace.

Less than an hour since the last man had fucked her, Morgan was filled with another cock. The delicious friction titillated her nerves and Morgan's excited body ignored her mind's attempts to reconcile eating sperm and the good girl she had been two months ago. Lust spread from her squishy sex and in moments Morgan was lifting her hips to meet Scruffy's powerful thrusts, her body aching for more and more impact.

"Yes! Fuck me hard! Yesss..."

Embarrassed by the raw hunger in her voice, Morgan heard herself grunt as Scruffy fucked her harder still and to her ear the sounds were sordid and animalistic. Clinging to him with her arms and legs, Morgan mewled passionately as the big man used her aggressively, each impact of his knob against the furthest depth of her pussy detonated a radiant expanse of pleasure to explode deep inside.

When Scruffy pulled out and told her to get on her hands and knees, she found it disorienting to reorient herself. Trembling limbs were reluctant to obey her commands. Scruffy assisted her into position, fitting himself to her body as he entered her from behind. Gripping her hips, the construction worker resumed pummelling her sex, the new angle touching different places in her sex that felt equally wonderful.

A big hand wrapped around her stomach, thick fingers rubbed her clit sending keen delight along her nerves. The stoke of his digits ignited a powerful climax as her body endured his glorious fucking. Squirming, seeking both more stimulation and less, Morgan writhed beneath him as Scruffy fucked and caressed her, tormenting her with rapture. When her climax grew too intense, she would try and escape and he would chase her with his cock wedged as deep as he could get it. Morgan enjoyed the game, even if her body was so overstimulated she was almost breathless.

The violence of her reaction forced him to wrap another arm around her torso and he groped her breast as he held her tight. Each time Morgan shied away, overstimulated, his hips adjusted to her movements forcing his cock deep. Then in a moment she would adjust again, offering him her full depths, eager for more. They danced like that for a time, her orgasm rising and falling depending on how still she could keep and let him fuck her.

Falling to her chest onto the plastic bed, exhausted from multiple climaxes, Morgan left her ass raised for his use. Too weak to keep herself upright, she shook with fatigue and the juddery reaction of so much pleasure. Scruffy's big hands gripped her buttocks pleasingly and he carried on fucking her as he drove toward his own climax.

Shaking with the extremity of her ecstasy, Morgan had several more orgasms before Scruffy once again approached his own. Without any warning, her mouth blurted out her desire before she could think about what she was saying.

"Please, let me taste your cum."

Shocked by what she said, Morgan took in a deep breath, but when she exhaled she said more.

"Give it to me. I want it so bad."

Blushing crimson, quivering with passion, Morgan shuddered with mortified elation as she climaxed from her audacity. The act of asking him for his sperm ignited another round of scintillating climactic tremors in her overwrought body. Acting like a harlot, begging for sperm thrilled a dark, sordid part of her that was growing in strength. When Scruffy withdrew from her clenching slit, she whimpered, but slipped to her knees to get low and swallow more sperm.

Taking his cock in her mouth, Morgan tasted the foreign musk of her own sex and started rubbing her burning clit as she quaked with continuing orgasm. Debasing herself on the dirty floor of the trailer, Morgan slurped on Scruffy's knob, jacking him into her drooling mouth as dancing fingers wrung more orgasms from her slippery sex.

When another eruption of sperm filled her mouth, she savoured it, drinking down none, letting it all gather in her mouth and coat his cock. Spreading jism over his flesh, she suckled and licked him until he pulled away and only then did Morgan allow herself to swallow her treat. The odd flavour of his cum filled her mouth for several minutes and she enjoyed the oddity, the ooze moving down her throat a salacious, slimy sensation that incited faster movements from her fingers on her clit.

Scruffy sat on the bed and gazed at Morgan who couldn't stop masturbating now that she was being observed once again. Licking her lips, seeking more sperm, she shivered with exhaustion, but couldn't stop touching herself, her orgasm impelled by her own lechery and being observed by a man.

One final climax robbed her of the strength to carry on and Morgan slumped over, head on the bed, hands curled in her lap, her whole body coated in sweat, shivering from exertion on the dirty floor.

"Wow" was all Scruffy could say.

As they dressed Morgan felt dazed and intoxicated, her mind foggy and limbs numb. They parted, saying goodbye and Morgan went home to place the money from tonight with the money from the day before suddenly having more cash in her hand than she had in the bank.

The young sex worker felt a warm glow in her heart and her pussy even as her mind continued to quail from who she was becoming.


The next few days Morgan felt a paradigm shift within. The justifications came hard and fast and she managed to rewire her brain to mostly accept that she was no longer the same girl who moved to the city. Not only did she find she loved the physical sensations of sex, her body now constantly craving male touch and the fullness of being fucked, but Morgan understood she needed to have eyes on her as often as possible.

Each morning she would display herself in her window before work and make a date or two for that evening, then she would get ready for her lunch shift at the restaurant. Scruffy, Stubbles and her Spy all came and spoke to her as she sunned herself nude in her window, but they were out of cash and couldn't pay her again so soon. Other men could however and the whispers about her spread to the whole crew. Her client list grew.

Telling her managers at the restaurant she got another job that only gave her evening shifts, she arranged to have every weeknight available for her construction crew. The increased confidence she felt in her beauty, desirability and the pleasure of having men want her added a delightful sexual frisson to her table-side banter and Morgan's tips grew larger and more consistent. The women had more in common with the more worldly version of her as well. Something about her virginal innocence had made many women more uncomfortable than the knowing grin she now wore.

Morgan's Aunt noticed how often her niece went out in the evenings, so the younger woman began to wear her exercise clothes when she left, so it would appear she was going to work out. The abundant sex she was having was in fact burning plenty of calories and working her body in new ways, so she did lose the little bit of remaining baby fat in her face and around her middle, so she grew more classically beautiful with the lean toned body of a model.

Everywhere she went more eyes followed the stunning young girl smiling her way through life.

Averaging around $1500 a week sleeping with men from the construction site, plus her wage of $320 a week, with an average of $500 in tips and she suddenly found herself with more money than she'd ever had in her life, but very little time to spend it.

The search for a school and a program to study became her hobby. That, along with yoga and running. Morgan needed to stay fit to keep up with all the sex the men were putting her through.

The variety of men meant they enjoyed a variety of types of sex from her. Some liked to make love slowly and intimately. Morgan enjoyed that because the men usually gazed at her with affection and made her chest feel light and warm. Some men liked her to do all the work and she was fine with that because she could usual indulge herself and do things she liked. Other men liked to toss her around and fuck in in as many positions as possible, she learned a lot from them.

There were a couple men who seemed to hate how she made them feel and liked to be mean, say awful things and hurt her. After one guy got too slap-happy she refused to be with him again. When she told him from her window he got angry, but she waved to another man hovering near-by and when the second man approached the angry man backed off guiltily.

The majority were very nice to her however.

By the second month, she had a group of just over a dozen men who would visit her after every pay period, while a number more just availed themselves of her services one or twice. There were only four men on the whole site that had never hired her, so she was generally very busy.

The problem was, the building was nearly finished.

The framing crew were all done and had moved on to another project. Plumbers, electricians and glaziers were crawling all over the building while the general contractors were working on finishing touches. Cabinet makers, carpet installers, painters and others were now also asking for her time and Morgan increased her clients to three a night and she took clients on the weekends as she intuited that by the new year the building would be done and her cash flow would dry up.

The girl tried anal, had men worship her feet, tickle her, slap her, spit on her, cum on her, cream-pie her, anal-pie her, fuck her up-side-down, on the floor, on the bed, in chairs and on the table in the common area of the trailer. Morgan sucked cock, balls, toes, fingers and licked ass. The men wanted her dominant, they wanted her submissive, she edged them, they edged her. Some liked dirty talk, some liked silence, some just wanted a hand-job, some wanted everything all at once, some wanted her to humiliate them and some wanted to humiliate her.

It was a whirlwind of personalities, activities and orgasms.

Morgan found it all so exciting and stimulating that she generally had multiple orgasms in each session. Occasionally the men asked her to do things she disliked, which usually included anything to do with their butts, licking, fingering or pegging. Morgan found she did enjoy having her own ass fucked, if they used enough lube. The fist time it had been so exciting and transgressive and her partner gentle and slow that she discovered after the initial penetration it felt similar enough to vaginal sex that she liked it just fine.