A New Experience


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"Fuuuucckkk," he moaned low, his chest rumbling with the sound.

She smiled wickedly as she released his finger. "You stick your finger in someone's mouth you better be prepared to get bitten." Reaching into the dessert herself, she plucked out a strawberry and popped it in her mouth. Immediately, LC grabbed her fingers with their slight coating of cream and brought them to his lips.

Mya squeaked and tried to pull her hand back, but he held tight and quickly stuck her fingers in his mouth. As his hot wet tongue slid over them, she felt herself nearly melt into the table and she fought to keep her eyes open. "No fair," she gasped.

His chuckle vibrated over her fingers which then rippled through her entire body. She pulled her fingers free and handed him back the dessert. "What? No more?"

Shaking her head she answered, "Nope. That's too dangerous for me. You eat it."

He was still laughing when Cookie walked up. "Oh hey, you gonna eat that?"

The two of them laughed harder and LC handed the dessert over. Cookie looked at them suspiciously but then pulled a spoon out of his pocket and dug in. "So, Green Eyes, you gonna ride with us?"

"Sorry, no bike Cookie. Kinda hard to ride without one."

He gestured with his dripping spoon to LC. "That's why you ride with LC here."

Mya was startled at his quick answer. "But I have my car here. I can't just go ride with you guys."

Cookie stared at LC. "Is there a reason why you ain't explained things?"

Now Mya was staring at LC as well. "Explained what?"

"Well, I was waiting until after lunch to invite you to ride, but it seems as though I'll do it now." He sent a glare to Cookie before turning back to Mya and taking her hand in his. "Our ride this afternoon goes about 45 miles on down the road to a rally point. After that, technically the ride is over and we go our own way. Since I have to pass back by this place to go home, you could ride with us and I can bring you back to your car later."

Mya studied LC to make sure he was telling the truth. "You want me to ride with you?"

Cookie sauntered away trying to look casual. LC grinned after him knowing that the old coot thought he was lending him a hand in snagging the pretty girl. Looking at Mya again he stroked her cheek with his finger before tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I would be honored if you would ride with me this afternoon."

Mya's heart raced. She took another look at the multitude of bikes parked in neat rows and felt the pull of the desire to ride one. Biting her lip, she struggled with the indecision. She didn't know this man at all had only met him a couple of hours ago and now she was thinking of riding off on a motorcycle with him. His hand slid down to her mouth and his thumb gently pulled her lip free from her teeth.

"You've really got to stop doing that," He growled.

"What? Why?" She shook her head slightly confused at the move.

"Because when you bite that lip it makes me want to bite that lip."

Lust slammed into her gut. Shaking her head she pulled away from him, his hand falling from her face. "I don't know you. I've never been on a bike. I can't do this, I can't believe that we've already gone so far so fast." Her voice was shaky and uncertain.

LC met her green eyes with his brown ones. "I promise you'll be fine. You'll be perfectly safe riding with the group and I will have you back here before dark."

Mya bit her lip again and immediately LC growled. She released the tender flesh with a giggle, "I don't know, I really shouldn't."

LC reached over and traced a finger over her camera that still hung around her neck. "Think of the pictures you can take from the back of the bike," he crooned softly.

"Oh that's dirty," Mya complained but as her mind filled with the possibilities she knew she was going to do it. "Back before dark right?"

"Yes 'mam." His grin told her he knew what she'd decided.

"Fine, yes, I'll ride with you. But only if you promise to keep your hands to yourself."

"Babe, you'll be the one holding onto me, and I promise that I won't mind at all if you want to cop a feel."

Mya laughed and shook her head ruefully. They finalized the plans for the afternoon before they both went separate ways to help others pack up from the lunch. All too soon they met up again at her car so she could get more spare batteries and he could take her to his bike since she knew she'd never get the right one in this crowd.

She leaned against her car, feeling quite out of place as all around her people dressed in jeans and leather pulled on helmets and started engines to roaring life. LC stepped up to her and then moved in close, pinning her against the vehicle. Dipping his head to her neck he took a deep noisy breath.

"Mmm, you smell good."

Giggling, she pushed him away. "Stop that, I smell like I've spent the day in the sun, which I have."

"Yeah, yummy. " LC leered at her before smiling and adding, "Got sunglasses?" As she held up a pair in her hand, he took them and set them on her face before taking her hand. He led her through the maze of bikes to a pretty two-toned blue one.

"Pretty." She snapped a few pictures of the bike, taking in its generous size. A small seat rested behind the front one and even had a bit of a back rest.

"It's great for long distance rides. Very comfortable." He gave her a few cautions and instructions on how to ride before handing her a small sleek helmet.

Frowning at the lightweight smooth black helmet she asked, "Where's the visor?"

"Well, since this is a spare, it's a smaller one. Hence the need for sunglasses to keep the bugs out of your eyes."

Mya's eyes rounded as she looked at him to decide if he was serious or not. He only grinned and placed the helmet carefully on her head, pulling her hair free behind her. Swinging a leg over the bike he turned the key and motioned for her to climb on.

She carefully got on the bike as instructed and settled in behind him, her feet on the little pegs he had indicated. Placing her hands gently at his waistband, she looked around in awe. LC took her hands in his and pulled them firmly around his middle.

"Until you're comfortable with everything, hold on tight. Don't be afraid to squeeze me."

Pressed up against his back as she was, her camera poked into both of them uncomfortably. She pulled back long enough to rearrange things and then wrapped her arms around him once again. Secretly she was relishing the feel of his hard body against her softer one.

Her seat was a little higher on the bike and she found that made it easy to see over his broad shoulder. He pressed the button to start the bike and soon the low roar of the bike joined in the overall rumble of thunder rising from the parking lot full of bikes. As the vibration of the bike worked it's way through her body she had began to wonder if this was such a good idea after all.

All too soon, they were slowly making their way out of the parking lot, LC making a few gentle swerves so she could get the feel of leaning with him into the curves. The large group flowed seamlessly into neat columns as the turned from the park onto the highway. Mya found herself grinning like a fool as the air rushed around them and the joy of the ride seeped into her.

As her hair began to fly though, she carefully released LC to tuck it quickly up under the helmet. Settling back into her snuggle against his back, her knees gripping his hips, she pulled her camera around to her face. By watching the road and quickly learning LC's movements, she was able to snap off pictures as they rode. She knew most probably wouldn't turn out well, being blurry and rushed, but every now and then she knew she got a good one.

The ride was wonderful, the camaraderie amongst the riders very evident as they shouted out to each other on occasion. They reached the rally point too soon for Mya's pleasure, but finding the sheer amount of bikers and their riders just made her mouth water that much more with the pictures that she could take. She was having the time of her life, snapping away with abandon.

LC parked the bike but remained sitting on it, his hand resting on her leg as she frantically took all the pictures she could. Finally as her batteries ground to a halt she relaxed back against the little rest behind her and just sat grinning. LC gave her leg a gentle caress, causing the fire that had calmed to flare once more inside her belly.

They got off the bike, LC pulling her helmet from her head and then fluffing out her soft brown hair himself. Taking her hand in his they began to wander through the people and the tents that ringed the edge of the huge parking lot they were in. The two stayed close, their bodies brushing together, keeping Mya in a state of arousal.

A couple of hours later, LC looked down at Mya and pulled her close. "You ready to blow this place?"

She couldn't stop the wicked smile that lit her eyes, "Blow this place? Or blow you?"

LC groaned aloud. "God babe you cannot say that to me here." He pressed his hip against her's letting her feel his hard cock. "I've been like that since I met you."

Indecision and worry entered Mya's green eyes. With a sad smile she stepped back, "I don't know you."

Reaching up, he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear then cupped her cheek in his hand. "I know. But I'd never hurt you. There's something about you and I don't think I can stay away now that I've found you."

Mya pressed her hand to his against her cheek, the warmth causing new sparks of desire to race through her. "I must be losing my mind," she whispered. "I don't why, but I trust you. Let's go back before I embarrass us both right here in front of everyone."

LC took in the small hard nipples pressing against her t-shirt and smiled. A glint appeared in his eyes as he released her face and took her hand in his. Together they headed for his bike. As a few shouted out to LC, he pulled Mya with him until they were back with most of their original group. After a round of manly hugs and back slapping, and a few kisses for Mya, they finally were able to head out.

They quickly settled back in, Mya pressed tightly against him and they started back for the state park. This time, she just sat and enjoyed the feeling of his body, firm and hard cradled between her thighs. She let her hands wander over his chest and rock hard stomach, drifting down over his thighs. Her brain was whispering about how wrong this was and that she was being naughty, but her body was in tune with the vibrations of the bike, and it reveled in this chance to touch.

When they got back to her car, LC parked beside it and shut off the bike. Mya started to swing a leg over to get off but he patted her and indicated for her to stay. He carefully got off the bike and pulled off his helmet and took her's from her as she sat. Bracing her and the bike, he managed to swing a leg over the seat of the bike so he sat facing her instead of the front of the bike.

Taking her hips in his hands, he pulled her close so that she sat straddling his lap with her legs draped over his rock hard thighs. She could feel the bulge of his erection pressing into the crotch of her jeans. His big body seemed to engulf her, making her feel small but sheltered at the same time. Running his hands over her back, he pressed her close.

A breeze tossed her brown hair, tangled by the wind around her face. LC gently ran his hands through the soft tresses, pushing it back out of her eyes. "I want you," his soft growl sizzled along her nerve endings, causing her pussy to spurt cream.

"I don't know you. Hell I don't even know anything about you. But god what you do to me is incredible." Mya was torn. Never before had someone affected her the way this man had. She didn't want to lose what she'd just found, but just didn't know him but the way he made her body sing with just simple touches was driving her mad.

LC pulled back from nuzzling her neck and met her tense gaze. Nodding, he dropped a quick soft kiss on her mouth before offering, "How about a date then? I'm not ready to let you go yet, but you're right, we should get to know each other."

Mya asked hesitantly, afraid to get her hopes up just yet. "You're a cop, where at? Where do you live?

"Over in Crescent Valley."

She nodded at the information. "I live in Applewood, twenty minutes from Crescent Valley."

"There see, we're practically neighbors."

Mya laughed. "Not quite big boy. But close enough. Now, about this date, when would you like for it to happen?"

He gave her one of his wicked smiles that brought out the winking dimple in his cheek. "I love your laugh, it so sexy." After another, slightly longer kiss he continued, "How about tonight. We're here, we're together, it's still early enough to catch dinner and a movie." His hands on her hips were gently rocking her against him, their centers pressed tightly together.

"Do you always move so fast?" she asked breathlessly.

"Would you believe me if I said that I've never done anything like this before?"

Tilting her head to study his intense gaze, Mya couldn't help but feel that he was telling her the truth. Deliberately brushing her aching breasts against his chest she decided to throw caution to the wind. Leaning into him until she was pressed against his big hard chest, she whispered into his ear, "Any wife or girlfriend I should know about?"

She felt the shiver that wracked his body and smiled. His voice was harsh and gritty when he replied. "None. How about you?" His fingers dug into her ass as his erection pressed even harder into her soft center.

Mya shook her head, letting her hair brush against his cheek. Running her hands up his back, feeling the muscles quiver under her fingers, she delicately traced the shell of his ear with her tongue. Continuing to whisper her words across his ear she answered, "None. Want to follow me home?"

LC groaned before fusing his mouth to her's. The heat seared the two of them together, their bodies tangling together as much as they could while sitting on the bike. Under her hands, LC's body was so hard, so hot that it fueled her own desire even more. Eventually they parted and LC leaned back with his eyes closed, breathing heavily. "Babe we got stop this quick before I embarrass myself right here in my pants."

A quick giggle escaped from Mya before she could stop it. "Well, we can't have that now. Help me up off this thing and let's go home."

LC gave her another grin before sliding his hands up from her hips to her breasts. Cupping the small but full mounds in his hands, he flicked his thumbs over the hard peaks standing tightly at attention. The moan escaped from Mya before she could bite it back. When he gently rolled one firm nipple between his fingers, she twitched her hips against his, feeling her panties grow even wetter.

"This isn't helping you know," Mya gasped out.

Chuckling, LC slid his hands back down to her waist and lifted her off the bike before swinging off of it himself. Pulling her close for another quick snuggle he released her after making sure she was steady on her feet. "Lead the way babe. And if once we get there, you're uncomfortable with things just say the word and I'll back off. We'll do the dinner and a movie thing very soon. As bad as I want you, I'll play it straight and do what you want."

Shaking her head Mya looked into his soft brown eyes. "I didn't think guys like you existed anymore."

"You must not have been looking in the right place," His smile warmed her from head to toe. She gave him a final kiss and unlocked her car. After securing her camera, she gave him a wave and started off. All during the thirty minute drive to her house, she kept checking in her rear view mirror to make sure he was still there. Her nerves were stretched tight with indecision over what to do once they reached her home.

Mya's house sat at the edge of town, down a short, drive. She loved the place because it was completely surrounded by trees, and during the summer months when everything was green and leafy, she was unable to see any of her neighbors. Biting her lip in indecision, she glanced around at the secluded property. When LC rode up on his bike, she walked over to him before he could get off and stood waiting for him to remove his helmet.

Once he was settled, she asked, "No offense, but can you prove you're a cop? Got a badge?"

Without a word, LC reached in his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. Flipping it open, he showed her his badge and police ID card. Mya took a moment to study the official looking items before placing her hands over his and closing the wallet, giving him a nudge to put it away.

Taking a step back, she reached for the hem of her t-shirt and pulled it over her head. She heard LC's breath catch as he before he slid the wallet back in his pocket. Standing before him, she slowly unfastened her jeans and shoved them down over her hips, kicking off her shoes and stepping out of them, leaving her standing out in the open in pretty lacy bra and panties.

"Oh my god." LC whispered reverently. "Babe, Green Eyes, you don't... we don't have to do this." She could see his fingers shaking slightly as he reached for her.

"I want to. Here on the bike." She closed the distance between them, letting him pull her to him as he turned his body and buried his face between her breasts.

LC took a moment to simply breathe in her scent and try to steady suddenly racing nerves. He lifted his head and took her mouth in a tender kiss, but it wasn't long before they were both panting and straining against each other once more. When he felt Mya tugging at his shirt, he pulled back and stood from the bike.

Swiftly he jerked his shirt over his head, was toeing off his shoes and working on his jeans before either of them could think. He threw his leg back over the bike before he stopped and then reached back down for his jeans. He quickly dug out a small foil wrapped package before dropping his wallet on top of the pile of clothes. Reaching for Mya he found her staring at a certain part of his anatomy, which only grew bigger under her gaze. "Babe, please." He groaned.

"Holy freaking cow. That thing is..." Mya could only stare. LC's cock may have been average in thickness, but just looking at it, seemed to be nearly ten inches long.

LC let out a bark of laughter. "Yes, now can you figure out what LC stands for?"

Mya's green eyes flashed to his in amusement. "Do I want to know how the other guys discovered this?"

He gave an anguished groan and grabbed her hand. Pulling her to the bike, he held her close while reaching up to unsnap her bra. Slowly pulling the straps down her arms, he gazed in awe at what was revealed. Her breasts were the perfect handful, plump and full without being overly large. Dusky pink nipples, stood proudly at attention, making his mouth water in anticipation.

With his position on the bike it put those tasty looking nipples right at the perfect level. Drawing one into his mouth, he groaned around it, sending shivers racing through Mya. Pressing it against the roof of his mouth and then lightly sucking, using his tongue to massage the underside, LC enjoyed his treat while Mya squirmed and gasped.

Without releasing her nipple, he slid her panties over her hips and dropped them down onto the soft grass. Slowly running his hands back up her legs, he cupped her firm ass cheeks and gave a squeeze before sliding between the cheeks to test the amount of wetness buried there. Mya grabbed his shoulders to keep her balance. He briefly switched nipples to give the other one its fair attention before releasing the little buds and helping her mount the bike.

Settling into his lap this time was a very different experience. Wrapping her legs around his hips, her dripping wet pussy slid snugly up against his long cock, smearing them both with her juices. She heard LC moan out something she didn't quite catch, before leaning back slightly, to look down at their centers.