A New Sales Role

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Beth starts a new sales role in home entertainment.
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After working with the meals on wheels set up for the older community for nearly 4 years, I was looking for a new opportunity to earn a little more money and broaden my horizons.

So, I responded to an advert looking for a sales representative to cover an area selling home entertainment products. I thought this sounded very interesting and the money was very good.

So I sent my CV and was invited to attend an interview at the company's premises on the outskirts of London.

I was a little nervous and so dressed very business like with a black trouser suit and white blouse with heels. I wore a little make up but made sure it was very conservatively administered.

I always felt a little powerful and very professional wearing my suit and I also though I looked a little sexy in it too.

The suit was tight fitting, so it showed my shapely bottom and being tight my breasts were also very prominent.

I was interviewed by two gentlemen, one was the owner, the other was the Sales Director.

The interview went well, and they liked my experience working with the food provider, it showed I was good at planning with routes and keeping to deadlines and it also showed a caring side which seemed to appeal to them.

They wanted to know if I was a good seller and could sell a variety of products and seize an opportunity when it arose.

I felt I could definitely do this and I told them so. At this point I wanted to know all about the products I would be selling, to see if I would feel comfortable and have enough knowledge of them, and who my customers would be.

The Home entertainment products were mainly DVD's. Feature films (a couple of years old), fitness, comedy, even adult!

They also supplied ancillary products such as DVD players and cleaning products and were looking to branch into other areas such as clothing and maybe even mobile phones.

It sounded very exciting and the salary was just what I was looking for.

I asked why there was currently a vacancy and whether someone was currently doing the role, or maybe it was a new role for the new products.

"Well actually, we had someone who had been in the role for a number of years, but they have recently left us." David the sales director informed me.

"She is quite an act to follow," continued Barry, the owner. "She had an eye for a deal and certainly went the extra mile to find new customers and close sales."

They both smiled when Barry added the last comment, I was nervous that I was not going to be as successful as my predecessor and curious about the 'extra mile' that he referred to, but I kept my thoughts to myself.

We shook hands and as I left, I felt both eyes on me as I walked away from the building.

I had decided that in my next role I intended to be better at separating my professional life and my sluttish tendencies, but I definitely felt a buzz at being watched and eyed up and down as I walked away. I was wondering what fun opportunities the role might afford me.

Within a couple of days, I was told that I had been successful and was offered the role. I called and accepted immediately and arranged to start in a weeks' time and would collect my new company car, complete with stock samples on the following Monday at 9am. I was delighted.

There was a slight surprise in the car waiting for me as I checked my stock in the boot however. Along with the DVD's and posters were the odd sex toy and even some lingerie. Was this a mistake?

I finished my day in the office and went through the list of customers that I would be visiting this week with David.

"So, these customers are all independent video stores, they know us well and got on very well with Janine so when you call them, they will be happy to see you.

These others are small stores who sell a few DVD's, worth a visit to try and grow some sales.

And these few at the bottom here I wouldn't worry about, a few contacts Janine had made, and we get a few orders from these guys, some are quite big, but get your feet under the table first and talk to me before calling them so I can run through the agreement with you." David informed me.

"David, I couldn't help noticing there were a couple of other items in the car as well as the DVD's, are we selling these too?" I asked.

"Oh, I think I know what you are referring to. Don't worry about them, Janine had her ways with her customers, and I ask no questions!! Ignore them, they weren't meant to be in the car maybe Janine ordered them before she left." David panicked a little as he explained the situation to me.

"But feel free to keep them." He added.

I felt for him a little, so I tried to help him out, "Don't worry, it's no problem, I was just wondering if they were meant for me or someone else, I'm ready to get started."

I tried my best to sound positive and not nervous and to let David know I was not concerned about these other items.

Janine would be worth trying to contact however, I'm sure she had some methods that might suit my style by the looks of things!

So off I went to Cyclops Video store at 10am the following morning. I met with the owner who made me a cup of coffee and had opened the store early for the meeting. We got on well and he was a little flirty, which I liked.

He was around 55 I would guess and had a great little business. He ordered some new titles and asked if I also had any from the adult range, as he used to order all of his adult titles from Janine.

"Oh yes, I have, I'm sorry I really haven't studied these titles yet, so I don't know which ones are new or old, how about I let you see the catalogue?" I suggested.

"Ah the famous catalogue!" said Peter, the owner.

Unsure of what he meant I opened the catalogue for the first time and saw a selection of pictures for films I had some copies of in the car.

At the back of the catalogue were some pictures of a very attractive long-haired woman in her thirties posing in lingerie, similar to the lingerie in my car.

After that a list of film names, one I remember was called 'Amateur cum swallowers vol.2!'

Peter looked through the pictures and asked if I had any of the films listed in the car.

"I am not sure, sorry forgive me, I only started yesterday." I pleaded.

"Don't worry, take your time." Peter said, relaxing me a little.

"So, did you get to meet Janine?" he asked.

"No, she left before I started, but I've heard a lot about her, seems she is going to be quite an act to follow." I answered.

"You can say that again, she was a one in a million woman, and as you can see, very attractive." Peter said.

"Oh, I didn't meet her, so I have no idea what she looks like." I responded.

Peter laughed. "Oh, maybe you didn't realize, that is her in the pictures modelling the sexy underwear."

Oh my god! I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She was modelling lingerie to her customers, I wondered what else she was doing. I though for a minute. Here I am selling porn videos to a guy in a closed shop with a car full of lingerie that he might be expecting me to model for him. What had I got myself into?

I wanted to get out of there, so I laughed and agreed that Janine was indeed a very attractive woman. I would be a little better prepared for our follow up meeting and would have more titles he was interested in, in stock. We made a small order and I agreed I would come back the same time next week.

"I'm looking forward to it." Peter said, "I'll make sure to have the coffee ready."

We said our goodbyes and I made for the car and drove off to my next appointment. Another small video store.

On the way to my next appointment, David the Sales Director called me in the car.

"Hi Beth, have you had your meeting with Peter from Cyclops yet?" he asked.

"Yes, I've just left actually, I am on my way to Surrey now for my next meeting." I responded.

"OK, well I should have given you more of a heads up about Janine and Peter's arrangement, did you manage to sell anything?" David asked.

It was becoming clear that there was an arrangement that I needed a little more information on before I went back next week. However, Peter was very nice and had promised to make me a coffee next week when we would spend a little more time on the catalogue, and I was sure to get an order from him.

"I'm sorry David, only a couple of small sales today but I am going back next week by which time I will have studied the catalogue a bit more, I had no idea he wanted to purchase the adult DVD's from us, so I will get an understanding of the titles and prices before we meet next week." I tried to reassure David, I did not want him thinking we were about to lose a good customer.

"Well if you can swing by the office later, on your way home, I can give you the details on this account, I forgot you were going in today, my mistake. Would that work, say about 6pm tonight?" David suggested.

"No problem, 6pm traffic permitting, I will see you later."

Now I was going to be home very late tonight, and I had a fairly busy day planned for tomorrow. Oh well, it's a new job, let's just make a good impression and make sure I let him know that I will do what it takes to get the order from Cyclops next week was my thinking.

I only lived 20 or so minutes from the office and I managed to get back around 5pm. It was a long day and I felt I needed a shower and a touch of make up before I went back to the office. I was already feeling a little inferior to the ultra-sexy Janine, so I thought I would turn up at the office looking powerful!

I quickly showered then put on a tight black dress. Black underwear of course, my panties were a very small thong and being slightly darker than the dress, the outline could be seen. I wanted David to know I was no prude and had no issues selling Adult DVD's.

I loved porn and was looking forward to watching some films at home when I had the chance.

Just before I left, I did a quick double take in the mirror to see if I looked good. I found myself feeling a little frisky when I thought about being in his office discussing adult films and being the shameless flirt I was, I wanted him to like me and know he could talk about anything with me. I was also keen to get the lowdown on Janine.

So, after careful consideration I made one change. Off with the bra.

I was now in a tight black dress and my nipples were a little too visible. My areolas are quite large and when aroused my nipples are very standout, If I get cold or feel a little saucy in the room, David is going to know about it.

The dress is tight so you can make out the roundness of my 36C breasts, I was happy that I looked sexy as well as powerful, so I put on a light jacket and made my way to the office.

When I got there the front door was locked. So I rang the bell and David came to the door.

"Have I got here too late?" I asked, wondering if I had the time wrong.

"No, 6pm, we agreed, the office closes at 5 and most people are out of here and the warehouse at 5.30pm. That way we get no interruptions, otherwise my office is like a train station!" David smiled as he explained.

"So I have you all to myself? Lucky me!" I said, then cringed inside as I realized what had just come out of my mouth.

"Indeed you have Beth, indeed you have." Said David as he held the door open for me and looked me up and down as I walked past and into his office.

He offered me a coffee, but I settled on bottled water and asked if it was OK if I took my jacket off as it was quite warm in his office.

He agreed and I removed it and suddenly felt a little self-conscious as I remembered I had only thin black cotton between him and my naked breasts. I knew they would betray me, and I could already feel my nipples stiffening as I removed it.

David was being very professional and explained to me how to make the sales with Cyclops, they simply placed the orders on the catalogue and a pre-agreed discount was applied to his orders, he ran through the volumes that triggered these deals and how best to maximize our opportunity.

"There's something else you should know about Janine and the relationship with Peter at Cyclops." David announced.

"I'll be straight with you." he said,

"We do some off the record business with them. Janine started selling them lingerie and hardcore adult DVD's, these are cash deals not through the books. Very profitable and Janine used to take a cut.

She made so much money from these that she used to model the underwear for a group of fiends of Peter's, then they would place the orders, big orders.

But I told Peter this was all going to stop and that we had a new person started now that Janine has left. She ran off with one of his customers and is now making adult films in Germany.

I didn't want to tell you earlier in case you ran a mile from us, but there it is and now that you know, it is Ok for you to discuss it with Peter, and he knows you won't be getting involved in any of this."

David seemed a little relieved to get this off his chest and was looking at me for my response.

"Well I won't pretend I'm not a little shocked, but it was clear something was going on, the lingerie, the catalogue with Janine in, now it all makes sense." I said.

"She'll be selling any films she makes directly to Peter, and a couple of our other customers, so that's why we asked her to leave." David added.

"Ah, so pushed rather than walked." I commented.

"Exactly, so are you OK to continue? I haven't frightened you away?" David half joked.

"No way." I said, "I'm ready for anything!" Again, I wondered what on earth had just come out of my mouth.

But as I sat there smiling after saying these words," I noticed David was staring at my breasts with a lustful look in his eye.

Quickly changing the subject, I said, "So back on the seat tomorrow morning, and a big order from Peter at Cyclops next week, I'll dust up on my adult film knowledge in the meantime."

"Great, well good luck and if you need any help or anything, please just come and see me, I'm here whenever you need me, and I'll do everything I can to make a success of this role for you."

David stood up and opened the door for me.

"And don't worry about me with Peter on Monday, I'll do and say all the right things." I said, then added, "I'll have him eating out of my hands in no time."

Before I could die inside again from my poor choice of words David said, "Well if you wear that dress next week, you'll certainly have his attention."

I smiled my flirtiest smile and walked out of his office, swinging my hips a little and hoping he got a good view of my thong as I left.

My first week flew by and I was picking up the ordering methods and gaining my product knowledge. It was becoming clear that Janine had a couple of customers with unusual arrangements, but I decided I would get as much business as I could for David to repay his support.

I was hoping for a big success on Monday at Cyclops and we had arranged a follow up meeting at 6.30pm Monday after my meeting to discuss how it went and my plans for the next couple of weeks.

Over the weekend, I couldn't stop thinking about how sexy this new job was. I was loving it and couldn't help but feel that it was going to be difficult not to go too far with David at some point.

I also felt really turned on about my meeting with Peter. He was just my type, the right age, I have a very soft spot for older men, and he was clearly and old pervert, an added bonus.

I couldn't get it off my mind and I thought long and hard about how to approach the meeting to maximise my order but also satisfy my burning libido which wanted to go into the meeting and let anything happen. But I had to be very careful.

By the time Monday morning had come I had made my decision.

I arrived at the meeting and Peter had already called me 20 minutes before the meeting to check whether I would still be coming, he was perhaps as keen on the meeting as I was.

The uniform for the meeting was very important, and not to let David down, I wore exactly what I had on at my meeting with him last week.

I kept my jacket on as my nipples were doing their best to escape from my dress, so I had to keep my jacket on for as long as possible before revealing them to him, all in good time I thought!

We ran through the titles and I was aware of the genres each film belonged in, he placed a number of orders and listened to my advice when I suggested titles due to their respective marketing budget or price discounts on offer.

We took a short break and I had already banked orders well over £40,000, David was expecting around £25,000, so this was going extremely well, and I felt a huge buzz.

When Peter came back into the office with the coffees, I had just removed my jacket. His eyes immediately went to my breasts and ran down my body taking in my shape.

"Lovely dress." He said, "God where did they find you?"

I smiled and told him what my previous job was (but not about how I used to suck three or four of the elderly customers cocks on a regular basis!)

Time to up the ante.

"Well I know that you had a different kind of arrangement with Janine and I was left some lingerie in my car by accident, I won't be selling these ongoing, so if you want to buy the samples I have in my car you are welcome and I will do a good price for you." I pitched.

"Sure, why not, let's see them then." Peter responded.

"There are 3 or 4 teddies and some matching bra and pantie sets, around 6 pieces in all, should I get the box from my car?" I asked.

"Yeah bring them in, I was hoping you might have a pair on you could show me but failing that let's see the box!" Peter added, joking but I think he was a little hopeful.

So imagine his surprise when I responded with, "Well I thought that might be your response, so I took some pictures of me wearing them and I have them on my phone if you'd like to see them?"

"Yes, let's see them, wow this is a treat." Said Peter and he sat next to me to get a view of my phone and put his arm around my waist giving it a little squeeze.

I opened my phone and selecting my photos, the first picture was of me in a black teddy, a lacy number with slightly see through areas around the breasts. Peter used his thumb and forefinger to expand the picture on my phone and zoomed right in to my boobs, he isn't shy!

"You're supposed to be looking at the underwear Peter." I said half smiling and half admonishing him.

"Keep going, let's see the next one." He said impatiently.

I selected a small white underwear set. A white push up bra and a white thong. I took front and back pictures so he could see the thong element.

Again, Peter zoomed in on the pictures, focusing on my bottom, breasts and bikini area.

"You know these are see-through, don't you?" he said, "looks like a well-trimmed little landing strip you are supporting there Beth too, just how I like it."

"I'm not sure you are really interested in the underwear Peter, let's give it a miss and get back to the last section of videos." I said, worried I was getting him worked up and unlikely to see any orders from it.

"Don't be like that Beth, look. I'll take all the underwear sets off you today and pay you cash for them, I'll also guarantee you a total of £50,000 across all titles, does that work for you?"

It more than worked for me, I would keep the underwear money (£280) and was about to double my target on DVD sales.

"You've taken these pictures so let me see the rest of them and we have a deal."

I slowly went through all the underwear photos I had taken, and he zoomed away, getting a good glimpse of my panties and bra and most of my body as I ran through each set.

We went through the last page of videos and we were finished, I gave him the order pad to sign to close the order as agreed.

"Well thank you for coming in today and especially for taking those pictures for me." Said Peter.