A Non-Consent Christmas Carol


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Laura was in blackness again. She could hear her abductor moving around. On the radio, the Ray Coniff Singers were harmonizing "Away In A Manger". Laura decided that her abductor was clearly insane, and would definitely kill her if provoked. She would have to go along with whatever he had in mind.

A few minutes later, Laura's blindfold was removed once more. In the dimly lit room, she could see the same tall man in the white mask. Now, however, he was clad in a long black robe. He reminded her of a judge. He said he would be judging her cooperation.

The electronic voice said, "I am the Spirit of Christmas Cock. You may address me as Spirit. You didn't misbehave, so you've earned pleasure."

The spirit lifted a small glass of dark liquid from the table and held it toward Laura.

"Do you like Chambord?" the spirit asked.

"Never had it before," Laura replied quietly.

"It's a raspberry liqueur. You'll like it. Open your mouth," the spirit said.

Laura reluctantly opened her mouth and the spirit poured a small amount of the liqueur in.

She swallowed and then said softly, "That's really good."

"Eloquently put." The spirit smiled and shook his head.

The spirit held the glass to her lips once more and poured the remainder in. Some dribbled out of her mouth and onto her breast. Laura swallowed, and the liqueur warmed her and calmed her. The Chambord glistened on Laura's lips. The spirit bent close, put his hand behind Laura's head, and pressed his lips to her's. She made no effort to resist. Then, the spirit moved downward and licked the Chambord from Laura's lovely breast. Laura closed her eyes, strangely enjoying the sensation.

The spirit stepped back, pulled an index card from his robe, and said, "You're here to learn, so let's begin." The spirit glanced at the card and continued, "First, you accused John Sulicek of sexually harassing you. Everybody where you work thinks that was a really shitty thing to do. They think you made a mountain out of a molehill. You could have resolved it by just talking to John."

"He wanted to get into my pants. He used to stare at me and wrote me letters," Laura tried to defend herself.

"John isn't some deranged stalker, and you know it! You could have talked things out, but drama queen Laura had to get John in trouble with management."

"He wrote that I had a lovely ass," Laura whined.

The spirit circled behind Laura, and then the fly-swatter stung her ass twice. Laura yelped.

"This isn't a fucking debate! Just shut up and listen!" the spirit said, sighed and continued, "Actually, John wrote that he didn't 'want to bust your lovely ass' about trying to get you to quit smoking. It was a misguided attempt to make you smile. A few days before that letter, you were bragging to your co-workers about how you used to model jeans because you had such a terrific ass…remember? That 'lovely ass' comment was meant to tease you a little. His attempt at humor went over your head."

"How do you know what John meant? Are you John?"

The spirit laughed, "We spirits know all…and nice try, but wouldn't you agree that John is shorter and heavier than me?"

"I suppose so," Laura half-whispered.

"If you survive this night, the spirits want you to make a heartfelt apology to John. Do you understand?"

Laura replied quietly, "Yes, spirit."

"Good, and that brings us to fault number two. Dear Laura, you are a cock-teaser. You've got nice tits and a lovely ass , and you're right to flaunt them. But, if you're going to show off your tits and ass, guys are going to look. Everybody's sick of listening to you complaining when a guy lets his eyes linger on your boobs for a couple of seconds. And another thing, you talk sexy and flirt with some of the guys at work, but you won't date anybody who's not wealthy husband material. You should try fucking a couple of blue collar guys. You might even loosen up and have some fun."

The spirit produced a small key and removed the handcuff from Laura's right wrist. Then, he gently rubbed her wrist where the cuff had been. After a few seconds, he released Laura's wrist, and then pulled the forty-five from his robe. Holding the gun in his right hand, the spirit aimed it in the general direction of Laura's head. Then, he took Laura's right hand in his left and guided it to the neck of his robe. He leaned close to her face.

The spirit whispered, "Now cock-teaser, you are going to show me what a cock-pleaser you can be. Open my robe."

Laura took the zipper between her right thumb and index finger, and pulled it down. Gazing at the spirit's bare chest, she realized that he seemed to be nude under the robe. She stopped when she reached his waist.

"All the way down, cock-teaser," the spirit whispered. Laura closed her eyes and pulled the zipper down until she felt it totally separate. The spirit stepped out of his gown and placed the gun on the table, out of Laura's reach. He knew he could kill her with his bare hands if he wanted to. Then, the spirit moved close to Laura, slipped his left arm around her waist, and pulled his nude body against hers. He ran the fingers of his right hand through her hair.

He whispered, "Open your eyes and show me that you want to please me."

Laura opened her eyes and saw the white-masked face inches from hers. It was difficult to see the color of the spirit's eyes in the dim light. However, they seemed less menacing to Laura than they had earlier.

Laura knew that resistance would result in pain, and that her only chance of surviving was to please this lunatic. So, when the spirit held her head and pressed his lips to hers, she kissed him. When Laura felt his tongue probe her lips, she opened her mouth and allowed him to enter. She reluctantly tongue-kissed her abductor. He moved his lips against hers as their tongues intertwined. Laura had to admit that he was a terrific kisser.

Laura felt the spirit's cock stiffen and grow against her stomach. Soon, a large erection pressed against her bare skin. Her nipples brushed against his powerful chest, and Laura recalled that it had been quite awhile since she'd been intimate with any man.

The spirit kissed her neck sensuously, then kissed his way down her chest. He cupped her right breast and licked and sucked her nipple. She was powerless to prevent him. Then, he did the same to her other nipple until they were both erect. Suddenly, he stood upright again.

The spirit whispered, "Now, look upon me."

Laura gazed at a muscular chest, moderately covered with salt and pepper chest hair. He's middle-aged, Laura thought. Then, she let her eyes move down across his relatively flat stomach, and then, even further downward. Sticking straight out from his body was the biggest erection Laura had ever seen (not that she'd seen many). She guessed that it had to be nine inches and proportionally thick.

The spirit grabbed her free right wrist, and placed the palm of her hand against his chest. Then, he slid her hand down across his stomach, through his pubic hair, until the long hard-on was in the palm of Laura's hand. She curled her fingers around it and felt it throb.

The spirit whispered, "Don't get any foolish ideas. You're pleasing me fine, so far."

Laura forced a smile and said, "It's so nice and big."

She gently stroked the stiff, warm shaft. The spirit pressed his lips to hers once more and they tongue kissed. He rubbed and squeezed her firm ass cheeks as they kissed.

Suddenly, the spirit broke their embrace and let out a sigh. He put the microphone back on and the electronic voice said, "Before I get carried away, there's one other thing…Laura, my little right-wing slut, none of the nice people you work with want to listen to your recycled political ideas. Most of them disagree with you and wish you'd just keep your mouth shut! Do you understand?"

"Yes, spirit…no politics at work," Laura said meekly.

"I don't know if you really mean it, but I think we might be making progress."

The spirit poured more Chambord into the glass and passed it to Laura's free hand. She drained it in two swallows, enjoying the numbing warmth the alcohol provided.

"Thank you," Laura whispered.

"I told you that cooperation would bring pleasure," the spirit said, and then kissed Laura again. "Speaking of which, it's time you've met another spirit to help with your reclamation. It'll be necessary to temporarily blindfold you again," the spirit said as he reinstalled the eye covering. Then, he took her right wrist and went to put the handcuff back on it.

"You don't have to do that," Laura said softly. "I won't try to escape."

The spirit chuckled. "Please don't insult my intelligence, and be glad I don't punish you for that."

He snapped the handcuff over her wrist, and then rubbed his semi-erect cock against her hand.

The electronic voice said, "If you're good, I'll let you fondle my cock some more."

Then, Mike put the black robe back on and went upstairs to find Domino.

Laura strained to hear, but the continuous Christmas music was the only clear sound. She wondered what else the spirit had in store for her. A few minutes had passed, when Laura heard footsteps again.

Domino was only a little surprised to see a nude, blindfolded woman handcuffed to a wooden frame. Mike had explained the woman's bondage fantasy in detail.

Mike whispered to Domino, "Would you like a glass of Chambord, spirit?"

"I love Chambord," Domino whispered.

Mike poured three glasses, and handed one to Domino. He took a swallow of his, then put his mask back on, and also the microphone. He carried a glass over to Laura.

The electronic voice said, "You've behaved yourself, so you may have more Chambord. Open your mouth."

Laura opened her mouth and Mike poured some of the raspberry liqueur onto her tongue. Laura swallowed and felt it warm her. Mike allowed her another swallow before setting the glass down. He signaled Domino to stand before Laura.

"You've met the Spirit of Christmas Cock," the voice said, "now behold the Spirit of Christmas Pussy."

With that, he lifted Laura's blindfold. Before Laura's eyes stood another figure in long, black gown. Concealing its identity was a black mask tied around its head. The mask also served to hold back its long dark hair. The figure was unmistakably female. She reminded Laura of the Queen of Swords on TV…a female Zorro. Laura watched as the male spirit moved next to the female, and put his arm around her. Laura saw that he was clad in the black gown once again.

"This spirit is also here to help with your education. The same rules apply. If you cooperate with her, there'll be pleasure; if not, pain. I suggest you listen to the spirit, and do what she anything tells you."

Domino pulled a piece of paper from her gown and stood directly in front of the naked woman. Pretty nice body and face for an older broad, Domino thought. Mike moved behind Laura, fly-swatter at the ready.

Domino glanced at the paper, and her electronically altered voice said, "The women you supervise call you 'the moody bitch'. You act friendly one minute, then make them feel like idiots, the next. You pretend to be their friend, but you'll stab them in the back if you think it will get you brownie-points with management. You need to stop thinking only of yourself and start treating others a lot better. Tonight, how well you pleasure us spirits will be your final exam…an exam you don't want to fail," Domino looked toward Mike and asked, "How was that spirit?"

Mike grinned and replied, "Worthy of an Oscar."

Next, Mike gently removed Domino's microphone headset. He'd decided that Laura wouldn't be able to identify Domino's voice after all. Then, Mike took Domino in his arms and kissed her passionately. He decided that the pleasuring part of the evening was overdue. He broke the embrace and took one step back.

"Why spirit, what is that beneath your robe? Is it ignorance and want?" the electronic voice said, relating back to Dickens again.

Then, Mike took hold of the zipper on Domino's gown, slid it down, and helped the gown fall to the floor. Laura's eyes widened to see that under the gown, the woman was wearing only sexy black lingerie. A very sheer black gown reached to her mid-thigh. Underneath that, Laura could clearly see a black garter belt and stockings, and black bikini panties. Her nipples could be seen through the sheer cups.

Mike cupped Domino's large tits and the electronic voice chuckled, "You'd have to be ignorant not to want to suck these beauties." Mike's cock hardened and grew as he gazed at the gorgeous Domino. As Mike kissed Domino, she pulled down the zipper on his gown, and helped the gown fall to the floor.

"Oh my, it's Tiny Tim," Domino laughed. "No, more like the Yule log!" Domino wrapped her fingers around Mike's hard-on and fondled it.

"Oh yeah, honey," Mike moaned.

After a few moments of fondling, Mike whispered to Domino, "Can't forget my other guest."

Laura could only watch as the male spirit stepped close to her. The head of his long, stiff cock grazed her stomach. In one motion, Mike ran the fingers of his left hand through Laura's hair, tilted her head back, wrapped his right arm around her shoulders, hugging her, and pressed his lips to her's. She felt his warm woody press against her stomach as their tongues intertwined once more. Then, Laura felt his strong hands squeeze her ass cheeks, and press her pelvis against his. As her nipples rubbed against the spirit's powerful chest, Laura realized that, even against her conscious will, she was becoming aroused.

Mike kissed his way down Laura's neck, and then fondled and licked her firm tits. Laura looked down and watched the spirit's tongue move over her erect nipples. Her breathing quickened.

Out of the corner of her eye, Laura saw the female spirit take something off the table and move behind her. Then, Laura heard a humming sound, just audible over the Christmas music. Without warning, Domino spanked her hand against Laura's ass cheek, causing Laura to gasp softly. A moment later, Laura felt the vibrator touch her inner thigh, and then move upward. From behind, Domino moved the vibrator over Laura's pussy as she would have used it on herself. Within a few minutes, Laura wouldn't have closed her legs, even if she could. In spite of her situation, Laura felt her juices begin to flow.

While Domino pleasured Laura with the vibrator, Mike retrieved a key from the table. Then, he attached one end of a long leather leash to the collar around Laura's neck. The other end of the leash was already secured to the frame. Next, Mike unlocked the handcuffs around Laura's wrists and opened them. He took her right wrist and gently rubbed it.

Mike looked into Laura's eyes and whispered, "Don't try anything foolish now that your hands are free. Cooperate with us and you'll experience much pleasure."

"Yes, spirit," Laura whispered. Part of what frightened Laura was how her abductor threatened to kill her one minute, and treated her gently the next. He seemed clearly unstable.

Mike slowly sank to his knees in front of Laura, running his hands down her sides.

The electronic voice said, "Spirit of Pussy, come stand close to the cock-teaser."

Domino turned off the vibrator and also stood before the kneeling spirit. Mike stuck out his tongue and began to run it up and down Laura's already wet pussy. Laura inhaled sharply as his tongue slid over her clit.

Then, Mike moved before Domino and buried his face into her dense, but neatly trimmed bush. Domino placed her hands on top of the mask which covered Mike's head, as he licked her rapidly moistening pussy.

"Oh yeah, I like it like that," Domino said and smiled at Laura. Laura responded with a weak smile.

Then, Mike returned to Laura and began to lick her wet muff once again. Laura ran her hands toward to back of Mike's head, urging his mouth tighter against her clit. Mike alternated between Laura and Domino until both women were very hot and wet. As Mike was licking Laura, Domino lay on the carpet and took Mike's hard-on into her mouth. Mike gasped quietly and slid two fingers into Laura's wet box.

"Oh God," Laura moaned, and closed her eyes. By then, Mike's face was wet with both Laura's juices and Domino's. Laura's arousal seemed to be genuine to Mike, so he decided to take a gamble.

"Spirit, honey, stop for just a minute," Mike reluctantly said to Domino.

As Mike's cock slid out of her mouth, Domino grinned and said, "You're the boss."

Mike stood and helped Domino to her feet. Mike unshackled Laura's ankles, but left the long leash on her collar. Mike stood and faced Laura. He allowed the head of his saliva-covered hard-on to rub against Laura's belly.

Domino said to Laura, "Now it's time to show the spirit that you're gonna be a cock-sucker and not just a cock-teaser. Get on your knees, Blondie." Domino tugged downward on Laura's leash.

Laura put her palms on Mike's chest and whispered, "Whatever you want…" Then, she slowly sank to her knees, sliding her hands down Mike's stomach, and through his pubes.

Laura held the long ivory hard-on between her palms, in a prayer-like position. Looking up at Mike, Laura ran her tongue over the head of his boner. Mike smiled down at Laura. Then, Laura wrapped the fingers of her right hand around the warm, stiff shaft, and guided it into her mouth. Laura could feel the big rod throb inside of her mouth. Mike ran his fingers through Laura's hair while she serviced him.

Domino had taken a digital camera from the table, and proceeded to take several photos of Laura sucking the spirit's hard-on. Laura knew not to protest. Then, Domino set the camera back on the table, moved close to Mike, and rubbed her breasts against him. Mike slipped his hands underneath the sheer, black negligee and helped Domino remove it. While Laura licked and sucked his hard-on, Mike licked and fondled Domino's firm, round tits. As Domino looked down to watch Mike lick her nipples, strands of her long, dark hair brushed Mike's face. Its sensual softness excited Mike even more.

After a few minutes, Mike decided that he'd enjoy seeing Laura pleasure Domino.

"It's time for our student slut to pleasure the Spirit of Pussy, too," the electronic voice said.

To Domino, Mike whispered, "Spirit, would you be kind enough to lay on that mattress for me?"

Domino smiled and whispered, "Anything you want, spirit." Then, she lay down on the fitted sheet covering the mattress.

Mike wrapped his hands around Laura's upper arms and gently lifted, indicating that she should stand. Laura stood. Mike gazed into Laura's pretty green eyes. Lust had replaced fear in them.

Then, Mike whispered, "You sucked my cock real good. Now, you need to please her just as well." Mike motioned toward Domino.

"But I'm not a lesbian," Laura whispered.

Mike smiled and said, "Whether you're bisexual is irrelevant. You're here to be taught a lesson. You are going to lick those big, beautiful tits, and eat that delicious pussy, and do your best to please the spirit, or else." Mike took hold of Laura's leash, and led her to the foot of the mattress. Domino smiled and spread her legs. Mike pulled downward and forward on the leash, and Laura crawled on all fours up between Domino's legs. Mike stopped leading when Laura's face was even with Domino's breasts.

"A pair of beauties, aren't they, Laura?" the electronic voice asked.

"Yes, they are," Laura said softly, as she gazed at Domino's breasts. They were large and firm and Laura could tell they weren't implants. Domino's nipples were neither too large nor too small. They were as perfect a pair of real breasts as Laura had ever seen. Since there was no alternative, Laura leaned down and ran her tongue over Domino's nipple. Then, Laura moved her tongue back and forth, and up and down, and quickly the nipple became erect. Next, Laura moved to the other nipple and licked and sucked it until it too was erect. Domino moaned softly as Laura pleasured her.