A Professor Learns a Lesson...

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A lprofessor learns there is more to life than study.
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Georgina took her cup of coffee to the sitting room, and looked at the luggage she had packed earlier. She had never packed this early - normally she would always pack just before she went - not that she was disorganised - rather it was the most effective use of her time. Equally she had packed so many times for teaching trips, lecture tours, weekend conferences that she knew exactly what to do as quickly as possible. But this was different - a weekend away with friends.

Not just friends; perhaps not really friends. Brenda and Tony. How unusual was it for a professor of theoretical philosophy to have a weekend away with her secretary and the secretary's husband? She had never been away with a colleague, let alone a junior member of staff before. If she was honest, she had never been away with anyone for many years. Yes, she travelled teaching, lecturing, but a weekend with friends - it was so long she couldn't remember the last time.

It was the problem of being "professor of theoretical philosophy." She loved lecturing, but it was a rather remote role. So many people found a female professor threatening. And with time fewer and fewer people remembered her as Georgina, and more and more only knew her as Professor MacDonald. It felt like for ever since she had been invited to be the youngest "head of faculty" in the history of the university to be appointed - head of faculty at only 26 - such was her ability at her subject.

Georgina sipped her coffee and reflected more on her life. Here she was now 39, considered one of the world's greatest professors of philosophy. She was respected by her faculty both as a good head and brilliant scholar, but there had been such sacrifices. Only one person called her by her first name now - Harry, who had been lecturing in the department even before she had been made head of faculty, who had never been jealous of her achievements - he knew he was an effective lecturer, but that Georgina was in a different league to him. It had also made an impact on her private life. She had had boyfriends in her early twenties, but who wants to date a "clever woman," let alone a brilliant philosopher? She wasn't frightening, but men were simply frightened of her. It was difficult, but she had immersed herself more and more into her study, but as she studied more so she became more frightening, more alone.

Georgina took some more sips from her coffee, and reflected on the coming weekend with Tony and Brenda. She was surprised to find herself feeling nervous. Brenda frightened her.

It wasn't that Brenda was horrible. Quite the opposite - she was delightful, warm, caring. It wasn't that she was a bad worker. She was a perfectly good PA. In the six months since Brenda had worked for her, she had been friendly, effective, an asset. It wasn't that Brenda was a domineering character. She wasn't - she was warm and caring. She was suitably respectful. Georgina found it difficult to say what frightened her about Brenda.

Georgina finished her coffee, checked her luggage again, then sat to wait. What was it about Brenda? And Tony, whom she had met a number of times when he had picked Brenda up from work, someone she found to be as friendly as Brenda. Somehow, it was that Brenda didn't treat her differently. Brenda treated her as another person, no more important, no less important. Brenda wasn't taken in by the "frightening woman" thing. Wasn't taken in by the image of the power dressing professor who was unreachable. She treated Georgina as a person, not a figure.

Georgina found it frightening, yet at the same time found herself saying things to Brenda she had never said to anyone else for 15 years, things she had never even consciously thought for 10 years. It wasn't that she poured her heart out - she wasn't that sort, it was just stray comments. Once she commented on a visiting lecturer, about how good looking he was. On another occasion she had mentioned a boyfriend from her early twenties, and had said something about how he made her body "zing." Once she had commented sadly about having to make the choice between her career and relationships, admiring those who could do both. Every time it had been a passing comment, but a passing comment she wouldn't have made to anyone else. Somehow it was just Brenda...............

Georgina put her thoughts aside, wondered if she had packed the right books to read for a weekend, went to her study, found another, put it into her suitcase, sat down. She knew it was silly - who can read SIX books on a weekend - it was a nervous thing - her nerves were growing as she sat and waited, and sorting out a book was just a nervous reaction.

He mind went back to her former thoughts. Brenda. She knew she had said things, but the invitation for the weekend at their country hide-away - a log cabin by a lake, in the forest, had been a real surprise, out of the blue. She had seen photos of the cabin and the setting looked wonderful but she had never thought of going there. She tried to remember how the conversation went, as she went over her diary with Brenda on Monday morning. Brenda was reminding her of special events through the week: "..............and Friday you are lecturing at the Philosophical society at lunchtime." Brenda whistled and continued: "Living At the Border of Existentialism and Nihilism - culture in 2007." Brenda had stared at it. "I don't know what the topic means, let alone what it's about!"

Georgina smiled - for a "Professor of Theoretical Philosophy" it was old hat - she wouldn't need to do much preparation for that. Her thoughts, however, were cut short as Brenda continued. "Hey - you've got a free weekend. How unusual is that?"

Georgina suddenly looked sad again, something she would have hidden from anyone else. "Hate empty weekends." She shouldn't have said it - she tried to get her "mask" in place again, but Brenda had heard the sadness in the voice again.

"If you want something to do, come with us to our cabin for the weekend." She paused, just long enough for Georgina to say no, but she didn't, so Brenda continued. "Okay - that's organised. We'll pick you up on Friday about 6pm - couple hours drive, you spend the weekend with us. Now you've got the meeting with the senior lecturers." Georgina had found herself ushered out of the room before she could respond.

The meeting with the senior lecturers had gone very slowly. Part of Georgina had been quite excited at the thought of going away. Part of her was terrified. She hadn't done this before. How should she behave? Should she say no? Georgina decided she would decline, but somehow through the week she had never quite had the chance, or perhaps hadn't tried hard enough to make the chance to say no. Even at four o-clock on the Friday she was going to say no, but Brenda had left early to pack the car - there was no chance.

When the door bell rang the reality hit Georgina. Nerves seemed to strangle her stomach. At the door was Brenda.

Brenda was dressed in Jeans and t-shirt. Rather more "bouncy" than she was at work. "Come on honey - let's get that case in the car, then we can be on our way. Tony filled up with gas earlier - we won't be held up." Brenda took the case that Georgina was about to pick up. Georgina, instead, locked the house. In seconds they were taking to the road, hurrying out of the town. Georgina's nerves were still strong, but there was no turning back.

In fact Georgina enjoyed the journey. They chatted about the scenery, about what they might do at the lodge, about what food they had. They stopped on the way to eat - by 9.00pm they were closing the door of the lodge, their luggage safely inside. It was dark when they arrived - what Georgina had seen in the headlights promised that the place was far more beautiful than she had hoped. All agreed coffee was needed before they sorted out the lodge, and where everything should go, although Georgina was glad of the bathroom.

It was in the bathroom she had her first inkling that something was different, something made her feel unsure. It wasn't anything horrible. It wasn't just the lack of locks. The thing which struck her - and it took her a few moments to realise what it was, was the stylish glass vibrator on a shelf in the corner of the room - put there as if it was simply an ornament. Then on the shelf above she noticed the small glass ornament - but no ordinary ornament - it was of a strong muscular naked man, and a woman - small but beautiful - hanging from his neck, equally naked, impaled on the man's huge organ, her legs wrapped around him, her face a mask of bliss. Part of Georgina smiled at the sheer brazenness of the ornament. Part of Georgina was confused - she had never seen anything as explicit as that ornament. Part of Georgina was.............. She couldn't put it into words - later she thought perhaps tingling was the right word.

Seconds later the three were sat drinking coffee, eating chocolate cake. They chatted for an hour, before Georgina thought to ask the obvious question. "Can you show me where I'm sleeping, so I can sort myself out?"

Georgina couldn't make out the change in atmosphere, as Brenda and Tony looked to each other. Tony answered. "..........mmmmmm, we, um, only have one bed here - you will have to, um, sleep with us."

"Sleep with you? I couldn't do that. Couldn't I sleep on the sofa, or something like that?"

Brenda stepped in. "Course not - it's much too cold for that. In any case, we have a king-sized bed. We'll be fine. Come on, I'll show you."

Tony excused himself claiming he had to finish unloading the car, and needed to get more firewood ready; he disappeared out of the front door. Brenda said to Georgina "Come on honey, let me show you where you are sleeping."

Georgina found herself ushered through a door, that she had assumed was a bed room. As she entered she stopped and gasped. In the middle of the room was a king-sized bed, but it wasn't that which startled her. It was clearly a room in a log cabin, with wooden walls, ceiling open to the roof. It wasn't the wardrobes, or other furniture. What struck her was the huge painting, mural covering the wall at the head of the bed. Covering the whole wall. This mural wasn't just erotic, although it was erotic. It was tastefully and skilfully painted. Georgina thought in her mind it was artistic, but that the same time it was hugely pornographic. Obscene, even.

Georgina stared at the mural. It wasn't horrible, or nasty. There were pictures of men and women having sex. There were women performing oral sex on men, and on other women. Men performing oral sex on women. Perhaps most prominent in the mural - a women's face, covered in cum, inches from a cock that was clearly still emptying onto her, the woman looking beautiful and submissive. All that had been painted of the man was the area from his knees to his waist.

Brenda let Georgina look for a few moments, then giggled. "Don't worry about that. Tony had a quiet couple of days up here on his own a few weeks ago, and this is what he did with his time."

Georgina again felt confused. She didn't want to know HOW it got there, but why. It didn't seem to occur to Brenda that a huge erotic, pornographic mural may not be what everyone has in their house. Georgina stuttered. "But, um, why that.............."

Brenda smiled. "It's what Tony does for a living. He gets commissions to paint these sorts of murals and pictures for all sorts of wealthy people. Always in good taste, or course. So he promised me one for my birthday - and here it is. Do you like it?"

Georgina looked again, but couldn't find words to answer. She couldn't believe herself - a corner of her mind was saying to her - wouldn't you like to be that woman? It was stupid - she hadn't had sex for lots of years - too many to remember. She had repressed her drives, she had channelled her energy into her work. Suddenly there had been a chink in her thoughts - she quickly pushed the thought to her sub-conscious again - if she had to she would act as a "Theoretical Philosopher" and reflect on what these pictures said about culture and the condition of mankind. They could be an object of study for her - but she wouldn't let them be more. Brenda smiled, then began to unpack her suitcase. Georgina followed suit, aware that Brenda would not be offended even if Georgina ignored her question.

The rest of the evening was rather confusing. Georgina performed her nightly ritual of washing and teeth-cleaning, and changed into her pyjamas in the bath room while the others changed in the bedroom.

By midnight all three were in the bed - despite Georgina's many protests. She was on one side, Brenda in the middle, Tony on the other side. On reflecting later, she was surprised how quickly she had gone to sleep, and how solidly she slept.

Georgina wasn't aware of how long she had slept, but as she opened her eyes she could make out daylight peeping through the curtains. She often found waking hard work, and this morning was no different. She slowly forced herself into consciousness, and suddenly became aware of something not right. The bed was moving. Something else wasn't right - strange noises were coming from next to her. Without moving she was suddenly very awake. It was only seconds before her mind made sense of it.

She was sharing a bed with Tony and Brenda. Tony and Brenda were making love. Tony and Brenda were having sex.

Georgina daren't move - she didn't know what to do. She listened again - it was clear Brenda and Tony, by their moaning and speed the bed was rocking, were near to coming.............

Georgina was amazed at her reaction - it felt like her groin twisted, she felt instantly that her panties were wet. She felt the blood pulsing. It was a long time since she had had sex, and certainly since sex had made this impact on her. The two people making love - next to her - in bed with her - it had turned her on unbelievably. Georgina did the only thing she could do - she pretended she was asleep , while her mind processed what was happening. As Brenda and Tony both came at the same time, the bed shaking, moaning, crying out, Georgina knew she was being torn in two - her mind trying to work out, her body turned on. Somehow if the great erotic picture had been a chink in her armour, what was happening now had driven a train through her armour - all those years of repression where sex hadn't seemed important to her, and here she was turned on as never before, her pussy soaking, simply because she had seen a smutty picture and lay next to two people "having it off."

Georgina knew Brenda and Tony were cuddled up together, then felt the bed move as Tony said he would get breakfast, as Brenda obviously went for a shower. In seconds the smell of frying bacon was filling the lodge, as Georgina pretended to wake up and join Brenda and Tony for Breakfast.

As they sat to eat, they chatted about different things - whether they had slept well, what they might do - deciding in the end to explore the lake in the rowing boat they had. Then a slight pause as Brenda poured more coffee. It was Brenda who started the conversation again, but not one inch near where Georgina thought it would be.

"You know," said Brenda, in a matter-of-fact voice, "If you get turned on by us making love, you are welcome to masturbate, and even welcome to ask Tony to fuck you as well. Or me, if you want a woman to take you. You don't need to lie there pretending to be asleep."

The silence was overwhelming. Tony and Brenda smiling affectionately at Georgina, Georgina so embarrassed that she dare not make contact with their eyes, let alone speak, as she processed what Brenda had said. She had been found out..............

It was Brenda who continued gently. "Honey, I've known ever since I've worked with you that your job has made you untouchable. No man dare risk approaching someone so frightening they have the title "professor or theoretical philosophy." That part of your, um," Brenda paused to find the words, "part of your physical and psychological make-up was being starved. It's been a long time, hasn't it?"

The silence seemed to last for hours, if only lasting a minute. Georgina even surprised herself as she whispered her one word reply: "Yes."

Brenda continued. "Honey, we are not affected by titles. We like people. We like you a lot. If you want, this weekend we will re-introduce you to sex." Brenda paused. "Let's go out in the boat, give you time to think about it."

The boat trip felt strange. They were out on the lake, landing on one or two Islands, for the best part of four or five hours. No-one mentioned what had happened earlier. At times Georgina even forgot the undercurrents as she enjoyed the chatter, the jokes, the scenery, the sun, as she enjoyed the picnic they had made earlier. She particularly enjoyed the chance to row the boat herself, the fun of being almost childlike in exploring the Islands in the lake. Yet somehow there was an undercurrent, but one that Georgina didn't seem to be able to resolve in her mind. She was aware that neither Tony nor Brenda were anything apart from really good friends, who enjoyed her company. She thought, but she couldn't decide............

Late in the afternoon they returned to the log cabin, the boat moored at the small pier in the lake.

"We could let Tony make something to eat while we have a shower." Brenda spoke cheerfully to Georgina. "What do you think?"

Tony replied, a smile in his voice. "Have to do all the work around here. Suppose it's okay.........."

"Come on, then, that's agreed" responded Brenda as she took Georgina by the hand land pulled her gently towards the shower.

As Brenda and Georgina disappeared through the door to the shower room, Brenda whispered softly to her. "Anytime you say stop, we will stop, but I hope you won't. Let's remove your clothes."

Even this Georgina felt nervous about - it was a long time since she was naked in front of anyone. She told herself - she was a professor of theoretical philosophy - she could think this out, and she was simply getting her clothes off to have a shower after a day on a boat with friends, and there happened to be another female present whose body was just like hers. Of course she knew that her thoughts weren't the whole story, but they let her deceive herself.

"Wow, you really do have a sensational body." Brenda's voice broke into Georgina's musings. It was odd for Georgina to hear what Brenda said, and her heart leapt - often she would be complimented on her lectures, or ideas, but her body, something sexual..............the sensation for a woman is something very different...........

Brenda gently pulled Georgina into the shower, and they began to wash in the cramped space. Cramped was the operative word. One moment Brenda's elbow knocked against Georgina's side, the next Georgina stood on Brenda's toe. Both apologised. Then Brenda leant forward just as Georgina turned, and her head came to rest on Georgina's right Breast! Brenda giggled, Georgina giggled.

"Perhaps we should wash each other's backs," suggested Brenda, and without waiting for an answer began to soap Georgina's back. Georgina had already got the giggles - the washing made her giggle all the more.

"Stop giggling," exclaimed Brenda in mock stern-ness.

"Can't," gasped Georgina.

"This will stop you," responded Brenda in her exasperated voice. With that she turned Georgina around and clamped her lips straight on to Georgina's mouth.

Georgina was stunned, tense, knowing this could be..........

Brenda held the kiss until Georgina seemed to relax. Brenda thrust her tongue into Georgina's mouth and began to probe. It was a tense minute, until Brenda felt Georgina begin to respond with her own tongue. For Georgina she suddenly found she was enjoying it. Her body was responding. Her nipples seemed to flick and press against Brenda's. She wrapped her arms around Brenda; suddenly the kiss was passionate and mutual as Brenda began to explore Georgina's body with her hands, running them down her back, grasping her ass, sneaking a finger between the cheeks, then moving to her breasts, Georgina still holding on, aroused as she had never been aroused before. It was so long with a man. She had never with a woman, and yet this was so good.............