A Project for Bethany Ch. 07


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As her words penetrated Matthew's distracted mindset, Bethany spun around and followed Katherine into the bedroom. Matthew didn't start moving until after he heard the door close tight.

First, he looked down. Dripping precum from his caged cock had seeped from the perforations in the chastity tube and a spreading wet spot low on his crotch was the result. Matthew did his best to convince himself that his mother hadn't noticed.

Matthew was halfway down the hall to change when he realized what outfit was left, and his mother would see him in it when they came out of the bedroom for lunch. Focusing on his desire to please Bethany and maintain their relationship, he continued obediently to follow her instructions.

Pulling his shirt off as he entered the bathroom, Matthew set it aside and hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his slacks. Bending quickly as he pushed them down his thighs he felt the shifting and squirming of the anal plug he'd nearly forgotten about. Breathing deeply between tightly closed teeth as he paused to regain control of his mind and body, Matthew continued to slip out of the tight slacks at a more deliberate pace.

Folding the slacks and polo shirt, Matthew set them aside for the laundry. Naked except for his collar and chastity cage, he looked himself over in the mirror. Idly, he trailed the fingertips of one hand over his stomach, feeling the slight valleys of a six-pack forming as a result of his workout routines. He was pleased that his mother noticed, but perhaps wished that the circumstances had been somewhat different.

As he stood naked in front of the mirror he realized that he hadn't closed the bathroom door. Out of well-established habit, he only did so when using the bathroom and it hadn't even crossed his mind to do so now simply because Bethany had a guest in the apartment. That realization did, however, spur Matthew to get dressed quickly.

First, he stepped into the running shorts. This time, knowing how the plug would shift and move, he relaxed and let it provide the sensations it was designed for. The lightweight and liner-less shorts hardly felt like he was wearing anything at all. With his eyes half-closed as the plug's tip shifted again, Matthew touched the waistband with his fingertips, a reassurance that they were actually on his body. Next, he slipped on the cropped t-shirt.

Matthew looked back to the mirror to see how the thin material of the shirt hugged his chest and how the bottom hem left a few inches of exposed skin above the waistband of the shorts. He had to admit the workout schedule he had adopted was making a real difference. As much as he tried to convince himself that he could play it cool in front of his mother, 'Lady K' he reminded himself, he also knew that Bethany loved to tease him in this outfit and keep him aroused and dripping. That mental connection, Matthew knew, was going to be working at cross purposes to the intent of playing it cool.

The intercom panel beside the apartment door chimed once as Matthew walked back into the living room. After confirming that it was the delivery from the deli, he released the lock on the security door in the building foyer and prepared to receive the delivery by donning the mask he kept near the door for such events.

Moments later he heard the elevator bell in the quiet hallway and soon after the confident rap of knuckles on the apartment door.

"Good morning Mrs. Rubek," Matthew said as he opened the door wide.

The Rubeks ran an old-world market and delicatessen in a vintage storefront across the street from the apartment building. It seemed to Matthew that he saw Mr. or Mrs. Rubek almost every week. For deliveries of groceries, he could expect Mr. Rubek to show up at the door. When he did, Matthew was expected to lead him to the kitchen for the box to be placed on the counter. Exposing himself as he did in the light clothing he usually wore to receive deliveries, Matthew could expect to have at least one innuendo-laced comment from the deli owner. For delivery of meals, it was almost always Mrs. Rubek at the door. She would hand the bags or box to Matthew, then step in and with a hand in the small of Matthew's back, guide him to the kitchen where she would issue any instructions for their final preparation as Matthew unpacked the meals.

Matthew knew that the Rubeks had a history with Bethany in the local kink community. She had spoken about them in her descriptions of people he would meet when she was able to take him to munches and play parties. But he wasn't exactly certain of the details of their history. The Rubeks apparently enjoyed playing as a couple with younger men and women. Each year they quietly offered an opportunity to someone they'd met in the community who was entering their last year at the university. They provided a guaranteed job and a small apartment, and in return, they had a new live-in playmate. Their only expectation was that the chosen person kept their grades up in their last year of university. Failing to do so meant they didn't get taken to play parties, and instead had to spend the time with tutors the Rubeks hired. Bethany had said that they had a very good success rate in seeing their proteges graduate with honours before they left and the Rubeks rewarded them handsomely for their other performances.

In her clipped Eastern European accent, Mrs. Rubek replied, "Good morning Matthew, I hope that Miss Bethany is well and that you are being a good boy for her."

Blushing, Matthew stammered a reply, "Yes, yes, she is ma'am. I can take those from you here if you'd like."

"That is not how we do these things, it is Matthew?"

"No ma'am," Matthew said quietly, "I apologize for my impatience."

Mrs. Rubek smiled at Matthew's acquiescence. She and her husband were a study in contrasts. He was heavily built and swarthy, of average height, and his attire at the deli was a mix of loading dock and back-room butcher shop. She was willowy thin and a good four inches taller than her husband, with subtle curves that you knew were there under the almost business-like attire she chose from day-to-day. Her brown wool suit skirt and jacket were certainly not from a discount store, and the heels she chose that added another three to five inches depending on her choice at the time, were a series of definitely classic brands and styles. Bethany had laughed as she said she imagined them as asylum-seekers from an Eastern European Olympic team, the wrestler having absconded with the lady high-jumper.

Taking a step forward, Mrs. Rubek waited until Matthew closed the apartment door and then handed him the bags she carried. Matthew felt Mrs. Rubek's hand land on the small of his back, her thumb sliding under the shirt to place her hand on his bare skin. With subtle pressure, like a professional dancer taking the lead, she guided Matthew to the kitchen.

Once the bags were on the kitchen counter, Mrs. Rubek supervised Matthew as he unpacked the contents. Her hand never left his back as he followed her instructions although it did inch slowly lower and lower. Matthew set aside the three salads and the small container of dressing to be drizzled over them once plated. Next, he unwrapped the packages of pre-cut meats and cheese for a small charcuterie selection to accompany each salad.

Breathing deeply, Matthew placed both hands flat on the counter as Mrs. Rubek's hand slipped inside his shorts to cup his asscheek.

"Naughty boy," she said softly as her fingertips discovered the base of the plug in Matthew's bottom. Pressing lightly and reading his reaction, she laughed softly before withdrawing her hand.

"Someday," Mrs. Rubek said as she started to head back around the counter, "Miss Bethany will send you to play with us. I wish to see if your tongue can put as pretty a smile on my face as she wears."

Mrs. Rubek accepted the tip Matthew offered, saying she would pass it to the staff who prepared the meals. Matthew followed her back to the apartment door and opened it as she waited for him to perform that small service.

"Thank you for delivering our lunch, Mrs. Rubek," Matthew said politely.

"You are welcome, Matthew, please give my regards to Miss Bethany."

"I will do that, ma'am," Matthew replied as she headed into the hallway and he could finally close the door.

Matthew returned to the kitchen shaking his head over the consistency with which the Rubeks suggested he should join them for kinky games. Heaving a sigh of relief that Bethany had not yet indicated that she was ready to lend him to the deli owners for their erotic games, he began to prepare for lunch.

Setting the table for three, Matthew added wine glasses for each of the ladies because he knew his mother liked a glass with lunch, and Bethany sometimes, though not often, did. Next, he plated the salads and arranged, as artfully as he could, the variety of deli meats and cheese on the remainder of each plate. Taking up the container of salad dressing, Matthew paused and used the kitchen shears to clip a tiny triangle out of the disposable plastic lid. Replacing the lid then ensured he had a small controllable stream of dressing to apply to the salads and didn't risk dumping the lot on one plate. He smiled as he realized that it was one of the tips Mrs. Rubek had shared when delivering meals one day.

Matthew made the final preparations for lunch, placing the plates on the table and filling the water glasses. Finally, he set a bottle of white wine at the end of the kitchen counter where it would be ready if the ladies desired it. As he completed this final task, he could tell that the door to Bethany's bedroom was open by the voices that came from the hallway as the ladies approached.

Remaining standing by the table, Matthew held a chair ready to pull it out for his mother to take a seat.

Lady K led the way across the living room from the hallway to the small dining table. The grin that spread across her lips indicated a degree of amusement at Matthew's wardrobe change.

"Thank you, Matthew," Katherine said as she took her seat, continuing as Matthew held Bethany's chair, "You didn't have to change on my account, but it does nicely show how much you've been working out. And those shorts look very nice on you. You know, I think Janie left a few pairs like that at the house, I can send them over if you like."

"Uh, I don't think...," Matthew started and as quickly choked off his words as he looked up and realized that the question hadn't been directed at him.

Smiling broadly, Bethany graciously accepted the offer and promised photos if the new shorts fit well.

Trying to recover, Matthew held up the wine bottle and offered its contents.

"Yes please, dear," Katherine said.

"Only half a glass for me," Bethany replied.

Matthew sat to enjoy lunch with Bethany and Katherine. As their conversations ranged over a variety of topics based on their mutual, though mostly vanilla shared past, the new underlying dynamic they shared was set aside as they caught up. Matthew rediscovered his enjoyment of chatting with his mother in ways that their periodic telephone conversations simply didn't fulfill as effectively. He was amazed by how casually she described the conversion of his basement bedroom into a work-out space and a "playroom," as Katherine labeled it. She told him of her own and his father's newfound progress with personal fitness and questioned him about his own routines. Matthew bit his lip slightly when Bethany and Katherine went into a not-quite-cryptic-enough discussion over balancing teasing and control approaches. The three had a good laugh over Matthew's sister Janie's discovery of her parent's new empty-nest kinky lifestyle. Katherine assured them both that she and Matthew's father were pleased that it triggered a new sense of openness in the family, one that Katherine intended to maintain.

With empty plates and offers of more wine politely declined, Katherine declared that she had to get going in order to complete a few more errands before heading home. Pausing near the door, she turned to thank Bethany for lunch only to find the younger woman close behind. Before Katherine could speak, Bethany slid into her arms for another close hug and a deep goodbye kiss.

Matthew looked on, his mind stuck between "awkward" (that he was there to see it) and "hot," not knowing which sense he should be embracing. When the women broke their embrace and stepped back from one another, Bethany spoke first.

"You're welcome, Lady K," she said in a soft voice.

Katherine smiled broadly at her and offered a mischievous wink in reply. She then turned toward Matthew and opened her warms to offer her son a hug.

Matthew stepped into an embrace that was as long and strong as the one Bethany had received. He did not, however, get the same kiss. Instead, he received a polite and motherly peck on the cheek, which was in contrast to the way her hand slid down to cup one of his ass cheeks and give it a squeeze.

"I will see both of you soon," Katherine said as Matthew opened and held the door for her.

Bethany stood in the hallway to watch Katherine as she walked to the elevator. It wasn't until the elevator's doors swung shut that she stepped back into the apartment and let Matthew close the door.

As soon as the door clicked shut, Bethany spun Matthew around and pressed his shoulders against it. Her hands slid up her chest as her lips covered his in a deep hot kiss while her fingers sought out and teased his hardening nipples.

Breaking the kiss, Bethany breathlessly exclaimed, "Fuck, she's hot when she dresses like that. Actually, she's hot all the time, but more so like that."

Matthew closed his eyes slightly and bit his lip as Bethany continued to play with his nipples.

"I love the way she's always so in control," Bethany continued, "I just want to lay back for her and let her fuck me with her strap-on. I'd even love to see her fuck you with her strap-on, Matty."

"But... uh...," Matthew stammered, "she's my mother!"

"I know," Bethany said with a mischievous grin, "that's what makes it so fucking hot."

Bethany leaned forward and kissed Matthew again as she held him against the door with her body. She ran her hands down his sides until she cupped his ass with both hands while subtly thrusting with her own hips.

Keeping her hold on Matthew, Bethany lowered her head to one side and kissed and licked the sensitive skin on his neck where it met the shoulder. Softly, she continued to talk close to Matthew's ear to distract him.

"Did Matty like seeing Lady K dressed like that? Did you imagine that it was the key to your cage between her breasts? Maybe it was, we'll have to make sure we didn't accidentally switch keys. What did you think of that leather skirt, were you imagining spurting a big load of cum all over that leather-covered ass and having to lick it clean for her? Or were you imagining kneeling for her and having your cock slide between her calves in those sexy boots? Do you think she knew she was sitting in the chair I use to spank you? I bet you thought of that and imagined yourself over her lap."

Matthew's mind roiled with each image that Bethany's words invoked. As each image of Lady K in a dominant role over him appeared he tried his best to usher it away with reminders that he shouldn't think about his mother like that. All that came from his lips in reply was a soft moan of anguished arousal.

Bethany giggled at Matthew's consternation and helplessness as she stepped back.

"I need about an hour to finish up what Lady K and I were working on. Would you please tidy up lunch and come and join me...," Bethany said, checking the time on the intercom display before finishing, "... about 3 p.m.?"

Matthew nodded as he replied, "Yes, Miss Bethany."

"Thank you, Matthew, see you then," Bethany said as she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before heading to her room.

Before disappearing into her room, Bethany looked back and caught Matthew's eye. With a wink, she slipped the key from around her neck and draped it over the doorknob. For Matthew the hint was clear. The key was there for him to remove his chastity cage in order to clean up, but he also knew he hadn't been given explicit instructions to leave it off.

Checking the time as he headed toward the kitchen. Matthew noted he had about an hour and a half before he was expected to join Bethany. Quickly assessing what he needed to do, and planning to clean up before presenting himself, he walked through the galley kitchen to clean up the remains of lunch waiting on the table.

Matthew picked up the first two plates before he paused and set them back down. Before doing anything else he slipped off the shorts and shirt he was wearing and placed them neatly over the back of the chair his mother had sat in for lunch. Then, naked except for his collar and chastity cage, Matthew smiled slightly as he relaxed in his usual state of nudity in the apartment, and went to work.

Priding himself on his punctuality, Matthew knocked softly on Bethany's bedroom door precisely at 3:00 p.m. Clean and freshly shaven, wearing the narrow leather collar Bethany had placed around his neck and the chastity cage, he held the key on its thong in his hand while he waited to be called into the room.

"Come in, Matty," Bethany's voice sang almost instantly after the knock.

Matthew stepped into the room and quietly close the door behind him. Bethany was at her desk making various adjustments to her video recording system and deciding which cameras would link to the screens on her wall above the main monitor. She liked having multiple views online to allow her to check angles and lighting in the recordings she would later edit and assemble for her videos.

Looking around the brightly lit room, Matthew was always surprised by the space given to the master suite in the apartment. The large bedroom was easily more than twice the space his own took up, and it was complemented by spacious walk-in closets and a fully appointed en-suite bathroom. The closets, he knew, were full, with Bethany's wardrobe in one and all of her video equipment and various props in the other.

Bethany's king-size platform bed was covered in black satin sheets. The ornate steel headboard looked very much to a kinky mind to be the bondage frame that it could be used for. In preparation for Matthew, Bethany had installed the light steel struts that went from floor to ceiling at the bottom corners of the bed platform. The interlocking sections of each strut fitted into brackets mounted on the ceiling and attached to brackets on the floor that slid out from the bed platform, placing them about a foot away from the bed. Matthew knew from personal experience that there was plenty of space to be secured spread-eagle between the posts. He noted that the bondage straps were already attached to the struts and on the corner of the bed were the well-worn leather ankle and wrist manacles that Bethany kept for such purposes.

Focused on her screens, Bethany finalized the settings for the cameras and lights. She was simply dressed in a light, knee-length, yellow sundress. Her feet were bare and she had pulled her hair back into a ponytail that hung down her upper back. When Bethany spoke, it was with a relaxed tone, as if they were engaged in the most mundane of daily activities.

"Hey Matty, I'm almost done here, would you mind putting on the manacles for me. You can toss the key on the bed for now."

"Yes, Miss Bethany," Mathew replied.

Wrapping the leather thong around three fingers, Matthew formed a neat circle with the leather to place the key neatly on the mattress. Picking up one of the ankle manacles, he lifted one foot to place it on the corner of the mattress and leaned forward to reach his ankle. The shifting head of the weighted plug that he had reinserted after his shower made him moan softly.