A Satyr's Mate Ch. 11-12

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A coup, some bondage, and bad news.
9.7k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/08/2015
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Lucius came into the world with very little drama. My entire labor lasted less than one hour, then he latched onto my breast and stayed there for three solid weeks.

He was so different than Mari in both physical appearance and personality, it was hard to believe they came from the same place. Unlike his sister, Lucius never missed the chance to cuddle with me. He was my little curly-haired, big-horned, snuggle-bug. He was also all boy, though. He played hard, never missed a meal, and slept like a bear in hibernation.

Father and Valame announced their plans for wedlock in the early spring. It was to be a small affair at the tiny village that had cropped up at the base of Saia Heights. There were four homesteads there, with plans for a fifth if the eldest son of one of the families decided to stay.

Finn was of age, even by Sibian standards, to engage in all adult activities. He'd not shown the tiniest interest in Sibian girls, though, and it was thought that he might actually decide to pursue his own path closer to Baltia. The other family living in the village had already done something similar and had returned. Their eldest daughter, now nineteen, was expecting her first baby with the Timaean boy she'd brought back with her.

They weren't married, but that was because it wasn't a widely practiced custom in either Timaeus or Baltia. Couples united and had babies, raised the children, and either stayed together and had more babies, or parted ways. There was no ceremony for it.

Sibians, however, believed in matrimony. So, Valame and my father would go through the ritual in order to sidestep ridicule.

I didn't care one way or another. Dolphus and I did not have a wedding and it changed nothing. We were mated for life and that was just the way it was. But I was excited about the wedding party. We weren't going to have many opportunities to attend one of those.

Valame stitched a gown for me to wear to the party, and a very fancy top and skirt for Mari. It was a struggle to get her to don them, but Dolphus finally coaxed her into it. He and Lucius wore loin coverings.

When we all were dressed for the first time, it was hard not to laugh out loud. We looked and felt very silly in clothing. Dolphus, however, had another feeling altogether when ogling me in my flowing, green gown. Much to my surprise, it made him unusually aroused.

"I want to lift that skirt and take you, little one."

His breathy growl in my ear sent tingles up my spine. My father and Valame were just a short distance away. I couldn't resist teasing him. "I am bare beneath this dress." I didn't know who was more aroused by what he was suggesting, him or me.

Dolphus nipped my ear. "Don't tempt me. I don't live by the same rules as these humans."

My inner thighs were moistening from my own quickening. Dolphus' nose was quivering from the scent that wafted from beneath the skirt of my gown. I was thankful that humans didn't posses the same sense of smell as satyrs.

His hand crept up my side and slithered around to the front of my dress. I guided it back to my waist to remind him to behave himself. He was accustomed to touching all parts of my body without limits, so this was quite a new concept for him. "Everyone here is about to know what you're doing to me."

I glanced down at his loin cloth. It was tenting obscenely. I stifled a giggle. "Okay, okay. Let's go outside for a walk."

As we were walking outside, I noticed Mari talking to Finn. It was hard to judge how close in age they were. Mari was reaching full maturity but wouldn't come into season for a few more years. It was difficult to convert that to the human maturation experience. Emotionally, though, she was probably very close to Finn's age.

Dolphus led us to a nearby grove of trees and shrubs, and wasted no time lifting the skirt of my dress so he could spread my legs and lap at the wetness that had pooled between my thighs.

"What has gotten into you?"

Dolphus shook his head and groaned. He pulled his tongue from deep inside me to flick the tiny nub at the top of my slit. I nearly lost consciousness as my climax rushed to take me. It was quick and sudden and powerful. The threat of being caught had once again worked in my favor.

Not even waiting for the orgasmic contractions to subside, Dolphus lifted me up against the nearby tree trunk and speared me with his cock. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he drove himself deep inside over and over, grunting in rhythm with each thrust. It wasn't loud by satyr mating standards, but anyone within earshot would know without a doubt what we were doing. Embarrassment flushed my cheeks and I climaxed again from it, just in time for him to join me.

He didn't expel as much fluid in the off season, but it was enough to trickle slowly down my thighs. I reached down to swipe it away but he blocked my hand by pulling my skirt back down.

"Leave it. I want to smell it on you for the rest of the party."

My knees buckled at the thought, causing him to chortle under his breath.


By mid July, Lucius was still not showing signs of weaning. All the other lambkin his age were fully independent, but he insisted on feeding once per day still, sometimes napping only to wake and feed again.

Dolphus was growing impatient with it and had chased Lucius off on more than one occasion. I couldn't refuse him, however. Holding him on my lap as he suckled from my breast completed me in a way I couldn't describe. When Lucius looked at me, all I could see, all I could feel, was an overwhelming sense of love. It was unlike anything I'd ever experienced before. Sometimes I would weep from it as he slept in my lap.

I was careful not to let my emotions show around Dolphus. A satyr's attachment to their young was more practical. They nurtured them only until they could fend for themselves. Then they pushed them away. I understood the logic. It was vital for creating hearty offspring, and not as cruel as it looked.

I was only human, though. Understanding something was not the same as accepting it.

Dolphus insisted that he and I get away for a few days. I suspected his primary reason was to wean Lucius, but he maintained it was to get me alone for a private pre-anniversary celebration. We were coming up on our third.

We informed Mari and Lucius of our plans, but Dolphus was very vague about which direction we were even headed. It felt wrong, even though I was aware that they were fully capable of caring for themselves. We left before dawn, many hours before Lucius would wake so he couldn't track us.

We rested at the sight where Dolphus would go to watch for me when I lived in Sibiu. The sun was just beginning to light the eastern sky as I caught my breath. The walk to that spot didn't ordinarily wind me so much, but I'd grown thinner from nursing, and wasn't nearly as strong.

"Tell me about the first time you saw me."

"Again? Are you not tired of that story?"

I patted the ground next to me as I shook my head. "I'll never grow tired of it."

Dolphus gazed off into the distance and lifted his chin. "It was the agricultural outpost over there. You had been pulled aside, apparently being reprimanded for something. I could see from here that you weren't the least bit sorry for whatever it was you'd done."

"Probably not."

"You were wearing your green uniform, same as the others, but that was the only comparison. Everything about you was different. The way you looked, the way you acted. The way you filled out your green dress."

"Is that why you got so aroused by my wearing that green gown at my father's wedding?"

"Perhaps. There is something about you being covered that increases the excitement for me. It could also have been related to your uniform, though. It is similar in color."

"Tell me more about how you felt when you saw me."

I hated that I needed to ask him to say those things to me. That I needed to hear it from him. It made me feel so needy and vulnerable.

"Repeat what you told me when Mari was being born."

"You remember that, do you?"

Dolphus sighed. It was difficult for him to express feelings. It was not a regular satyr practice.

"Like you, I was not yet mature. I wouldn't come to understand the stirring I felt in my groin for many seasons. It finally became too difficult to ignore, and soon I was drawn to this spot on a regular basis to watch for you."

"Were you aroused by what you saw?"

Dolphus gazed off into the distance as if he were reliving the time. "Non. Not in the same way as a mature adult, anyway." Dolphus chuckled before continuing. "It actually made me aggressive more than anything. It was how I came to win so many sparring matches."

I wasn't getting what I wanted, but I refused to keep asking him for it. Obviously I needed to be on death's door before he'd confess anything emotional again. "I've caught my breath if you're ready to move on."

Dolphus nodded and helped me up, and I once again pushed aside the emptiness. It wasn't a huge hole or anything. Dolphus gave me so much, this seemed like such an inconsequential thing to request of him.

We continued on for another hour or so, most of that time forging our own trail through trees and brush until we came to a flat spot. Dolphus studied the surrounding area, sniffing for danger in all directions before making his decision.

"This will do."

I tested the ground with my feet before plopping down. I was fairly exhausted from the walk, and thoroughly covered in sweat.

Dolphus handed me a pouch with water. "Drink. I hear a brook nearby. I will investigate and return."

He wasn't gone terribly long. With him, he brought a fistful of pliable reeds.

"There is an abundance of these at this elevation. We should take them back with us."

I nodded in agreement. They were most useful as tethers, but also scarce in the higher elevations. "It's so warm here."

"Yes. I was afraid you might get cold at night sleeping outside, so I led us down to this elevation."

"You do think of everything."

"I have another thought..."

I checked his expression. A devious grin curled his lips. As my eyes drifted downward, I noticed his cock lengthening. Whatever he was thinking, I was sure to like it.

"Would you allow me to bind your limbs so that I might have my way with you?"

"You hardly need to bind me for that. We did come out here to be alone."

"Yes, but I am aroused by this idea. I want to try it. If you don't like it, I will free you. Agreed?"

How could I disagree with that reasoning? I shrugged. "Okay."

Dolphus didn't waste a moment. He positioned me on my back and then bound my wrists and arms beneath my head and neck. Attaching a loop to each ankle, he tethered them to two strong saplings several feet apart so that my legs were spread wide. He did it with such decisiveness, it begged the question.

"How long have you been thinking about this?"

"Since last mating season. I realized how much I enjoy mounting you when you're being forced to be still and take it."

"Oh!" His confession caused my inner channel to quiver. I liked it very much, too.

Dolphus snorted, indicating that he knew precisely what I thought about it. "You are not going to lure me that easy. I wish to take my time."

He placed his palm on my chest and then slid it down to cup first one breast, then another. I hissed as his rough fingers brushed over my sensitive and sore nipples. A drop of breast milk beaded on one of them. I held my breath, waiting for Dolphus to reiterate his stance on feeding Lucius. He said nothing. Instead, he fixed on the tiny drop, lowering his lips to my nipple so he could lap it up with his tongue.

I arched my back as he pulled away, desperately wanting him to do more. He watched me squirm, contemplating for a moment before lowering his mouth to my nipple. His lips closed around it and he drew a mouthful of milk into his mouth. The sensation heated my core. There was something so sensual about watching him do that. He repeated it on the other breast, suckling for a brief moment.

"I've missed that taste."

I groaned, so frustrated that he'd stopped. "Don't stop. Please."

Dolphus caressed the side of my breast. "Non, little one." He offered no explanation as to why he refused to continue.

Shifting his focus, he traced each of my ribs with his fingertips, then covered my stomach in featherlight caresses until no part of my skin was left untouched. He was slow and methodical about it, as if he were memorizing every inch.

I held still, even though I was aching to move. My insides were beginning to coil before he'd even touched me. There was something about being bound there, open like that...and the way he was in no hurry... The anticipation was maddening.

His fingers reached the edge of my pubic curls and he locked his gaze on my eyes as his fingertip began to lightly trace my slit. I gasped and bit my lip and received a throaty chuckle in response. He was thoroughly enjoying toying with me.

Dolphus shifted his position so that his face was mere inches from my apex. I instinctively tried to close my thighs, but was unable to do so. I lifted my head to attempt to sit up, but Dolphus quickly pressed on my chest to keep me down. He looked beyond my head and then at me. "I will bind your wrists to that tree if you try that once more, little one."

I released a sigh of frustration. "This isn't fair."

"Yes, I know. Yet your slit weeps."

With that, Dolphus swiped his finger up my gaping opening. He then pressed his wet finger to my lips until they parted. A mild tanginess infused my tongue. It tasted nothing like Dolphus' excretions, like I'd expected. It wasn't unpleasant, though. Just different.

"Do you see now why that is my favorite treat?"

I stared at him wide-eyed. I much preferred his flavor to my own, but I sensed that it was not the time to argue. He chuckled when I didn't answer and went back to his position between my splayed thighs.

I couldn't see any part of him except the curve of his horns but I could feel his hot breath on my exposed flesh. Then I felt just the lightest touch tracing the perimeter of my opening. I couldn't even tell if it was his tongue or his finger that was producing the sensation, but whichever it was, I was about to lose my mind from it.

Slowly it circled the perimeter. First one direction, then the other. A gush of liquid heat trickled down between my buttocks and I squirmed.

"You must hold still."

"I can't. You're driving me insane."

"Mmmm..." Dolphus lapped at the wetness to draw it into his mouth. "So succulent."

My back arched. The saplings rustled from my attempt to bend my knees to deepen the contact. "Please, Dolphus..."

He lifted his head in mock curiosity. "What it it, my sweet?"

I wanted to hit him. Now wasn't the time to be playful. "I need you to..." Dolphus waited for me to finish my sentence but I knew it was no use. I groaned and relaxed my limbs.

Agonizingly slow, Dolphus ran his tongue up and down my slit, slithering inside every once in awhile. I was coiled so tight, I was starting to see stars from not breathing.

"I can't take this. Please, please..."

"I like this begging. Do it some more. Tell me what you want, what you need."

"Oh, dear Osmos...Please..." He flicked his tongue over my sensitive nubbin but then immediately stopped. I gasped. "Oh, no...please don't stop...please, Dolphus. I need to climax...I need your tongue."

"You sound desperate, my sweet."

I kicked my legs as best I could as I whimpered my exasperation. "Please stop torturing me. I'll do anything..."

Dolphus tilted his head in amusement. "Anything?"

My mind whirled with lust. I didn't care about anything except release. "Yes, yes...please, Dolphus...do it."

Dolphus lifted his head until his face was in view of mine, his finger moving in maddening, slow circles around the sensitive tissue. "I can think of two things that I want. You must agree to both."

I nodded, unable to utter a sound between panting.

"First, you must promise me that you will gain weight before mating season. You are too thin."

I huffed. I couldn't believe this was his first request. The average satyress had almost no body fat, and every nursing mother had ribs showing.

"I miss your soft curves, the way your flesh yields beneath my fingers when I grasp your hips."

A mental image of his fingers digging into my hips at mating season sent a fresh wave of arousal through me. I nodded as I panted through it. "Yes, okay." I was rewarded with a swipe of his tongue directly over that greedy bundle of nerves that was causing all this trouble.

"Secondly, you must allow me to taste you at the hot spring."

It was something he'd asked for a couple of times. I didn't want him to do it because satyrs rarely engaged in oral play during mating season, which would be the only time they'd feel the urge. That made it feel naughty to me, for some reason. Like it was taboo. Dolphus had tried to assure me that no one in the flock would care, but I still couldn't make myself take that step.

"Do you agree to let me do this?"

"Why at the hot spring?"

"The water washes away your scent and I must wait until we are all the way back to the den to bring it out of you again. The wait is torture for me."

I couldn't possibly relate to the sensitive olfactory system of a satyr. It was so connected to every other sense in a way that I simply couldn't comprehend.

Dolphus interpreted my hesitation as me lacking proper motivation. He dipped his head to swirl his tongue around the swollen flesh, making sure to swipe it directly over the most sensitive part just enough to make my head spin with desire again.

I screamed out, "Yes, yes, at the hot spring. Now, please..."

His lips clamped down around the protruding nub, trapping it so his tongue could assault it mercilessly. I wailed as the entire area exploded, shooting millions of electrical impulses through my body at once. Dolphus released the nub to delve his long tongue inside me to draw out every drop of arousal. Then he did something rather unusual.

Spreading the flaps of my womanhood with his fingertips, he pressed one cheek to my wet flesh, then the other, alternating until his face was coated with my essence. I lifted my head to watch him. His pupils were dilated, much like they were in mating season, and his cock was engorged and glistening from the fluid that had leaked from the tip.

He pushed himself up to kneeling and closed his palm around his shaft. Then he pumped his fist furiously until ribbons of white, viscous fluid spewed from the tip onto my breasts, belly, face and hair, all the while growling as if he were angry.

I held my breath, not sure if I should be frightened or not. This was a side of him that I'd never witnessed outside mating season. I searched his face for some reassurance but he gave me none. His thoughts were preoccupied with something. His pupils were still dilated, his cock a steel rod pulsating as if it wasn't finished.

With a low growl emanating from deep within his chest, Dolphus smeared his semen over my skin, coating every inch of exposed area. Then he leaned over my body to bury his face in my neck, biting and nipping a little too roughly for my comfort level.

"Ow! Dolphus you're scaring me."


He nipped my shoulder hard enough to draw blood and I gritted my teeth through the pain. I should've asked him to stop, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. This was his animal side, the one he was so careful to keep under control around me. I didn't want him to control it, though. I wanted him to know I could take all of him. "It's okay. Mark your mate."

His teeth closed around a fleshy part of my neck and I saw stars from the sharp sting that followed. Then he lifted my buttocks off the ground to plunge inside me, commencing to pound me with a force equal to how he took me during mating season.