A Shepherd Afield Pt. 05


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"Is this some kind of ambush?"

"Absolutely not. Mr. McGovern is only here to visit his daughter who lives next door. He arrived early and she wasn't home so I invited him to wait here. How could it have been an ambush? I had no expectation of you arriving today either," Ben asked with a puzzled expression.

Scowling furiously Hargrave stepped closer to look up at Ben. "I'm going to order that the filter remain a secret which means you will not be able to patent the device outside of the United States. I'm going to ensure the device remains in our control. You'll be hearing from me."

"I'll save you some trouble. I'll give you the name of my lawyer, Walter Greyson. You can deal with him. The less I speak with you the happier I'll be."

The Colonel spun on his heel to march towards the front door. "Come on Kendricks!"

"I'll be with you in a moment Colonel," the First Lieutenant said, drawing a murderous glare from his boss who stiffly left the room.

When the door slammed Kendricks looked apologetically to Ben. "The filter aside, we do have our own engineering forum and there are some issues that we would greatly welcome your input on. Would you be willing to do this?"

"Sure!" Ben said with a shrug.

"I'll have to send a tech over to set you up with military grade VPN and a security suite," Kendricks said.

"I, uh, already have that," Ben said and the man just looked at him blankly. "I have a very talented friend who may be ex-military. He set up my laptop."

"Your ride just left," Jack said from where he stood looking out the picture window. "Wait... one of the carriers is coming back around the loop."

"I should go. I'll get in touch with you as soon as I can and I'll try to smooth out the issue with the filter. We are still interested! Thank you, Mr. Shepherd!"


Kendricks nodded with a smile and rushed off to slip his shoes on and left the house quickly. Ben walked over to the window to stand beside Jack as they watched the First Lieutenant climb into the back of the waiting personnel carrier.

"He's going to get his ass chewed by Hargrave all the way back to Washington," Jack sighed.

"Kendricks seems like a man who actually gets stuff done. He likely has the ear of people who matter," Ben suggested.

"Let's hope," Jack nodded.

"Thanks for the assist."

Jack looked at Ben with a smirk. "Like you needed one! What did he tell you downstairs that made you brush him off?"

"He claimed my filters would be a strategic advantage during a 'limited exchange of nuclear weapons' which would be survivable."

"Damn," Jack grunted with wide eyes. "The man is unhinged. He probably runs the scenarios through his mind all day depicting himself as the hero in each one."

"You're not talking war games again, are you?"

The men turned from the window and saw Lynda walking into the living room. Petite and lovely, Ben was once more amazed at how much Catherine looked like her mother only taller.

Jack smiled and shook his head. "Not at all. We just had a visit from some members of our armed forces who were interested in one of Ben's inventions."

"Oh, is that what you do?" she asked.

"I'm a mechanical engineer. I make stuff to solve engineering problems. The Army is interested in a filter I just designed for a uranium mining company in Melbourne, Australia."

"Do you travel a lot in your job?" she asked as Tina, Lucy and Gretchen returned to the living room as well.

"No, I'm new to the whole travel thing. I've been to France and Costa Rica on vacation. I visited Milan, Italy to see Gabriella, she's the neighbor on my south side. I made a stopover in Dubai on my way to Australia where I visited the mining company in Melbourne and went to Sydney to... see a friend. I met Gretchen in Sydney and invited her to come stay with me when her husband died."

"Wait! You were in Paris with Cat when she shot that Kirian Rapava fellow?" Jack suddenly exclaimed.

Ben looked at the shocked expression on the man's face. "Uh, yes."

"And you were with her in Nice when she shot Rachid Shakir?" Jack said, his agitation growing.

Ben nodded wondering where the man was going with this.

"She called me after each shooting and I talked her down. We spoke for a long time on those calls and she told me about a man she was seeing. You're that Ben aren't you! Geezus, I must be losing my edge if my brain missed that connection!"

Lynda watched the big man nod to her husband then she looked to the women moving to the couch. She could tell, aside from the tall one, they acted like they were home. In Ben's home. She looked at her husband in confusion.

"The relationship situation is complicated. Please have a seat," Ben said with a sigh.

Jack and Lynda took the loveseat and focused their attention on Ben who filled them in on their daughter's relationship with him and how his relationship with so many women just... evolved. It wasn't his place to speak on it so he left out Catherine's relationship with Chanel.

Jack and Lynda both looked a little shell shocked when he was done. The man cleared his throat and looked to their host. "Thank you for your honesty. I can't say I understand how this all works but I can see with my own eyes that it seems to quite well. This falls well outside of my own personal experience of falling in love with my high school sweetheart and being with her my whole life."

"That was the plan I originally had for myself too. Wendy, my ex, was a girl I was attracted to in high school and married after college. When she left me, my life... fell apart and lost all meaning. It was the love of Gabriella, Catherine, Trish and Tina that brought me back to living once more."

Lynda looked at him uncomfortably. "Ben, I read the article in Peeps magazine. I'm ashamed to say I thought her story was true. I can see now it wasn't. Why is she saying these things about you?"

"She needs money. Her lawyer says she is very ill and I believe it may be true. Her mother had a condition Wendy inherited. It's not a pleasant way to end your days."

"We do not know if Wendy is truly ill. Her lawyer is a very bad and dishonest man. He threatened Ben. Ben's lawyer is dealing with him," Tina blurted.

Ben looked to Tina and slowly nodded. He had to consider that possibility though his heart was telling him that it was true.

"Catherine's car just pulled into her driveway," Lucy said looking out the front window.

Ben smiled and dialed her cell number.

She picked up on the third ring. "Hi Ben!" she said happily.

"Hi Catherine! Your guests arrived early today so I invited them over to my place," he said.

"They're here?" Cat squealed in Ben's ear.

"Yes! Come on over!" Ben replied with a chuckle and heard the phone click as Catherine hung up immediately.

He looked at his phone in amused surprise. "I guess she's on her way over."

Gretchen was looking at Ben nervously. She hadn't met Catherine yet. This was one of the women Ben originally fell in love with so meeting her made Gretchen very anxious. If this woman disapproved of her maybe Ben would send her away?

"Ben?" Tina called to him and he looked her way. She directed his eyes to Gretchen who he saw was slipping into a panic once more. With a grateful nod to Tina, Ben stood and gestured for Gretchen to join him at the front door. She was immediately at his side and he put his arm around her as they left the living room.

"What's wrong?" he asked quietly as they reached the door. No sign of Catherine yet.

"What if she doesn't like me?" Gretchen squeaked out in her anxiety.

Ben turned and held Gretchen in his arms as she looked up at him with desperate eyes.

"Of course she will like you. I know Catherine. She is a wonderful person! Very loving! Why are you worried about that?"

"If she doesn't like me maybe you'd send me away?" Her voice was almost a whisper.

"No! That's not going to happen. Put that out of your mind right now!" Ben growled and she clung tighter to him. Ben kissed her and she moaned quietly.

The doorbell rang, startling them both. Ben chuckled and Gretchen smiled at him feeling a little better.

He released her and opened the front door. Catherine rushed inside and gave Ben a huge hug and kiss which went on a little longer than expected. She pulled back with a satisfied smile on her lips.

"Welcome back Ben!" she purred.

"It's good to be back, Catherine!" he grinned. "May I introduce you," he saw Chanel standing on his step and gestured for her to enter. "Hi Chanel! May I introduce you both to Gretchen Hahn. I brought her home with me from Sydney."

Catherine immediately pulled the woman into her arms to give her a warm hug. Gretchen was beginning to look a little overwhelmed and tears pooled in her eyes. Catherine gave her a compassionate look. "I'm sorry. It's all a little bit too much too soon?"

"No, I'm very happy to meet you and very relieved you are so nice!" Gretchen managed to squeak out of her tight throat.

Chanel smiled broadly and gave Ben a quick hug before stepping past to hug Gretchen as well. "Welcome to America! I'm Chanel, a recent immigrant myself. From France."

Gretchen smiled at the two women and they saw her begin to relax.

"My parents are in the living room?" Catherine asked quietly.

"Yes, we just finished explaining my relationships to them. They are a little dazed," Ben replied equally quiet.

Catherine smiled at Chanel who suddenly looked like she wanted to flee. Cat reached out and took her hand. "No you don't. Come with me!"

Ben watched this with curiosity.

Catherine walked around the corner into the living room pulling Chanel with her. Ben and Gretchen followed, his arm once more around her to calm her in the room full of new people.

"DAD! MOM!" Catherine squealed as she burst into a huge smile and ran into her parent's open arms.

Ben smiled at the happiness on the parent's faces. Catherine got hugs and kisses from her parents who also seemed a little overwhelmed. He guided Gretchen over to the couch where Lucy moved so Ben could seat Gretchen between them. Tina and Lucy both took one of Gretchen's hands to help calm her. She smiled at them. Ben went to stand with Chanel who was almost trembling with her own nervousness. "You ok?" Ben whispered and got a sharp nod which obviously meant no. He didn't press.

Catherine was holding her parent's hands as she stood back to face them. "Mom, Dad, I know this is all rather sudden but I'd like to introduce you to Chanel Babineaux, my fiancé."

Ben was rocked by the news but then he remembered that kiss she gave him at the door. Catherine still loved him. She wasn't letting him go. He sighed heavily and noticed Chanel watching him anxiously.

He smiled at her. "It's wonderful news," Ben said gently to Chanel whose entire body seemed to relax.

"You're fiancé? What- what about Ben?" Jack blurted.

"I love Ben! I just want to get married to Chanel as I love her too! Besides Ben is marrying Tina." Cat explained.

"Actually, I'm marrying Gretchen." Ben said awkwardly and felt everyone's eyes turning his way.

Jack shook his head to shut out all the noise. "Getting back to you Cat, Chanel... wait, isn't she the cop from France?" Jack asked, clearly confused.

"Why don't we all sit down first?" Ben suggested and everyone moved to take a seat. Ben and Chanel carried in chairs from the dining room table for her and Cat.

The tall blonde leaned forward to speak. "Yes, Chanel was the detective we met in Paris and Nice. I fell in love with her there."

"So... you're gay?" Jack asked and Lynda slapped his arm. "What? I'm just trying to understand. She told us she loved someone named Ben. Well here he is! Then she announces she's engaged to a woman... but she still loves Ben. My old brain needs to put a label on this to understand!"

"The label is Love," Ben said.

Catherine and Chanel looked at Ben with a twinkle in their eyes. Tina, Lucy and Gretchen were also looking at him the same way and he blushed a little under their gaze.

"Yes, Ben is completely right. It's just love. Wonderful, soul enriching love. I love Chanel with all my heart. I love Ben with all my heart. Gabriella clued me in to the fact that love isn't divided. It's added. I love her too! But I'm marrying Chanel." Catherine held her father's eyes. "You were right about Ashraf. I greatly regret not listening to you about him but then if I had I never would have had three wonderful daughters who mean the world to me! So I had to have the terribly bad to get the incredibly good! Now that Ashraf is gone I was gifted with another chance to open my heart to someone. First Ben then Chanel. I didn't have your blessing for my first marriage and I understand and accept that. I regret your and my stubborn natures that prevented you from getting to know your grandchildren as they grew up. They are anxious to meet you now. They're coming home on the sixth for the wedding on the seventh. I would like very much if you could walk me down the aisle this time."

Jack was listening to his daughter carefully. Lynda was clinging tightly to his arm. He knew she'd always regretted his vehement refusal to step a foot through Catherine's front door while she was married to Ashraf. He... regretted it too. He still hated Ashraf but that hate had stolen so much from him. Now he could see that. He looked at Chanel and could not deny that the woman was a beauty. She looked back and he saw her strength too. She was a detective and a good one apparently... in France.

"Don't you live in France?" he asked.

"There was nothing for me there once Catherine left," Chanel said and Jack heard Lynda sigh happily. So she was sold and he owed her so much. Jack looked at Ben and was surprised to see he looked happy as well. Jacks eyebrows went up as he sighed to himself. "The world will leave an old fossil like me behind if I don't at least make an effort to keep up. I don't get how all this works but I would be honored to walk you down the aisle."

Catherine squealed with joy and leapt across the space to hug her parents who were all smiles and joy.

Chanel turned to Ben nervously as he looked at her curiously. "I have no family so I was hoping you might consider walking me down the aisle?"

"Oh! Yes, I would be honored as well," Ben said in surprise.

"Thank you!" Chanel said as she relaxed once more.

Catherine finally returned to her chair and turned to Ben. "You're not marrying Tina?"

Ben shook his head and looked at the woman in question. "No, she surprised me yet again with how strong her love is. When Lucy discovered she was pregnant with my child-"

"WHAT?" Cat gasped.

"Oh sorry. Yes, it's another miracle pregnancy." He glanced at the confusion on Catherine's parent's faces. "I shouldn't be able to have children due to... an extremely low count," he explained. He returned to his story for Catherine.

"With Lucy also carrying my child, Tina said she didn't need to be married as I couldn't marry Lucy as well. She said the marriage would be better used by Gretchen who would be allowed to stay once we were married. Gretchen wants to have a baby too." The woman nodded.

"Ben, you live a very complicated life," Jack said.

Ben just nodded as he couldn't argue that point. "If things could just calm down a little so I could just catch my breath that would be lovely."

The doorbell rang and Lucy jumped to her feet to answer it. She returned with a blush and a happy smile on her face as well as lipstick on her cheeks. Two beautiful redheads followed her into the living room touching up their lipstick. Ben stood and made the introductions.

Gretchen was wide eyed with shock at how beautiful the twins were and she was unable to tell them apart. How Ben did it was a complete mystery to her.

"These lovely ladies are going to take you shopping for some clothes," Ben said to her bringing her attention back to him.

"You aren't going too?" she said a little anxiously.

"No, I trust Lisa and Lori implicitly. They'll take good care of you and will make sure you have a good selection of outfits. Casual as well as nicer stuff. Have fun and I'll see you later tonight."

As she still looked a little nervous he walked her to the door with the twins following. When they were out of sight of the others Ben pulled Gretchen close and looked into her eyes. "Do you trust me?"

Gretchen's eyes went wide as she nodded.

"Will you... follow my instructions?" Ben said.

She nodded again.

"I will take care of you. Part of that is getting you clothes. Lisa and Lori will help you with that. Tina told you. They are mine. They will make sure you get clothes and will get you back to me."

"Am... am I yours too?" Gretchen asked timidly.

Ben looked into her eyes, seeing the damage Rainor left behind. He really needed to get her in to see Dr. Granger. He was worried he was just making that damage worse but he didn't know how else to calm her.

He took her face between his hands and pulled her mouth to his and kissed her until her nervous trembling stopped. He pulled back and she rested against him as she caught her breath.

"I'm tingling so much!" she whispered.

He snorted softly. "Me too." He pulled back from Gretchen and she moved to put on her jacket and boots.

Ben pulled Lisa against his body with a tight grip on her hair. She gasped and instantly her eyes showed him he was giving her exactly what she wanted. He kissed her hard and she whimpered with need.

He ended the kiss and she looked at his mouth hungrily.

Lori was next and her soft mouth fit his perfectly and his passionate kiss drew quiet moans from her as well. When he pulled back she was gasping with need.

"Tomorrow night. Are you two available for a date?" Ben asked, his voice rumbling with his own need.

"YES!" they gasped.

"You'll make the arrangements?" he asked and Lori nodded vigorously.

Ben held Gretchen's eyes. "Until later." She gave him one of her dazzling smiles then stepped outside with the twins. He heard their happy giggles as he closed the door. He stood by the door as he waited for his heart rate to get back to normal. He was so fucking stiff in his pants. He didn't want to walk back into the living room sporting this obvious sign that he was acting like some kind of hormone raging teenager. He felt a gentle hand on his back and turned. Lucy was smiling up at him.

She reached up with a tissue and wiped the lipstick from his mouth. She eyed the cleanup she did with a critical eye then smiled. "You're presentable again." They walked back into the living room, Ben shielded from view behind Lucy. He noticed everyone, except Tina, was on their feet.

"We're going out to dinner to celebrate. Would you like to join us?" Catherine said with a smile.

"Thanks but I think I'll stay in tonight. I've had enough excitement for one day." Ben said, Tina and Lucy nodding in agreement.

"Thank you again for the use of your guest room and shower," Jack said holding his hand out.

Ben shook his hand then bent down to kiss Lynda's cheek. "You are both welcome any time."

Jack went to get their suitcases then joined his wife, daughter, and future... daughter-in-law? He gave his head a shake. They said their goodbyes then Ben was alone with Tina and Lucy.

"So... how are you both feeling?" Ben asked, looking them in the eye. He saw their excited smiles.

"We are feeling good," Tina said with an impish grin. Lucy nodded happily.

"I was thinking of taking a short nap... in the bedroom," Ben said, a small smile slipping onto his lips.

"That sounds like a good idea! I think we might join you!" Lucy said with a grin.

"Get the crutches," Ben said to Lucy as he scooped Tina up in his arms and rushed down the hallway. The phone rang as they got into the bedroom.
