A Shocking Betrayal


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With that out of the way I went down into the basement and had a heart to heart with Billy. I told him, "Billy, you are nothing but a lowlife and one of these days I am going to find a reason to put you down. I know you are pissed and I know you wish you had never seen me but too bad, you have.

"Here is what I expect. You will never say a word about any of this to a soul. You do not know Allison and nothing ever happened to you here in this house. You are never going to see or talk to Allison again. I will be watching and any contact whatsoever will result in your immediate demise. Do you understand me dirt bag?"

He nodded his head yes but I wasn't satisfied with that. "I said do you understand me dirt bag?"

This time he said weakly, "Yes I understand you."

I released him from the hand cuffs and told him, "Then get dressed and get your ass out of my house and never, and I mean 'NEVER' show your face here again."

After he left I grudgingly walked up to my bedroom and released Allison. The bed was a mess but I really didn't care that much. I did tell her, "I am sorry you had to make a mess of things here but it couldn't be helped. I will leave it to you to clean up after yourself."

I then proceeded to throw a few things in a duffle bag and told her, "I am going to leave for a while to think this whole thing through. I will be back to let you know what is going to happen."

She tried to grab my arm to stop me and begged me, "Please JD don't leave me, please stay. I am so sorry!"

I said, "Yeah, I am sorry too but I have to go now but I will be back."

I checked myself into the Staybridge Suites hotel near downtown and spent most of Friday night and Saturday thinking about what I wanted to do going forward. Sunday morning when I turned my cell phone back on there were around twenty messages, most from Allie. I really didn't want to listen to any of them so I just paged through the ones from Allie and listened to the rest. There was one from my boss, a couple from Allie's sister and one from Allie's father.

I immediately called my boss to let him know I was fine and requested a few days off. He was okay with me taking a few days but told me to keep in touch.

I realized that I hadn't eaten since Friday night and realized that wasn't such a good idea. I went down to the hotel restaurant and devoured a huge breakfast. I spent the rest of the day fishing at Tyler State Park. I caught several nice bass on a jig and worm but I didn't keep any of them. Better to let them grow and let someone else have the fun of catching them.

By dinnertime I was tired and hot so I went back to the Staybridge and took a shower then went out for dinner. Having resolved in my own mind what I wanted to do I went to bed and actually slept very well.

It was Monday and I had taken all of the morning and most of the afternoon to take care of some business before I went back home. It was around 7:00 p.m. when I walked into the house for the first time since I had left on Friday night. Allie was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee. I had stopped to pick up a couple of sandwiches and some chips so I set them on the table in front of us. She looked at them and then up at me and said, "I really am not hungry JD."

"I know you probably aren't," I said, "But you really should try to eat a little. After you eat we will talk."

She reluctantly picked up the sandwich and took a bite. I think that first bite spurred her appetite so she then ate ravenously until the entire sandwich and all the chips were gone. When she was finished she looked up at me and smiled but then burst into tears.

"Oh JD, I am so sorry," she said. And she started sobbing uncontrollably. When she finally settled down she went through the whole cheater's checklist: 1) it didn't mean anything to me it was just sex, 2) I love you and never intended to hurt you, 3) I was going to end it, 4) some of the blame is yours because you were so obsessed and I was lonely, and so on and so on. You know what you always hear.

When she finished I said, "Are you finished now? I know who, when and why so nothing else matters to me. None of your statements mean shit to me. It was sex but with someone other than me so you shouldn't have done it. If you love me and didn't want to hurt me you should never have done it. And yeah sure you were going to end it, in a pigs ear you were. And finally, if you were lonely why didn't you spend time with your dad or your sister. No, you had to find a boy toy to stop you from being lonely. And this was my fault? My efforts and 'obsession' as you put it were to apprehend kidnappers and rapists and as it turns out they were also murderers. I would say my efforts were not obsession but devotion to duty and public safety."

I continued, "Allison, I have no idea who you are anymore. The woman I married would never have done what you have done. She would never have allowed herself to be treated the way Billy treated you and she never would have thought so little of me that she would have betrayed me like you have.

"I have no idea where the woman I married is now but I am certain that she is gone forever. I am certain that I can never have her back. It is too late for that.

"I am also afraid that the man you married doesn't exist anymore either. I used to believe that if you did the right things in life everything would work out just fine. I have lived my whole life by that principle and look where that got me. I don't believe anymore. I don't think it matters what we do anymore. So, the man you married is also gone."

Allie wouldn't stop sobbing as I was telling her all of these things. I know it was hard for her to hear but it was also the truth. All of this had come to me over the weekend while I was struggling to figure out who I was going to be now. Oh, I knew but I wasn't about to let on to anyone.

"So Allison," I said, "I am leaving." I put the folder of papers on the table. "These are divorce papers. Let me tell you what is in them. First, there is something you have that I want back. My great grandmother's engagement ring that I gave you I want it back. It is part of my family history and I want to keep it in my family. I am sorry to ask for it because I really thought some day we would be able to pass it down to a daughter or to a son for his fiancé but that is not to be so I want it back."

Oh my, her sobs increased in intensity twofold but I continued, "Please give me the ring now."

She looked at me pleadingly but I just shook my head and she reluctantly took it off her finger and handed it to me.

"Secondly Allison," I continued, "You know that I receive money from my family trust. Some of it is in our accounts along with our investments and savings and I want you to have it all. I will continue to receive money from my trust so I will have all I need."

More sobs. Damn.

"I intend to keep 100% of my pension," I added, "Because your IRA account is almost exactly the same amount I see no reason to share my pension in any way."

"Finally," I said, "The house. As you know we do not own the house. It is also part of my family trust and it will continue to be held that way. That trust was set up long before you and I married and would be considered premarital property. You have no legal claim to the house or any of the family trust. But, that is also why I am giving you much of our money and investments. They are about equal in value to the house.

"In addition, you are of course free to leave this house any time you wish or you will be able to live in this house as long as you want. The trust will take care of every household expense as it does now. You will only have to leave if the trustee informs you that you must leave and he will not do that unless I tell him to tell you to leave. If that happens you will have a month to find another place to live and move all of your belongings out.

"Again, there are household furnishings that were part of the family trust and I expect you to leave them behind if you leave. You know what they are."

Her sobbing had finally stopped as she peered up at me with red and swollen eyes.

"There are only two conditions to you staying here," I said. "You will not entertain your men here. I will not have my family home be a whorehouse like you have made it the past six weeks. If you do that you will be physically evicted from this house immediately, no time to find a new place to live."

Of course her sobbing started all up again.

"And," I continued, "If you remarry you will be expected to leave immediately. I will not have you living in this house with a new husband."

"So Allison," I sighed, "That is it. That is my offer. It is not negotiable in any way. Have your attorney look at the papers. Sign them or don't sign them, I really don't care. Either way I am still gone. Either way I will not be your husband any longer. Our marriage is over, either with a legal stamp on it or just practically, but it is over. If you sign the papers give them to my attorney and he will complete the process."

Of course by this time she was inconsolable.

"There is one more thing we need to do before I leave," I said. "We are going for a ride."

We went out to my squad car and I told Allison to sit in the back seat. She didn't know it but I wanted her there so she couldn't get out.

By this time it was around 9:00 p.m. and the night life of the city had begun to rock as it always did. We drove into the seedier part of town and I stopped at a curb outside one of the hotter pickup spots. There were a number of women standing around and I walked over and talked to them for a minute. Allison was still in the back seat of the squad.

I took one of the women by the arm and led her over to the car. "Get in the back seat Brenda," I said. So she climbed in and sat next to Allison. As I drove off I could see both women in the back seat sizing each other up.

After we were out of the seedier part of town I pulled into a strip mall parking lot and continued with my plans.

"Allison," I said, "This is Brenda. I am going to ask her a few questions and I want you to just listen to what she has to say.

"Brenda, what is your real name?"

"Damn it JD, you know who I am."

"I know, but I want you to just answer all of my questions Brenda."

"Okay, I am really Judy Parker."

"Are you married?"

She sighed deeply and said, "Not anymore."

"Were you married?"

"Yes, to Ron Parker."

"And who is Ron Parker?"

"He is an assistant DA in the city."

"And why aren't you married to Ron Parker anymore?"

"He divorced me for cheating on him."

"And Brenda, WHAT are you now?"

"Goddamn you JD, you know what I am, I'm a prostitute. Are you fucking happy now?"

"No Judy, I am not happy and I know you aren't happy either. But, why don't you tell Allison here how you became a whore. Don't leave anything out."

By this time Allison's eyes were bugging out and her mouth was hanging open.

"Well," Brenda (Judy) started, "It all started when I met Billy Marconi at a social gathering. He was handsome and so charming and really liked being around me. My husband was so absorbed in schmoozing with the big shots at the party that he just seemed to be ignoring me and Billy stepped in to make me feel good. We had several drinks together and before I knew it we were out on the patio and he had caressed my ass and breasts a number of times. He whispered things in my ear that I had never heard from a man before, how he would make me feel if he could have me alone. I was vulnerable and he took full advantage but of course then I didn't know that.

"Before we walked back inside we had made arrangements to have lunch the next day at the Carlton Hotel restaurant. Of course you know what happened. We ended up in one of the rooms and Billy fucked me silly. I loved it. He was so attentive and so wonderful. That started the long road to where I am now.

"He started coming over to the house when Ron was gone on business. He would fuck me all day sometimes and I had so many orgasms I could hardly see straight much less think straight. Then he started bringing some weed, then eventually some coke and I was hooked.

"One day Ron caught us and threw me out. Billy took me in and the long road to my demise was suddenly shorter. Before I know what had happened to me I was hooked on drugs and Billy was whoring me out to everybody and anybody. Then he found someone new to work on and he just relegated me to his stable of girls. So that is where I am today."

I could see Allison just shaking in the back seat. She was in shock.

I asked Brenda, "How many girls does Billy have in his stable Brenda?"

She responded, "I know of four other girls turning tricks for him right now. Every once in a while one of them goes away and a new one comes in."

"One last question Brenda," I said, "What would you do with Billy Marconi if he were in the back seat there with you right now?"

"I'd gouge his eyes out with my fingernails and cut off his cock and balls and stuff them down his fucking throat. I made a horrible mistake when I took up with him and he ruined my life. Most days I just wish I was dead."

"Well Brenda," I continued, "One of these days you just might get your chance to have at it with Billy Marconi. He has fucked with the wrong guy this time."

She smiled at me and said, "JD if you ever give me that chance you can have free pussy for life."

Allison cringed and shot her a pretty vicious look. "Too fucking bad Allison," I thought. But I doubted I would ever take Brenda up on her offer.

I gave Brenda a few of hundred bucks and asked her if I could drive her home instead of back to her pickup spot. She thought that might be a good idea so we took off for her house.

After we dropped Brenda off I took Allie back to the house. We sat in the squad car for a few minutes before I let her out and I gave her my final speech.

"Allison," I still refused to call her Allie ever again, "So now you can see the slippery slope you had started on. You can see what you were so close to becoming yourself. You can see where your life was headed. I have done this last good deed for you because I loved the woman I married and because I don't want her to become another Brenda. We are through, but you don't have to be another Brenda. Take control of your life and be the person you are meant to be. Build yourself a good life."

She started to say something and I hushed her. "Allison, there is nothing to say. It is too late to say anything. From now on your future is entirely in your own hands. Goodbye. Now, get out of the car."

I opened the door to let her out and got back in the car and drove off. My new life was going to start up soon but that will have to wait for later.


I have a couple of ideas how to complete this story and in fact have put a hint or two in the story as to where it might go, but I would love to see the readers' thoughts on where it should go from here. Please do not put your idea in a comment but just send a message through the 'contact' section of Lit. if you have a suggestion. Thanks for reading my story and I hope you have a great suggestion. CB

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deependerdeepender14 days ago

Well done. Thank you. Showing respect for the person that used to be, for the person that was courted and married, is a necessity for life going forward. There is no way to explain that to another person: a person either gets it or they don't. Many, many LW authors don't get it. Judging by the comments, hardly any of the commenters do.


About half of the LW commenters need the author to read the story to them as well as writing it. There is not one single question in any of these comments that was not addressed in the story itself.

Booboo12629Booboo12629about 1 month ago

Well done. Great characters, tight writing. I would have liked to know more about the wife, but I get how you were trying to get the main story out. I know it's nearly a decade old, but I'd love to read the rest of the story.

arnowolarnowol2 months ago

This is the second story I've read from you and I have to say that I liked it much better than "THE ART OF REVENGE".

That's why I think I'll really like all of their other stories. :) ;) I love revenge stories!

Oh well, this story is really worth 5 stars!

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