A Sisters' Ploy Ch. 04


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The morning and sobriety of course would bring back all her sensory inhibitions.

As Matt dismounted her, he offered her back her bikini pants and a hand to help her stand up as he flipped the waistband of his own swimmers over his still half hard manhood. Looking across to where Kylie was sitting, taking in proceedings, Lucy wondered if she should feel shame for having got fucked in front of her sister. But in a way, she also knew that Kylie had engineered this whole evening. It wasn't by accident she'd been plied full of wine. Anyway, she'd had to put up with enough of Kylie's PDA's with other boyfriends over the years that one good fuck barely made up for it.

She even wondered if she might get a chance to watch Kylie get fucked.

As Matt and Lucy approached the coffee table, with the three glasses of port now laid out on it, Kylie stood up...

"I'll go and get us some water. We could do with some hydration."

Matt and Lucy took their seats; one on each of the two Ottoman seats, Matt watching through the patio windows with an erotic eye as the skimpily covered, beautifully figured Kylie filled a jug with water and headed back to them with the jug and three stacked glasses.

Matt slid across on his Ottoman to allow Kylie half of it to sit next to him. But instead, after putting the water and glasses down, she signalled for him to sit back a bit so she could sit across his lap.

As Kylie put an arm around his neck and he put one around her back and the other on her thigh, he was left with the not unpleasant realisation that Kylie's breasts were now distractingly directly in his line of vision as he looked across to Lucy.

Like Lucy's, Matt thought they were as erotically perfect as any breasts could be. About a c cup, they were sensuously shaped ski jump breasts. Perky, full and plump, but well separated, with their nipples right at the pointed and upward rising end of the ski ramp; Goldilocks nipples, not too big and not too small with areola that formed the peak of the breast and seemed to swell to push out even further the gloriously sculptured, perfectly coloured and quite reactive nipples that sat upon them.

The small triangles of the bikini top she had on, if anything, highlighted their eroticism. Teasing him with the ample display of flesh they permitted, they capped the breast, pretending to hide the nipples, but in reality doing little as the thin material simply plastered itself to the breast, revealing every detail as the wet material cooled the nipple and the areola on which it sat, and caused it to project to close to its full hardened height.

If Matt and Lucy were concerned any conversation that followed might turn into an analysis of the sex they'd just shared, they were spared that embarrassment. Instead Kylie turned the conversation to the practicalities of Matt moving in with them.

As they talked, Kylie's arm, which was previously around Matt's neck, instead slid down a gap she created between Matt's chest and her side, until her fingers could reach the bulge in Matt's pants. There they tickled it and played with it until Kylie had a full, still swimwear sheathed, erection she could wrap her hand around.

Matt in reply slid the hand he had on Kylie's thigh up into her crotch where he could slide his fingers back and forward across her crotch.

He was surprised to discover how aroused her vulva was; her labia separated, her vaginal entry opened enough he was able to easily shallowly penetrate her with a finger pushed into the gusset of her pants, and a clit easily identifiable through the gusset as being firm and engorged. Because he knew he would be going to bed with Kylie soon enough, he naively figured his purpose was to tease and please in a sort of extended foreplay, rather than drive her to a screaming climax there and then.

On the issue of the move, with his own furniture in storage and presently living out of suitcases, the move seemed fairly easy. Kylie was used to sharing her bedroom wardrobes with her male partner. As for the bedding arrangements, it was clear Matt would be taking some sort of turns. What the pattern would be was something to be experimented with.

Because the conversation had seemed normal enough, Matt had missed just how aroused and needy Kylie had become. He was enjoying Kylie's playing with his erection as nothing more than some enjoyable foreplay. What he forgot was that he'd just dumped a load in Lucy. Not only had Kylie not had any relief, her arousal had been stirred up by watching it happen.

But Kylie's apparently calm banter hid a much more powerful force. Kylie was nowhere near as sanguine about the situation as Matt thought she was. Those fingers of his had in fact found her already aroused; more than that, found her a cauldron of raging desire. Watching your sister get fucked by the man who's going to fuck you next will do that to you. Matt might not have focused down on her clit as he gently fingered across her vulva, but every time he touched it with his fingers a shot of irresistible desire accompanied the pleasure it gave her.

She might have reconciled herself with the fact Matt would be spending the night in her bed where sleep was the least of her present intentions. But she had a deep yearning for something more feral and wild then bedroom sex offered, and maybe one of putting on her own display for the benefit of Lucy.

The question had been how to instigate it.

Sitting on Matt's lap, she'd considered just going wild on him; turning to straddle his lap and fucking him bouncing up and down while sitting on it. But even in her inebriated state, that just seemed too brazen. She was simply lacking the courage to start it; she wanted Matt to.

Kylie's playing with Matt's erection had become a lot more than play. In the hope of heating up his own desires, she wrapped her hand firmly around the tall hardened edifice of his swimwear sheathed erection and was seriously jerking it off. She could feel the tension in its hard flesh, feel it surge and throb into her hand, feel the unyielding bell that her hand kept coming up against. Sliding her thumb over the end of the bell, she could even feel his slippery pre-cum permeating the wet material covering it.

And yet she couldn't trigger Matt to really make a serious move on her. She couldn't even get him to start seriously fingering her; hoping that maybe if he fingered her to an orgasm, that of itself would offer a pretext for a more feral move on him. The tease of it all was getting to be more than she could take.

With the port glasses and the water jug both empty, Kylie suggested Matt might like to refill the latter, standing up to let him out from under her, but in the process, all but blocking his path between the coffee table and the pool which he needed to traverse to get to the kitchen.

Assuming Kylie probably wanted to have a private word with Lucy, Matt stood up to comply. Because Kylie stood leaving less than a foot length's of paving between her and the edge of the pool and with her extraordinarily cute butt actually overhanging it, he stood sideways and tried to crab walked, face in to her back, around her; putting his hands around her waist and let his erection drag across the back of her bikini bottom.

It was exactly as Kylie intended, since, short of a walk around the whole circumference of the pool, it was the only way he could get past.

Her inebriated state might have caused her to miscalculate the likelihood of the success of her plan, but it had been clear and desirably erotic to her.

As his vertical erection centred on her bum crack as he moved around her, she would push pack enough to surround it with the cheeks of her bum, and make it very difficult for him to take the next step around her. She'd then twerk her butt to rub the length of his shaft up and down in her bum crack; unrelentingly so until he got the message to bend her over the coffee table and take her then and there; right under Lucy's nose.

It was probably a flawed plan from the outset, but became more so when she pushed back too suddenly and firmly. Thrown off balance and with no path behind him to give him room to recover his balance, Matt momentarily clamped his arms more tightly on Kylie's waist in a forlorn attempt to restore his balance, drawing her back with him as he toppled into the pool.

The fall was relatively painless, Matt's grip on Kylie's hips forced both into a close together v shape, entry to the water, with their bums at the base of the v, causing them to go deep instead of landing flat and hard. But it did leave Matt underneath Kylie as he tried to resurface.

Sensing a degree of floundering on his part, Kylie quickly turned herself face down to let her swim off him, but immediately found Matt's erection in her crotch. At the same moment, Matt's feet found the bottom and he used those to lever himself up, carrying Kylie with him. The result was to leave them very quickly upright, Matt standing on the bottom with Kylie suspended, feet off the ground on the tip of Matt's erection, as he embraced her around the waist...

As Kylie in turn embraced Matt, she couldn't help herself...

"Well that's a neat move. Did you learn that rescuing women as a lifesaver?"

"Learn what?"

"How to have a poke at a drowning woman."

"I don't usually enter the water with an erection, so it doesn't work that well. And I don't think you were actually drowning."

"Yea, right, sure. I'll have to get Lucy to keep an eye on you I think. In the interests of public safety of course."

It was a banter intended to distract from the seriousness of her intentions and make ambiguous who had been the instigator of what would follow.

If plan A had gone astray, it was time to go to plan B. She'd always wanted to get herself fucked in the pool. It was just previous boyfriends weren't worthy of that honour and Lucy's presence had inhibited her. Now it was an even better reason to make it happen. Lucy needed to get used to group sex; or at least sex in company.

Kylie pushed her hips a little away from Matt's to bend his erection down and let her put her feet on the floor of the pool while still having the tip of it between her legs, resting on or near her clit. Then she sort of pushed and bounced him towards the steps out of the pool, biting at his neck and pushing her breasts into his chest as her caressing hands made it pretty clear to Matt that Kylie had something other than demurely exiting the pool in mind.

As they approached the steps, she ripped at his swimwear, pulling it off his butt and letting the tip of his erection come out from between her legs to get it over that and all the way down to his knees.

Matt, by now fairly clued up on what Kylie had in mind, had pulled the strings on her bikini top and let it float away.

Just before Kylie had Matt against the steps, she dived down to rip the swimmers off his leg, tripping him back onto the step as her bum up dive let Matt grab her bikini bottoms and do his own bit of de-panting; momentarily leaving her inverted in the water as he actually pulled her legs up to get them right off.

It was two naked bodies that were immediately after pushed against the steps; Matt leaning back against the slope of the steps, Kylie on top.

Kylie was not in the mood for any more foreplay. She bit Matt's neck as the used her hand to guide his firm erection into her body.

As she completed her penetration of herself, she lifted her head away from Matt to let her look down at him, at the same time opening the angle of his penetration of her to stimulate herself more powerfully. The effect of seeing Matt's manly body under her sort of works both ways for her.

On Thursday morning she'd desired nothing more than to be dominated and taken by him. To see and feel his gorgeous, strong body fucking her in the most overwhelming way.

Now the situation was reversed. Kylie had pushed him into this position to meet her own sexual needs. He was hers; under her control. This manly man, in the supine position she had pushed him into, was there for her taking and to meet her needs. It made her feel powerful. It made her feel good. Above all it made her feel stimulated and aroused.

It sort of magnified in her mind the strength, hardness and size of the erection she had in her drink affected body; multiplying its stimulative effect.

Part of her just wanted to go crazy on him; jumping up and down on him in a lust dominated, uncontrolled, almost animalistic, way. And yet, her inner self said to do that would be to forgo the real excitement. Properly used, his manhood could stimulate her in a way no other man ever had. She had under her and in her body the most erotically perfect living dildo, man doll any girl could want.

Take your time she told herself. Use it thoughtfully and to its best.

She slipped her hand down the front of her body, to grab the bottom of Matt's erection where it emerged from her body; wrapping her hand around its rock hard flesh. Then as she, slowly at first, lifted herself up and down on him, she used her hand to control the depth of penetration and rake the tip of his erection firmly against her g spot.

Almost immediately she was overwhelmed by the pleasure it gave her. She didn't want to cum quickly. She wanted to draw out this pleasure for as long as she could. She slowed it down, changing the angle, doing what she could to pleasure herself to the maximum she could without tipping over into an orgasm.

She knew she was moaning. Rather loudly actually; especially for outside. She knew Lucy was sitting there watching. But really, none of that mattered. All that really matter was this incredible feeling in her body.

It was intensified when Matt lifted his head to suck her nipple; at first holding it between his lips as his tongue flicked across it, then taking it wholly into his mouth, actually suckling on it as he continued to play his tongue against it. Instinctively Kylie put her spare hand around the back of Matt's head, holding his head to her breast as he suckled away.

Some sort of hormone rippled intensively through her body; part pleasuring, part drawing on some deep maternal instinct which triggered emotions that had barely seen the light of day in her body before that moment.

Kylie closed her eyes, taking it all in; feeling the pleasure and even the sentimentality build into an unstoppable force. She felt like she'd been lifted to another place, a good place, with so much happening inside her all at the one time.

Tears started running down her cheeks, real tears, not of sadness but of a joyous emotional high. Part of her hoped her wet face and hair would hide them from Matt, but most of her didn't care.

She knew she was drunk and vulnerable to all sorts of uncontrolled feelings, but one thing was certain. Drunk or not -- this was the most moving sex she'd ever had.

Her brain, her whole body, felt like it was getting to the point it was going to explode. She wanted more, she wanted to draw it out, to take it slowly, but a battle raged inside her; between the forces of immediacy and that of patient maximisation. She tried resisting the siren call of the devil of immediacy; the one that said finish it, don't wait, take it now. But it was too strong. In a lustful rage, she stimulated herself on Matt's hard cock faster and harder.

Her scream; more an almighty cry of almost unbearable pleasure, was probably heard half a block away.

Her body drowned in an indescribably ecstasy that suffused through her whole being. She collapsed towards Matt, nearly forcing her breast down his throat, bent over the top of his head. Her body heaved as it alternated between a sobbing cry and moans of never before experienced pleasure.

Matt sat silently and barely moving under her, still suckling her breast, but otherwise letting her obviously powerful orgasm take its course.

As the waves of her orgasm diminished and faded away, Kylie became aware of another force; oxytocin driven feeling of love and attachment towards Matt. She let his shaft sink fully into her body as she raised the hand previously grasping it to wrap around his head; that and the one holding her breast to his mouth drawing him as close to her as their positioning would allow.

She knew the game was only half over. Matt had yet to cum. Indeed, Kylie had noted she'd barely extracted a groan from his as she'd focused on pleasuring herself.

Without releasing his head, she clamped her vagina tightly around the shaft inside her and lifted herself up, extracting half its length from her body before softening her grip and sitting back down to fully penetrate him; enough to grind her clit against his pubis.

She repeated the movement, the delightful feeling of her clit being stimulated as she came down again and ground against him conveying a clear message her body wasn't finished with him yet. Mind you, with Kylie's hand still all but forcing her breast down Matt's throat and he still suckling away on it, there were a number of things stimulating her.

Kylie had no idea of whether Matt's recent dumping of a load in Lucy would prolong his endurance now -- for that matter neither did Matt -- but, while wanting to pleasure him, hoped he wouldn't go too quickly.

She eased her grip on his head, even easing the one clamping her breast to his face, as she rose again; gripping his erection tightly on the way out, loosely on the way in and grinding on full penetration.

Even this was stirring feeling unfamiliar to her. She'd ridden a guy cowgirl before -- many times -- and well knew how to work her clit against him to her own pleasure. But Matt's shaft was doing things she'd never felt in this position before. Penetrative sex, unless strongly focused on her g spot, rarely of itself stimulated her. She liked it, liked its intimacy, but her orgasms had to come from stimulating a well-recognised erogenous zone.

But, once again, Matt's shaft was stimulating her internally. Maybe, she thought, it was thicker and getting her g spot worked up in a way others hadn't; although she couldn't really tell. Whatever, it was having a delightfully arousing effect.

Enjoying it, those initial thrusts established the pattern of Kylie's riding of Matt; tightly gripped on the way out, loosely on the way in and a nice grind of her clit on his pubis on full penetration.

As Matt hummed in pleasure, she could tell both of them were enjoying it. Unravelling her arms from Matt altogether, Kylie leaned back a bit, increasing her vaginal stimulation, letting her stare at Matt as she noted he too was staring -- in this case at her breasts. He held his palms lightly to her breasts, inviting her to rub her nipples up and down on them.

Already worked up, Kylie came first, moaning loudly, but not alerting the whole neighbourhood as her earlier climax had. Now focused entirely on finishing Matt, she rode him harder and faster. His face said it all; softly dropping, his mouth shaped into a definite 'O' as his hums of pleasure merged into almost a song.

Kylie felt his manhood surge inside her, then pulsed as Matt's distinct climatic groan signified he was dumping his load into her.

Matt flopped back on the stairs, his body drained as little mini after-climaxes continued to wrack his shuddering body.

Remembering for the first time since this had started that they'd left Lucy watching the whole spectacle, Kylie looked across to the coffee table, expecting to find that she'd gone inside. Instead she found her staring back at her; much as Kylie had earlier watched Lucy get fucked. Given what she knew about Lucy, that surprised her. The drunken state she was in had obviously reduced all sort of inhibitions.

She smiled at Lucy as she lifted herself off Matt, gave him a kiss, then swam out to retrieve the parts of her bikini now strewn on the bottom of the pool.

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MafenMafen11 months ago

Again with the restrauents. There is no such word. It's restaurant!

WittonWittonabout 2 years ago

I gave it a 4 but one of those stars was out of respect for the author's glorious oeuvre - an author unknown to me would have gotten 3.

Way way too much telling and not showing. This is the first of the author's stories that is in the third person (that I've read, anyway) and it drags. Her ability to use the first person makes her stories much more real and thus more entertaining

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