A Sixville First Time

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Virgins of Sixville don't stand a chance. (2)
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"Rob, you can't go to Gatestown! What about Sophie?" Beth, his wife, exclaimed down the phone.

"It's ok, babe. I asked Sue and Peter for the name of their babysitter and she's agreed to look after Sophie." Rob Cannavane told his wife.

"I don't know. I don't feel good about having a stranger in our house, looking after our daughter for a whole weekend!" Beth complained.

"I know this is bad timing, with you away at your reunion but I've got to go to Gatestown prison and interview this witness. After the way the sheriff bungled the search and Mason's newspaper is defending him, this might be the only way to get Jameson convicted!" Rob explained.

"Honey, I know this is important to you but what do we know about this girl?" Beth said sympathetically.

The County Attorney sensed victory now.

"Beth, Cassie Small is 18 and one of Peter's former students from the convent school. She couldn't be more perfectly trustworthy!"

"Well...all right, but make sure you give her all the phone numbers and the alarm code." Beth Cannavane said, relenting.


Beth Small phoned her boyfriend Jesse Stevenson as soon as she got off the phone to Mr Cannavane.

"Hello, Jesse. Guess what?"

"What?" Jesse said, smiling at the sound of his girlfriend's voice.

"I'm babysitting this weekend. This family, the Cannavane's are away and want me to stay at their house."


Jesse stood in his room, open-mouthed and was about to say more, when Cassie carried on,

"A house for a whole weekend...." Cassie emphasized.

Jesse was about to protest about the location when he realized just what it was that Cassie was offering.

"You're sure you want to do this? I only want to know that you're ready." He said softly.

"Jesse, we've been together for a year. I love you and you love me and I really think it's time we..." The teenage girl trailed off, laughing embarrassedly.

"What time should I come round?" Jesse said, a little fearfully, even as the blood rushed to his cock and he slipped his hand down to his waistband.


"Hello Cassie, come on in." Rob said, as he answered the door.

"Hi, Mr Cannavane." Said the shy teen as she entered the minimalist, but well-appointed house and looked about for her young charge.

"She's fast asleep. You won't have any problems with Sophie, but just in case, both my wife's and my cell numbers are on the fridge. We'll both be back Monday morning in time for one of us to take Sophie to the fair."

"Just the one child Mr Cannavane?" Cassie asked the handsome 46-year-old Latino to make conversation.

"What? Oh no, there's my eldest from my first marriage. Denise, my ex, got custody... Well I really must shoot off if I'm going to find a room in Gatestown."

"Don't worry about us Mr Cannavane, we'll be fine." Said the petite blonde as he grabbed his bag and exited.

Cassie walked around the house and helped herself to some chips in the huge kitchen then took her bag up to the guest bedroom where she was to sleep. She changed out of her demure black sweater and long skirt and into her brand new dress. It was pink with a delicate black floral pattern. She like the way that it flattered her smallish chest but accentuated her thin waist and slender legs without looking slutty in the slightest.

She checked on Sophie, who was fast asleep as promised, and began to place candles around the living room. She was biting her lip due to nerves.

She heard footsteps on the porch and bounded towards the door. She flung it open and stopped dead.

"Er...who are you?" The tall beautiful 22-year-old who stood there asked.

"Oh I'm Cassie, the babysitter..." She croaked at the older woman, horrified that this might mean the end of her plan.

"Hello..." The stranger said thoughtfully, "I'm Maria, the Cannavane's daughter...other daughter....", as Cassie stood aside to let her in. "Pleased to meet you Cassie!" Maria beamed in a friendly way.

"I'm sorry Miss Cannavane, I wasn't expecting you...your dad didn't..." Cassie stammered.

"It's okay. This is a surprise visit so no one was expecting me..." the sultry raven-haired beauty said as she entered the living room. "Were you expecting someone else...?" She continued, conspiratorially as she glanced about her.

"Oh...sugar...I ....I'm sorry...please don't tell your dad..." The pretty girl babbled.

The older woman gave her a face of understanding and put an arm around her shoulders.

"You're waiting for your boyfriend? It's okay, you can tell me. I used to 'baby-sit' when I was younger."

"You aren't angry?" Cassie asked, shocked.

"No, of course not. I think it's sweet. Is it the first time?" Maria asked, taking Cassie into a loose hug before offering to help get the room ready.

"Yeah...for both of us..." Cassie felt relieved that she had found someone to confide in. Her parent's would have killed her if they'd found out she was planning sex before marriage. Her friends were not much better.

"And he's not...you know...pressuring you?" Maria asked sisterly.

"What? No! Jesse...he's not like that at all...his mom raised him alone so he, he respects women...I mean, I know he wants to but he never talks about it or asks me to...you know..." The younger female whispered, a little proudly.

"How far have you gone?" Maria asked, softly.

Cassie blushed and looked away.

"We kiss all the time and last week...I..." She trailed off, embarrassed.

"It's okay, take your time..." Maria said, giving a little reassuring squeeze.

"Well I...you know...used my mouth...but my dad came home and nearly caught us... he'd have killed him..."

Maria nodded her head in sympathy.

"Catholic?" She pondered and when Cassie confirmed it, Maria continued, "How much sex education have you and Jesse had?"

"Oh, I suppose we know the basics. We figured that we'd work out the rest...." Cassie couldn't believe how open she was being with this virtual stranger.

"How did you two meet?" Maria questioned.

"Promise not to laugh?" Cassie asked, only continuing when Maria nodded. " We met at choir practice a year ago. I knew I loved him straight away and we've been seeing each other since then at college. He's so sweet. I know it's a bit uncool but...but... he writes me poems and letters and things."

"That's very romantic, Cassie. Tell me more about him."

Cassie looked up and was uncertain that she wanted to confess everything to someone she had only just met.

"Cassie, I'm not trying to pry but if I say okay and this liaison goes on tonight, in this house, I'm going to feel a lot responsible for you, you understand?"

Cassie could see the sincerity in her eyes and could see her point.

"He is really gorgeous and smart. I mean he's on the swim team... and plays soccer and...everything, but he still gets good grades. I've got a picture of him ...if you're interested."

Maria nodded and took the well-creased photo and looked at the boy standing comfortably in Speedos. It showed his cute dimpled face beneath long scruffy black hair that reached his eyebrows and his soulful brown eyes. Maria's eyes flashed as she took in his broad shoulders, his lean, lightly muscled body and Maria suspected his well-endowed package.

"I'm very interested." Cassie's new friend said under her breath.

"Sorry?" Asked Cassie, as she hadn't caught the utterance.

"I think I should meet him.... just to reassure myself that you two are going to be all right." Maria said thoughtfully.

"I ...um ok?" Cassie said, choking at the relief she was feeling that she'd still be able to lose her virginity tonight.

"You want to hear about my first time?" Maria asked.

"Please." The inexperienced girl replied gratefully.

"Well it was this guy, Ricky, we're both 16 and he was sweet. We thought it was love so we decided to have sex. It was the worst night of my life. I was so naïve. I cried at the sight of the blood and was so freaked out that when he came I ran away. We hadn't used any protection and I was so scared I was going to have a baby..." Maria said as she shook her head wistfully.

"What happened with Ricky?" Cassie asked, concerned.

"He never wanted to see me again. I really wish that someone had been there to tell me what to do..."

"Someone there?" Cassie asked, shocked.

"Well, I don't know...a friend who understood, who could tell me how to do 'it' and make it perfect..." Maria said carefully.

"It was really that bad?!" Cassie squealed, petrified. "I don't want to break up with Jesse!"

"Listen, he'll be here soon, won't he?"

Cassie looked at the clock and nodded.

"Why don't you go upstairs and freshen up, put some make-up on and make yourself beautiful for Jesse and I'll be here to meet him and have a little chat with him...." Maria suggested.

"I don't have any make-up...my mom doesn't approve..." Cassie complained.

After lending the girl some of hers and packing her off upstairs Maria heard footsteps on the gravel path and went and opened the door.


"Er hello? I..." Jesse said, puzzled as he looked at the strange woman in the doorway.

"Hello, you must be Jesse!"

"Yeah..." He replied cautiously.

"I'm Maria, Cassie's cousin." She lied as she lent over to kiss him on both cheeks. Jesse stood frozen. He could feel Maria's body pressed close to his and he could smell her spicy perfume.

"Is Cassie here?" He asked, suspiciously.

"Right upstairs. Come in, come in." Maria said as she led him in by the shoulders, kicking the door shut with her foot.

"I didn't know Cassie had a cousin?" Jesse said timidly.

"Well, we're not really related but we're very good friends. Really, I'd have thought a good boyfriend would have known that!" Maria scolded. "In fact, despite the age difference, we're really close. That's why she told me about tonight and your plans."

"She told you!?" Groaned Jesse, thinking he was going to die.

"She wants me here to help make it perfect for you."

"I think we can manage..." He said quietly. The hot older woman was still too close to him and it was making him uneasy.

"Manage? You don't care if Cassie has a special night?"

"Oh. No. I'll do whatever she wants..."Jesse said uncertainly.


"Cassie, you look beautiful" Jesse exclaimed, standing up as his girlfriend entered the room. Cassie flushed at the compliment and shut her eyes as Jesse took her hands. She thought he was going to kiss her and tilted her head up.

The kiss never came.

Cassie opened her eyes and saw Jesse glancing at Maria uncomfortably.

"Umm..." Said Jesse, shyly.

Maria jumped up from her seat and walked over to the awkward couple.

"Why don't we all sit down for while?" She suggested as she pulled a spliff from her purse.

"Oh my God, is that a joint!" Jesse cried from the sofa.

Maria nodded and smiled.

"Don't worry, it'll only make you both more relaxed and comfortable. It'll help calm your nerves..." Maria explained, offering it to Cassie.

Cassie dithered for a moment; she'd never done pot before but eventually decided that this was the night to do things for first time.

She coughed as Maria lit it and she inhaled the pungent smoke.

"Are you okay?" Jesse asked, concerned.

Cassie smiled her reassurance and passed it to him. He gingerly put it to his mouth.

The teens puffed on the spliff as Maria opened the drinks cabinet and poured some red wine into three glasses.

She turned to watch them and said thoughtfully,

"Kiss each other for me."

"Er...okay?" Jesse said, looking at Cassie for confirmation.

She turned her body to him and put her hand on his. They both lent in to touch lips.

Cassie tingled as she felt Jesse's soft mouth on her own and brushed a hand over his smooth cheek. Jesse only had thoughts for his girlfriend as tasted the unfamiliar lipstick mingling with a trace of mint toothpaste.

Maria cleared her throat expectantly.

"Are we doing something wrong?" Cassie asked, anxiously.

"That's not how you kiss a man if you want to keep him," Maria instructed. "Move over." She said and taking a seat between the other two. "Watch me..." She said as she turned to Jesse and pulled him into an embrace.

"Wha...hpmmm." Jesse tried to say before her hot red lips covered his. Her tongue forced it's way between his closed lips and licked his teeth.

He shot an awkward glance at Cassie who had a stunned expression on her face but a curious one quickly replaced it.

He responded to the kiss, slowly. Maria pulled back as Jesse stuck his tongue out and did the same, just letting the tips touch playfully.

Cassie watched with fascination and her stomach was lurched slightly as she saw her boyfriend engrossed by the now passionate kiss. She could tell by his short breath and groans that he was really enjoying it.

Maria broke off the kiss and looked at Cassie.

"That's how you should do it." She said as Jesse blinked back into awareness.

"Isn't ...it...gross Jesse?" Asked Cassie, quizzically.

"No...it feels...amazing..." Her boyfriend sighed.

"Let me show you." Maria offered, inclining towards the nervous and confused girl.

"I'm not a lesbian!" Cassie said, sliding away a bit.

"Hush, it doesn't make you a lesbian if you just kiss another girl." Maria said evenly. "Activity is not the same as orientation. Don't you think she should kiss me Jesse?"

"I know you're not a lesbian Cassie, it's okay." Jesse answered, reaching over to put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Okay..." The teen said uncertainly but, trusting Jesse, she shut her eyes tight and lent forward, mouth open. Maria wasted no time in locking lips with the pretty blonde.

Cassie had to admit to herself that the sensations were not unpleasant but she couldn't really let herself go. The feel of the feminine face against hers did not feel right.

Jesse watched, fascinated; he had never seen two girls kissing before and the sight caused a stir in his boxers. He tried to pull his t-shirt down to cover his erection, embarrassed.

Maria finished with Cassie and looked her in the eye.

"Did you like that?" She said.

"Sure...?" Cassie replied, sounding far from positive.

"Looks like Jesse did...!" Maria exclaimed, her eyes lighting up as she noticed the tent in his pants.

"Oh God...." Jesse croaked, turning crimson.

"Nothing to be embarrassed about Jesse, it's a pretty normal response to get turned on by seeing your girlfriend making out with another woman." Maria consoled him and stoked his chest. "Now why don't you show us your cock?" She continued.

"What?!" He gasped, his penis deflating a little at the thought of exposing himself.

"Come on Jesse, we're all friends here and, you know, there's not much that can happen fully clothed..." Maria encouraged.

Jesse looked at Cassie to make the decision but her eyes were downcast. He glanced at Maria, who was willing him on with her eyes.

"Okay...." He whispered, unzipping his fly, slow with his disbelief in himself.

Once his pants were undone he stopped, unable to do it.

Maria smiled at him and her hand to his crotch. She pulled his boxers' waistband up and over his half-stiff 7 and a half inches. She looked at him and smiled.

"You really have a fantastic dick Jesse!" Maria exclaimed.

Jesse looked at Cassie anxiously. She was staring at his hard manhood and he was unable to read her expression.

Maria looked at her too.

"Cassie, do you think you can show me how you used your mouth on Jesse before?"

Cassie nodded like she was in trance and woodenly slunk to the floor in front of Jesse.

Jesse noticed that she was trembling slightly as she put her head down to his throbbing prick.

Cassie took his swollen head between her thumb and index finger and used them to move Jesse's meat to one side. She lightly placed her lips to the base of his shaft, giving it a coy kiss. After a few more butterfly kisses were dotted over his sensitive flesh Jesse said,

"That's really nice Cassie..."

Maria rolled her eyes; God, Cassie was treating Jesse like he was a hand grenade that could go off at any moment. She smiled, thinking to herself that maybe that's exactly what teenage boys were!

"No... Cassie, not...like that." Maria instructed. "Budge over." She said, pushing Cassie firmly on the shoulder.

Cassie retreated to an armchair, crushed.

"Hey, don't....ohhh shit!" Jesse started to protest at the relegation of Cassie before feeling the warm, wet mouth swallow him completely, her lips down to his light black pubic hair. He could feel his helmet prodding the back of her mouth and her tongue moving over his entire length.

He looked down, awe in his eyes and Maria looked back up at him, her eyes flashing gleefully.

Jesse shut his eyes and lent back as the older woman began to bob up and down with relish, hardly taking breath.

He ran a hand through his hair and couldn't hold back the vocalization of his pleasure.

"Oh God....." He moaned. "Awwww....yeah....God."

"Hmmm...it tastes so good...Jesse..." Said Maria as she came up for an instant.

"Yeah....awww...shit...yeah..." Jesse exclaimed.

Maria could tell he was going to cum soon by the way that his cock had begun to twitch. She gripped on the base of his prick and directed his head so it was aimed straight down her throat.

"..........ughhhhh...." Jesse cried as he shot load after load into Maria's waiting mouth.

After Jesse was spent and Maria had collected every drop she turned to Cassie.

"That's how you do it properly." She calmly told the aghast but intrigued girl.

"Is...he...finished...now...can he...?" Cassie asked, horrified.

Maria perched on the arm of the chair and put a sisterly arm around the teary eyed teen. They both looked over at Jesse, who sat there, his saliva-coated cock deflating against his soft belly.

"Oh, Cassie, honey, the best thing about teenage guys is that they're ready to go again really quickly...there's plenty left for you, don't worry." Maria informed her.

"Jesse...?" Cassie called to her boyfriend.

He opened his eyes hazily.

"Jesse, do you want to see me do the same to Cassie?" Maria asked him.

Jesse's eyes lit up and he nodded incredulously.

"What? No! That's so dirty and wrong!" Cassie cried when she realised what Maria was suggesting.

"Don't be silly, Cassie. Getting pleasure from your pussy is nothing to be ashamed of." Maria said in a patronising tone.

Cassie was torn, she had always been taught that this was shameful but she had seen how much Jesse had enjoyed it.

"Jesse...??" She whispered, hoping that he might forbid it. He didn't reply but she could see eagerness in his eyes and her resistance fell as she realised that she didn't want to disappoint him.

"Okay?" She uttered.

Maria smiled as she slid down to the floor. She turned to Jesse and told him,

"Watch closely, baby."

She pushed up Cassie's dress and used two fingers to pull Cassie's panty fabric to one side, revealing her unshaved virgin pussy. Maria worked a finger gently into the tight hole and gently pushed in and out as her mouth closed over Cassie's clit.

"No...I...oooh..." Cassie moaned, she'd never felt anything like it. "I've never..."

Maria gently nibbled on Cassie wet cunt lips, all the while her long fingers sliding in and out.

"......." Cassie gasped at Maria's expert frigging. Her whole body was beginning to tingle.

"Awwww...." She screamed as wave after wave of sensation racked her body. She came explosively to her first ever orgasm.

Maria knelt back, satisfied with her handiwork. Talking to herself, she said aloud,

"It's time I had one of those..."

She turned and crawled over to Jesse, leaving Cassie in a post-orgasmic daze.

"Were you watching closely, Jesse?" Maria asked him.

He nodded.

"Think you can do the same to me?" The sultry woman asked.