A Soldier's Story

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Draftee has sex with mother and sister.
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Chapter One - Drafted

In September of 1968 I received a letter from my local Draft Board inviting me to come down to the Induction Center for processing and "possible" induction into one of the branches of the United States Armed Services. I had been DRAFTED.

My Draft Board had also included fare for the El so I could get to the Induction Center. I was to report on September 17th. My mother and sister were really upset. They didn't want me to go, what with the war going on in South East Asia. But, as strange as it may seem, for some reason, I wasn't too upset about it.

It wasn't that I wanted to get away from home. My life wasn't bad; in fact it was pretty good.

I should explain, at the time I lived with my Mother, Sarah and older Sister, Rachel, just outside Chicago, IL. My father had passed on about four years before and at that time I had become the "man of the house" at the ripe old age of 14. What that meant was far beyond me. Mom was a chef in one of the more up-scale restaurants in the city. She made a very good salary and neither my sister nor I wanted for anything. So being the "man of the house" simply meant that I felt responsible for anything that went wrong. But, nothing ever really went wrong, so I just did what a normal 14 year old did; went to school, hung out with my friends and fought with my sister.

In High School, I participated in sports, track; swimming and intramural basketball. I was never a star but I was the captain of my intramural basketball team; and we actually had a winning record once or twice over the four years. At 5'11" I was the tallest on the team.

I dated some in High School but never with the same girl for more than a month or so. My friends told me my standards were too high, as I would always find a reason to break up after a couple of dates.

There is a person I should mention "Uncle" Freddy. Uncle Freddy was not a blood relative. He and my father had grown up together. They were drafted, served in the Army and went to Korea together. They were closer than brothers. When Uncle Freddy's parents died, we were the only family Uncle Freddy had. Thus, when Dad died, Uncle Freddy was always there. He spent all the holidays at our home. He had played Santa Clause, even the Easter Bunny. There was nothing he wouldn't do for us.

He was a plumber by profession, but he was one of those people who could fix anything and could build anything, from model boats that could sail, to remote control airplanes. He taught me so much. I was a good student and was eager to learn from him. However, this would never be a case of the student surpassing the teacher. I would never be as adept as he was.

After graduation I got a job in a grocery store stocking shelves. I had given college some thought, but didn't think the time was right, even though I was prime draft bait. After about a month, Uncle Freddy had me put an application into the Plumbers Local so I could get a plumbing apprenticeship. He had told me that I would be hearing about my acceptance into the program in about three weeks. But another uncle of mine had other plans for me and two weeks later I received the letter from my Uncle Sam. Maybe I wanted to do something different…Dummy.

Chapter two - Ft Jackson

After my induction in Chicago, I wound up in Fort Jackson, South Carolina. It was a really lovely place, deep in the Heart of Dixie. Right out side of the State Capitol of Columbia. Boot camp was not exactly to my liking. Although I was in pretty good shape, Basic Training was a real workout. We trained 7 days a week. The only break came on Sunday morning when you could go to religious service; believe me EVERYONE went. But, in the end I was looking rather hard. The Army made me really fit.

After eight weeks of Basic Training, in about mid-November, we graduated on a Friday morning. The graduation consisted of marching up and down the Camp Parade Ground in front of the General, a bunch of other officers and some families who probably lived nearby. The General gave a speech telling us to be good little soldiers, to serve our country well and listen to the officers etc. etc. etc. I couldn't wait for it to end. It was cold and even with the overcoats we had on the cold was seeping into our bones. Finally, the general shut up and we were dismissed.

We had been given three-day passes, this was the first time we could leave the Fort since we arrived in Ft. Jackson about 8 ½ weeks ago and were to report back to the barracks by 2400 hours (midnight) Sunday so they could take us to the Advanced Infantry Training (AIT) Company by 0600 hours (6:00 AM) on Monday. Like most of the other guys in my Company, I was going into the Infantry. Yea, I was going to be a ground pounder, a grunt, in other words…cannon fodder.

After the graduation ceremony, I was planning on going into Columbia with a couple of buddies. Getting and staying drunk until we returned Sunday night to the barracks.

"Hey, Terry," one of my buddies called, "Lets get goin, we don't want to miss the bus."

I picked up my "AWOL" bag from the side of the parade grounds and started to run after the other guys. The bag had a couple changes of underwear and socks for the weekend. As I ran I heard a familiar voice calling, "Terry…Terry…over here."

I thought I was hearing things. I thought, it can't be…but when I turned around…sure enough there was my mother running toward me waving her arms, calling me.

I couldn't believe it. My mother looked… she was beautiful. Why had I never noticed it before? It wasn't because she was wearing anything sexy or even suggestive. She was in a wool coat that came to her mid-thigh and her skirt came to just below her knees. But, she was beautiful. She looked so much younger that her 37 years. Her hair was longer than she usually wore it and she had just a hint of makeup, which she didn't really need. Had the eight-week separation changed her so much? Whatever it was I was in shock.

Mom, was only 37 years old. She had my sister, Rachel when she was 16 and I was born when she was 18 years old. Mom and Dad were married after Rachel was born so on her birth certificate, Rachel has Mom's maiden name, Burton. They never got around to changing it after Mom and Dad got married. Mom also used her maiden name at work.

Mom was about 5'7", slender but not skinny, her breasts were not really big. They were perfectly proportioned for her body and she had a pair of knockout legs. In my eyes she was the perfect woman.

I stammered, "Mom??? What…when did…"

As she ran to me laughing, I threw my arms around her and spun her around.

"Terry…Terry, I had to be here and see my son, the soldier, graduate," Mom said panting from the run.

"TERRY, the bus is coming; hurry up," my buddy called.

I turned and shouted, "Go on without me, I'm not goin."

My buddy shrugged and ran for the bus.

"I hope that I didn't mess up your plans with your buddies," my mom asked with a worried look on her face.

"No way, Mom, Lord knows, I would rather be with you more than anyone else," I told her as I hugged her even tighter.

Mom's beautiful face beamed with happiness as we walked off the parade ground arm in arm. As we walked I saw my Drill Sergeant. He spotted me and mom and he yelled, "Hey Matson, didn't know your girl friend was coming."

Mom smiled and said, "I wanted to surprise him."

My sergeant laughed, "Boy I wish I had a surprise like that."

Mom just giggled as we walked away.

I said, "Mom, he thinks that you are my girl friend and that we are going to spend the weekend together."

Mom said, "Let him think what he wants. Anyway, we are going to spend the weekend together."

We laughed and I put my arm around her waist and hugged her.

I gave my mom a quick tour of the fort showing her where I lived for the past eight weeks, the barracks, the Mess Hall and the Chapel. Later we caught a cab into Columbia.

Mom told me that she had flown into Columbia airport early that morning and had gotten a room in one of the hotels in town. She said that it had two double beds so she didn't see any problem with us staying together. I didn't complain. I didn't have enough cash to get a room on my own. A private's pay was $88.00 a month. Not quite $3.00 a day. So a free room for the weekend was perfect.

It was around 1800 hrs (6:PM) when we got to Columbia and mom and I were hungry. Mom said that a business acquaintance of hers had recommended a restaurant in town and she wanted to try it. It turned out to be one of the most expensive places in town. Far beyond the reach of a private in the U.S. Army.

Mom said not to worry and slipped me five twenties and said no one would ever know. I felt a little funny about it, but what the heck. I put the money in my pocket and hugged my mom really tight.

"I love you mom," I told her.

"I love you too, my baby," mom answered.

We got an out of the way table off to the side, where we were for the most part alone. However. I did catch some of the male patrons giving Mom the once over. It made me feel good. I thought, eat your hearts out guys. This woman is mine.

The dinner was wonderful. The food was great, but after eight weeks of Army food, I wasn't much of a critic. Mom liked the food and we split a bottle of wine.

During dinner, we talked and talked; I gave her a blow-by-blow description of the past eight weeks. She told me about things at home, how my sister, Rachel was excelling at the culinary institute and how my Uncle Freddy was hovering over the both of them, like a mother hen, since I left. We were laughing and enjoying this time together. I had a warm feeling when we left the restaurant, whether it was from the wine or just being with Mom, I didn't care. I felt happier than I had in a long time.

After leaving the restaurant we walked arm in arm. As we walked mom said that she would really like a Hi-Ball, a Rye and Ginger Ale. We stopped at a liquor store and got a small bottle of Rye and a bottle of ginger ale.

We window-shopped as we walked to the hotel. We would stop and look into the closed stores telling each other what we liked and didn't like. We went into one store with a recessed door and were looking at the merchandise.

Mom put her arms around me and asked, "Did you mean it when you said, you would rather be with me more than anyone else?"

I put my arms around her pulled her close and said, "Mom, I would rather be with you than anyone else in the whole wide world."

Mom looked up at me and said, "You make me so happy, Terry. I love you so much."

She placed her arms around my neck.

I looked into her eyes, lowered my head and softly kissed her lips. It was like 1000 volts of electricity went through me. Mom was kissing me back. The kiss lasted longer than I had intended, but it felt so good. It was more loving than passionate.

When we parted, Mom said, "You shouldn't kiss me like that, Terry."

"Why not, mom?"

She looked into my eyes and with a slight smile and said, "Because I like it too much."

Her eyes were filled with love and passion as our lips met once again. This time there was no softness in our kiss. Our lips mashed together, our mouths opened and our tongues danced and explored each other's mouth. The kiss seemed to go on forever. My hand slipped down to her ass and I pulled her hips into me.

Mom softly moaned as we broke our kiss, "Terry… Terry… Terry; my sweet loving boy… I love you so much…I love you."

I kiss her cheeks and her neck.

"Oh, Mom," I said. "I love you, too."

We parted and continued our walk to the hotel with our arms around each other.

When we got to the hotel we took the elevator to the tenth floor and went to mom's room. We entered and I took Mom's coat and hung it in the closet then hung my overcoat there too.

Mom turned to me and put her arms around me and said, "I don't know what has come over me, but it feels wonderful."

I looked at my Mother and said, "You are the most beautiful woman in the world and I love you more than anything."

Once again our lips met, our mouths opened and our tongues dueled. I pulled her body into mine. She responded by pushing her hips into my groin. I ran my hands over her ass. My erection pressed into her. There was no doubt that she felt it pushing into her.

She then pulled away from me and whispered, "Make us a drink; I'm going to get out of this suit and get into something comfortable."

She then went into the bathroom with her overnight bag.

In a daze I pulled the bottle of rye and the bottle of ginger ale out of the bag and made two Hi- Balls. I took a gulp of mine and almost choked, it was almost all rye. I quickly added more ginger ale to both drinks and made them a lot weaker. For some reason, I didn't want to get my mother drunk.

When she came out of the bathroom she was wearing an old robe tied at the waist, a robe which she has worn for years. There was nothing sexy or sensual about it. But, she looked stunning. She was so beautiful, truly a goddess. I couldn't catch my breath. I just stared at her, like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. My dick actually got harder…if that was possible.

Mom said, "Terry…are you okay? Is something wrong?"

I stared at her and said, "Mom…Mom I never knew that you were…were so beautiful…how could I have been so blind."

My mother looked at me and said, "Oh, Terry; do you really think I am beautiful?"

"Mom, you are the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen. I can't believe that I never saw you before."

Mom said, "Oh, Terry…Terry…Terry…I love you so much."

She lifted her drink and we clinked glasses.

We both took a drink. I looked at her and smiled. I put my drink down and took a step toward her. I took her in my arms and kissed her. I mashed my lips onto hers and forced my tongue into her mouth. She accepted my tongue and pushed hers into my mouth. We kissed like there was no tomorrow. I ran my hands over her back and ass; I could feel that she was naked under the robe. I never wanted to stop kissing and holding her.

We walked to the bed. Mom put her arms around me and pulled me into her and we once again kissed. She pulled me down onto the bed. I lay next to her. I placed my hand on her breast. She reached down and began to stroke my cock through my pants.

She then started to unbutton and unzip my pants. "Take them off," she said.

I stood up and dropped my pants; from habit I picked them up and hung them over the back of a chair.

Mom laughed and said, "My son has grown up."

I pulled my army boxer shorts off and my erection sprang free.

Mom gasped and said, "My son had really grown up."

Mom then held her arms out to me and said,"Come to me, my big boy."

I lay down in the bed, next to her. I couldn't believe that I was lying naked next to this beautiful woman…this goddess…this dream…my mother.

She reached out and took my face in her hands and pulled me to her and kissed me again. I reached out and put my hand into the robe caressing her bare breast. I then untied her robe and spread it away from her body.

I couldn't believe what I saw. Her body was magnificent. It was like looking at a centerfold. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. And this beautiful, wonderful woman wanted me.

I moved my hand from her breast to her stomach and then into her pubic hair and caressed the lips of her vagina. They were wet with her desire. I ever so slowly pushed my finger into her.

Mom groaned and shivered as she pulled me closer and said, "Terry, I want you…I need you…come to me my lovely son…come to me."

I withdrew my hand as she spread her legs exposing her vagina to me. I was trembling as I raised up and settled between her thighs. My dick had never been so hard. It was like a huge steel spear that I was about to impale my own mother with.

My mother reached down, took my dick in her hand and guided it to her vagina. She stroked my hardness along her dripping lips lubricating it. She then guided me into her, to the place where my life had started.

She said, "Please take it slow, I haven't been with a man since your father died and you are so big."

I couldn't believe that my dick was entering her most sacred place. She was so hot, wet and tight. It was amazing that something this tight had allowed both my sister and I through.

We both moaned as I ever so slowly pushed into her. The feeling of my dick inching down her hot wet tunnel of love was almost more than I could stand.

I was moaning, "Oh; Mom…Mom...Mom, Oh God…I love you…I love you."

Mom had her hand on my hips pulling me into her, moaning, "Oh Terry...Oh God; you are filling me, you are so big inside of me, it's been so long, give me your all; My Terry; My son. You are making me feel so wonderful. I can't believe I am loving my own darling son."

Finally, when I was completely inside her, with our pubic hair entangled, I held still. Neither of us moved. We were breathing heavily.

I looked my Mother in the eyes and said, "Mom, you were the first woman I ever loved."

She said, "I know sweetheart."

I went on, "So it's only right that you should be the first woman I make love to."

Mother gasped, "Terry, you have never been with woman before? You're a virgin…My sweet boy is still a virgin. I'm taking my own son's virginity. I can't believe it…I can't believe it. OH, GOD."

Mom started to buck underneath me. She began thrashing and she was yelling, "OOHH TERRY TERRY TERRY."

It seems that the idea of taking my virginity, sent her into the throes of an orgasm.

I began to pump my dick in and out of her vagina. After a couple strokes I felt as is my balls were going to explode. I pushed into my Mother as far as I could. I wanted to force my whole body back to where it was conceived. I wanted to be completely engulfed in her body. To always be a part of her, joined together.

I yelled, "OHH .MOM…MOM; I'M CUMMING...I'M COMING IN YOU. Oh God…Mom…Mom…Mom."

My dick exploded and I pumped my hot cum into her vagina, her womb, her body again and again. It felt like I was pouring my soul into her. I was joined to my mother in a way I never thought possible. I had never believed anything could be this wonderful…this beautiful.

My Mother had wrapped her legs around my waist, holding me in her. She was bucking and thrashing beneath me. When I exploded into her she screamed, "Terry…YES YES YES


It seemed that I would cum forever. I pumped rope after rope of my semen into her as she came again and again. I never wanted it to stop.

Ever so slowly we came back to earth. We remained coupled. Neither of us wanted to part. Finally, my dick softened and slid out of her overflowing vagina. We didn't care that the combination of her love juices and my cum was leaking out of her onto the bed. We just lay there with our arms around each other.

Mom leaned toward me and lightly kissed me. I never felt so loved and I never felt so much in love before. I had found what I was looking for in all the girls that I had dated and rejected. This was the woman I wanted.

I began to kiss her face moving to her neck, down to the valley between her breasts and then kissed my way up to the top of her breast. I kissed her hardened nipple and took it into my mouth and began to suckle as I did when I was an infant.

My mother put her hands at the back of my head holding me to her breast and said "Suck me, my love, suck me like you did when you were a baby. I loved it when you did it back then and I love the way you are making me feel now."