A Son Captures His Mother Pt. 02

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And keeps them, and now his Aunty.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/31/2015
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Thomas, his mother Mary and Hannah, continue the affair to its conclusion, and also with another extra.


The funeral took place when the post mortem confirmed that his father had died from a massive heart attack brought on by obesity, and years of heavy drinking, combined with little or no exercise except for the work he did in the church he belonged to.

They were sorry he had died, but at the same time it saved them and him from real and probable embarrassment. No one knew of Thomas's seduction of his mother and now his sister. He had forced them in a way, but nothing on God's earth would ever make them, or entice them away from the future they now saw as being more or less belonging to the life he had put forward to them.

For the first time they had real love, someone who loved them, and showed them the way, even if it was his way. Mary had married Ronald in good faith, both were devout Christians, and Hannah a devout Christian daughter. Thomas though, while he remained a Christian, he had rebelled from the zealous bible thumping father he had come to ignore.

Over the years he had become a religious tyrant in many ways. And Mary, his wife had bowed to him and his demanding ways. Thomas had begun looking at ways of getting his mother away from his father, he loved her, and wanted nothing but for her to be happy. Hannah had to be saved from him too, she was growing up into him, but in the end, her own unknown, and now rabid sexual appetite had not only saved her, she had saved herself with her brother's undying love for her and her mother.

At the lavish wake, all who attended were ignorant of Mary and Hannah's new position in the hierarchy of the Collins household. Thomas was now the man of the house, which was accepted. Mary would be regarded as the matriarch, and Hannah, well Hannah was Hannah!

The financial status was nothing but good for them all, the house was paid for, there was money in savings. Ronald had insured himself many years ago and that paid off very handsomely. Although it took a solicitors letter threatening legal action and damages if it wasn't paid forthwith. And his company had an employee policy that was also paid out, and very handsome that was too. So all in all, the Collins household was more than well off.

Thomas had one more thing to do with his mother and sister, both were not going to be very happy, "But," he told himself. "No pain, no gain!"

The dining room, which was huge, held a fourteen place table, polished oak, 6 chairs either side, and a carver at each end. It had never once been used to its capacity. The table had six legs, two at each end, and two in the middle. Thomas's fertile mind saw an opportunity.

He brought the ropes he had taken to the cabin and attached four to the middle legs, two on each side, he then attached two to each table leg at the ends. His biggest problem was getting Mary, his mother, and Hannah to do what he wanted without them asking, or complaining to him. He knew they would follow him. But audible complaints had to be dealt with.

He also went to a sex shop that sold the things he knew he would need, and also a couple of things he thought he might. So he was set, now for the stage scene. He decided on his mother for the first part of his plan.

"Mother," he said after luncheon and Hannah had wandered away somewhere, "I want you to come with me please." Mary did so, she would never go against her son now, not ever. Her heart was with him, her trust 100%. She followed him into the dining room. "Please mother get undressed I have things you will like."

Mary immediately stripped, embarrassment was no longer an issue. He then proceeded to tie her two legs to the table, he had put the large sodt rug on it for her comfort. Then he laid her over it where he tied her wrists. "Now mother please don't be alarmed," he told her, he fastened a blindfold over her eyes and gagged her. Mary never said one word.

"Now mother I will leave you for a few minutes," he told her, "please be patient, and when you hear me come back in, I don't want you to utter one word, not even a heavy breath, okay?" Mary nodded her head, she was imagining all sorts of things Thomas was going to do to her, she got wet at the thoughts.

He hurried off and found Hannah, he told her what he wanted to do, asked her to trust him and to not say one word, or even breathe deeply. After some hesitation she agreed. Thomas placed the gag and blindfold on her, and led her naked into the room, there he tied her as he had his mother.

Under the table were two sets of enema fittings, including tiny electrical pumps. He had everything ready including the solution required for the task. Then he reached out sideways and removed both women's blindfolds. Mary and Hannah were now looking at each other along the table top, completely unable to raise up. Their naked bodies wide spread and open to Thomas and his desires, which were many as he gazed upon them.

He chose his mother first, Mary was the least likely to raise mayhem. He inserted the made plug into Mary's ass, and turned on the pump. He hurried to Hannah and did the same. Both women felt the warm solution filling their bowels, both looked at him, both wondering what was going on. All they got from Thomas was a huge smile. Mary felt a little excited by it, Hannah felt a lot excited by it. The heated water solution was nice, it filled her, and she thought she could feel it circulating in her.

Now Thomas tickled their clits in turn, going from one to the other, this was really the first time he had initiated a sexual frolic with them at the same time, and both were his happy captives. He tormented their nipples, arousing them both together. Though how long that would last remained to be seen.

He waited the allotted time for their bowels to be thoroughly washed, then he turned on the little tap to empty their asses and the dirty brown liquid poured out into the bowl awaiting it. He repeated the process until he had clean solution emitting from them both. Now his cock was growing for what he had in mind. He was going to fuck his mother and his sister in the same way, together, and one at a time.

Mother was the first again, his cock, now big and fully erect was rampant for the action. They both watched in eager anticipation for him. He smoothed KY Jelly over it, swabbed it around Mary's ass. He removed the plug from her. Hannah was looking on wondering what was happening. She saw Thomas step behind her mother, and shove his cock right in to her.

She didn't know he had plugged her ass big time, Hannah saw and heard her mother's forehead bang down on the table, and then Thomas rode her hard, very hard. He removed the gag and Mary gabbled and moaned, no coherent words came out. She was more concerned with the pain and what Thomas was doing to her.

But Mary gritted her teeth, "if this is what he wants, he can have all of me!" she told herself. Because of this, Mary felt the first stirrings of enrichment, her inside were awash with feelings of lust, and growing arousal. Thomas suddenly pulled out and walked quickly down the table to his prone sister, he pulled her plug out, applied more KY and banged his cock deep into her too.

Mary was aghast, he had left her high and dry, but Hannah nearly fainted with the shock, she was cleaved in two she was sure of it. Thomas reached for and got her clit, this helped to focus Hannah's mind from the pain in her ass. Then he snagged a nipple and mistreated that, soon Hannah's head was rocking. Thomas yanked out and went back to Mary, he slotted straight back in to her ass, and Mary wailed in painful contentment.

Thomas began striking for home in his mother, now she was with him, she wanted to be with him all the way, and Mary was there. But once again he left her and went back to Hannah where he whammed it all the way in hard and long. Hannah cried out, now she knew why she was here, and why Thomas was doing this, it was because Hannah and her mother wanted him, it was as simple as that. He fucked them both to their first anal orgasm, But he could only cum in one ass. He chose his mother, silently promising Hannah she would get hers big time.

Holding her hips he went for his finish, Mary felt the whoosh as his thick sperm refilled her bowels, she came again knowing what was happening, what he was doing. Thomas's knees buckled but he kept himself upright until he had emptied his balls.

He left them there, he took out the gags, they couldn't move but they could talk, his next mission was to get his mother and Hannah as partners too, but he didn't think he would have much trouble with that. After all they were mother and son, and sister and brother lovers already, mother and daughter was a formality once he had started them off.

"Hannah," Mary said, "are you happy with this?" she asked.

"Mother can't you tell I am, I never expected any of this under dad's house, but now I know there is more to life than just praying to God, although I will always do that.!"

"Me too Hannah, me too," Mary responded. "And I don't want any other life now, no matter where we go or what we do, agreed?"

"Yes mother, whole heartedly," she replied solemnly. "But I never expected him to do us like this either, but I thought it was great after I got over the shock and pain of it." Mary smiled and never said anything.

Thomas didn't return for an hour, they wondered what would be next. When he did come back he another contraption in his hand, neither knew what it was, but both decided it looked like a cock. He went to Hannah, and untied her, stood her up. "Trust me," was all he said. Hannah nodded her lovely head. Then he fastened it around her waist. Hannah stared in amazement at the life like cock hanging from her.

He untied her ankles, and said to her, "Hannah I don't want to see you for about thirty minutes, or longer if you like okay?" And he walked out and closed the door firmly behind him. Hannah stood there puzzled as to what was happening, what he was meaning. The beautiful young eighteen year old was perplexed, she looked at her mother lying there spread over the table.

Then realisation dawned on her. Thomas wanted her to play with her mother, he had to! No he didn't want her to play with her at all. He had left mother like that for her to use, if she wanted to. Mary saw the look on her daughter's face, and she knew too what was to be. "Hannah, no darling, don't?" Hannah smiled sweetly as she approached her helpless mother.

"But mommy dearest, this is what Thomas wants, doesn't he?" she said, as she stroked her mother's ass. Then she slapped it, Mary yelped.

"Hannah no please, let me go, we can talk to him, please?"

Hannah had no intention of going to Thomas, "Oh no," she thought, "this is my time," and giggled happily. She wasn't a lesbian, far from it. In fact she didn't know what a lesbian was. She was behind her mother now, palms of both hands softly rubbing the cheeks of her ass, before caning her with another slap. Mary yelled for help, but somehow she knew none would be forthcoming.

Hannah hefted the rubber cock in her hand, she felt for her mother's shiny wet passage, tickled it, making her moan helplessly. Then she poked it in, Mary wriggled uselessly, she felt the intrusion and her head sank. She was now the plaything of her gorgeous daughter, and nothing to be done about it. She knew this was Thomas's wishes, he had organised everything today.

Hannah began to stroke her toy cock in and out of her mother, and Mary had no choice but to accept it. Her stomach lurched as Hannah bottomed out, a long pull out, and a whopping hit back in. This brought Mary's head up with a wail, a wail of surrender to her daughter.

Hannah set about screwing her mother the way she knew Thomas did, and Mary had to cum, her pussy tried to turn itself inside out as she climaxed for her daughter. Hannah stood there, hips flying back and forth as she systematically decimated her mother. She reached under and got her nipples, she squeezed them hard, twisted them just as hard, and then yanked each sideways. Mary cried out in pain and utter agony as she made her cum again.

The cock in her was her life, "Hannah, oh please Hannah," she cried as another breath taking orgasm crushed her completely. She couldn't take anymore, Hannah sensed she had gone far enough, and loving her mother as she did, she did the only thing she could do, pull it out.

Mary gasped and sighed, she suddenly felt empty, and she knew walking after today would be a problem. But her problems hadn't finished. Hannah took aim and sank it right into her mother's still open ass! "No, no, please Hannah, Oh God, oh God nooooooo." Hannah felt pity for her, but Thomas wanted her to do what she wanted, so she was. She pumped her mother's as for as long as her legs and hips would carry her. When she could hardly stand any longer Hannah pulled out of her thrashed mother.

She tottered out of the room, she made it to the sitting room. Thomas was reading and looked up with a smile. "Have a lot of fun Hannah?" he beamed. She fell into a chair and could only nod. "Well then," he went on, "I had better go and see to her hey?"

Thomas went to his mother, he untied her, shushed her when tears fell from her eyes. He picked her up and carried her to bed, he laid her in it, undressed and got in with her, he held her to him, and cuddled her to a somewhat fitful sleep. Mary slept solidly for 6 hours, and her eyes opened to Thomas's smiling face, he had stayed with her all the while.

"I love you Mary, you are my life," he told her.

"I know Thomas, and I feel the same, but Hannah," she looked pensive, then said, "is a very naughty girl, and I'm going to have to punish her back?" and her wide smile told him all he needed to know.

Two days later they had a visit from Ronald's only sister who was 12 years younger than he, he had left her nothing in his will, and she was going to be thrown out by her landlord for none payment of her rent, could they, would they help her? She was taken in immediately, Lorna had the same view of him as they did, she was a Christian too, but not devout, although she was unmarried, she too was a very good looking woman.

"Aunty Lorna," Thomas said, "this may sound odd to you. But since father died, I have taken up the mantle of man of the house, haven't I mother, Hannah?" Both went to him, stood at his side and said yes. Lorna, a woman of the world noted their adoration of him right off. "We have settled into a loving hierarchy, there is me, Mother and Hannah, you would have to fit in, could you?" he asked her so gently, but he was already designing her seduction.

Lorna sensing that she was being invited into a sort of club, and she agreed she could, and would. They had to tip toe around Lorna in the night; she was unaware of the loving going on around her. But gradually things fell into place, she guessed, she loved them all anyway, and wished she could find a way of saying to them, "I want to join the club as a paid up member." She would never deceive them.

One night Thomas went to her room, he his mother and Hannah had talked and all decided that the time should be right. He looked at her lying there in bed wearing a little nightie. She looked at him, her short dark hair neatly brushed, her cherub face turned to him. No words were spoken, she knew why he was here. Lorna put down the book she was reading, and waited. He approached and she swept back the covers, the unsaid invite asking him in.

He dropped his clothes to the floor, the sexy women waiting for him appraised him, and she was impressed by her brother's son, very impressed, a tentative kiss ensued, a touchy feely one, fingers of all four hands began to explore. Lorna was an experienced woman unlike her niece and sister in law. But when she grasped Thomas for the first time, she sensed that she might just have found what she had been looking for, why she had never married, waiting for the right man, was Thomas he? She thought so.

After she lay there panting having being made love to like it was the first time she knew that he was. She was so now looking forward to the rest of the night, she felt that she might learn a thing or two, she did! Mary and Hannah are two very lucky women she told them the next morning after a family meeting chaired by Thomas.

Within six months the house had been redecorated and refurbished to bring it into the 21st century. Thomas was the king of the castle, Mary and Hannah had swelling bellies, but Hannah was ahead of her mother by about one month. Both women were ecstatically happy, and so was Lorna, she was 2 months on.

I would like to thank those who favourite the story, and the kind words. To those abusive and rude anonymous people, go away, slide back under the rock from whence you came. I will and do delete you, Cowards, that's what you are. Just like a bully, Coward!

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TheOldStudTheOldStud2 days ago

Probably didn't need the aunty but still good...

ThmfknloreThmfknlore4 days ago

So he claims love by forcing them to have sex with him that's not love that's rape and any story about rape and forcing should be banned and if any are written the writer should be put in jail cause that says they would rape someone and force them to do something against their will

maxx308maxx30810 months ago

An excellent read, thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I thought this was an excellent story. I do think it needs to be finished though. I would like to know the rest of the story. Come on now please give us more. I am sure you would find us ,well me at least very grateful. We don't see writing like this often.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Very good reading. More please???????

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