A Spectral Seduction Pt. 03

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The party.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/13/2021
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My dreams that night were an incredible mixture of erotic, bizare and confusing scenes involving Millie, Lizzie and me. In all of them we were naked.

In one of them the three of us were running hand in hand through a field of wheat, the tips were around waist height, the summer sun heating us, the wind blowing our hair wildly around our heads.

In another we were sitting next to each other on a wide, plush sofa in the lounge of Lizzie's house. The furnishings were completely different from Lizzie's more modern style. We were surrounded by women in capped sleeved, full length Regency dresses. They were all watching the three of us pleasuring ourselves while they smiled at us and each other.

In yet another we were in a room of the house that I didn't recognise. It was sparsely furnished, with a couple of chairs around the edges of the room. The floor had a deep pile, soft and comfortable carpet and we were lying on it. We were once more surrounded by women who were, this time, naked, and all of us were pleasuring each other in a variety of ways.

The visions continued, vivid and very realistic, a selection of vignettes of erotic scenes rolling through. All of my senses were activated. Scents, touches, tastes. In many of them I came to orgasm.

I finally awoke as the sun shone through the gap in the curtains. After all the erotic dreams I could feel my whole body was energised.

I felt Lizzie's hand around my waist. We had clearly ended up spooning in the night with me being the little spoon. As my mind slowly came to full wakefulness I was aware of my own arm draped over someone in front of me. I opened my eyes and there, facing me and smiling, was Millie.

She kissed me and whispered, "Good morning, Strict Anna. What wonderful dreams we shared. You made my memories come vividly back to life. You've made me so happy."

I looked into her smiling eyes and quietly asked, "You had the same dreams? Those things happened to you? You've led an... interesting life."

Millie placed a soft kiss on my lips and said, "I have learned and taught so much in my time."

I felt Lizzie stir and then say what I hadn't had a chance to express. "Millie? You're... back... but it's daytime. You don't have to just be here at night?"

I shuddered with delighted shock as Millie ran her fingers down over my already erect and excited nipples. I felt Lizzie's hand stroking gently on my mound.

Millie said, "It is All Hallows Eve, Lizzie. I can be anywhere today and, if you help me, I can be here for longer."

I tried to focus on her words but the combination of the two of them stroking me was incredibly distracting. As if they were unaware of the effect they were having on me they carried on the conversation as Lizzie started stroking down over my clit.

"You... you can be here for longer? How?"

I parted my legs slightly as Lizzies fingers explored further down, stroking at my entrance.

At that moment Millie's other hand joined Lizzie's, stroking between my legs. The heat in me was intense, the orgasm that had been fuelled all night by our dreams was so close. I moaned.

Millie said, "Shh, daughter of my love, let's focus on Strict Anna. All will be revealed later."

I willingly gave myself over to their touches and kisses, pushing back against Lizzie, feeling her breasts pressing into my back as she placed kisses on my neck. Millie kissed me and the kiss lit my whole body up. At that precise moment I felt someone's fingers slide into me, filling me, stretching me. I was lost in a mist of lust and desire. My orgasm exploded from me and I started shaking and crying out. Millie's kiss seemed to add to it, lifting me higher and higher. I felt the fingers deep in me, on me, pinching my nipple, and it just carried on.

Eventually I was lost in another world. I opened my eyes to see I was lying with Millie and Lizzie but there was nothing but white mist surrounding us. My orgasm was still there, stretching on and on. I was calling out and the mist seemed to dampen and absorb my words.

Eventually it started to subside and I closed my eyes once more, revelling in my now completely satiated self.

When I opened them again I was back in the bedroom with Lizzie and Millie kissing me softly on my neck and shoulder.

I finally found my voice. "Wow. Where was that, Millie?"

She broke away and smiled, "You saw it? The white mist?"

Lizzie broke in, "I saw it too! Like we were there, floating."

"That is the place we go when we come fully and where I've been forced to live at times. It is where we will need to be tonight if you are to summon me fully."

Lizzie now asked the question which, somehow, we hadn't asked yet.

"Who... what... are you?"

Millie looked a little sad for a moment before replying, "I don't really remember. I've always been here. I have memories. You saw some of them in our dreams. That night when we were all together, making love on the floor, so many of us, that is one of my favourite memories but strangely, I don't think it has happened yet."

Lizzie burst in. "That room filled with naked women all making love? You saw that too? That happened?"

Millie smiled, "Something like it did although sadly you weren't there. None of those women were there the last time it happened."

I had a question now, "So why didn't you ever ask Lizzie's mum to help you?"

She smiled wistfully before replying. "I always tried to tell Margaret it was possible but I think she was a little scared and I hadn't fully understood everything. I'm still learning as I return more completely than I have in centuries. I do know that it can only happen on this day. You have to summon me into myself at midnight. "

Lizzie said, "But... oh no. We're having a party tonight. A Halloween party. There will almost certainly be a few guests still here. How..."

Millie stopped her by leaning over me to plant a soft kiss on her lips.

"Don't worry. We will find a way. Only those who want to be here will still be here at midnight. I'm so happy you brought me here. I will finally be completely free."

I was confused now, "I brought you here?"

Millie nodded and said, "You were in my bed. In your dream I saw you. You called out to me."

"I... I don't remember. I..."

She smiled, "And yet it happened. You drew me to you. Your need."

Lizzie finally broke the moment by saying, "I hate to be practical but we still have a party to arrange, and you and I have to dress in our Moriticia outfits, Anna. Um... Millie... you'll be here all day? Will you be at the party?"

She smiled and said, "I will, although to begin with only you will be able to see me."

I looked at her and said, "And will you come in a costume?"

She kissed me briefly before saying, "All will be revealed."

The rest of the day before the party was a bit of a whirl of activity. Lizzie and I hurriedly dressed in jeans, tees and trainers before heading downstairs. Millie was suddenly adorned in a full length, sleeveless, diaphanous white dress. It was very obvious she was wearing no underwear. Her pert breasts, nipples and areola were clearly visible, as was her full mound of hair and her seemingly permanently puffy pussy lips.

We worked through the day to put all the external decorations up, Millie helping us by acting as a sort of creative director telling us where things looked better. We grabbed a light lunch and I was surprised that Millie also ate. I'm not sure why it surprised me, but it did. If she was a ghost why would she need to? Next we started preparing the finger food and bowl of punch for the evening. All the food was themed around Halloween such as mini pizzas with spiders constructed from black olives; eyeball hors d'oeuvres and a salad made to look like a skeleton.

All the time, as Millie was with us, she would stop each of us occasionally and kiss us. Her kiss was mesmerising. Her very presence seemed to emanate a feeling of lust and desire that we were unable to fulfil but more and more desperately wanted to.

We ended up showering ahead of getting into our outfits, Millie left us to it and the temptation to pleasure each other was almost insurmountable but we were very conscious of the clock being against us.

We got into Lizzie's room where she had the dresses and wigs hanging in her wardrobe. Millie joined us to, once again, offer artistic tips. The dresses were full length with a plunge neckline down to around our belly buttons and a front split to well above mid thigh. They had the classic lantern sleeves and tulip base. Underneath we both wore a black suspender belt, black stockings and matching lacy black g-strings, due to the plunge neckline bras weren't an option. We'd bought black heels with bindings up to mid calf to complete the ensemble.

We did each others' makeup. Matching bright red lipstick with grey eyeshadow, black mascara and eyeliner. There was a feeling like we were a couple of teenagers getting ready for our first big party. There was a lot of excitement and nervous anticipation in both of us. Millie's very presence added to that.

Once we were dressed Millie stood back, a delicious smile on her beautiful face and put a critical thumb and forefinger on her chin before declaring, "Perfect. Just perfect. You will be the belles of the ball."

She approached Lizzie first and kissed her softly. I watched as her hand brushed down between her breasts and then on down over the material of the dress. Lizzie shuddered and I saw her eyes close as she let out a soft moan.

Then Millie came to me and repeated everything. The kiss followed by the stroke and I felt a rush of fire in me. My wetness increased and I felt my clit throbbing with deep need. My breathing deepened and became rapid.

When her lips left mine I finally managed to gather myself and say, "What... Millie... what was that? That was wonderful."

She smiled and looked from me to Lizzie and back to me. "It is my gift. It will aid us this evening."

Lizzie said, "You're going to make me come if you do that to me too often, Millie."

Millie smiled. "You will come with me into the grey world, along with the chosen."

I was confused. "The chosen?"

Millie smiled enigmatically and just replied, "All will become clear. Now, your first guests are about to arrive, Lizzie. You should be there to greet them."

She turned and swept out of the room, Lizzie and I in her wake, holding each others' hands like the lovers we now clearly were. Just the touch of Lizzie's hand on mine now sparked straight through me, giving me a jolt not dissimilar to the feeling Millie had just provided. What was happening to me? To us?

We got to the hallway and then exited out into the early dark of this late October night. The air was cool but I felt only warmth and heat. The lights of the house flooded out from behind us, lighting the driveway with a soft glow and, sure enough, as we stood at the top of the marble steps a small group of five people, all in costume, walked through the gate and up the driveway. Millie stood in front of us, on the step below.

Leading the group was a stunning couple, walking hand in hand.

One was a beautiful black woman. She was dressed as Cleopatra with a see-through, full length black body stocking covering her arms, body and legs down to her ankles, Over this was layered a black and gold striped top that crossed over her breasts, obviously passed around behind her and then down around her front, crossing once more over her mound, leaving her flat belly on display. Falling from below the lower part was a pleated, translucent drop of black material which fell to the floor, covering her modesty. On her head her straight black hair was tied in a ponytail and there was a golden braid that circled her with two golden plaits falling just either side of her face.

Her companion was a slightly shorter Indian looking woman, dressed as Pocahontas. Her dress was a fawn colour with blue edging and silver tassels. It was off the shoulder on one side, and bias cut on the hem so that it was higher on the same side as the off the shoulder part, revealing a very smooth expanse of thigh

The black woman called out, "Lizzie!" and waved.

Lizzie called back, "Hi Angela! Rhea! Lovely to see you both!"

The rest of the group consisted of a sexy witch, a guy who had dressed as a character from Avatar, including having painted his skin blue, and a woman dressed as a sexy cat, with a tail and kitty ears.

Lizzie lifted my hand in hers and said, "Angela, Rhea, this is my friend Anna, and this is Millie..."

Angela and Rhea looked a little confused and Millie turned, smiled and winked at us.

Angela said, "Um... Millie? Who's Millie? Where's Millie?"

They couldn't see her. Millie had warned us but it didn't seem possible.

I thought quickly and stammered out, "Millie. Yes, Millie. It's Lizzie's pet name for... her house. Her new house."

Angela and Rhea looked quizzically at me but just smiled. As Angela came up to me, Millie stepped aside, her dress lightly flapping in the breeze. Angela held out her hand, "Nice to meet you Anna," while Rhea gave Lizzie a hug.

I took her hand in mine and replied, "Lovely to meet you too, Angela."

They swapped over and I got a delicious kiss on each cheek from Rhea and a hug. She whispered, "I love your Morticias! Lovely to meet you, Anna."

Lizzie said, "Okay all, let's get indoors. I want you to see all the wonderful decorations that Anna, Millie... sorry, Anna and I have set up in Millie."

We turned and followed Millie indoors. We'd lowered the lights and put filters on others so that there were areas of blue, red and green all through the hall, lounge and kitchen. There were fake cobwebs everywhere as well as a coffin with fake blood oozing down the sides in one corner of the hall. We went into the lounge and Lizzie started the Halloween themed playlist from the iPad we'd set up there.

Over the next hour the house filled up with new people and Lizzie and I did our best to be the wonderful hostesses we dreamed of being. There were thirty or more people, all in wonderful costumes.

Both Lizzie and I watched as Millie wandered around among the guests. She would walk up behind them and brush their necks with her lips. Depending on how they reacted she would then wait until she could stand in front of them and, as she had done with us earlier, she would run her finger down between their breasts, another common theme was that they were all women, and then her hand would seem to sink into the material of their outfit just between their legs. We watched as most of them reacted in the way we had. Their faces flushed and their eyes seemed to sparkle. When that happened, Millie could place a soft kiss on their lips and move away.

The ones who received Millie's kiss were Angel, Rhea, and four others.

The first one was Jen, a friend of Lizzie's who had come as some sort of Renaissance Princess. She was wearing a beautiful, crimson full length dress with bell sleeves, a tight bodice and a slash on the left up to hip height exposing the taffeta layers underneath. She had a pink ruff around her neck and in her long, straight black hair she wore a matching crimson, heart shaped, felt tiara. She looked beautiful, the outfit emphasising her delicious, hourglass shape.

The next was Jill, a beautiful blond American who lived nearby in the village. She had come as a very sexy looking Red Riding Hood. She wore a red, hooded cape under which she had a deeper red basque and full length skirt which had a slit up to the top of her thigh which revealed she was wearing black leather boots which came up above her knee. Everything was tied together with deep black ribbon and she was carrying a basket of fruit with a red and black checked lining.

Next came Christa, a very shapely latin beauty with dark hair and a beautiful shape that was more than enhanced by her gothic outfit. It was, of course, black, off the shoulder with full length lace sleeves, a corset dress that came to above mid thigh, the skirt portion was layered over with the same black lace, high at the front and sweeping down in layers at the back so that it just brushed the floor. Her black heels completed it to a tee.

The final one was Laura. She was dressed as a very alluring witch doctor. She had a black, long tailed waistcoat under which she had a purple low cut vest which showed the mounds of her breasts beautifully. She was wearing black and, in places see-through, shorts. The black patches covering her intimate areas, but only just. On top of her dirty blond hair she wore a tall, black brimmed leather hat adorned with feathers and a small skull perched at the front. She also wore a skeleton mask covering just her eyes, shaped perfectly to her nose. The most intriguing addition was that, at her waist, dangled a set of cream leather handcuffs connected to each other by a twelve inch long chain.

Somehow Millie conspired to gather all six of them, along with Lizzie and myself, in a social group. Millie seemed to just place her hand in the smalls of their backs and slowly they moved together. I also noticed that we were the only ones not drinking alcohol. For me that was a choice because I wanted to be totally with it when the time came for whatever was going to happen.

Over the next few hours people started saying their goodbyes and when it came to just before eleven in the evening I realised that, counting Millie, we were the only nine people left.

I noticed Laura in particular looking mostly at me. She had a delightful American accent, a wonderful sense of fun and looked sexy as hell. Millie said to me, "She wants you, Strict Anna. She really wants you."

I shuddered as I felt her touch through the material of my dress. My soaking pussy seemed to drench even more. I almost lost my footing. It felt like I was right on the edge of coming.

I turned to Millie and said, "It's a pity they can't see you, Millie. You look so gorgeous."

She smiled and moved to stand between Lizzie and me, taking our hands in hers and there was a sudden gasp from the other five guests.

Angela was the first to speak, "Lizzie... how... how did you do that?"

I said, "You can see her, Angela?"

She just nodded and continued to stare at Millie.

Millie smiled and said, "Ladies, may I introduce myself properly? I am Millie."

Rhea said, "Sorry, what? You're Lizzie's house?"

Millie giggled. "No, adorable Rhea. That was Strict Anna's little lie to cover up that she had only just discovered that you couldn't see me."

Jen's voice shook a little as she asked nervously, "What... are you? Are you a ghost?"

Millie shook her head. "No, sweet Jen. I am... something else. We will all discover soon what I am in truth."

I saw Laura get a questioning look on her face. A hint of suspicion. "Are you the one who made me suddenly really turned on a couple of hours ago?"

Millie bit her lip and said, "Yes, luscious Laura. That was my little gift to urge you to stay."

"Fuck. I've been drenched ever since. My clit thinks she's being permanently kissed. I nearly went to find a bathroom so I could get myself off."

I was a little surprised at just how direct she was being but, given my own state, I was glad Lizzie and I weren't the only ones.

Jill said, "God, I want to feel like this forever. You can do that?"

Millie went up to Jill and placed her lips against hers and stroked under the gap in her skirt. I heard Jill gasp and Millie said, "Oh, Jill with the eyes you can fall into, yes."

Angela said, "But... why? What's all this for? I don't understand."

Millie turned to look at Angela and said, "This is the night I can return fully but it takes a lot of energy. There is an energy released by an orgasm that I need. Not just one, but many."

Angela looked into her eyes and, I knew, she was as mesmerised as all of us by Millie. The feelings of heat and need were always there. She nodded slowly and then smiled, "You want us to come for you?"