A Staged Experience

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Blankie has his Sub indulge in text-based stage hypnosis.
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Master: Ok. You want stage hypnosis type stuff?

Subject: Anything. Specifically the kinkier side.

M: Sounds like a plan. I'll think on it~

S: Let me know when you are ready

M: Oh shoot. It's already that late! I guess it's time now. Lmao

S: Ok I'm ready

M: Alright. ☆You will write out your actions in this Vision here so that I can see it. You will also tell me how deep you feel in trance at the end of your messages, with 1 being the most awake and 10 being the deepest. Close your eyes and imagine a city scape. You walk into a fancy looking hotel and down to the dining entertainment stage area. There are multiple tables set up for a dinner to be had while watching a show on stage. You take a seat at a round white table with and the rest of the room slowly begins filling up.☆

S: There's a lot of space here for people to watch. 1

M: ☆while you are waiting for the show to begin, you notice a tall white man walk in with a deep purple tuxedo on with a black dress shirt and matching purple bow tie. He reaches into a pocket and pulls out a golden pocket watch. He checks the time and then surveys the room. You catch his eye and he smiles at you in a warm, welcoming smile. He puts the pocket watch away and walks across the room to the stairs leading to the stage. The lights flip on and the room erupts into a ruckus of joy and excitement.☆

S: I join in clapping with the crowd. 1

M: ☆the man waves to the audience and smiles brightly. "Hello again everybody!" His voice booms around the room as if from a microphone, though there is none on the stage, nor taped to his cheek. The rest of the audience wave back and begin to fall silent as he speaks. What do you do now?☆

S: I ask the guy to my right about who this guy is. 1

M: ☆the man next to you barely turns his head, not looking away from the entertainer. "Its Master Blankie, the Hypnotist!" He says shortly and goes quiet. The man in stage says, "We've got a very special night planned this evening as we have a few newcomers to the group! If you're new here, go ahead and stand up!" Two young women stand up and a third is pulled out of her seat by someone who appears to be her boyfriend. What do you do?☆

S: I stand also. 1

M: ☆The Master snaps his fingers and says "Welcome to the show! Come on up and we'll introduce you to the rest of us!" Your mind sort of skips a beat as the Master snaps his fingers. You feel suddenly very focused on him and what he says. What do you do?☆

S: I go on up. 1.5

M: ☆Your feet begin moving you towards the stage and the other three women do too, one with some hesitation. As you step onto the stage, the crowd begins clapping all together. A few backstage workers bring 4 chairs to the stage and place them all facing the audience. The Master directs you all to the chairs and you each sit down. He snaps his fingers again and the crowd goes instantly silent. You were looking out at the crowd of people before the snap, but now you are drawn back to the Master.☆

S: He's very commanding... 1.5

M: ☆"Well we have such an exciting, young group today! Three girls and a boy. Let's hear who these lovely people are! Starting with you ma'am, what's your name, where you from?" He points to the woman on your far right. You are sitting in your far left, closest to the edge of the stage.☆

S: I think back to earlier about the third woman being forced to stand up by her boyfriend. 1.5

M: ☆"Well, I'm Stacy. I'm from California, and I like cats!" Her voice also boomed around the room as if there were a microphone. The audience applaud and he snaps his fingers again. You are focused on him once more. "And what brings you out here to Las Vegas?" He asks warmly. "It's my bestie's birthday on Sunday, and we wanted to celebrate!" She reached her arm around her friend's shoulder and gave her a big hug.☆

S: Aww!

M: ☆The audience again applaud and he snaps again. He continues to the next one and the same events happen with the crowd and the snapping. Her name is Melanie, and she's also from California. Again the events happen with the third woman. She hesitantly says "I'm Noel from Arizona. I'm here for work." Applause and snap again. Each time he snaps, you feel your attention fix upon him. You can't think of other things when the Master snaps his fingers. "And what about you, sir? Who are you? What brings you here?" What do you say?☆

S: You can call me Jules and I just saw the building when I was walking down the street. 2

M: ☆"Jules it is, everyone! Let's hear it for our lovely new volunteers!" The crowd cheers again and slowly goes quiet again. "So, tell me you four, have you ever been hypnotized before?" Stacy says no. Melanie says that she tried it on YouTube and nothing happened. Noel just scoffs and shakes her head. What do you answer?☆

S: No I haven't 2

M: ☆The master makes an over the top gesture and gasp. "It looks to me, folks, that we've got a group of unbelievers here! This sounds like quite the fun show plan for tonight!" The crowd claps again and he snaps them silent again. Each time he snaps, you feel a little bit more drowsy. You drop by 0.1 or more each time he snaps.☆

S: I look around the room confused. 2

M: ☆"Well let's change that now, shall we?" The Master looks at the volunteers and walks backwards towards the audience until he's on the end of the stage. Noel looks around a little confused and the other two hold hands and squeal. What do you do?☆

S: I look at Noel with a confused look 2.1

M: ☆The Master slides his pocket watch out of his pocket again and twirls it around In a circle. "Well, for first timers, I like to do things with a classic touch.~ Who wants to go first?~" the first two women both shoot their hands up and Noel watches them reproachfully. What do you do?☆

S: I ask Noel if she has any ideas what is happening or what is going to happen


M: ☆Your attention is drawn back to the master as he calls for it. "Just because you aren't going first doesn't mean you shouldn't pay close attention and focus intently on my words. Come on! Enjoy the show!"☆

S: I keep watching what happens with the Master. 2.1

M: ☆The Master points to Melanie and asks her to pull her chair forward a little. "Now, silly, simple beginnings to every induction are to have you stare at the watch. So why don't you do that for me right now?" He puts the watch up close to her face and she excitedly sits with her hands gripping her skirt in her lap.☆

S: I shuffle my feet a little. 2.3

M: ☆The Master begins saying things, but you can't quite understand what he's saying. All you know is that the words are very important, and you have to pay close attention and hang on every word☆

S: I feel sleepy.. 2.7

M: ☆Before long, Melanie's hands and face relax as she watches the watches movement back and forth. Back and forth... back... and forth... you focus more and more on the watch as the Master speaks words that you begin to need. You feel the power in the pretty golden watch, and you want to keep watching it forever. How are you feeling, watching as Melanie becomes more and more relaxed?☆

S: I'm interested 4.5

M: ☆Very good. You hear a snap and a fog is taken away from your mind. You didn't realize this fog was there until now, and you have to blink hard to let your mind focus back on the Master.☆

S: I blink a little harder and look around. 4

M: ☆When you focus again, Melanie is no longer sitting in the chair. It is now Noel that is sitting there with her head lulled back against the back of the chair. Her arms and legs are flopped out limply and there is clearly drool visible on the side of her face. Her eyes are fluttering as they roll back into her head. What do you do now?☆

S: I don't know what to do 5

M: ☆You look at the other volunteers and they are all the same. Melanie is in her seat with a straight spine and fully attentive and alert. More so than a normal person would be. Stacy is rolling her head from side to side and clearly trying to squint at the Master and Noel.☆

S: I try to rub my face to wake up a little. 5.2

M: ☆You feel saliva on your own face and quickly wipe it off. The Master turns to the audience and says, "Well that one was a bit if a fighter! First we had a decently easy volunteer to drop, then we had a SPECTACULARLY easy to drop young woman, and now a particularly resistant one! Let's see how our last volunteer fairs, shall we?" The audience cheers again before another snap silences them. The master turns back to Noel and says. "Go in back to your seat now, dear." She lifts one shoulder and nearly rolls herself onto the floor as she "stands" to put her chair back where it was. The master turns to you and smiles warmly. You feel the order before you are even told. You eagerly stand up and pull your chair forward for the Master.☆

S: I wait for the Master's words. 5.3

M: ☆"Now, I did just say that we'll see how well you do, but I have the feeling that you'll be QUITE easy to drop this time. Do you know why?"☆

S: Why? 5.5

M: ☆"Haha! Oh silly boy. You've been dropping for me after each volunteer! I haven't even been working on you, and you've already dropped 3 times for me! Now..." He puts the watch in your face and snapped his fingers. "Sleep." Your mind instantly becomes as blank as can be. You don't know anything going on around you, and you don't even know your own name. The fog in your mind is so thick, that you don't even notice how light your hand feels. Your physical body can follow along with these stage tricks, as your hand becomes light like a balloon. It raises up and up and up and then suddenly DROPS all the way back down to your side. How do you feel?☆

S: I feel so blank and relaxed

M: ☆What is your trance number?☆

S: 10

M: Very good. You can feel your fog clear only a little bit, and you raise to a 9 before dropping down again very hard. How aroused are you right now? How hard is your dick?

S: Just a little hard

M: Good. As the master continues to play with your body and mind for the audience, your arousal grows and grows until your cock is as hard as a rock.

S: It's a rock now

M: Perfect. You feel your mental body walking around, acting like a chicken. Your mind remains blank and docile while you feel the Masters hand on your shoulder and his breath on your ear, whispering more commands for you to follow.

M: ☆Your mind suddenly clears from fog and you blink as you look around the room. All three women are sitting in their chairs as normal, all acting like they just woke up. Your mind is currently at a 7. "That's all the time we have for tonight, folks! I'll see you here again tomorrow at 8 o'clock!" The crowd begins clapping as he walks down the steps and out of the room. People begin filing out of the room and going to their homes and hotel rooms.☆

S: My eyes are all crossed... 7

M: ☆You notice the hardness of your cock, and feel a slight wet spot around the head. You shake your head and decide to go to the bathroom before going home. The other women on the stage are reacting the same as you, dazed and confused. They begin filing out as well. How do you feel right now?☆

S: Confused on what just happened. 7

M: ☆Good. As you step foot into the bathroom your last orders from the master kick in and you instantly are given a massive jolt of pleasure and black out.☆

S: a;kljwr1234567890

M: ☆As your mind slowly comes back into focus, you look around a dark room and find yourself on a bed with all three of the other women. Your current mental state is an 8, and you look down to see that you are not wearing any of your clothes. Neither are the women.☆

S: What theea... 8

M: ☆Each of the women are wearing a sort of headset. A purple plastic ring with a glowing pink line in the center is strapped around their heads like glasses. Each of the women are kneeling on the bed over you, facing each other. They all have their hands on each other, in the midst of a three way make-out session. What do you do now?☆

S: Try and move 8

M: ☆You try and move, but find your body to be too heavy to make any progress. The women notice this and all giggle together. "It looks like you're finally back!~ Did you like your last orgasm? I can still taste the perfect flavor of your cum! I want more!~" they say one after the other. You look down and see your hard cock standing proudly in the air, shining with the wet glop of saliva and semen. What do you do now?☆

S: Ask them what happening 8

M: ☆"Oh! His headset is off! Let's fix that quickly now.~ Don't want to disappoint Master!~" they reach up and take a matching headset to theirs from behind your head. As they set it back up for you, they mutter to each other. "Don't want to disappoint master! Have to train our minds and bodies! Make sure to wash away all other thoughts! Cum for Master! Hehehe!~" As the headset is replaced in your head, your mind shuts down entirely again, dropping you all the way into a level 15 trance.☆

M: Through the fog in your mind, you can see a flashing blue and red spiral right in front if your eyes. As you are forced to watch the spiral, your physical body can begin stroking your dick, if you haven't been already. Between flashes of the spiral, your mind is able to make out short bursts of images of your surrounding scene.

M: One after the other, scenes of your mental body's actions fade in and out of your vision.

M: Slamming your hips against Noel's ass as your cock disappears inside of her.

Laying with Melanie on top of you. Your one hand is massaging her breast while your other hand is rubbing her clit, just above where your penis is pumping in and out of her pussy.

M: Standing up on the side of the bed as the three women lay down with their heads hanging off of the bed. They all have their mouths open wide as they eagerly await your cum, now being sprayed all over Stacy's face.

M: Tell me how you feel right now.

S: So horny

M: And your mind?

S: So deep. 17

M: And your penis?

S: So hard

M: How close to cumming is your physical body?

S: Close

M: 1-10?

S: 9.5

M: Don't cum until I tell you. When you do cum, your mental body will wake up with the sun shining on your face. The master will be standing next to you, and he will tell you to go and bring more people to bring in for hypnosis shows. You will agree and then walk away to find more subjects. Once your mental body has done this, you will wake up from trance and remember every single detail from it. Do you understand?

S: Yes Master

M: Very good boy. Cum for me. Do it now and do it hard.

S: Hey

M: Hey. How was it?

S: Great

M: Are you out if breath? Cumming over and over with 3 women is no easy feat~

S: Well... *Drooling emoji*

M: You did an amazing job. Did you like the story?

S: Yeah!

M: I'm glad.~ Would you like to do anything else before we sign off for the night?

S: Nah. I'm ok. I have to go to bed since I have school in 4 hours

M: Sounds good

S: Thank you tho!

M: Mhm! Of course! Have a good night! Sleep well!

S: Yes Master. ~

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I had no idea what to expect and I was somewhat confused after the first couple of lines but then I caught on. I was seriously impressed with this one. It became clear and concise but unlike other descriptive hypnosis type inductions or stories about inductions, this was a fun read that I didn’t lose interest in and even found it erotic which surprised me even more. I have to say that this was excellent and even more so being a first posting. Great job and thanks for posting it.

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