A Summer of Slow Transition Ch. 04


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"With Hank?"

"I doubt he'd hang around. No big deal if he does."

"You don't think that would be a little awkward for me?"

"Awkward? You enjoyed what took place. Why should it be awkward for you?"

"Maybe I'm just being silly. Alright, I'll stay on the boat while you guys do what you've got to do."

After tying up the boat, Charlie and Bob left. Hank gathered up all his fishing gear and cooler and was getting ready to leave. Pam asked, "You leaving me here alone?" Hank said, "Just putting my gear away. Why? Do you want me to stay with you?"

"Well, it would be nice to not be alone."

"Okay. I'll be right back. Maybe I'll have something to eat when I get back." Hank winked and headed to his car.

Pam went into the semi-covered helm area and sat on her cooler to seek the protection the shade provided. Although there was no one else on or near the dock, she felt more comfortable being somewhat out of sight with just a T-shirt on. She relaxed and sipped her soda.

Hank came back and sat out in the exposed section of the deck. He said nothing to Pam and opened up another can of beer.

Bob and Charlie got back about an hour and a half later, each carrying a few boxes.

"Sorry we took longer than expected. I grabbed a few other things from the house I wanted to leave on the boat," said Charlie.

He started stowing what they brought in the cabin below. Bob just looked at Pam and shrugged his shoulder in an apologetic gesture. Hank was already gone. After another half hour or so the boat was secured and locked up and they left.

On the way home, with Charlie sitting in the back seat, he asked, "Did everyone have a good day?"

Pam said, "Yes, very nice time. Thank you very much. It was nice of you to bring us along."

"So does that mean you'd like to do this again?"

"Oh yes, anytime." Pam turned to look back at Charlie while speaking, displaying her huge beautiful smile.

"Great!" Charlie exclaimed and smiled back at Pam. He went on to say, "The marina was relatively empty today. That's why I wanted someone to remain on the boat while Bob and I left. In another month everyone will be around and on their boats and leaving it unattended won't be a big issue. We watch each other's boats as a courtesy and a boating neighborly thing to do. Thanks for being my century today, Pam."

"It was truly my pleasure, Charlie," she giggled in a shy way.

"Did Hank stay or did he bail out on you?"

"He stayed most of the time you were gone. He left about fifteen minutes before you got here."

"Really? That's totally out of character for Hank ... Interesting," said Charlie.

Pam just glanced back at Charlie without a response.

Charlie looked, nodded his head up and down slightly, smiled and winked, in an "I know" type gesture.

At home Pam cleaned out the cooler and Bob dumped the water and remaining ice from it. Pam said she was going to take a shower. Bob wanted to talk about the day, but Pam seemed a bit reluctant. Bob sensed this and asked, "Something bothering you, Babe? You've become very quiet."

"Nothing's wrong. I'm just tired and need a shower," Pam responded.

"Did you have a good time on the boat?"

"I already told you I did and you heard my response to Charlie asking the same thing."

Bob said, "Okay, it's obvious you don't want to discuss what just took place on the boat today."

"Oh Bob. Must you hear it from me? I felt strange with you there watching it all afterwards, and still do. I'd rather not discuss it right now."

"Oh, come on, Pam. What is the difference between you telling me what you did with Charlie and what happened today with me there?"

"I don't know. I love you and I guess I feel guilty. I feel like it looked like I didn't care about your feelings and let Charlie and Hank do what they did while I put on a show with you watching me. I don't know, I'm so freaking confused right now."

"Pam, I love you too, very much. You saw me on the boat. I had a huge hard-on while that was going on. I don't know why I get extremely horny watching you turn on other men, but I do. Let's just enjoy this without the guilt. If you want to stop, then just say it and I will be fine with it."

"I didn't say I wanted to stop having this kind of naughty fun. I just felt strange doing it in front of you. It's completely different. It was exciting knowing that I was pleasing two old men that way. Every time I looked at you I got this feeling of guilt and felt like I was disrespecting you in some way. I would then look back at Charlie and Hank, seeing them both masturbating, allowed the exciting horny feeling to take me over again. I couldn't see either of their cocks and that even added to the excitement. I just feel very guilty and even a little dirty right now. That may sound strange to you, but that's what I'm feeling right now. That's all."

"Each time you looked at me you must've seen that my cock was so hard it was about to tear my shorts. I think that should've told you that what you were doing was okay. That's what I thought you were thinking."

"I really don't want to talk about it anymore right now. Let me get over this feeling and then I will talk with you about the whole day, for as long as you want. Okay?"

"Alright. You've come a long way in a short time and I'm proud of you and love you more for it. I should be more considerate and realize there would probably be some bumps in the road along the way. I'm sorry for being so selfish and not cutting you some slack during these times."

"I love you too, Bob. Thank you. I'll be fine and we will be too."

"Sounds like I should've joined the boys on the boat. It also sounds like there will be no sex tonight and I'm going to wake up with aching balls tomorrow morning," Bob laughed and quickly said, "Just kidding, my love."

"Bob! You're such a lost cause." Pam giggled and headed off to take a shower.

Pam came out of the shower and while walking to the kitchen she asked, "Anything special you want for dinner?"

Bob replied, "It doesn't matter. Would you rather I go down to the diner and get some take out?"

"No, I want to make you something," Pam answered.

"Whatever is easy and quickest for you, I'm sure you've got a little sunburn on more than just your face and don't feel all that comfortable."

Pam said nothing, turned on the radio and started preparing dinner.

Once the dinner was in the oven, she went over to sit beside Bob on the couch. She took hold of his hand and as their fingers intertwined she said, "Dinner should be ready in about an hour or so." She then kissed Bob on the cheek and simply said, "I love you very much, Bob."

"I love you too, hon. Feeling a bit better now?"

"A little, I guess," Pam said, sounding a bit nervous and unsure. She then took a deep breath and let out a loud sigh and whispered to herself, "This is not going to be easy." She took another deep breath and continued. "Once I begin, please try not to interrupt too much, like you always do. Okay?"

"Yeah, sure. What's up?"

"After you and Charlie left, Hank started gathering up his stuff and started getting off the boat. I asked him if he was going to leave me alone while you were gone. I didn't mean anything by it, except that I didn't feel comfortable being alone with just a T-shirt on. Honest, Bob, that's what I was thinking."

Bob just gave Pam an understanding nod.

"Hank said that he was just going to put his gear in his car, and would be back. While he was gone I went in the shady area of the boat, where they drive it, near the entrance to the cabin and sat on our cooler with my back against the side of the boat. Hank came back and sat on the deck where you were fishing and was drinking another beer. After a little while he got up and joined me in the shade and said that the sun was really hot. He leaned against the windshield area closest to me. He then said that he wanted to thank me for helping him feel so good today. I just looked at him and gave a shy smile and said nothing. He then leaned forward and complimented me on my breasts and asked if he could touch them. I was shocked and speechless, Bob. He then reached out and gently placed his hand on one of my breasts and started massaging it softly. I'm sorry, Bob, but I was still so horny from earlier and it felt good. I just closed my eyes. He then lifted my shirt up over my breasts and placed his hand back on my tit. His hand felt so cool against my sunburned breast. It felt so good, Bob, I'm sorry, but it did."

"Wow," Bob muttered.

Pam just gave an annoying glance at Bob and continued. "He then started teasing my nipple with his fingers and twisting it gently. All of a sudden I felt his mouth on my tit and he was kissing them both, first one, then the other. He started sucking my nipples and moaning. Bob, I was so horny and feeling tingly all over. He then said for me to stand up so he wouldn't have to bend so much, and I did. While he was sucking my breasts and nipples, he placed his left hand on the small of my back, just above my bikini waistband. I felt his baby finger slide into my bathing suit and rest on the crease of my ass. I felt pins and needles all over my pussy, which was even wetter than when they were masturbating.

"He put his finger down the crack of your ass? Holy shit! Did he try to touch your pussy?"

Pam gave Bob another annoying look, rolled her eyes and took another deep breath. "Bob, let me tell this okay? This is hard enough for me as it is. I'm nervous as hell, I don't need you interrupting me."

"Speaking of hard, look at this." Bob uncrossed his legs, exposed a huge bulge in his pants and beamed with a large grin.

Pam curled up one corner of her mouth impatiently. "Bob, this is nothing to joke about. I've got to shut off the potatoes and check the oven. That should give you enough time to settle down and get that bad boy to sleep," pointing to Bob's cock and snickering as she went to the kitchen. She checked the food and came back to the couch and continued. "Have you and that bad boy settled down enough for me to finish? Where was I?"

"Hank was sucking your nipples and finger fucking your ass crack."

Pam giggled and said, "Bob, you are disgustingly impossible." She took hold of Bob's hand again and began. "Okay, well, he started moving his finger lightly up and down my crease. He put his other hand on my belly and was ever so lightly moving it with just his fingertips touching my skin. It was kind of tickling me, but felt good along with everything else he was doing. He then slid his hand inside the front of my bathing suit and moved it down until he was touching my pubic hair."

"Holy fucking shit, Pam. . . Sorry, go ahead."

"His hand started rubbing my pussy hairs right down to the top of my clitoris. He said in a whisper that my hair was like silk, so fine and soft and that he had never felt such a fabulous pussy. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I was burning up and soaking wet down there. His fingers began rubbing my pussy up and down my wet slit. His thumb at my back hooked around my bikini and started inching it down by moving his hand from one side to the other. He took his hand from my pussy and grabbed one side of my bikini while his other hand grabbed the other side and pulled it down to my knees. I put my feet together and my suit fell all the way down to my ankles

Bob groaned and held on tighter to Pam's hand.

"I stepped one foot out of my bikini and opened my legs to him. I'm so sorry, but it felt so good and I was tingling all over. He was still rubbing my slit when one of his fingers entered me and I felt electric charges all the way down to my toes. He took his mouth off my tits and started kissing down my belly. He took his wet finger out of my pussy and put it in his mouth and sucked it clean. All he said was, 'mmm delicious'. His finger at my ass had found my anus and was rubbing it slowly and tenderly. It felt wonderful, Bob. He got down on his knees and kissed my pussy ... Then he started licking me there. His tongue was so hot and rough, it felt so good, Bob. I'm sorry, I didn't know he was going to do that, but it felt so good and I let him do it more. Then he ... he licked my clit and ... and started sucking it."

"Oh, Pamela ... My sweet Pamela."

"I'm so sorry Bob, but I was so horny ... You've tried to do that to me and I've always pushed you away." Pam was nearly crying.

"Pam, it's okay. I think I can understand how it all could have happened. It's alright honey, really."

"It's not alright. It wasn't you. I never thought I would like having that done to me and there I was ... having a full-fledged, very intense orgasm." Pam took her hand from Bob's and looked down to her lap.

Bob put his arm around his wife's shoulder and kissed her on her head. "It's okay. It's okay."

"I'm so sorry, I just never expected it would feel so good." As tears started flowing down her cheeks.

"It's fine, you had an orgasm. Everything you're experiencing is a first, this is just another one. You had a lot of things happening to you today, it's no wonder you had an orgasm."

"I suppose. Everything happened so quickly, even me cumming, I was so surprised and horny. Hank kept licking and sucking and I put my hand on the back of his head and pushed his mouth tightly to my cunt. It was such an exciting though, knowing that I was pleasing this old man by letting him taste and drink my juices. I've been the only one experiencing all these firsts. You deserve a surprising first. Take it out."

Bob unzipped his fly and while taking his cock out, he asked, "Right here on the couch? What are you going to do?"

"You'll see," Pam said with a nervous shy grin. She took hold of Bob's cock and said, "Remember all the times you wanted me to suck you? And remember how you had me suck your finger while telling me what to do? Let's see if I learned my lessons well. I think it's time we both experience a first ... together."

She leaned forward and kissed the tip of Bob's cock. She looked up at Bob and gave him a, 'here goes nothing' look, and placed her lips around the head of Bob's cock and swirled her tongue around the edge and the bottom side of it. Pam then slowly moved her head down, causing Bob's cock to slide slowly into her mouth deeper. Pam raised her head, pleadingly looked up at Bob again and said, "Just don't cum in my mouth, okay? I'm not ready for that just yet."

Bob looked at her and said, "I won't. After today and now this? It's not going to take long, but I'll tell you before."

Pam gave an appreciative smile and put Bob's cock back in her mouth and started bobbing up and down. Her cheeks were curved inward from the sucking action. Her hand was at the base of his cock, stroking gently. Occasionally a slurping sucking sound would come from Pam's mouth. Bob couldn't believe how good it felt and how good Pam sucked his cock. Pam moved her mouth to the top of Bob's cock and swirled her tongue around the head. Bob gave out a moan causing Pam to remove her mouth and look at Bob. Bob just said, "Not yet, I'll tell you." Pam went back to sucking Bob's cock and taking more of it into her mouth. She was sliding up and down Bob's cock so slowly and teasingly, and taking more of it in her mouth on each downward motion. Pam put her other hand under Bob's balls and started to tenderly rub her fingertips so lightly, almost tickling Bob as she increased the speed of her head movement. The sucking sounds increased with almost every upward movement of Pam's head.

Bob could feel the rapidly increasing tingling of ejaculation building in his balls, as he felt his semen moving up and boiling within, about to erupt. He didn't want Pam's mouth to disengage, but knew he had to tell her, and soon. He gave a few erotic grunts and said, "Now, honey! Now!" Pam removed her mouth quickly and kept stroking Bob's cock with her hand while still tickling his balls. Bob stiffened and gave out a long, low "Ohhhhhhh" and began to ejaculate with long, powerful squirts of cum. Three came almost simultaneously without separation, sending large volumes of hot semen all over the chest area of his shirt. Pam could feel the hot appendage throbbing in her hand and watched, in surprise, the large amount of cum Bob was shooting.

Bob finally relaxed and his cock started to soften in Pam's hand. She said to Bob, in an excitedly and surprised tone, "Holy crap! ... I'm glad I didn't try to swallow. I would've gagged to death with all that cum," as she giggled that naughty cute giggle Bob was so familiar with. "Honey, that was absolutely fantastic. You were great. Thank you."

Pam stood up, wearing a happy and proud smile and kissed Bob lovingly and said, "Always remember that I love you so much." Pam began to stand up and said, "I need to mash the potatoes and take dinner out of the oven. Dinner should be ready in about 10 minutes. You better clean up, I don't want to eat dinner with you looking like that." Pam laughed as she pointed at Bob's cum drenched shirt and headed to the kitchen.

Bob laughed and responded, "You can do whatever you want with Hank or Charlie as long as you promise to do this to me before every dinner."

Pam laughed sarcastically and said, "Be careful what you wish for, my husband. You are so impossibly vulgar. And I'm really loving it, much to my surprise."

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PervertedKnightPervertedKnightover 1 year ago

I think you meant to type "sentry", not "century", and "by", "buy" and "thought", not "though"; otherwise, that story was outstanding. I just wished she had sucked Hank as well. Hot!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Pam is a good century?

Wtf is that? You mean sentry I think. Pam is turning into a whore and Bob the cuckie...just doesn't ring true. Pam can do whatever she wants as long as Bob gets a bj...lol.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I am loving this story. THIS is MY fantasy.

you are writing what I want

Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Hot 5

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Great series

My wife and I have both loved reading this series, and hope there is more to come.

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