A Summer Storm

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A capsized kayak leads to romance.
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It was a cool June morning and I was feeling creative, so I grabbed a guitar, a notebook and a cup of coffee, and I walked down to my dock. It's my favorite place to write songs. I live on the shore of a quiet lake in upstate New York, a really beautiful spot that never fails to inspire me. I sipped on my coffee and enjoyed the scenery for a few minutes, and then I warmed up my fingers on the guitar and played through a few of my usual tunes. On certain days the air is just right and the guitar sounds extra nice drifting on the breeze. Today was one of those days, and I got lost in the joy of playing. After one long passage with my eyes closed I was startled to hear a female voice.

"You play so beautifully. I could sit here all day and listen to that."

"Oh, I didn't see you there. Thank you for the compliment. Some days it just seems to flow out of me."

"Well, I'm glad I was passing by on such a day," she said.

She was in a kayak about twenty feet away from me, sitting motionless on the flat water. She put her paddle in the water and very slowly came towards the dock. "You have a beautiful home," she said. "I've often admired it."

"Oh Thanks," I said. "Do you live around here?"

"No, I live in a loft downtown, but I love this part of the lake and I paddle it quite a bit. The first time was with a women's kayak club a couple years ago, but these days I mostly come on my own. It's so peaceful here."

She was much closer now, and I was able to get a good look at her. She was about my age — late thirties — with very curly dark red hair, freckles on her face and the most amazing pale grey eyes. They were big and slightly cat-like, with a tantalizing inner light. She had on a thick white cotton sweatshirt with the sleeves pushed up to her elbows, and since I was now looking down on her I could see her slim but shapely hips and thighs encased in tight, faded blue jeans.

We chatted a bit about kayaking, the local osprey nest and the other wildlife, and then she said she had better press on if she was going to cover any ground today. She had started to drift away from the dock when she said, "I'm Kim by the way," with a glowing smile.

"I'm John. It's been nice talking to you Kim."

She smiled at me with those luminescent eyes and slowly paddled away.

I spent the next two hours working on a song about a girl with pale grey eyes. It wasn't my best work, but there were definitely sections of it that I could continue to work on. It was lunchtime so I left my guitar on the chair and went up to the house to take a break and make a sandwich. The wind picked up sharply and I remembered the morning weather forecast had said there was a strong warm front approaching and we might get some strong winds and a thunderstorm. I wolfed down my sandwich and went back down to get my guitar. I love watching approaching storms so I put my guitar under cover in a screened porch on the patio next to the dock that the previous owners called 'the summer house', and then I walked back out to the end of the dock and sat with my legs dangling over the edge, and watched a line of very dark clouds that were approaching fast. The wind was really blowing, and whitecaps were building on the water. Just then I heard a voice yell out my name.


It was Kim, about 100 feet from me, paddling as hard as she could against the wind. She was having a rough ride, with waves splashing over the bow of her boat, but she was making headway. I had a powerboat up on a hoist that I could use to help her if she needed it, but she was slowly getting closer.

She was still about 30 feet away when the squall line hit. It felt like about a 60 mile-an-hour gust and her kayak capsized, with thunder and lightning cracking all around us. Luckily the wind shifted a bit and pushed her towards the far end of my shoreline, and I ran over and waded out chest deep to help her. As the skies opened and it poured down rain, I tipped her kayak up to get some of the water out of it and pulled it up onto my lawn. Kim threw her paddle next to it, and I took her by the arm and led her to the shelter of the summer house.

"Holy shit! That storm came up awfully fast" I said as I looked out at some big branches that had blown down in my yard. "Are you all right?"

We were both dripping wet from head to toe, and Kim was trembling. "Yeah, I'm OK," she said, with a slightly shocked look on her face, "but that was scary."

The squall line passed quickly and the wind was back to a light breeze, the thunder and lightning were moving off, and it was just a steady rain. The air was noticeably warmer behind the storm, but Kim was shaking like a leaf, both from the cold water and the scare. "Let's go up to the house and get dried out," I said.

I put my arm around her and we walked up the path in the rain. We entered into the kitchen and I took off my soggy shoes and socks. Kim was barefoot.

"Did you loose your shoes?" I asked.

"They were just flip-flops. It's OK."

She started to pull off her sopping wet sweatshirt, but the shirt under it was coming up with it revealing a tight, well toned belly covered in goosebumps. "Could you hold my shirt down for me please?" she asked. I did and she removed the sweatshirt, revealing a thin white cotton shirt plastered to her body. It was very see-through due to the wetness, and her thin lacy black bra was clearly visible, as were the rock hard nipples on her perfectly proportioned tits. This was my first look at her petite athletic body, and the combination of it and those incredible luminescent eyes left me speechless.

"Where should I put this?" she asked, holding the dripping wet sweatshirt in her hand.

"Oh...um... sorry... I..."

She was still trembling slightly, but she smiled a little and her eyes twinkled as she realized what her wet shirt was doing to me. I snapped out of it and said, "Let me, uh...let me show you where the bathroom is. There's towels in there, and if you want I can get you something to wear and we can throw your clothes in the dryer."

"OK," she said, and I took her down the hall to the bathroom. "I can offer you a nice fluffy robe, or some of my clothes," I said.

"A nice fluffy robe sounds nice right about now," she said, still visibly trembling. I quickly got it for her along with an empty laundry basket for her clothes.

I went to my room and stripped off my wet things and put on a pair of shorts and a fresh shirt, and went back to the kitchen to wipe up the wet floor. Kim came in with the laundry basket, her hair fluffed, and she looked positively radiant.

"This is not a man's robe. Is there a woman of the house?" she asked.

"Oh... no... that got left behind long ago. Nope, no woman of the house, just me."

Kim smiled. The robe was bright white terry cloth, and I had forgotten how short it was. Her legs looked fantastic. "Are you comfortable in that? I can get you a bigger one if you want."

"No, this is fine," she said with another twinkle in her eye.

"I'll get these things in the dryer," I said as I picked up the laundry basket. It was then that I noticed the carefully folded black lace bra and panties on the top of the pile. I was a bit shocked that she hadn't left them on under the robe.

Kim put her hand on them and said, "These are kind of delicate. Could you put the dryer on with no heat and just air dry everything? It might take awhile though. Is that OK?"

"Sure," I said. "More time to get to know each other. I'll be right back."

As I loaded the dryer I couldn't help but fantasize about where this might be leading. I put the dyer on it's lowest setting and hoped it would take a very long time to dry.

When I got back Kim was sitting in front of a big window enjoying the view of a boat passing by. The sun was out, streaming in the window and onto her, and the day looked beautiful again.

"Have you warmed up?" I said. "I can get you a blanket."

"I'm fine," she said. "The sun feels wonderful."

"How about a hot drink?" I said. "I'm going to have a cup of coffee, but I've got tea..."

"Coffee sounds good," she said.

"You know" I said, "in the old movies when something like this happens they always have a glass of brandy or whiskey to help them recover. Would you like a little nip in your coffee?"

"Yeah, sure," she said, smiling. "I love those old movies..."

While I was making the coffee Kim went out onto a little courtyard next to the living room. It's a very private outdoor space, full of sunlight this time of day. She just stood there, enjoying the view and soaking up the now quite warm sun. I put a very generous dollop of brandy in our coffees, picked up the mugs in one hand, stopped at a closet and picked up the chaise lounge cushions in the other, and made my way out to join her.

"Except for the tree branches in the yard you'd never know that storm happened," I said.

"I know," she said. "I feel so relaxed now, it's hard to believe how scared I was just a half hour ago. Thanks for coming to my rescue." She took a sip of coffee and said, "Oooh, that's nice," with a big smile and a wink. "You don't mess around with the brandy."

I fixed up the cushions on the chairs, and Kim sat down. The lounge was low to the ground and her robe rode up her hips to the point she would have been fully exposed if I had been standing in front of her. As it was I could see half of the side of her lovely ass as she languidly stretched herself out. She set her mug down and slowly adjusted her robe a bit, but there was still almost all of her lovely legs showing. The two lounge chairs were just a few feet apart, and facing in opposite directions. I usually kept them that way so I could sit and read without the sun in my eyes at various times of day, but only just now was I realizing the genius of the way they were placed. As I sat down in mine I had a magnificent view up Kim's legs and right into those luminous eyes. Kim shifted her legs a bit so I couldn't see everything, but she looked very relaxed and comfortable with my admiring gaze. We could hear boats going by, and catch glimpses of them through the landscaping, but we were in our own private, sunny little world.

We talked and laughed like we'd known each other forever. I refilled our brandy coffees, even stronger this time, and we soaked up some more sun. I went for a bathroom break and when I returned the brandy and sun had conspired to send Kim off to dreamland. I sat back down quietly and the sound of the breeze and the birds soon had the same effect on me and I dozed off. After a while the sound of a boat going by woke me and my heart raced at the sight before me. Kim was still asleep, but her robe was partially open. It was still tied loosely at the waist, but the top was open on one side and her left hand was cradling her right tit. The lower part of the robe was pulled up and her right hand laid languidly on top of her smoothly shaved pussy. She looked sexier than any woman I'd ever seen.

I laid there for a few minutes enjoying the spectacular sight. I didn't want to spook her by waking her while she looked like that, and for some reason I wanted her to make the first move, if she wanted to of course. By this time I was really turned on and my cock had grown hard down the leg of my shorts. I unbuttoned my shirt and let it fall open and opened my shorts and slid my hand inside onto my hard cock. I stroked it ever so gently, closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep, and waited. I figured if she wasn't interested she could quietly get up, get herself dressed and wake me from a distance without feeling too creeped out.

It wasn't long before I heard her stir. I kept up my pretend sleep, and also kept slowly stroking my cock. She cleared her throat quietly, so I peaked out of a barely opened eyelid and she was looking at my hand on my cock. I opened my eyes and she looked up at me, her hands still in the same positions on her exposed body, and she said, "I dreamt about you John... did you dream about me?"

"I think I'm still dreaming," I said

She opened the tie on her robe and let it slip off her shoulders as she stood up. She took two steps over to me and straddled my hips on her knees. I slid my hands up her naked body to the base of her tits as she reached behind herself and released my cock from my shorts. As she lowered herself onto me, engulfing my cock with her hot wet pussy, she lowered her mouth to mine and said in the sexiest, breathiest voice I've ever heard "This is what I dreamed John. Is this what you dreamed?"

I moaned loud and deep as my long cock slid all the way into her. "Fuck me John," she whispered in my ear. "Fuck me like you've never fucked before."

My hips moved slow and sensual at first. Each time I bottomed out she'd make a little chirping noise, still whispering in my ear. "Oh god...that's deep...yes John...oh god I love your cock!...holy fuck it's bigger than...your gonna make me cum!...fuck me harder baby!"

As I started to speed up she was already beginning to orgasm. "Oh fuck I'm gonna Cum!... Oh fuck!... Oh FUCK!!!..."

The tension that had built in her body released in beautiful spasms of pleasure as I pumped up into her with still increasing speed. She raised up into a squat, clenching her tits tight in her hands, her head rocking fore and aft and her mouth agape. She didn't make a sound as her body spasmed again and again until she finally exhaled loud, inhaled even louder, and collapsed onto me like a sack of jelly, gasping for breath.

"How did you do that to me?!" she exclaimed softly. "I've never..."

"That was beautiful," I said as I lifted her head and kissed her.

After a few minutes she said, "You didn't cum did you? You saved it for me..."

"Yes, I saved it for you," I said as I started to thrust my cock ever so slowly into her limp body.

"Oh god, that feels amazing," she said. My moans of pleasure told her I felt the same.

I could have easily cum from just a few more minutes of that, but Kim lifted herself off of me and kissed her way down to my sticky cock and inhaled me into her hot mouth. She could take about three quarters of me, and then she pulled off, stroked my length with both hands, and sucked my balls into her mouth. She licked around my sensitive inner thighs, never missing a beat with her cock stroking. The next time she sucked in my balls I was about ready to explode and she could sense it. She quickly inhaled my cock as far as she could take it and I went off deep in her mouth, pumping a full load of my sticky cum into her throat as she gently caressed my balls. It felt like I shot my cum into her for five minutes or more. It was without question one of the best orgasms of my life.

As my cock slipped out of her mouth she gave me a wickedly sexy smile and said, "I'm so glad you save that for me," as my cum oozed out of the corners of her mouth onto her chin.

"Good lord Kim," I said as my panting subsided, "you're the sexiest woman in the world."

After a short ten minute cuddle she was on her hands and knees and I was pounding into her from behind, grunting like a caveman. I felt like I was bigger and harder than I've ever been in my life, and she was responding like no woman I've ever been with. I know my cock isn't a monster by porn star standards, but it seemed like Kim had never had anything as big as me and her petite body was loving every inch of it. I actually felt like a porn star because of the way she was responding, and it drove me to new heights, not only with my own orgasms, but my stamina between. The two of us were like fuck machines, animalistic and raw, and able to take each other places neither of us had been before. We ended up in the bedroom and fucked ourselves silly for hours, in every position we could think of, until we were both totally spent and we fell asleep in each others arms.

We woke the next morning, sticky and smelling of sex, and I've never felt so content and happy in all my life. Kim climbed on top of me and I slid my cock deep into her once again. She looked at me with those extraordinary luminescent eyes, her hair a sexy mess, and said, "Can we stay together, or do you have someone?" Her eyes looked deep into my soul, and I could tell she already knew the answer.

"I have you Kim. I have you."

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batman20003batman20003about 4 years ago
If only

Lovely, Hott, sexxy story. If only I could be he.

mammoetmammoetalmost 10 years ago
more please

it would be nice if there were more chapters to this story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Good story

I hope this is just the start of a longer story with another chapter or two.

George in Omaha

burningloveburninglovealmost 10 years ago
Well Written ! Any Plans for more?

Well written and good character development. Nice style - story flows well and readers' interest is kept.

Any plans for more chapters?

chytownchytownalmost 10 years ago
Good Read***

Thanks for sharing.

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