A Tale of Two Paramours Ch. 25


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Then, to my surprise, my brunette lover smiled at me and said, "You're right, Mark. It's a date."


Our waiter's eyes kept darting to Jessika's cleavage as we placed our order, and I could not blame him. My lover was wearing a dark green top that laced up the front, but the front opening was designed in such a way that from her neck down to around the bottom of her breasts there was an approximately five-inch-wide strip of skin covered only by the thin lacing connecting one side of the top to the other. The effect was that the sides of both her breasts were visible from the bottom to the top. The top also clung to her bosom in a way that made clear she was not wearing a bra. I was having a hard time not staring myself.

"He likes your top," I said when the waiter had left.

"No, he likes what's inside it, just like you do," she smirked. "Bet he couldn't tell you what color it is."

I nodded, suspecting she was right.

"And I doubt he's telling everyone what pretty eyes I have," she continued. "Or their color either, for that matter."

"You do have lovely eyes," I said while making it obvious I was staring at her chest.

"You've made that joke before," she laughed. "At least a similar one at lunch on Monday."

"You really do," I told her, now meeting her eyes with mine.

"Well, you spend more time looking at them than most guys do, so you should know," she replied, and I thought I detected something more serious under her light tone. "It's really nice to be with someone who likes me for more than my boobs."

"Well, I do like those," I grinned, again dropping my eyes to her cleavage.

"Oh, I know you do. That's why I wore this top. Well, that and I'm an attention whore."

"I do not think that is true," I objected, shaking my head.

"I know you don't," she said with a lopsided smile. "But it is. That's why I did Miss Rodeo pageants, that's why I stripped, that's why I still have the implants, and that's why I wear tops that show my boobs, even to class. I crave that attention."

"You are a beautiful..."

"Oh, I know you think so, and I know men find me attractive even showing less skin. But I also know I didn't pick this top just for you. And as I sit here and we joke about it, I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't have picked it at all."

"I am sorry if my jokes bothered..."

"They didn't," she smiled, interrupting me again as she reached across the table to take one of my hands. "I was joking about it too. It just hit me. Sorry."

"You do not have anything for which to be sorry," I assured, squeezing her hand.

Jessika nodded, and we sat there in silence, holding hands across the table. The brunette did not really look at me-her eyes were cast a bit down and to the side-and it was clear she was thinking about something. I did my best to focus on her face or look around the restaurant, but every so often my gaze would linger on her cleavage, then I would feel guilty and look elsewhere.

"So, um, do you have plans for next weekend?" I asked. I had not heard from Jessi since she had sent the text that read "fuck you" after I had explained that I had plans this weekend.

"Actually, yes," Jessika replied. "My sister and her kids will be in town."

"Oh, that sounds nice."

"Yeah, but I wish the circumstances were better. She's having some marital issues, so I invited her down. It was going to be just the two of us, but the kids were disappointed about not seeing me, so they're coming too. That's what I was skyping them about the other day."

"Is this your oldest sister or the one closer to you in age?"

"Closer. Cassie's thirty-six, with three kids. Twin girls, Helen and Hannah, who're nine and a boy, Jackson, he's six."

"Is Cassie short for something else?" I asked. I knew Jessika had an older brother and two older sisters, and that she had a younger brother named Josh who had died, but I did not know the names of her older siblings.

"Cassandra. My mom calls her Cassandra, my dad calls her Sandra or Sandy, and everyone else calls her Cassie."

"Well, I hope you have fun with them, even with the reason for the visit."

Jessika smiled at me, and she seemed to be about to say something. However, several seconds went by, so I asked, "Is this the sister who asked if you were okay?"


"Over the holidays, when we were on the phone."

"Oh. No, that was my oldest sister, Angie. Her husband and her kids had gone back home for New Year's but she'd stayed."

"I see," I replied, but then neither of us said anything else.

"Do you have plans for March 14th?" Jessika asked, breaking the silence.

"We have to wait that long before meeting again?" I asked, making sure I kept my tone light and teasing. "I will miss seeing you."

"No, we can see each other before that," Jessika smiled, a little color appearing in her cheeks. "I just want to get that date set."

"Is there something happening that day?"

"Do you really not know?" the brunette grinned. "It's every guy's favorite day, at least for those with a willing partner."

Having no idea what she was talking about, I was not sure how to proceed. I did not mind setting plans with Jessika, but I was curious what she might mean by 'every guy's favorite day'. I was about to ask for clarification when I noticed she was typing on her phone. Guessing she intended to show me something, I held off on my question.

"Here, this will explain it," she told me, handing me the phone.

On the screen I saw a web page proclaiming March 14th as "Steak and a Blowjob Day." I stared at it, not believing my eyes. Then I read down the page. Evidently, the 'holiday' was created as a counterbalance to Valentine's Day. The whole thing seemed a bit contrived and sexist to me, but Jessika did not appear to be thinking along those same lines.

"You really didn't know, did you?" she asked, and I could tell that she was biting back laughter. "My ex marked it on the calendar."

"I did not know," I admitted.

"Well, now you do," Jessika said, giving me one of the wide grins of hers. "So, don't make any other plans that day. That's my day."

"It sounds like it is supposed to be my day," I chuckled.

"Yes, but it's my day to make it your day," she responded, and her gray eyes blazed with an intensity that seemed greater than the issue warranted. "Just remember that."

At that moment, our food arrived, and I handed Jessika her phone back. We did not address March 14th again while we ate dinner. As the brunette and I talked about other things, thoughts of Jessi intruded into my mind. I had no doubt that the blonde knew about this so-called "Steak and a Blowjob Day", and if we were together at that point, which was not a foregone conclusion considering our last interaction, I suspected she would want to do something as well. I needed to let her know that I had other plans that day, something I did not expect her to take that well. That is if she ever started speaking to me again.


As we kissed, Jessika and I savored undressing each other. We had returned to her apartment after dinner, and as soon as we were inside the door, she had taken my hand and led me to her bedroom. At one point I had given one breast a good squeeze, but Jessika had gently removed my hand.

"Gentle, at least for right now."

She then returned my hand to her bosom, which I caressed. Jessika moaned, then resumed kissing me. That had happened while she still had her top on, but now it, her boots and socks, and her jeans were all off, leaving her wearing nothing but panties. I was similarly clothed in only my briefs.

My curvy brunette lover stared up at me as she hooked her thumbs in my briefs and pushed them down. When my erection was free, it fell against her lower abdomen before she reached down and stroked it with one hand. I kicked my underwear the rest of the way off then started to slide her panties down her hips as she massaged my hard penis. I managed to get them low enough that they slid the rest of the way down her legs, and Jessika stepped out of them without ever relinquishing her hold on me.

"We can do this right?" she breathed while kissing my neck.

"Do what? Have sex" I asked, not sure what she was asking.

"Do it nice and tender," she clarified.

"Are you still sore from earlier?"

"Not in a bad way."

"Then what do you mean?"

"I want you to make love to me, not like I'm a fuck buddy, but like we're together. Like it means something."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," Jessika sighed. "We can go back to friends with benefits afterward."

"What if...?"

"Please, don't say anything else, Mark. This is just pretend. I won't be able to go through with it if it's, um, well, something else."

I pondered telling her that none of what she was saying made sense to me. What we were about to do was not pretend. It was the notion that we were just friends-with-benefits that was the illusion.

Jessika drew me from my thoughts with a kiss that was like no other I had ever experienced, either with her or with anyone else. It was soft, slow and full of a passion that I was incapable of describing. When it finally ended and I looked into Jessika's eyes again, I would have done whatever she wanted.

Letting go of my shaft, which she had continued to stroke while we talked and kissed, the brunette sat on the bed. After chewing on the corner of her bottom lip, she leaned forward and sucked and licked the head of my penis. The sensation of her soft tongue on my most sensitive skin was not as exquisite as the passionate kiss moments before, but it was close.

Pulling back, Jessika grinned, then scooted back on the bed and turned so that she was lying on her back in the middle of it. Without a word, I climbed on the bed and moved between her spread legs, which immediately hooked behind my thighs.

"Don't make a girl wait, Mark," she said, wiggling her hips.

I moved forward enough so that my erection was pressed against her soft pubic hair, then I lowered myself to kiss her. While our tongues danced with each other, I maneuvered myself to slide inside of her. Once in position, I penetrated her with one slow, deliberate motion until I was buried in the warmth of her.

As I entered her, Jessika broke our kiss and buried her face in my neck, moaning. I held myself still a few seconds, then began moving in and out with the same speed I had pushed in. The brunette breathed in with each insertion, and let that breath out as I withdrew, moaning on every exhalation.

"Jessika, I..."

"Don't... say... anything," she instructed me between breaths while running her hands up and down my back. "Just...keep...going."

We kept the same position and pace for many thrusts, and her breathing became more pronounced as we went. Thinking my weight might be a problem, I tried to push myself up so I could support myself on my arms. But Jessika was having none of that-she held me tighter against her torso as well as brought her legs over my upper buttocks.

"Don't...fucking...move," she panted, eyes closed.

"What happened to tender?" I asked, kissing her curved neck.

"This is...so much...more...intense," she managed to get out, her words punctuated with small moans and the occasional whimper.

I was starting to breathe heavier myself, and I realized that Jessika and I were synchronized to the extent that my breathing had fallen into a rhythm with hers. This state lasted a few more minutes, each of us losing ourselves more in the other. Then without warning, Jessika's drew in a shaking breath and held it as her lips trembled and her body quivered beneath me. A sustained moan filled the air, then she let out several squeaks as her muscles tensed. As she climaxed, her vagina contracted around my shaft in conjunction with the squeaks.

When her body finally relaxed, I started up again, a little quicker than before. Jessika whimpered, then loosened her grip on me. Thinking she was wanting something a little harder, I pushed myself up on my arms and started increasing my tempo more. But Jessika had other ideas.

Shoving me off of her and onto my back, the brunette bent down and enveloped the top third of my penis with her mouth. I enjoyed the sensation of her soft lips and active tongue on my shaft, but then I felt bad. I was supposed to be making love to her, not receiving oral sex.

"You do not have to do that, Jessika," I told her, which prompted her to take her lips off of me and fix me with a stare.

"I want to, Mark," she said, a small smile on her face. "After what you just gave me, you deserve it. Besides, I like sucking your cock. And yeah, I know that makes me a slut."

I did not respond as she took me back in her mouth. Instead, I ran my fingers through her soft, chocolate brown curls as her head bobbed up and down on me. As always, Jessika was fantastic, but this time felt different from any oral sex she had given me to date. It was much like how she had kissed me then sloppily slurped on the head of my penis earlier. I could not explain how they were different from other times before, but they were.

After a few minutes, I tightened my hand in my lover's hair as I reached the edge of my orgasm. I did not say anything, but Jessika knew what was about to happen. She moved her head up so that her lips were locked on my shaft just below the head of it and sucked hard as I erupted into her eager mouth. Finally, I had to move her away as I became too sensitive. As soon as I did so, Jessika pushed herself up to a sitting position, smiled down at me, then moved to lie beside me. I turned to face her. Still smiling, she pulled me in for a kiss.

"That was incredible," I told her when our lips parted.

"Yes, it was," she sighed, snuggling tighter up against me. "And don't say another word, Mark. Just let it be what it was, please."

"What was it?" I asked, stroking her hair.

"Nothing I ever felt before," she breathed. "Now please leave it."

I did not want to "leave it." I wanted to talk about it. I wanted to tell her that I no longer was content to be just friends-with-benefits. I wanted to assure her that she would be the only one for me, that I would end things with Jessi. I wanted to know that she felt the same way. But I said nothing.


"Mark," my brunette lover said, shaking me. "I need you to fuck me. Hard."

"What?" I groaned, trying to make myself wake up.

"On the floor, from behind," she continued. "Hard and rough and dirty. Like I'm just a fuck toy for you."

"I am not sure about that, Jessika," I told her, pushing myself up. "We should probably talk about..."

I got a good look at Jessika's face and my voice trailed off. We had never turned off the lights before we went to sleep, and I could see the red in her puffy eyes as well as what looked to be tears clinging to her lashes.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yes, and horny as fuck," she growled, the fierce glint in her eyes at odds with the evidence that she had been crying. "So, shut up and use me. Please."

Without another word, she slid off the bed and dropped to her hands and knees, her shapely rear end facing me. I realized that not only was this what she thought she needed, it was as much a way of protecting herself as when Jessi emotionally shut down. And although it was not what I was growing to understand that I wanted with her, I was willing to help her do what she thought she needed to do. I stood then walked round her so that I was standing in front of her. The brunette looked up at me, uncertainty written on her lovely features.

"Suck me until I am hard, slut."

Giving me a quick smile, Jessika sucked my flaccid penis completely into her mouth and began licking it. Sooner than I would have expected given our activities earlier that day and that evening as well as the night before, I began to harden. To my surprise, Jessika moved down until her lips were at the base of my shaft and held herself there, her tongue waggling on the underside of me, as my erection lengthened and pushed against the back of her throat.

Retching, Jessika pulled her mouth from me and coughed a couple of times. But even before she caught her breath, she took me back between her lips, hollowing her cheeks out as she applied suction. Several seconds later, she pulled off again.

"Fuck my face, Mark," she said before wrapping her lips back around my shaft.

I hesitated a moment, then grabbed her hair in each hand and began thrusting into her mouth. I was careful not to gag her more than a little, but I still pumped myself into her with enough force that she was unable to use her tongue on me. She never quit sucking on my shaft, however.

When I reached the point where I knew I either needed to calm down or commit myself to finishing, I pulled my penis from her mouth, then smacked it on her face. Jessika moaned and kissed the side of my erection.

"I am going to fuck your cunt now, slut," I told her. "Are you wet?"

"God yes," she groaned. "It's running down my fucking leg."

I moved behind the brunette, then gave her buttocks several hard swats. With each one, her body quivered and she grunted. I then pushed her legs further apart and rammed my fingers into her soaked pussy.

"Fuck," Jessika moaned as I moved my fingers around inside her. "I can hear how wet it is."

I did not reply. Instead, I pulled my fingers from inside her then wiped them on her bottom before giving it one last smack.

"God, Mark. I need you to fuck me now."

While I grabbed the brunette's hip with my left hand, I guided myself in with my right. I never tired of entering her snug pussy from behind, and based on the moan that came from her as I rammed myself inside of her, Jessika had not tired of it either. However, despite the pleasure of the moment, I remained concerned that we were both ignoring the more important things that were happening between us. It took several seconds before I let go of that thought and lost myself in the feel of her wet warmth around me as I pumped in and out of her.

"Is that what you needed, bitch," I asked my lover, grasping her hair and pulling her head back.

"Fuck yes!" she shouted, pushing herself back against each thrust.

"Are you going to come from being used like my personal little whore, slut?"

"God, yes," she groaned, followed by a stream of "fucks" as I pulled her head back more and increased my speed.

"Come on my cock, cunt," I snarled. "Show me what a fucking slut you are."

"Shit, Mark," she whimpered. "I'm coming. Fuck! I'm coming. I'm coming."

I did not slow down as she climaxed, her pussy tightening around me as her body trembled and tell-tale squeaks filled the air. I just kept up my pace until I felt ready for my own orgasm, then I pulled out and stroked myself as I ejaculated on the curvy brunette's magnificent rear end.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Still waiting

Come on. I know I am being completely selfish but we are impatiently waiting for the next chapter. Re-reads just aren't doing it any more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
what a treat

I don't normally comment but I thought I would to congratulate you on such an entertaining story. I've known two women just like the characters in your story but not at the same time. The "Jessi" one has stuck in my mind the longest, I never figured out how to maintain a long term relationship with her and we parted on bad terms, she was hands down the best sex I have ever experienced and as crazy as they get.



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