A Teachers Story Ch. 02

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Continuing story of teacher's love for the principal.
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Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 03/30/2010
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Once again I must thank HONEYWLDCAT for her patience and help with this story. Her editing is thoughtful and always encouraging. Thank you so much.


On the second Saturday in March, Grant High School held its annual fundraiser. They had a carnival in the gym of the school.

There were food booths, games of chance, games of skill and crafts for sale. We rented the games from a local contractor and manned them with students and teachers. Local restaurants and diners would rent the food booths and the school would get a piece of the profits.

This Carnival would bring in some much needed money. So, there was a lot of planning and scheduling that went into this fundraiser.

The biggest attraction was the Dunking Stool. It was a big tub about four feet high that had a couple hundred gallons of water in it. There was a seat above the tank. The seat was connected to a huge target that was set up next to the tub.

One could buy two softballs for a dollar. You would throw the balls at the target, if you hit the bull's eye there would be a loud clang and the seat would drop away, plunging the sitter into the pool. The jocks and teachers would be the victims. The teachers were the biggest draws, as all the students wanted to sink their favorite or not so favorite teachers.

Jocks volunteered and the teachers were drawn by lot. The three chaplains held the drawing. Somehow, I was not picked to take the seat. This was much to the annoyance of many students, especially the Water Rats.

The high point of the day came at one in the afternoon. Two softballs were auctioned off. The intended victim was the Principal, Dr. North. There was no way I was not going to lose at the auction and I made sure that I had far more money than I thought I needed.

I arrived at the carnival dressed in a three-piece suit, white shirt and tie. The way I showed up for class. Everyone laughed asking why the suit. I told them that someone had to bring some decorum to the event. That brought even louder laughter.

After being at the carnival for a while, I noticed that no one ever threw more than four softballs before dunking the person sitting on the seat. Then I noticed that when someone missed two or three throws John, the owner of the tank, would put his hand in his vest pocket and on the next throw there was a clang and the victim fell into the water.

I walked over to John and mentioned that it was great that people were such good throwers. He looked at me with a little concern. I smiled and said, "I think that it's a great idea. Keeps the line moving and there are no temper tantrums."

"Sometimes it can get rather ugly. Someone gets mad and the madder they get the worse their aim is. It can put a damper on the whole carnival," John said.

We were interrupted by the Catholic Chaplain, Father James, getting up on a chair and announcing that the auction for the two softballs to dunk the Principal, Dr. Genevieve North. Father James was flanked by Reverend Logan and Rabbi Cohen, the Protestant Chaplain and the Jewish Chaplain.

Jen was standing there with a very conservative, loose bathing suit covered by a light robe.

The bidding started off and slowly, ever so slowly the bids rose. It was noisy, with people yelling, shouting and laughing. When it finally got to forty-five dollars, I said to John, "I have to end this agony."

I walked over to the crowd and in a loud voice I said, "One Hundred Dollars"

Silence...everyone turned and looked at me. Jens eyes were like saucers.

Jamal was the first to speak, "What do you have against Dr. North?"

"Who do you think stuck me with you guys? What could be more fitting than the mentor of the Water Rats to dunk Dr. North in the water?" I shouted.

There was a lot of laughing and hooting after I said that.

Marisa, my prize Water Rat then spoke up (something she did quite often), "You are going to get your revenge against Dr. North and you are only going to put up a "C" note? Why not a "C" note per softball?"

The crowd joined yelling and shouting for me to pay the two hundred. Jen started to say something. I laughed and shouted over her, saying, "Sounds like a bargain to me, two hundred for the privilege of dunking Dr. North."

Father James roared with laughter and quickly shouted, "Going...going...GONE. Sold to Mr. Fitzgibbons. NOW, Mr. Fitzy...THE MONEY!"

I handed him two, one hundred dollar bills.

Father James made a big production about inspecting them. He then handed one bill to Reverend Logan and one bill to Rabbi Cohen. They also made a big production inspecting them. Finally, the three of them pronounced the money to be real and I was given the two softballs.

As the money inspection was going on, Jen had climbed up the latter and sat on the dunking seat. She was softly laughing and shaking her head. With the two softballs in hand I went over to the throwing line and stretched my arms.

The majority of the crowd wanted me to miss, but there was a contingent that wanted Jen in the water.

I wound up and threw the first ball...it missed. Believe it or not...that's what I wanted to do.

The crown went wild, yelling insults at me. Can't hit the side of a barn...Fitzys blind, etc.

I was unaffected by their insults. When they quieted down a bit, I explained that the jacket restricted my movements and went about removing it. Once again I stretched and wound up and threw the ball. It flew straight and true. There was a loud clang and the seat dropped away and Jen plunged into the water.

The crowd screamed. Most were yelling at me for dunking Jen.

Jen stood up in the pool and laughed. As she started to climb out of the water, Marisa yelled, "Hey Mr. Fitz, ain't you gonna let Dr. North get some revenge on you?"

The crowd picked up on that and started shouting that I should get on the seat and let Dr. North have a try.

I raised both my hands to quiet the crown and then said, "Why should I...Wait a minute, Dr. North played in the Varsity/Faculty Basketball game...and she played in the Student/Faculty Softball Game. Yea, I have seen her throw...No problem...I will be just as dry after she throws the balls as I am now."

I started to go the locker room, but I stopped and loudly said, "Why should I change? Why waste the time?"

I started to walk back to the tank. I stopped in front of John and put my jacked back on. Under my breath I said, "John, she gets the first throw...but, I go in on the second...no matter what."

With a deadpan face, John whispered, "Okay, you're the boss."

I made a big production about going up the ladder and sitting on the seat. I took off my shoes and socks, saying that my feet would dangle in the water and I didn't want to get my shoes wet.

Jen was standing at the throwing line. She was beautiful, standing there dripping wet, her hair hanging straight down and the light robe sticking to her body. She had a big smile on her face but I could see that she wanted to dunk me, more than anything.

Reverend Logan held up his hands to quiet the crowd and shouted, "Quiet please Principal North has to concentrate if she is going to sink this here teacher."

The crowd was silent as Jen wound up and threw the ball. It flew at the target...and missed the bull's eye. There was a sigh of disappointment from the crowd.

I laughed and shouted, "What did I tell you? I could sit here all afternoon and still be dry as a bone.

Then I continued over the hoots and hollers of the crowd, "Ya know this set-up isn't fair. I was under a lot of pressure when I was throwing, there was two hundred dollars on the line, but here is Dr. North with no pressure at all. SOOO, I am going to up the tension a little. I have another one hundred dollars that says that Dr. North is going to miss. If she sinks me the money goes into the pot ...but if Dr. North misses, as I know she will, I get the money back."

I handed the hundred to Rabbi Cohen, who after a close inspection declared it good.

The crowd roared, yelling to Jen that she had to sink the Fitz.

Jen was looking at me like I had completely lost my mind. Then she laughingly said, "Mr. Fitzgibbons, I'll have you know that I do my best work under pressure."

"Lets hope so, Dr. North," I said.

Jen started to wind up and I yelled, "Wait...wait."

Jen stopped and with a feigned look of annoyance, "What is it NOW, Mr. Fitzgibbons?"

I smiled and started to wiggle my toes in the water. I looked up and said, "I think it's only right that some part of my body gets wet."

Jen rolled her eyes in exasperation as the crowd screamed and hooted at me.

I put on my sweetest smile and said, "Do your worst, Dr. North."

As Jen wound up like a baseball pitcher, I glanced over to John. He was laughing and shaking his head. But, true to his word his left hand was in the vest pocket.

Jen hurled the softball. There was complete silence as the ball arched toward the target. Then a loud CLANG rang through the gym, the seat dropped away and in my three piece suit, white shirt and tie I plunged down into the ice cold water.

As my butt hit the bottom of the tank, I could hear the clamor of the crown. I stayed down for about fifteen seconds and then slowly emerged from the water.

As I stood the noise got louder. Someone started a chant and the crown joined in "DR. NORTH ...DR. NORTH...DR. NORTH."

Jen was laughing so hard she was holding onto Father Jim and Reverend Logan for support.

When the noise abated a little, I yelled, "Anyone know of a good dry cleaner?"

The shouts and jeers rose in volume again.

When I started to climb out of the tub, Marisa yelled out, "Wait a minute, Mr. Fitz, I want a turn too."

Needless to say, I spent the rest of the afternoon, being dunked into the tank (Much to the relief of my fellow teachers).

I would hurl insults at any student who approached the line. "You couldn't hit the broad side of a barn...You throw like a girl...Open your eyes, next time..."

Thankfully, John would stop the game every twenty-five to thirty minutes and give me time to have a hot cup of coffee and warm up a little. No, I never asked John and he didn't say.

After what felt like years, four o'clock arrived and I was able to get out of the tank and head to the faculty locker room to dry off and change. I was shivering as I took off the wet suit, dried off and put on a pair of Grant High sweats.

I went out into the gym and helped with the clean up and to be abused by the students. After a while, a member of the School Board approached me and asked if I would come up to Principals Office.

It was with a little trepidation that I went to the office. I knew that the crown approved of my antics, but would the School Board agree with them. But what the hell, I had been in trouble before and I would be in trouble again. So I walked into the office with a bit of an attitude.

When I entered Dr. North's office everyone broke into a round of applause. John Michaelson, the president of the Local School Board came over and shook my hand.

He laughed and said, "Mr. Fitzgibbons, I can't say that I would have done what you did out there, but you were very effective. Our preliminary numbers indicate that this year we have broken our record for fund raising at this event. We believe that in large part it was because of your very generous donation and your antics in the tank. I speak for the entire Board when I say thank you very much."

After a few minutes the Board started to leave. Jen said, "Mr. Fitzgibbons, could you wait, I would like to talk for a minute or two."

When the last Board member left and we heard the outside door close, Jen ran into my arms saying, "I love you, You crazy wonderful man."

We mashed our lips together, mouths open and tongues meeting and caressing. When the kiss ended, Jen still holding me with her head on my shoulder, said, "Ron, as much as we need it and as wonderful as it is, you shouldn't have spent so much money dunking me and having me dunk you..."

"Jen," I interrupted, "this morning after you left, I received a rather big package from Marcel and the family. It was a case of wine and two letters. One from Marcel and Catherine and one from Mama and Papa, they told me that the store in Paris, Papa's store in Amsterdam and Peter's store in Lyons are all doing fantastic. They said that it was about time that I get to enjoy some of the profits. The letter from Marcel and Catherine had ten one hundred dollar bills in it.

"Marcel wrote that I should spend it on my 'booze and loose women', but since he sent me the booze all I could spend it on was a loose woman...and you are my loose woman of choice.

I continued, "I still have a whole bunch of money to spend on you, my loose woman. I haven't eaten since that toast you made me this morning, and I am starving. Have you eaten anything?"

"I haven't eaten at all," Jen laughed, "What do you have in mind?"


"YES," yelled Jen, "Ronald Fitzgibbons you are a genius. And, I love you."

I grabbed her, pulled her into me and kissed her hard and passionately. I pulled away and said, "I have to get back to my apartment and change."

"I'll pick you up there," Jen said.

"I'll be waiting with bated breath, my love," I laughed.

I picked up the plastic bag containing my very wet suit and left her office. I drove home and took a quick shower and put on clean, DRY clothes.


Jen showed up as I finished dressing. We drove to Gitano's, it was about nine thirty when we arrived.

Going into Gitano's, he came running over to Jen shouting, "Genevieve, where have you been? How are you?"

He then noticed me and said, "Ronald, good to see you again." He was giving me a funny look.

Rosa then came out and seeing Jen, came over and said, "Genevieve, Ronald, how are you? Come, sit here."

She sat us by the window, where we sat the first time. Jen got up and went to the Ladies Room. Rosa sat down, looking very serious.

She looked at me and said, "Ronald, we spoke to Pasquale..."

I broke in saying, "Really, that's great, how is he and Mina?"

Rosa looked at me with daggers in her eyes, "Pasquale did not know a Ronald Fitzgibbons."

"Of course he wouldn't, he would know me as Henry Duval. That was my Legion name."

"The French Foreign Legion," she snapped.

In a short voice, I answered, "Yes, I spent seven years with the 2e REP. We were stationed out of Corsica."

"Does Genevieve, know?" she asked.

"Of course she does. I told her the night I made dinner for her. I would never lie to Jen." I answered quietly. "She means a lot to you, doesn't she?" I added.

Rosa looked into her lap and quietly said, "Yes she does. She is very important to Gitano and I. We were afraid for her..."

"Rosa, I would never hurt Jen."

"I know that Ron. I'm so sorry, Pasquale told us that he did not know a Ronald Fitzgibbons, but he believed you were Henry Duval, and that we had nothing to worry about because Henry is a man of honor...Please forgive me, Ronald."

I took her hands in mine and looked her in the eyes and said, "Rosa, please don't feel bad. I think that it's wonderful that you think so much of Genevieve. I love you for it."

"We should have listened to Pasquale," she said

Just then Jen returned. Rosa got up and asked, "Shall I bring some wine?"

"That would be wonderful," I said, "Jen, what would..."

Rosa interrupted me saying, "No, I have something special for you two." as she went into the kitchen.

A few moments later, Gitano came out with a bottle of wine. He poured a small amount in my glass.

I swirled the wine in the glass and sniffed it, the bouquet was marvelous. I took a small sip and washed it around my mouth.

I looked at Gitano as asked, "It's a Chianti, isn't it? But nothing like I have ever tasted."

Gitano smiled, "Very good, Ron," and as he showed me the label he continued, "A Chianti from San Sebastian...but a Reserva."

As he poured Jen a glass and filled mine, he went on, "Pasquale sent me a case and 'ORDERED' that you should have a bottle. He said 'Make sure that the "godless Legionnaire" gets a bottle.'"

Jen looked at me and said, "Godless Legionnaire?"

Gitano continued, "He was laughing as he told us, but he wouldn't explain. He told us that we should ask you."

I laughed and said, "It's a bit of a story."

"Well then, we shall have to wait until after dinner. Rosa and I have to work." Gitano told us.

We didn't order that night, Rosa and Gitano made the choices for us. Dinner was absolutely fantastic. It was a very leisurely dinner and we finished with the last course at around eleven fifteen, after the restaurant had closed."

It was about quarter to twelve when Rosa and Gitano come out with a huge variety of pastries. They had a bottle of sweet desert wine that complemented the sweet pastries.

After finishing desert, I reached into the pocket of my overcoat and pulled out a bottle of the wine that Marcel had sent.

That wine was great, we all loved it. As we drank, I explained that when Marcel and I first came to Santa Angela the parish priest, Father Guiseppe, was not happy that there were Legionnaires in the village. He wanted to turn the population against us so that they would run us out of town. However, after helping fix things around the town, he was preaching to deaf ears.

It was during one of his more fiery sermons that he called us the "Godless Legionnaires." However, after a time, even Father Guiseppe changed his tune. Marcel and I spent a week restoring the Chapel of Santa Maria. But, the name stuck, thus we were and still are the "Godless Legionnaires."

We also had another bottle of wine that Gitano brought out. When we finally left the restaurant at around two am, we got a car service to take us home. We all needed it.

The car dropped us at my apartment and we went up and went into the bedroom. I took her in my arms and kissed her. We undressed each other, kissing and caressing.

I lay her on the bed and she looked at me and said, "Ron, I want you, now."

She held her arms out, then closed her eyes and fell into a deep slumber. I leaned over and kissed her lips and lay next to her and immediately dropped off.

I awoke well after the sun was up in the morning. Jen was still sleeping. I didn't feel bad considering all the wine I had.

I lay on my side, just watching Jen sleep. She was so peaceful, so beautiful. As I lay watching her I realized that this was the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I wanted to shout my love for her from the rooftops. To tell the world that Ronald Fitzgibbons loves Genevieve North more than anything in this world.

Jen stretched and moaned. She opened her eyes, turned and smiled at me.

I reached over and cupped her breast as my dick started to become erect. Jen smiled and held my hand to her breast. She then looked over to the clock on the night table.

"Oh god," she exclaimed as she shot out of bed and sprinted toward the bathroom, "We promised Lily that we would be at church, today. Ron, we only have forty-five minutes."

I fell back onto the bed. My dream of having a slow leisurely love making session evaporated, as did my erection. I got out of bed went into the bathroom and as I brushed my teeth, Jen was getting into the shower and I joined her.

As we washed; I grabbed, fondled and caressed as she lamely fought me off. She turned me around and washed my back. As she got out of the shower she spun the hot water faucet off and put the cold to max. In the second or two it took the water to change, Jen was out of the shower. As the icy spray hit my warm body, I let out a blood-curdling scream and jumped out.

Jen was laughing and saying, "I couldn't have you showing up at Church with an erection, could I? What would people think?"

I answered, "There are other ways of getting it down, you know."