A Twist of Destiny Bk. 01


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"Oh shit!" my daughter cried out as my wife bellowed out, "Whoa, honey!"

Now that I was free from gravity's pull, I began to thrust my hips up and down, moving my body like a sine wave while I held them firmly in place. "Jesus, you two feel incredible on top of me!" I howled.

"Dad!" Holly cried out. "Back down! Please put us back down! I don't think I can stay up like this! Holy fuck, I'm so fucking full!"

With a soft laugh, I gently put us back on the ground and allowed the two women to catch their breaths. Holly, much to my surprise, announced that she was done for- she'd had enough. My wife, however, wasn't quite done yet.

"There's something I've wanted to try all my life," she said as she helped our daughter dismount. She looked me in the eyes as she grabbed hold of the cock that Holly had gotten off from. "I've seen it in some pornos, so I know it's possible, but I just can't pass up an opportunity like this."

I had some idea of what she had in mind and I shook my head. "Honey," I began, "we've tried anal sex before. Neither one of us cared for it."

Kathy scoffed at that. "I'm not thinking of anal sex, my love!" she laughed.

Then Holly interjected. "Wait a second, Mom. Do you mean... you wanna try to fit both of those things inside..."

My wife cocked a playful eyebrow at me. "You game to give it a shot?" she asked me.

I took a deep breath to steady my nerves and replied, "Sure I'm game, honey, but it's your body."

"I want to try it," Kathy asserted and then slowly began to rise up until just the tip of my cock was inside her juice-slicked hole. She placed the cockhead of the other penis right next to where we were already joined and gently pushed it inside of her stretched opening. "Oh, shit that's tight!" she exclaimed.

"You're not kidding!" I gasped as the nerve endings in both my cocks started to fill my head with crazy signals.

Holly came over to our side and brushed Kathy's hands away. "Here, Mom. Let me help. Just focus on keeping your balance and I'll do the rest."

I felt our daughter's small, nimble fingers wrap around both my cock shafts as she guided their tips into her mother's lubed-up pussy. Kathy, meanwhile, placed both her palms flat against my chest and stared deeply into my eyes as she wordlessly started to slowly lower her hips down. The progress was very slow indeed because Kathy needed to adjust as more and more of my two cocks were engulfed by her tight channel, but by the time she had more than two-thirds buried inside of her, she began to gently hitch her hips up and down. More and more of the buttery cum from earlier poured out of her stretched cunt, which helped to further lubricate the way. Kathy and I both tried to control our breathing as she steadily fucked herself on the two large penises that were snugly ensconced within her body until, finally, she'd found a rhythm that we could both enjoy. I held on to her hips, helping her to stay in motion, while Holly's mouth found its way to her mother's breasts and paid lavish attention to the taut nipples.

"So... full," Kathy huffed at one point. "Dear God in Heaven, I'm so fucking full right now!"

"Are you okay, though?" I asked. "I'm not hurting you, am I?"

Kathy closed her eyes and shook her head. "No," she gasped. "I'm... I'm fine! Just stay still, though- if you thrust up into me I'm afraid you'll tear me apart!"

"He won't do that, Mom," our daughter said soothingly. "Dad loves us and he wouldn't hurt us. Just ride him. Make him and yourself feel good. God, it's so sexy to see the two of you together!"

Kathy looked down at me with concern in her eyes. "Are you okay, David?" she asked. "It's not too tight or painful, is it?"

I smiled up at her warmly. "I'm fine, honey. I'll admit: it's a bit weird feeling one cock rub up so tightly against the other, but seeing as how they're both mine and they're inside of you, I think I can honestly say it's all right."

"Good," Kathy said with relief. "Because I was holding back some." With that, she started to increase the tempo of her motions until her hips were practically flying up and down the length of my twin cocks. I held on to the junction where her hips met her thighs for dear life while she rode me like a mad-woman. The mane of her long, dark hair flailed about wildly as she fucked herself in earnest, crying out unintelligibly in a litany of half-spoken words and grunts. It was like she'd turned into a rutting animal that was bent on the sole objective of sexual gratification. I'd never seen her so wild and abandoned before and, frankly, it was exhilarating to behold!

Holly, when she realized that her mother was then in a world of her own, leaned away from us and started to rub her pussy as she watched with a clear mixture of awe and shock. When she glanced at me, looking into my eyes, she could see her mother's emotions reflected in my face as I opened myself up and let myself be taken over by my wife's powerful need for release. Eventually my own hips started to move on their own, thrusting up into Kathy's over-filled cunt as she bucked feverishly on top of me. Our cries of pleasure and bliss seemed to match up, then, and we were suddenly both locked on to the same sexual note of nirvana.

Our voices reached a growing crescendo as our orgasms peaked and, as though a supernova had gone off in both of us, we exploded in climax. Kathy pounded her hips downward one last time while mine arched up uncontrollably and I felt both of my cockheads erupt with violent force. Jet after jet, double-barreled, fired off countless salvos of sperm in the depths of my wife's body as our bodies locked up in mid-motion. Neither of us could force our bodies to respond to our commands if we'd wanted to while my seed was poured into her womb without pause, like a Gatling gun of cum. It went on for several long seconds until, mercifully, our muscles relaxed and our orgasms quickly faded. My twin cocks twitched and lurched inside of her a couple more times, but the effort was ineffectual as there was no more cum for me to ejaculate- I'd expended every last ounce of it.

Kathy collapsed on top of me in exhaustion and she essentially passed out for a few short seconds while her brain tried to reboot and process what she'd just done. Both of us were breathing with real effort and our bodies were covered in sweat. When Kathy stirred, Holly leaned in gently.

"Mom? Mom, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she said weakly. "That was...."

"Epic?" our daughter suggested.

Kathy chuckled softly and nodded. "That's... right."

"How about you, Dad? Are you all right?"

I took a deep, long breath and let it out slowly. "I'm perfect, Babygirl," I answered. "That was absolutely amazing."

Kathy slowly sat up and, with a surprising amount of speed and strength, she grabbed Holly by the sides of her head, pulled her face close and kissed her forcefully. When they parted, my wife huffed out, "You have every right to feel jealous right now!" Suddenly her hips jerked in an aftershock and we felt both of my wilting cocks spasm in response. "Oh, wow!" Kathy cried out. "I- I need to get up, like, now, or I'm going to go insane! Holly, help me up, please." She held out her hands while Holly got to her feet and pulled her mother upwards.

We all heard the suction sound as my wife's well-fucked pussy was pulled off my twin cocks. When the cockheads cleared her vaginal entrance, however, all three of us were stunned at how much of my sperm started to literally pour down Kathy's thighs in a mad gush. It was like someone had turned on a faucet of cum and Kathy's pussy was the spout- it just rushed out of her, obeying the call of gravity in an unstoppable torrent. Some of it fell onto my groin and stomach, but most of it traveled in rivulets down her legs and began to pool at her ankles.

Kathy stood where she was and just gaped at the mess below her. "I think we'll need some towels," she said almost reverently.

"Or a wet-vac," I supplied, which caused both women to laugh suddenly. Laughing, however, proved to be a mistake for my wife as even more of my seed was forced out of her body.

It took us a little while to clean up the mess we'd all made with our sinful delights, but half an hour later, things looked like they were pretty much back to normal. Holly had gotten dressed again and Kathy had slipped back into our bedroom to put on a night gown while I willed my clothing back into place. When Kathy returned, we all sat down on the sofa to talk for a short while.

"When is Darren supposed to be back?" I asked my wife.

She waved the question off. "Not until tomorrow sometime. I already spoke with him, right after the announcement on the news. He asked if he should come back home, but I told him to stay there at his friend's house and enjoy himself. I kind of had a sneaking suspicion that you'd show up here and I wanted to be able to celebrate without worrying about him being around."

"I'm sorry if I screwed up your plans, Mom," Holly said politely. "If I'd had any idea of what you were planning, I would've stayed home."

"It's all right, sweetheart," my wife said sweetly. "Yes, I was a little annoyed with you when you got here, but it had nothing to do with the fact that you were here. You're my daughter and, even if I am pissed at you for something, you're always welcome home. I've actually missed you."

A wry grin crossed our daughter's lips. "I bet you never thought we'd catch up in exactly this way, huh?"

Kathy laughed lightly. "Well, no, not exactly, but I'm glad that we did just the same. It was fun and, in a way, kind of cathartic. I think we needed to get the issue of you sleeping with your dad out and into the open."

"You know," Holly began as she glanced at me, "you guys really did have me going there for awhile, when you made me think he was about to get me pregnant."

"I'm sorry if we scared you, honey," Kathy said gently.

Holly shrugged. "It's all right. I guess I kind of deserved it. But you want to know the funny thing? Like, a split-second before he came inside of me, I wanted him to knock me up. It was, like, I knew that it would be the absolute worst idea in the world, but I wanted it."

"You're not ready for it but you want it?" I summarized.

Holly looked at me with a strange smile and then nodded. "Yeah. I know that's probably not the kind of thing a daughter should say in front of both her parents, but... well... after tonight, I guess holding back the truth is probably a moot point. I'm far from being ready to get to that point, but I wanted to ask Mom... if she would be upset if, someday, it happened for real."

Kathy took a deep breath and looked down at her hands. "There's so much complexity wrapped up in my answer, Holly," she replied finally. "As your mother, I'm in no hurry to see you saddled with children before you're ready for them. When you had Cammi and gave her up for adoption, we pretty much already went over all of that. You're still very young and you've got so much you can do for yourself- college, a career, finding your own feet as an adult, that kind of stuff. As David's wife, I have to admit to at least a little jealousy when I think about it... but that's only because I've spent so many years being incapable of conception. Now that I am capable of it, that sting of jealousy might disappear... especially in light of the fact that I've still got some of your father's active sperm inside my womb at this very moment: I might have some surprising news in a few weeks' time." She noticed the alarmed look on my face and she laughed. "Don't worry, my love. I said 'might' not 'will.' But now that it's a possibility I might ask for it sometime soon myself. Don't forget: for the longest time I was running under the assumption that David and I wouldn't be able to have any children together. It wasn't until a few days ago that the truth of your conception even became apparent to me. I've got a lot of thinking and re-thinking to do."

Holly took all of that in for several quiet moments. "So where does that leave us?" she asked. "Because I don't want to ask Dad to knock me up if you're against it. I think we can all get along just fine with the sex-thing, but pregnancy is a whole different issue. It's bigger."

"I guess," Kathy said carefully, "it's something that I can't completely answer right now. Eventually I'll probably accept it as something which is inevitable, but right now there's too much emotional baggage and other issues for me to work through first. Why? How soon were you planning on making this decision, anyway?"

Holly seemed almost surprised at the question. "Oh! Not for a few years at least," she answered quickly. "God, I'm happy with things just the way they are right now. But I'm only eighteen. Eventually I'll want to have kids and, from a purely Darwinian point of view, Dad's about the best possible male specimen on the planet- unless I end up falling in love with someone, I doubt that I could ever want someone else to be the father of my next child."

"That's something that's been tickling around at the back of my mind," I cut in. Both women looked at me curiously and I directed my attention on Holly. "The issue of your daughter, Cammi. The family she's with... there's no telling if or when Cammi might develop... abilities of her own, seeing as how she's carrying half of your DNA, which is half of my DNA, which has been infused with alien DNA. The chances are remote that she'll manifest any kind of talents, but on the off chance that she does, at some point, should we somehow try to warn them of the possibility?"

"I... I hadn't even thought of that," Holly confessed. "Wow. That's... do you really think she might develop powers?"

I shrugged. "No way for me to tell, really," I answered. "Short of you, coming back in time to warn us that she will, all we can do is speculate."

Our daughter blinked at that suggestion. She paused to think it over and then nodded firmly. "Then that's what I'll do," she said with conviction. "If I ever get wind of the fact that she is somehow different from normal humans, I'll come back to this exact moment and let us know. I mean, tonight was pretty fucking unforgettable- it'll be burned in my memory till the day I die." She fell silent and focused her attention on an empty spot in the room. She stared at it expectantly for several long seconds and we both followed her gaze. We said nothing for at least a minute until Holly broke the silence. "Well, I guess that's that. No need to worry about it."

I shook my head at the simplicity of it all. Just like that, we were probably the only family in the history of the world that had its own early-warning system in place. If anything truly cataclysmic might happen, we could rest assured in the knowledge that Holly would go back in time and warn us of it. And if she didn't come back to warn us, then that had to mean that everything was moving along just fine in the future. It was strange, but knowing that gave me a certain kind of faith and peace of mind.

"Oh!" Holly said suddenly. "That reminds me! Dad and I were talking about something the other day and I wanted to pass it by you first," she said to her mother, who patiently gave her a nod. "With my ability to go back in time, we realized that it'd be nothing for me to come back at some point and... well... help us to win the lottery."

Kathy's jaw dropped open in a perfect O when she heard that. For years, long before any of this Team Alpha business had started, Kathy and I would spend countless hours daydreaming about what we might do if we ever "hit the jackpot." We'd designed our dream house, talked about financial plans and considered a full future of comfort and ease for the entire family based solely on the nearly impossible chance that we could win the lottery. And here Holly was, offering that exact opportunity.

"You could... you could do that?" she asked in a small, quiet voice.

Our daughter shrugged. "I don't see why not," she answered. "I mean, Dad pointed out that doing it right now would probably be a bad idea and cause a lot of problems, but I wouldn't be surprised if, a few months down the road, I give you a phone call and suggest you pick up a lottery ticket with some very specific numbers."

"Holy shit," my wife said breathlessly. "Before it was all just this... I dunno, a dream. Like some sort of romantic fantasy or a game that I played with your father. But... it could really happen, couldn't it?"

I smiled broadly and said, "Honey, in our family, anything is possible now. All we've got to do, really, is just say what we want to do and then do it without a second thought. So... how about it, my love? Do you wanna be rich?"

Kathy leaned back in her seat on the sofa and stared off into the middle distance as her mind began to spin with the possibilities. Suddenly, she snapped back to reality and flashed a huge grin at us. Then, for good measure, she gave our daughter a whopper of a kiss on the lips. "Hell yes! I don't think you'll ever really be able to escape your role as NightShade, David, but at least you'll be able to have a safe haven from the rest of the world during your down-time!" She looked at Holly. "I'll be waiting for that call in a few months, young lady. Don't you dare disappoint me!"

Our daughter beamed proudly. "I wouldn't think of it."

I glanced at my watch and realized how late it was getting back in Belgium. I stood up and pulled both my favorite ladies to their feet. "It's getting late over there. Holly and I should be getting back, honey."

Kathy looked abashed as she regarded both of us. She actually seemed to have tears in her eyes. "I know this sounds weird, but I think we all really needed for tonight to happen," she said. "Even though things are still pretty much as complicated as ever, things seem a lot easier for me to deal with. Holly, we've had some rough patches in recent years, but I am so glad that you're my daughter. I can honestly say, right now, that I'm okay with you and David having sex with each other. And, after tonight, I feel a lot closer to you. I hope you and I get to spend some mother/daughter time of our own, if your dad happens to be... busy with work or something."

Holly smiled beatifically at that idea. "Well," she said giddily, "I may not be able to teleport like Dad can, but I can move around in time and space at will. So it should be easy enough for me to travel back in time for a few hours to here and, when we're done, go right back to my... what did you call it, Dad? My subjective here-and-now?" I gave her a nod. "Yeah, that. So, yeah, I can come visit you pretty much any time, literally, that I want! We can figure out the details of it later, I guess."

She and my wife hugged lovingly and then Kathy turned to me. "You be safe out there," she told me.

"You know that I will, honey."

"I know. But I'm your wife and I have to say it. And take care of our daughter, too."

"It's one of the few things I do better than anything else," I replied.

"I love you."

I wrapped her up in my arms, kissed her deeply and said, "I love you, too, Kathy Shayles."

Kathy sighed deeply, lost in the security of my embrace and then reluctantly withdrew. She gave Holly another quick peck on the lips and then stepped back. "See you soon."

We both smiled lovingly at her. "Definitely," I said and, then, I 'ported us back to our apartment in Belgium.

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ToughSailorToughSailorabout 2 months ago

Nice story, but you might be exposing yourself to a copyright infringement lawsuit from the publishers of Avenger comic books - The body morph? From that point forward things got really silly - Bye the way, prone is face down and supine is face up - Also from a military standpoint, there would be a follow on Team BRAVO, not Team Beta - That said, I think I'll now have to just go and fuck myself . . . .

AlwaysAndForever82AlwaysAndForever826 months ago

my only real complaint is i feel kinda bad about the son not being involved. especially when he knows what's going on. i also like the writing style even if the sex was removed or toned down.

SigneduintSigneduint12 months ago

This is great. It's so rare to see superpower erotica that actually includes superpowers. And well written too. I'll admit that not all of it was to my taste but I can objectively say that I think it was good stuff.

I do have a few critiques:

* There were a few spelling mistakes that would be picked up by any decent text editor, and it bugs me to see such easy quality edits left in published work.

* The way you explained temperature when he's playing around with pyrokinesis is just flat out wrong. The speed of the particles is the energy that we know as heat, they don't rub against eachother.

Insemin8Insemin8about 1 year ago

Only thing I minded was confounding Odysseus with Jason, the actual captain of the Argo who went in search of thecGolden Fleece.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Titanium is not stronger than steel.

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