A Unique Family


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I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Is this why mom was okay with you fucking Monique on the side?" Tiffany asked in astonishment.

"No," I replied calmly as I moved back to the kitchen table and took my seat again. "Actually Monique and I pre-date your mother and Dylan."

Tiffany just shook her head in disbelief.

Just then Debbie appeared at the top of the basement stairs. "So what's up?"

Tiffany sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Oh your daughter has something she wants to tell you," I said, feeling a smile come across my lips. The whole situation was just so unbelievable, I had to see the humor in it, or my head would explode.

"Uh oh," Debbie said. "That sounds foreboding."

"Oh it is," I said matter-of-factly.

"I can't believe you two are being so cavalier about this," Tiffany said in a tone that sounded like she was scolding us both.

"Don't you even want to tell your mother what you think she's being cavalier about," I asked in a playful tone. I couldn't believe I was trying to have fun with the situation, a situation I had actual dreaded coming to pass. Now that it had, I was surprisingly able to let it slide off my back.

"Is is the fact that she knows about her brother and I being lovers?" Debbie asked in an equally playful tone. She was apparently letting it slide off her back too.

"How did you know I knew?" Tiffany asked with her brow furrowed up.

Debbie chuckled. "You clearly don't realize how loud you gasped when you saw us."

Tiffany stood there stunned.

"Actually," I piped in, a bit confused myself. "If you knew she knew," I added. "Why didn't you talk to her about it, instead of letting in linger like this?" Part of me was actually a bit miffed at Debbie about this.

"I thought about it," Debbie replied in a straight tone. "But I wanted to see how she'd react."

"What difference did that make?" I asked, still a bit miffed. "You let Tiff stew for two days about it. That's not fair." I glanced over at Tiffany and saw her lips curl into a bit of a smile. Under normal circumstances, I would have taken that as a sign that my daughter appreciated me sticking up for her. Since this situation was as far outside normal as it could get, a part of me wondered if they were both putting me on for kicks.

Turns out my initial thought was accurate.

"It's okay dad," Tiffany finally sighed. "It's not the kind of conversation a mother and daughter usually have. So, you're fucking my brother - your son?" Tiffany now had a playful lilt in her voice.

"Actually honey," Debbie sighed. "It was a little shitty of me, and I'm sorry for that. But, I'm happy to find out you just went to your father about it. And the fact you're not freaking out."

"Oh believe me," Tiffany quickly rejoined. "I wanted to freak out. But after I confronted dad about fucking Monique and found out that you KNEW about that, I realized I have a very weird family," she sighed. "Besides, it's good to know that my older brother isn't a virgin anymore. Even if it was his mom who took his cherry."

"Wait," Debbie said. "Dylan was a virgin?"

"Duh," Tiffany mocked her mother as she took a seat at the table and pulled a pack of smokes from her pocket.

"Oh my," Debbie chuckled. "I thought he was just lacking in experience. I didn't realize he was devoid of it completely."

"Well congrats mom," Tiffany said with a wry smile. "You took your son's virginity."

"That'll definitely boost his confidence," I chimed in. "Lord knows after our first time together," I said to Debbie. "I was much more confident."

"Oh wonderful," Tiffany deadpanned as she exhaled heavily. "My mother," she gestured towards Debbie. "Has taken the virginity of two generations of the same family. AND," Tiffany really stressed this for emphasis. "It just happens to be her own family."

Debbie's cheeks reddened a bit as she and I shared a knowing glance. "Guilty as charged," she finally said with a shrug. "So," she carefully asked. "You're okay? You're not upset?"

"I guess I should be," Tiffany said with a shrug. She took a puff of her cigarette and then sat back in her chair. "But, no," she added. "I'm not."

"Okay," Debbie said with a smile. "I do apologize again for not talking to you about it, knowing that you'd seen us together."

"I appreciate that mom," Tiffany smiled warmly at her.

I stood up to refill my coffee cup. "Well, okay then," I said. "We're weird," I gestured to Debbie. "And our daughter accepts it," I glanced back at Tiffany as she butted her cigarette out. "You're not going to torment your brother about this are you?"

"No," Tiffany answered defensively. "Of course not."

"Okay," I held up a hand in deference. "I'm not saying you would, but I just wanted to check. You can have a vicious streak."

"Thanks daddy," Tiffany said in a mocking tone. She used her legs to pull the chair I'd been sitting on closer to it, and put her legs up on it.

"Well if everything is okay," Debbie interjected. "I'm going to get back to laundry. I live for that shit."

I chuckled as Debbie left the kitchen and headed back downstairs. I glanced over at Tiffany who had her head turned to the side looking out the window. I realized the way she had her legs position on the chair, that I had a pretty good look up her robe, and could tell she wasn't wearing anything under her robe. I forced myself to look away.

Tiffany sighed heavily as I stood there sipping my coffee.

"You sure you're okay with all of this?" I asked in a reassuring voice.

"Yeah," she sighed again as she turned to face me. "I mean it's surreal and all, but," she reached for her cigarette pack and held it out to me. "You want one?"

"Thank you," I said with a smile as I took a cigarette from the pack and lit it. "But what?" I asked.

"But," Tiffany pursed her lips for a moment. "If I could see my mother fucking my brother, and all I did was gasp? I guess I am okay with it."

"And just accept that your family is weird?" I asked with a chuckle, still forcing myself not to try and look up my daughter's robe.

"Exactly," Tiffany said with a giggle as she finally stood up. She moved to the counter to get herself a cup of coffee.

I sighed quietly, thankful that her movement meant I didn't have to avert my gaze anymore. I pulled the chair I'd been sitting in back to its original position and sat down again. "Although," I finally added. "You have to be careful. You have the same blood, so you can be just as weird. As evidence, I point out you wearing nothing under your graduation robes a few weeks ago."

Tiffany laughed. "I guess you have me there," she said as she moved back to her seat. She ran her hand over my shoulder softly as she passed me. "Although I thought you'd bring up me being the washroom while you were fucking Monique."

"That could definitely be described as weird," I said with a nod. "You weren't just there to 'keep watch' were you?" I playfully chided her.

"Oh hell no," Tiffany smiled at me knowingly. "I got myself off."

That caught me off guard. I was intimating that I thought Tiffany had been there to sneak a cigarette while on school grounds. And, ostensibly to give cover so that Monique could reappear outside well before I did.

I did not know that my daughter was getting herself off while I fucked her friend in the toilet stall.


The rest of the day passed uneventfully. I went for a bike ride, then came home and watched golf and some baseball on TV with a few drinks.

Debbie and Tiffany had been in the backyard tanning in their bikinis. Although Tiffany joined me in the living room not long after I'd gotten home. She sat in the chair opposite the sofa still in her bikini. I found it a bit odd, since Tiffany had never expressed much interest in golf nor baseball.

When I asked her why she was hanging out at home on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, and wasn't out with her friends, or her boyfriend, Tiffany explained why.

"Just letting things sink in," she sighed. "Besides most of my friends are working their summer jobs and stuff." The summer jobs most of Tiffany's friends had were in sales, or manning counters that required working on weekends. My daughter showed some mettle and got herself a job - albeit part-time - as a file-clerk at a law firm. Hence her weekends were free. "And the boyfriend?" she continued, and raised her eyebrows at me. "That's over and done with."

"When did that happen?" I asked completely taken by surprise.

"Sort of after prom," Tiffany sighed. "I kind of made it official at the graduation ceremony, but he still held out hope," she twirled her hair as if she was describing the weather to me. "It became final on Thursday."

I darted my eyes a bit as I processed what my daughter was telling me. "Wait a sec," I said hesitantly. "Yeah, I remember you said the two of you were hooking up for the afternoon."

"I said we 'may' have plans for the afternoon ," Tiffany added with a giggle.

I closed my eyes when it all sank it. "That's why you were home early," I said in near whisper.

"Bingo," she replied with a smile.

Thursday had been the day that Tiffany saw her mother and brother having sex.

"I don't know what to say, honey," I sighed as I processed everything.

"Oh it's fine," Tiffany said with a wave of her hand as she stood up. "The thing with the ex," she sighed. "Like I said it was coming since prom. Everything else?" she chuckled. "I'm dealing with."

"That's good," I smiled at her. "I know it's a lot to deal with and I'm sorry about that."

"It's fine daddy," she chuckled. "Besides finding out first that you were fucking Monique probably help me prepare for the 'later unveiling'," she stood in front of me and made air-quotes with a huge smile on her face.

"Oh you're just going to love throwing that one in my face for all time aren't you?" I said wryly.

"That's the plan," Tiffany chuckled. "But it won't stop me from asking if you'd like another beer."

"Oh," I was bit surprised at how quickly she was able to shift gears like that. "Actually," I paused as I glanced at the TV to watch an attempted putt lip almost lip our of the hole, but then drop. "Mine never do that," I sighed.

"Actually?" Tiffany stood over me with her hands on her hips.

"Sorry," I smiled up at her. "I was going to switch to wine."

"Great idea dad," she said as she held out her hand for my empty beer can. "Do you mind if I have a glass with you?"

"Oh sure," I nodded.

Tiffany thanked me and turned to head to the kitchen.

As she did, I couldn't help but look as she swiveled her hips as she walked. To say nothing of the fact that her bikini bottoms were wedged up the crack of her backside, giving me a pretty unimpeded view of her round butt cheeks.

I felt myself staring but couldn't help it. My daughter had a great ass.


Later that evening Dylan came home, exhausted after a double-shift at the restaurant. He informed Debbie he'd already eaten, so she sent him off to shower off the day and told him she'd join him shortly.

I turned off the TV and stood up with my glass of wine.

"You heading to bed already?" Debbie asked me with a smile.

"Well, I think your card is filled for tonight," I chuckled. "Besides, I'm a bit tired. So, I'm just going to crawl into bed and fire up the laptop for a bit."

"Okay, babe," Debbie leaned in and gave me a kiss. "If you're asleep when we're done, I'll try not to wake you when I crawl into bed. IF I crawl into bed," she shrugged. "I may crash with Dylan tonight."

"That's fine," I gave her another kiss and smiled at her.

I made my way to the bedroom and stripped down, then crawled under the sheets and flipped open my laptop.

Debbie had gone to the bathroom to join Dylan. A few moments after the door closed behind her, I heard the shower stop and the tub begin to fill.

I just sat there in bed. Sipping on wine and checking out a few sports sites. I lit myself a cigarette and for an instant the situation hit me: My wife was in the bathroom with our teenaged son, and I was surfing sports sites like it was no big deal.

But the situation was quickly dismissed. It wasn't a big deal to me.

I glanced at my wine glass and saw that it was half-way done. I realized I wasn't quite as tired as I thought, so I wondered if I should get a refill. I mentally dismissed it and went back to checking things out online.

Just then Tiffany rushed into the room and jumped onto the bed.

"Hi daddy," she giggled as she settled next to me.

"By all means come in," I said sarcastically, although with a smile on my face.

"Hey your door was open," she turned onto her side and propped herself up on an elbow.

"True enough," I replied as I shifted my gaze away from my daughter and back to the laptop screen.

Tiffany was dressed only in a skimpy night-shirt. It clung against her body tightly and accentuated her well-developed tits quite nicely, as well as being strained against her well-rounded hips. Tiffany had also recently began wearing an ankle bracelet and I don't know why but those things were always hugely erotic to me.

I took a sip of my wine, and took a deep breath before swallowing. "So what's up?" I asked without averting my gaze from the screen.

"Mom and Dylan are doing it in the tub," she replied with a smile.

"Shocking," I said sarcastically. Then a thought dawned on me. "Are you sure you're okay with all this?" I asked, genuinely concerned.

"Oh yeah," she replied with a wave of her hand as she half-turned and reached for Debbie's cigarette pack on the nightstand on that side of the bed. "Don't worry about me," she said with a knowing gaze. She paused as she was about to light herself a cigarette. "Do you want one?"

"Just had one," I smiled. "If you have any issues Tiffany," I told her. "Please feel free to share them."

"Not issues," she replied as she exhaled and ran her other hand through her blonde hair.

"What then?" I was sensing something was up.

"Well," Tiffany lay back on the bed and took another drag from her cigarette. "I was just thinking."

"About what?"

Tiffany gave me a furtive glance and smile. She took another puff of her cigarette. "Well," she started slowly as she began to twirl her hair through her free hand. "If Dylan gets to fuck mom, does that mean I get to fuck you?"

I just stared at my daughter in disbelief. I have no idea how long I sat there in total bewilderment, but I know I eventually snapped back to reality when it hit me that I needed a drink. I turned to the nightstand and almost downed the remnants of my wine glass.

"Pardon me?" I asked as coolly as I could muster.

"It's a straightforward question," Tiffany replied as she sat up.

I sighed and closed my laptop. "Yeah," I chided her a bit. "A straightforward question to an incredibly unique situation."

"I'll give ya that," Tiffany chuckled. "Want me to get you a refill?" she gestured her head towards my glass.

"I think I could use something stronger," I sighed.

She giggled as she butted her smoke out and reached across me for my glass. "I understand," she whispered right in front of my face. "I'll be back."

I watched as my daughter slowly walked out of the bedroom. She swiveled her hips so that with each step she took, her tiny night shirt seemed like it would snap up and reveal her ass.

I took a deep breath and ran my hands through my gray, and thinning hair. I had always found my daughter attractive. In fact, the first time I stepped out of my marriage - Debbie had done so before I did - was years ago when Tiffany began to fill out a bit.

I had gone for a bike ride and met this eighteen or nineteen year old cutie on the beach. She had blonde hair like my daughter, and the kind of body Tiffany was filling out to. As well, this hottie was wearing an ankle bracelet. I remember fucking her relentlessly, but I don't remember her name. Honestly at the time I was thinking about my daughter.

Now years later my daughter, who'd just asked if we could start fucking, was about to return to my bedroom with another drink for me. Meanwhile I could hear my wife's moans of pleasure from the bathroom getting louder.

Tiffany returned a moment later with two glasses in her hands. One was a wine glass, and the other contained what I believed to be a vodka-tonic. She smiled at me and made her way back to the bed and eased herself down.

I accepted my glass from her and watched for a moment as she took a sip of wine. I took a sip of my drink, and was impressed that she had mixed it well. "So," I said as I cleared my throat. "What was the question again?"

Tiffany laughed. "Smartass," she chided me. "You know what it was."

I nodded. "Uh huh," I said. "And you're serious?"

"Hell yes," she stressed. "Like, do you not get it?"

"Get what?" I asked.

"You're the 'hot dad' out of my group of friends," Tiffany sighed and then took a sip of wine. "All my friends were constantly going on about it: 'He's in great shape! He's gorgeous! I bet he has a great cock!', shit," she sighed.

I was about to say something but Tiffany fixated her eyes on me and continued. "I played the part," she said matter-of-factly. "I kept telling them to knock it off, but the truth of the matter was I thinking the same things!"

I leaned back against the headboard and took a sip of my drink. "Really," I said after exhaling heavily.

"Oh hell yeah," Tiffany kept her gaze fixated on me. "I always dreamed of having you fuck me. I just didn't know how to ask. I was scared to death you'd smack the shit outta me for asking.

"But," she continued as she leaned in and put her hand on my arm. "After you started fucking Monique," she paused as seemed to be searching for the right words. "It was like I got," she paused again.

"To fuck me my proxy," I added with a warm smile on my face.

"Yeah," Tiffany nodded and smiled. "And maybe believe that you were doing her and thinking of me," she added as she squeezed my arm. "But oh my god," she continued. "Getting the play-by-play of your sessions with her from Monique?"

I couldn't help but smile. "That's why you were in the washroom when she and I were together," I said with realization.

"Oh hell yeah," Tiffany nuzzled up against me. "I was wishing it was me in that stall with you."

"And when you found out about your mother and Dylan?" I asked, already knowing what to expect as a response.

She looked up at me with the same mesmerizing blue eyes as her mother's. "I thought I could use that. Either piss you off, and suggest we fuck to get back at them, or," she paused and shook her head. "I don't know, daddy. I just know I want to fuck you so bad."

I smiled at my daughter and kissed her on the forehead. "Well," I sighed. "I'd be lying if I said the feeling wasn't mutual."

"Really?" she beamed a huge smile up at me. "Oh daddy," she leaned in to kiss me, but I stopped her.

"But," I said as I saw a look of disappointment cross her face. "Even though what's going on, is what's going on," I explained. "We should still check with your mother and brother first."

"Okay," Tiffany immediately sprang from the bed and scurried out of the bedroom and went to the bathroom.

Without knocking she just opened the door and I could see my wife and son going at it doggy-style in the tub.

"What the hell, Tiff?" Debbie chuckled in between moans of pleasure. "Oh shit, Dylan," she quickly hissed. "Don't stop!" she implored him.

I have to admit I felt a sense of pride that my son was able to follow his mother's orders and continue to fuck her, while his sister stood in the doorway.

"Mom," I heard Tiffany ask. "Since you and Dylan are having fun in here, do you mind if I fuck daddy?"

"Oh hell," Debbie moaned loudly. "Yes, go for it!"

I shook my head. This wasn't unlike a few months earlier when Tiffany wanted to get her belly-button pierced. I had said 'ask your mother', and Debbie had no problem with it.