A Week at the Lake with My Sister


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When we discussed this, we made the decision that we wouldn't ask Mom and Dad for approval. The best we could hope for was acceptance. Our hope was that they'd stick around to be with their grandkids.

Mom and Dad looked at each other, now with anger as well as unhappiness. Dad stood up. "Your mother and I will discuss this more in our bedroom."

Mom stood up, and the two of them walked off to their bedroom, closing their door loudly.

"At least they're still here," I said.

Joanna shrugged. "None of us expected them to take it well."

Brandon said sadly, "No, none of us did."

* * * *

Brandon and I were too upset about Mom and Dad to make love that night. In the morning, we got up early to get up before the kids got up. We started on breakfast for everyone. Mom and Dad came out of their bedroom after Benjamin loudly exited his. Mom and Dad continued to look unhappy, but they didn't say anything about Brandon and me. Instead, they focused on Benjamin and, after she came out, Julie. Joanna joined us a little later.

Joanna, Brandon, and I did our best to act like nothing was different, and that seemed to work pretty well. After breakfast, we took the ski boat out and had the kids ride in a "towable tube". It was more like a bright orange couch that we could strap the kids in. They loved it. Brandon and Joanna took turns skiing, and then the kids took another ride in the towable tube. As the morning progressed, Mom and Dad were in a better and better mood. We knew they'd be very unhappy with Joanna, Brandon, and me, but we had hoped that having fun with their grandkids would make staying angry hard. Our plan seemed to be working.

When we went in for lunch. I supervised Julie making grilled cheese sandwiches for her and Benjamin while Mom and Joanna cooked the meal for the rest of us. Once lunch was over, Joanna took Squire and the kids down the stairs while Brandon and I waved goodbye to them. Mom and Dad walked toward the door out with grim, unhappy looks on their faces, but didn't say anything to Brandon or me as they exited the lake house.

* * * *

Joanna took Benjamin with her as she went for a walk with Squire. There was a picnic table halfway between the lake house and the lake with a large pavilion tent around it to provide shade. Julie made a beeline for that. She was carrying a sticker book, a coloring book, and some crayons. Her grandfather went to lie down in a hammock. Her grandmother Stacy followed along and sat down next to her. Stacy saw this as her big opportunity to talk with Julie about what a terrible thing Brandon and Kaitlyn were doing. "Auntie and your dad stayed behind," she said to Julie to bring up the topic.

"Uh-huh. They told me they would." Julie smiled brightly. "Did you know that this fall I'm going to fly to New York City and meet Auntie there? I'm going to go when the school has a four-day weekend for teacher training. It'll be just the two of us. We're going to stay in a super nice hotel downtown, and we're going to see the Statue of Liberty, and we're going to a play on Broadway, and we'll take the subway everywhere!"

Stacy did know about that, but it wasn't what she wanted to talk about. When Stacy didn't respond, Julie went back to her sticker book. Stacy waited a bit until the trip to New York was no longer in the air and then asked, "Do you and Benjamin ever nap in the same bed together?"

"No!" said Julie in a tone that dismissed the idea as stupid. Julie didn't look up as she was busy putting a Disney princess into her book.

"It's not right for your dad and his sister to nap together."

"They told me they'd be napping together this week," Julie said matter-of-factly.

"And your mom told you that they were married."

Julie looked up from her sticker book. "That's a secret. Mom told me to never tell anyone. Benjamin doesn't know. He's not old enough to keep secrets."

"They're keeping it a secret because it's wrong for a brother and a sister to marry."

"I'm glad they're married," said Julie in a slightly defiant tone. "That means Auntie will live with us forever." She grinned widely. "I love Auntie. None of my friends have an Auntie." Julie moved to face Stacy more directly. "Some of them have aunts, of course, but no Aunties. An aunt who lives with them." Julie made a pooh-pooh gesture with her hand. "I have one friend who has an aunt who lives with her. But she lives with them because she doesn't have a job. She's not like Auntie, who chooses to live with us. My friends are envious that I have an Auntie who takes me to so many places and spends so much time with me."

Stacy was taken aback by this. It wasn't the answer she wanted to hear. She tried to get the conversation back on track by asking, "You wouldn't marry your brother, would you?"

Julie laughed. "Of course not. Benjamin is gross. Did you know that dogs will eat their own poop? I can picture Benjamin eating his own poop." Julie leaned forward. "Dad is Auntie's older brother. He's not gross. He always treats her nicely. He never says anything mean to her." Julie leaned back. "Not that he says anything mean to Mom. But I've heard other dads say mean things to other moms."

Julie returned to her sticker book. Stacy felt stymied. She hadn't gotten through to Julie at all.

"When I grow up," said Julie after she unpeeled a sticker, "I want to be just like Auntie. Traveling the country, talking to important business people." Julie placed the sticker. "Also, I want a baby sister." She looked back up at Stacy. "I really want a baby sister. But Mom says that she doesn't want to have another baby. She has two kids and doesn't want to go through being pregnant again."

Stacy wasn't surprised by this news as Joanna had said the same thing to her. Stacy said the same thing she always said when Julie brought up the topic of wanting a baby sister, which she had done many times in the last few years. "You have a baby brother."

Julie frowned. "He's not a baby, and he's not a girl. I want a sister to play Barbies with. Someone to watch Frozen with. Benjamin hates Frozen. Someone I can braid their hair like Mom braids Auntie's hair."

Stacy sighed. She had had this conversation many times with Julie. "Your mother doesn't want another baby, so that's that."

"But what if Auntie and Dad make a baby? Wouldn't she be my little sister?"

"Well...err." Stacy didn't want to get into the distinction between half-sisters and sisters. She didn't want to think at all about Kaitlyn and Brandon having a baby.

"Wouldn't it be wonderful if they had a baby girl?" Julie's face was filled with joy.

Stacy was disgusted by the idea of Kaitlyn having Brandon's baby, but she couldn't bring herself to rain on Julie's parade. "Don't count on such a thing happening."

Julie nodded her head. "They might have a boy instead." She returned to her sticker book and pulled out another sticker. "But it would be wonderful if they had a girl."

* * * *

After everyone left, Brandon took my hand and we walked to our bedroom. I went to the window and peered out to see Joanna and Benjamin walking Squire. One child found, I looked for Julie until I spotted her partially hidden under the pavilion on the picnic table. I then saw Mom sitting next to her. I froze for an instant. I knew Mom would try to persuade Julie that Brandon and me being married was wrong.

Brandon came up behind me and leaned into me as he looked where I was looking. "Mom is talking with Julie. Good. I feel like Mom and Dad are acquiescing about you and me being married, but not accepting it. I think Julie is the only one who can persuade them to accept us." Brandon squeezed my shoulders. "She loves her Auntie and is thrilled that we're married."

"You don't think..." I said cautiously.

"I think it's a risk we have to take. Julie loves you as a parent, and I don't see one talk with Mom changing that."

I looked back at Brandon and smiled at him to show my appreciation for his reassurance. "Then we should start working on that baby sister she wants so badly."

Brandon chuckled and stepped away from me. I checked on Benjamin once more and saw that he was having fun with a stick.

When I turned from the window, I saw that Brandon had a chair pulled out for me. "Have a seat," he said. I couldn't help smiling as I sat down in the chair, even though I felt time pressure - I wanted to complete our "nap" before Joanna and Benjamin got back. I felt butterflies in my stomach at the whole prospect of trying to make a baby.

Once I was seated, Brandon moved my hair out of the way and lightly kissed my neck. Despite how many times Brandon had done this, it still gave me shivers down my spine. Brandon said, "It was fifteen years ago today that I kissed your neck for the first time," and then started kissing slowly down my neck.

I replied, "I loved it then, and I still love it now. It was..." I thought back to that night. "I had never experienced anything like it. It filled me completely with lust." I could feel my nipples hardening from the sexual electricity Brandon's kisses were generating. "I wanted you. I wanted you far more than I had ever wanted any other guy. I had always thought highly of you and had been somewhat attracted to you, but once you started kissing me, I knew I had to have you."

Brandon had reached the bottom of my neck and started moving along my shoulder. When he reached my bikini strap, he started pulling it aside. I stopped him by grabbing my bikini top and pulling it off over my head. Brandon gave me another kiss as he brought his hands around to cup my tits. "You did get me," said Brandon. He resumed kissing along my shoulder. "And now you are my wife."

"I feel much more like your wife now that we've told Mom and Dad." Brandon had reached the end of my shoulder and was now kissing his way back toward my neck. "It was great today acting like your wife in front of someone besides Joanna. Mom and Dad were unhappy about it, but they accepted it, however grudgingly."

"They did. I don't think they'll ever be happy about it, but, hopefully, they'll learn not to be unhappy about it."

"I hope so too." I stood up and moved toward the bed. "And hopefully they won't go nuts when I tell them I'm pregnant with your baby."

"Well, I have to get you pregnant first."

I got a towel out of a drawer while Brandon pulled back the covers. "My gynecologist has done everything she can to prep me to get pregnant this week. I told her I'd be spending a week with an old friend and wanted to get pregnant by him."

Brandon chuckled. "I guess you could describe me as an old friend."

I stripped off my bikini bottoms, grabbed a tube of fertility-friendly lubricant from the nightstand drawer, and moved onto the bed. I laid down on my back and started applying the lubricant to my pussy.

"No foreplay?" asked Brandon.

"The neck and shoulder kisses have me ready. And I want to get to the babymaking."

Brandon moved between my legs. I grabbed his cock and guided it to my vagina. "I love you," said Brandon as he entered me. I loved how his cock felt inside of me, filling me.

"Go slow," I said. The lubricant wasn't as good as my natural lubrication after orgasming.

Brandon pushed forward slowly, pulled back, pushed forward slowly further, pulled back, and then pushed forward until his crotch pressed against mine.

I wrapped my legs around Brandon so he could not pull back. I asked, "Are you absolutely sure you want to knock me up?"

"Absolutely sure."

I loosed my legs so Brandon could fuck me, and he started doing so.

I had never really felt like Brandon's wife. Joanna had the ring. Joanna called Brandon "my husband" to everyone we met. And Joanna had conceived two kids with Brandon. I loved Julie and Benjamin, but being with them made me want to have my own kid even more. My kid to raise with Brandon. Being Brandon's wife openly in front of my parents had made being Brandon's wife feel much more real to me, but I knew I'd never really feel like Brandon's wife until I was holding our baby in the delivery room with Brandon smiling next to me.

"Fuck me, Brandon. Fuck your wife."

Brandon thrust forward harder, filling me with his manliness. I moaned an "Oh!" as he did so. I had my legs wrapped around the back of Brandon's legs so I could encourage him to thrust hard into me. I loved Brandon fucking me. He didn't rush. He put my pleasure before his own, knowing that a worked-up me was hot as hell in bed.

I rubbed my hands over Brandon's chest as he continued fucking me. Thrust! Thrust! Thrust! "Oh! Oh! Oh!" I moved my hands to grab his forearms and squeezed. "This feels so good."

"This feels so right," Brandon replied.

I smiled. How could something that feels this right be wrong?

I moved my legs away from the back of Brandon's legs and then raised my right leg and put it on his shoulder. Brandon grabbed my right thigh with both hands. While I was doing that, I moved my left leg so it was off to the left of my body, spreading myself out as much as possible for Brandon. Brandon started really pummeling me in this position. And I loved it.

I grabbed both of my thighs close to my groin and pulled on them to spread as much as possible. I wanted Brandon to have a good look at my pussy.

"See this pussy. You're going to put a baby in it this week. And then the belly above it is going to swell as our baby grows. Do you want that, Brandon?"

Brandon didn't slow his pummeling of me. "I want that. I want you to have my baby, Kaitlyn."

I moved my hands back onto Brandon's chest. His skin was hot as I continued to rub it. Brandon continued pummeling me. If anything, he was slamming me harder now than before I mentioned his baby swelling inside of me. Whatever doubt I had about Brandon wanting to truly make me his wife by impregnating me was gone.

"I love you, Brandon."

"I love you, my wife."

I dropped my leg down, and we switched back to the missionary position. Again, I wrapped my legs around Brandon the back of Brandon's legs. Brandon fucked me more slowly, more lovingly. I looked up at Brandon's face and could see the pleasure my fucking him gave him. I closed my eyes and relaxed, savoring the pleasure. I knew Brandon would come soon. I knew he'd fill my unprotected vagina with his sperm and they'd begin swimming their way toward the egg that I'd probably drop tonight.

Brandon cried out, and I felt him coming. I felt the warm spurts shooting into me. I used my legs to pull him further into me as he continued pumping sperm into me, trapping him deep within me. I wanted all of his sperm to be inside of me.

"I love you," said Brandon.

"I love you, too."

A warm glow filled me. This was everything I wanted. I had the life I wanted, except for one thing. And now, I was very close to having that one thing.

* * * *

The week at the lake was absolutely wonderful. That I was Brandon's wife was never mentioned again when my parents were around, just as my sleeping and "napping" with Brandon was never discussed. Not discussing it seemed to be my parents' way of accepting that I was Brandon's wife, and I was fine with that.

Too soon, it was time to fill up the cars and leave the lake house. Too soon, I was flying on a plane to the client's site. That week had a special anxiety. Was I? Was I?

When I got home late Friday night, a pregnancy test and a timer were waiting for me on the counter of the master bathroom. I peed where I should and then went and snuggled with Brandon while telling him about my week. When the timer went off, I looked at the pregnancy test. Positive.

Eight months later, I had Harper. Brandon, my loving husband, was with me all the way through my delivery. Shortly after the baby was born, Joanna, Julie, Benjamin, and my parents visited. Julie was absolutely thrilled to have a little sister. Benjamin got bored quickly. My parents oohed and aahed over Harper as they had done with their first two grandkids. After a while, I told everyone that I needed a nap. Joanna gave Harper to Julie to carry to the nursery. Joanna and Dad walked on each side of Julie to make sure nothing bad happened. Benjamin followed them out. It was now just Brandon, Mom, and me in the room. Mom told me and Brandon, "Your father and I still disapprove of you two considering yourself married, but now that you have a child together, we think you should stay together."

I smiled. I was too tired to do anything else. As tired as I was, what I mainly felt was happy. I was very, very happy.

Author's Notes:
* A huge thanks to those who contributed to this version of the story: AJ, djrip, Kerrick Wolf, MDR1986, Obliviscoris, OhDave1, Old Uncle Al, Tennessee Ted, and TM. People who contributed to prior versions are Anomic, AwkwardMD, Dante, Katie, lilshymynx, Tigersman, TM, and Zoomie69
* Please vote and comment! They are my only "payment" for this story
* If you find any typos or grammar problems, please PM them to me and I will post a cleaned up version of this story
* If you liked the story, you should read my extended Author's Notes here
* If you send me a PM, please have a valid email address on your LitE account so I can reply back if I choose

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Torak806Torak806about 1 month ago

I liked both versions, for different reasons. Both got a 5* from me.

LechemanLechemanabout 2 months ago

Wow! The ANON below almost wrote a short story. LOLZ

Anyway, I enjoyed the story.

Yes, Kaitlin was manipulative but both Brandon and Joanna agreed with her character flaw.

Could this lifestyle occurred RL, I believe it is a possibility and if so, good on them

But this is fiction so anything goes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

The first 10 pages were okay (even though this whole "date my friend for summer to build up her self-esteem" broke my suspense of disbelief - I mean who the fuck would invest themselves like this, emotionally, monetarily and team-wise just to make someone else feel good?), it went downhill after that. I hate "sharing" stories. They are bullshit, humans are not wired like that. One man cannot give 2 (or more) women the same amount and quality of attention, someone will always come short.

The amount of manipulation from Kaitlyn is staggering and makes her a deeply unpleasant and unsympathetic character.

It's impossible to like her given how selfish she is. She made her life a bed of roses, having cake and eating it, but that's only because it's other keeping those petals fresh and remaking the bed everyday for her. She has a career she is 100% committed to above her lovers and above her future children. She will never give up her career to raise her kids, she will just foist them off on other people while she traips around the world.

I absolutely DESPISE people like that. Hate thm. Loathe them. Wish something had happened to them so they were incapable of having kids to begin with. THEY DON'T DESERVE TO HAVE A FAMILY.

I respected Brandon at first, but that faded when he agreed to all this bullshit. Either shit or get off the potty, dude! Either be with Joanna or dump her and be with your sister.

Also what broke my disbelief is that Brandon agreed to the whole scheme of dating Joanna tbw. That is such a 90's teen movie level plot, it's got no chance of working or being rational. And then what pissed me off is that he let himself be pushed and manipulated into moving in with Joanna after just days of being in love.

I'm disappointed he didn't blow up at Kaitlyn and ask her what was next, was she gonna push them to get married cause "you're already living together, why not do this too?" and then push for them to have kids cause "you're already married, why not have kids too?". She had completely taken over their lives and used them like pawns at chess for her benefit. Using, abusing and exploiting so she can just surf through life with no responsibilities and all just benefits.

Also, lmao, Kaitlyn waiting to hit geriatric pregnancy age to have her first kid... 15 years in relationship with her brother but she kept putting him off and putting her career first?

She is probably my most hated female protagonist of any stories I've read in my entire life and that's tens of thousands!!!!

Yeah, fuck her thrice.

I got seduced by the number of pages for this story into thinking it's gonna be a great read and will redeem it's weird start somewhere down the line. I was wrong.

The starting author's notes claim that they have improved the story and fixed what was wrong with the original. The author claims they have learned from their mistake and have reworked the story into something readers will like. That is a bald and outright lie. Nothing has been fixed, only rewritten, it's got the very same breaking issues the original had.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Just read both versions. I liked the old version better. It is more plausible. The hate received must be due to many of the readers here who want selfish erotica - i.e. only the protagonist gets to fuck 2 girls (Loving Wives category authors suffer from this the most). So Paul must be written off, but really? Just cut him off and drive him home and somehow he won't be upset/mad and not blab to their parents?????

In either case, a big thank you to the author, actually TWO thank you's. One for writing the story, one more for reacting to readers' comments to the point of re-writing the story.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I don’t know how the first version went, as I only read the revised version, but I think you did a superb job of bringing the story to a close. Thank you for the extra effort it must have taken.

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