A Wife Watching Fantasy, Too Far


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In my internal battle over right and wrong, and everything Marie had said, she walked toward the bathroom saying, "That's the cooler, the one by the bathroom door. It's full of wine."

I practically jumped to it hoping to get out of the room, and back to the safety of the pool. I began replying "Got it, and yes, we'll try to make it tonight. One last thing, please, please, please, don't say anything about this. Regardless of how comforting the words were, if Janet even got a hint of it, she would freak."

She then quickly spun around and exited the bathroom nonchalantly saying "Stop it. You worry too much. Of course I wouldn't say anything." That was somewhat of a relief, but I knew I'd have to deal with the guilt.

We then exited the room, walked down the hall, hit the back stairs, and ended the journey much as it had begun, at the bottom of the stairs. The minute we reached poolside, I slammed the cooler down and jumped into the pool, wanting to wash as much guilt off me as I possibly could. Like a jump scene in a horror flick, I came right up in front of Janet. I didn't actually notice where she was before diving in, but turns out she was already in the pool. The instant she watched me dive in, she bolted for me, and up I surfaced right into her arms.

She giggled profusely as I jumped back, saying "Dang, you look like you've seen a ghost. It's you wife, silly."

I quickly replied "Oh! Hey, Baby! I knew it was you, I didn't want to mow you over with that prize winning dive."

She laughed replying "Oh yeah, you get the brown medal for that dive, but I still love ya."

She then began inquiring "Damn, did you have to age the wine? What took so long?"

This was the moment of truth. I had never lied to Janet outright, but I knew full well I couldn't tell her what had transpired, the whole truth. I figured I'd tell it in such a way that she'd say, "Oh she flirted with you? We're fucking out of here."

Chapter IV: Janet's Awakening

As I began to explain "You're not going to believe what's going on at this Hotel. All these people are..."

When instantly, and just as I got to the word "Are" she interrupted blurting, "Did you know this was a swinger hotel, that all these people are swingers?"

Now, I'm an attorney, and have been taught to thwart and deal with any unexpected comment, but this rendered me a kindergartner. I was speechless as I wiped the water from my face, finally replying surprised and straight faced "It's a what, Hotel?"

She jokingly covered her mouth and pressed her face to mine saying "It's a swinger hotel. You know? Couples having sex and such, with other people, other married people?"

I got a wrinkled brow whispering like a pro, "You've got to be shitting me? Are you serious? You're sure? Bull-shit, Who told you that?"

She giggled saying quietly "Um, every wife here? They started really talking about it after you and Marie went to get the cooler. These people really came here to mess around, and the funny thing is, some thought we fully knew, and are here to mess around too. I politely told them we would never do that. By the way, Marie didn't try to flirt with you, did she?"

Instantly I stuttered replying, "Fla... Flirt? Funny. Good one. I don't think that's exactly how they operate. I think they only go after people that are in the know. And, up until now, we haven't been in the know. So, no. She didn't try to screw me. Besides, you know I've never been attracted to these type women, ever."

After giggling and confidently agreeing with me, she then asked very frankly, "So, when you booked this hotel, this event, you had no clue? Right?"

Again, I slightly pretended to take offense replying... "Oh fuck, that's nuts. Seriously? What are the odds? Listen. I booked the best hotel for the price, and it's swinger central, Damn! Leave it to me. It wasn't exactly advertised on the travel website."

Let me tell you, if lower jaws could sink to the bottom of a pool, I would have had to dive down and retrieve mine as Janet whispered "I really don't care, they are nice people. I'm not judging them because they want to spice up their sex lives. They can fuck until they can't stand for all I care. As long as this wasn't some boyhood fantasy of yours, you know? Hey, fuck my old lady... type... wanna be biker fantasy."

At this point, Janet could have said the moon was made out of cheese, and I would have been more prepared for it. She simply didn't speak or think this way. It was all so far removed from her acceptance level, extremely removed. Ordinarily, in my opinion, she would have cast this sort of behavior into the suburban housewife lake of fire. I couldn't believe she was even on the cusp of acceptance with regard to what she had heard from these women while I was away. I began to wonder though, because if they were anything like Marie, they could convince you to fuck a snake if it would lie still, and when it was over? They'd make you feel okay about it, almost glad you did it.

I suppose I was actually, both freaked out, and relieved at the same time, if that makes any sense. In, I'm sure a confused manner, I asked Janet, "Yeah! I mean, who cares right? If it's what they want to do, then they should do it. Who knows, maybe more people should try it before judging it."

As the words were coming out of my mouth, I watched her expression go from attentive listening, to a slight inquisitive smile asking "Oh, hum, so you can relate to these people now? A few minutes ago I heard a woman describing how another man fucked her brains out from behind. Oh, and her Hubbie was so excited watching it, still your kind of people?"

There's no way I was in my right mind. As she spoke, I was struggling with cheating on her, the fact that we were residence of swinger central, she had just heard who knows how many fuck stories? I couldn't process all her info. I simply shut down. I simply shrugged my shoulders almost to say. Who gives a shit?

What I didn't realize at that very moment, was that she was expecting an instant reply, no contemplating, no what if's. I'm pretty sure she wanted to hear "Oh! How dare they.!"

She didn't get it. I was still trying to take it all in myself as I stared off into space. I quickly realized though when she dropped her mouth half open, and simply stared at me. This went on for an uncomfortable few seconds or so, when she finally asked very straight faced "I see. So, you're okay with it.?"

I then snapped back into reality replying, "I didn't say I was okay with it, but there are worse things. Hells-bells, they could be here to do a major drug deal, but they aren't. They're here to play around a bit, all be it, sexually. Believe me, there's worse things in the world."

Janet then began to realize I was getting a bit pissed with her righteousness, when she backed off slightly but sarcastically saying "Okay, I'm sorry. You're probably right. It's not like we're thinking about fucking other people too, right?" She then wrinkled her nose and jokingly said "Oh, Baby, would that turn you on? You know it would."

It was at this point I could have replied a thousand different ways, but didn't reply at all, which left any number of possible answers flying at Janet's brain. I simply pulled her ass towards me and began to kiss her. As I kissed her with our mouths touching, she began murmuring "You didn't answer me, Scott."

She then playfully pushed me away asking "Holy Shit, Scott, if you don't answer me, should I take silence as yes?" I didn't utter a word, I just stared at her with blankness. This was driving her insane.

Just when I didn't think she could take another second, I formulated an answer. My answer had multiple intentions. Number one, I began to think that if she played in any capacity with another man, my conscience would be clear for what I had just done, or at least we'd be kind of even. Number two, I genuinely agreed in part with much of what Marie had told me minutes before. As she patiently waited with raised brow, I blurted "Listen. We've been invited to a party this evening, and before you say anything, they all know we aren't swingers. We aren't going to be obligated to do a thing. They just like our company. And no. It's not like we'll be stepping over naked bodies in a frothing orgy. It's just a party."

To my astonishment she simply giggled and continued antagonizing me with things like "Dang, no naked bodies?"

I chuckled back saying "Oh, I'm sure there could be at some point, doubt very seriously we'll be there that late though."

I was still quite shocked that she even had the slightest tolerance for these people having found out what they were here for. In fact she, although keeping it at a joking level, it was more like she wanted me to somehow tell her I knew all about it, and that's why we were here. I'm sure it was because she had time to mingle with them and realize they were good people, before finding out. Plus she was pleasantly drunk and liable to sat anything. Had she gained this information from the start, we'd probably be back at the house already. It helped too that she firmly believed our being here during it all, was purely by accident, which it was.

We stayed out back by the pool for about an hour longer, any more than that and I would have probably had a stress induced stroke. My nerves were on edge. I was highly worried about Janet finding out what had happened. I was equally worried that Huggs would find out, refusing to believe he'd be fine with me shooting semen down his wife's throat. It got to the point that every time Marie's lips moved, I thought she might blurt something out. It was ultra stressful, but hey, in my mind I deserved it. I went to college for six years in an attempt to decipher wright from wrong, and the first "fidelity carrot" that was dangled in front of my face, I bit it into it like a half starved jack-ass.

Once we got back to the room, I simply fell onto the bed and didn't move. I had a million things running through my mind as I stared at the ceiling. I actually began debating on telling her we should just leave and get another hotel room down the beach, or just leave period, but I didn't.

I quickly began to shift my attitude thinking, "I'm not going to let my moment of weakness ruin this trip for her too."

Janet then crashed beside me and we fell asleep. We woke around 8:30 P.M., when Janet snapped up in bed saying "Scott, if we are going to that party thing, we'd better get ready. If we're going, I certainly don't want to get there late, and stumble over all those naked bodies you mentioned."

I then rose up too joking "You're always trying to ruin things. Let's go late. Why go if we can't see naked bodies. Where's the fun in that?"

We both began to rummage for something to wear. Within three seconds I found what I was wearing, Janet however, true to form, grabbed four outfits and said give me a few minutes. She then bolted to the bathroom, shut the door, and began to try them on. This was almost routine, every vacation we had ever taken. I was used to it. I don't care if we were running down to the drug store, she'd have to look her best.

As she was in the bathroom, I began to rummage for my razor, when I came across about ten pairs of new panties she had bought. Most still had the Victoria Secret tags on them. I began looking at them one by one, and to my amazement, some were very minimal, meaning there was barely enough material to fill up a thimble.

I again began to think about how it would clear my conscience if, perhaps a guy put his hands on her sexually, or even did her orally, you know? To at least the level at which I had gone? I'd in some way consider it okay, given my transgression. At least I wouldn't be the only one to eat off the forbidden tree. It's crazy how I wanted to clear that slate so badly. I genuinely did. Almost as though it would allow me to confess, in very little detail mind you, but still come clean. Funny how none of this occurred to me when my cock was in Marie's throat though. As I thought all these things, I knew it couldn't possibly happen if she dressed like a librarian, so I picked the skimpiest panties I could find.

Janet, as usual popped out of the rest room in every single dress, skirt, and top. This time though, unlike many times in the past, I chose a snug fitting sun dress she tried on, one that came three fourths of the way up her gorgeous thighs, and tightly hugged her ass. Ordinarily, I would have probably went with something more conservative.

In fact, Janet looked at me a bit odd and said "You sure? That's the one? Just so I'm sure, you like this one the best? You don't think it's too, you know?"

She too was a bit taken back by my vote, almost knowing which one I would choose ordinarily, and this one certainly wasn't it. Now, Janet also brought enough shoes to wear three pairs a day, and still have some left at the end of the week. With those too, I picked the most provocative ones I could find, and it didn't take long. There was a pair of glossy black skimpy ankle strapped shoes, with about a five inch heel I immediately picked.

When I held them up, her mouth half opened as she gasped "Those were supposed to be only for us. I thought we'd play dress up, in private, that you'd like them. Is there a reason you're slutting me up?" I immediately replied, "Oh make no mistake, I do like them, a lot. I love them. That's why I picked them, and no, I'm sure you'll still be conservative by most of their standards."

She then replied, "You do realize what kind of people we are about to mingle with, right, what they'll no doubt all be doing later tonight with each other? I'm going to look like a walking fuck ticket. This outfit looks like a slutty clubbing outfit, almost like I'm wearing it for a purpose."

I quickly began to strum a cord that was always the chink in Janet's armor. I began to brag on her. I quickly replied, "Hey, don't feel guilty about being the hottest woman in this hotel. There are a ton of women who'd sell their right arm, if it would get them half your looks. Look at those legs, that butt, those cute feet, that beautiful face and smile. For crying out loud, don't be embarrassed about it, and besides, you said it yourself, they know we aren't swingers, that we don't roll that way. They respect it."

She then pranced over to me in a silly way, gave me a big hug, and said "You always make me feel so special. I love you sweetie."

One would think we were ready to roll five minutes after this conversation, but no. Janet re-done her fingernails, toenails, and hair. She was a perfectionist. Again, she would have performed the same routine had we been going to a book signing.

As she was doing here hair, I said, "Hey, you want to mess with them a bit?"

Now, Janet is the only person alive that loves messing with people more than me. She excitedly asked "Oh shit, what? How?"

I replied, "Well, you're already going kind of teasingly dressed, which will mess with them a bit, but let's really have fun with it, part you hair in two pony tails in the back."

Let me tell you, there was noting more sexy on earth, than when she wore her hair like that. She had only ever done it when she and I got into one of our wild sexual moods in the past. Once on my birthday, she surprised me wearing a school girl outfit, wearing her hair in to pony tails on each side of her head. It was insanely naughty, and I never forgot it.

She quickly gasped "Holy shit. Look at what I am wearing. I'm really not sure about that idea. It might be going beyond messing with them. I think that would be sending a signal that we are there to participate. I mean who wears their hair that way ordinarily? It is almost always associated with, being naughty, especially when a full grow woman wears it like that, and again, look at what I am wearing."

I again strummed her cords like a fine tuned Stradivarius violin replying, "Who cares what they think? I know why they are all there, but I also know that we'll only be there for the party. We're not hanging around for any of that other stuff. Listen. You're gorgeous, and I'll tell you something else. I want you to wear your hair like that for me. Screw them. It turns me on like a wild man."

She then giggled saying "You're right. What the hell? If my hubby wants me to wear it like that, then I'll do it. But hey, any strong vibes I get from some of those wild looking guys, and we're out of there." I simply replied "You got it."

After she agreed, she grabbed the shoes and the panties, ran back into the bathroom, and began doing her hair. Perhaps ten minutes later, she popped back out of the restroom, and I was utterly speechless. She had those school girl pony tails on both sides of her head, her legs looked flawlessly airbrushed to a beautiful dark bronze, her pink finger and toenail polish prominently stood out in contrast to her tan, and that dress. She stood there with her beaming, almost fluorescent white teeth, grinning ear to ear, when she spun around saying "How do I look?"

I know I must have looked silly. My eyes had to be as big as silver dollars. I awkwardly stuttered, "You. You look... You're fucking hot. That's how you look."

She giggled and replied, "Thank you, Thank you." She had to know she was sizzling hot, she just wanted to hear me to say it.

She then snapped be back into reality saying, "If we're going, we need to go."

I quickly agreed, and we exited the room. I carried a case of Bud-lite, not wanting to show up like a mooch. We rounded the corner, and walked up the flights of stairs to Marie and Hugs room. Before we even got to their floor, I could hear blaring music coming from down the corridor. The fact that they were playing old southern rock, only further strengthened their biker stereotype. If these guys snored at night it probably came out "Biker, Biker, Biker..."

There were about seven guys and gals leaning against the outside wall of the room and against the railing as we approached. I recognized several of them, but some I didn't. As we came up on them, several of the guys came up and hugged me, and began the traditional slapping of my back, hard enough to leave a mark. It was just their way. Several of the women hugged Janet telling her how beautiful she looked, how pretty her hair was, etc.

The first thing I noticed was that Janet was ten times more sexy than any woman I had seen there. She was the only one not wearing a skimpy denim skirt, a "show your tits" tank top, or bearing tattoos. Janet was the angel in white surrounded by the dark minions.

Now you'd think this might render Janet unattractive amongst this crowd, but it was undeniably the opposite. She was the show piece. It was almost as if she represented that piece of fruit on the very top shelf, the one they always yearned for, but could never quite reach. In essence, they began to look at all the other women as "Been there done that," even though many of the women there were hot by any standards, just not Janet hot.

I quickly knew I would have to develop thick skin because this wasn't the type of crowd who gave a polite, quick glance. If they saw something they liked, they stared at it, and didn't care who noticed, even their wives and / or girlfriends. As we entered the room, literally everyone swung their head towards Janet, men and women. Just as I was becoming a bit uncomfortable with it, I heard Marie yell, "There's my buddies. Hey, over here."

I was very relieved by that, because we had never associated with this crew with out Marie or Huggs being close by. They were our safety blanket, so to speak. As we parted the crowd, I noticed Huggs was sitting at a fold out table playing cards with about five other guys, with a half drank bottle of Jack Daniels sitting directly in front of him. The moment he laid eyes on us, he said to Janet, "Holy Fuck! Darlin, you need to sit beside your ole buddy Huggs, these animals won't leave you alone if you don't."