A Wooden Heart


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Suddenly, she was pushed away and spun round. He speared her pussy in one swift movement and proceeded to slam into her, his thighs slapping hard against her bottom. She could almost feel him getting close, but he withdrew and then re-targeted her anus. She waited, desperately hoping he would finish now. But her final humiliation came when he pulled out, turned her round to face him again and pushed it back into her mouth. She heaved; he withdrew and sprayed his semen across her eyes and nose.

Albie slumped down on the sofa again and fell asleep. Jenny collapsed on the floor where she was and passed out. Terry threw the towel over her inert form and smiled. Nobody was going to forget this stag night in a hurry.


Terry woke Jenny roughly and told her, "You'd better get yourself upstairs and get cleaned up. Joe will be here to pick you up soon."

Jenny was hung over, tired and very, very sore. The streams of water in the shower were almost painful. When she dressed, she found that her panties and bra were too harsh against her abused flesh and left them off. She didn't replace the stockings. They were designed to look sexy and she didn't think that she would ever look or feel sexy again.

Terry met her at the bottom of the stairs. "You look rough," he said. "Are you all nice and clean now?"

Jenny nodded.

"Good," he said. "There's something I've been aching to do."

He pressed her against the wall and kissed her on the mouth, forcing his tongue between her lips. The taste of stale beer was revolting, but she let him get on with it, she was nearly out of the front door. Freedom waited. Or did it? A dark depression descended upon her as she realised that she would never be free, not while Joe controlled her.

Terry pulled her skirt up and, to her surprise, dropped to his knees and began to lap at her pussy. Even now her libido betrayed her and she found that she was unable to control the fluttering waves that took over.

When he finally released her, Terry said, "I'll have to let you go now, because I don't think that I'm going to be able to get another hard-on for at least a week!"

Jenny pulled the door closed behind her, stumbled down the steps and climbed into the back of Joe's car, where she curled up and fell unconscious.


Chapter 14

Not having a car -- or being able to drive -- was a major drawback to George and Peter's plan to locate Jenny. They knew that they were taking a bit of a shot in the dark, but heading to Eastbourne seemed the right thing to do.

Fortunately, it wasn't necessary to travel all the way to London, as a route was available via Fareham and Brighton.

They arrived in Eastbourne shortly after 1pm. Peter told George that he was feeling hungry -- another new sensation, so they crossed from the station to the pizza restaurant on the other side of the road.

Once their appetites were sated, the two men walked the short distance to the Information Centre. The young woman behind the desk was very helpful, seemingly quite taken by the handsome good looks of Peter and keen to please. She checked on her computer and began making some searches. Within minutes she had found what she was looking.

"Yes, here it is," she said. "They're going to be sited just along the coast at Pevensey Bay. The first show is due at the weekend, on Saturday afternoon."

Peter and George couldn't believe their luck. The Circus must be re-locating at that very moment! They thanked Julie (from her name tag), walked down to the seafront and then made their way along to the hotel that they had booked for the night. It was cheap, but it was clean.

George reasoned that it was important to calm their selves down and work out a proper plan of action. First, they had to make their way along to Pevensey Bay. Luckily, en route to the hotel, they had passed a shop that hired out bicycles. They would then ride out and see how the land lay.

The journey was only five miles and relatively flat, so they arrived at Pevensey after only forty minutes of cycling at a leisurely pace. They spotted the Big Top going up from some distance away and slowed to a stop to survey the scene. Sure enough, on the far side they could just make out Joe's four by four parked next to his caravan. They agreed that nothing could be done now, so they would return under cover of darkness.


When Joe and Jenny arrived at the site, she transferred to the caravan and stayed there for the rest of the day, weeping. She enjoyed sex and accepted that doing little favours for Joe was the price of the security he provided. She hadn't been happy when he started asking her to sleep with other men, but she felt she had no choice. Where else could she go?

Now, the future for Jenny seemed bleak -- she could almost hear Joe's mind working out how much money he could make from her, particularly from gang-bangs such as she had experienced last night. Every muscle in her body hurt. Her pussy, ass and lips were sore and her throat was so raw that she couldn't talk or even swallow without considerable discomfort. She had another shower as soon as she got into the caravan, but she still felt dirty. She could swear that she could still smell the men, their beer and tobacco on her naked flesh.

Joe had told Jenny that she needed to be recovered by Saturday night as he had another job lined up for her. She didn't even bother to ask what he had in mind. When she recalled how happy she had been with Peter such a short time ago, the depression she was feeling increased further. There was no way out -- as she cried, she wondered how easy it would be to commit suicide.


Peter and George caught the train for the journey of two stops and then walked the remainder of the way to the Circus site. The main tent and all of the sideshows had been erected. There was little activity now, as most of the crew were tired after a long day's work. Either they had retired to their own accommodation, or taken a stroll to the nearest pub. There were lights on in some of the caravans -- including Joe's. Inside, he was talking to Jenny.

"Come off it girl, I know you're not that badly off. You can still walk can't you? Besides, I don't want to fuck you, I just want a blowjob. You can't expect me to go without now, can you?"

Jenny got off of the bed and walked towards him, her eyes on the floor the whole time. When she reached Joe, she knelt down.

"That's better," he said. "You know it makes sense."

She reached up to unzip his fly, but was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"What the fuck?" Joe said angrily, "Who the hell is it?"

The only reply was another tap-tap-tap on the door. Joe walked across and opened it furiously. In front of him stood a smiling man, his silver hair highlighted by the glow from the caravan.

"Mr. Cockcroft? Joe Cockcroft?" the man asked politely.

"Who's asking?"

"I'm trying to trace the whereabouts of Jenny Cricket and I believe that you may be able to help me."

Joe was angry. First because he had been interrupted when Jenny was about to go down on him and, secondly, because she had no relatives and there was nobody to care about or search for her. Whatever this pathetic little man wanted he most certainly wasn't going to get his 'golden goose'.

"Never heard of her," he said.

In the background Jenny sobbed.

"Jenny?" George called. "Is that you?"

Joe's limited patience snapped and he stepped down out of the caravan and grabbed the old man by the throat. He was about to start threatening him when he felt a firm tap on his shoulder.

"I don't think you should do that, Joe."


Joe's response was rapid. He let go of George, spun round and planted a powerful punch into Peter's stomach. A loud exhalation of air was accompanied by his doubling up. He had never felt the pain of a punch before -- and this was an immensely powerful one. The showman followed up with a knee to the young man's face. It was only his quick reactions that saved him from a broken nose and perhaps worse. He rode with the blow and fell over backwards.

George advanced, but Joe disdainfully knocked him to the floor. He laughed at the stupidity of the man. He turned his attention back to Peter who was trying to stand up. He was about to see how good his head would be as a football.

Joe's mistake was concentrating on the two men. The baseball bat that he kept for protection in the caravan swung in a slow arc, but when it connected, it was at its very end and so imparted its maximum effect. Peter saw Joe's eyes glaze over before he slumped to his knees and then toppled sideways. Jenny stood in the light from the doorway, frozen in horror at what she had just done.

Peter picked himself up and closed the distance between them in two strides. "Jenny!" he said, taking her into his arms and then kissing her on the lips. The spell was broken and she melted into his embrace. When they stopped kissing she smiled and said, "I hoped that you would come, but I never let myself believe that you would."

The couple helped George to his feet. "Stop fussing," he told them. "I'm OK, but we need to see if he is." He nodded towards the prone figure of Joe. Jenny bent down and checked.

"He's got a pulse and he's breathing. I don't think I hit him all that hard, so he'll probably come round soon."

"We'd better get going then," declared Peter.

The trio walked away from the site, ignoring anybody else that they saw as they went. They moved as swiftly as they dared, leaving the main road as soon as possible and taking side roads in order to effect their escape.

It was gone midnight when the group finally approached the seafront hotel from a side road. Peter and Jenny stopped dead and dragged George into the shadows when they saw Joe's vehicle cruising slowly along Royal Parade. Fortunately, he was travelling away from them. Certain that he would be back before very long, they hurried the short distance to the hotel entrance and let themselves in with the room card. Within sixty seconds they were inside their room and feeling very much safer.

George sat in a chair, while Peter suggested that Jenny should get into bed and get some sleep. After she began dozing, the lights were turned off, allowing him to open the curtains a little and keep watch. He saw Joe's vehicle drive past three more times, but the man was searching and not finding.


Early the next morning the trio made their way to the station, still keeping a wary eye out for Joe. They walked along using side roads once again until they were close to the entrance. Fortunately the route they had taken enabled them to spot the nose of the showman's vehicle before they crossed the road and became visible. They ducked back into a doorway and started to discuss what they should do next.

"Surely we just have to wait until he drives off? Then we can shoot over and hop on a train," said Peter.

George knew better, "He's not going to, at least not without somebody else taking over. Look." He pointed further down the road where another car was cruising slowly towards Joe's vehicle. From where they stood, they watched it pull up in front of the 4x4. A minute later they stood as far back into the doorway as they could and held their breath as Joe drove off.

They waited until the stake-out man picked up a newspaper from the passenger seat and began reading before sneaking off in the opposite direction. They soon realised that Joe hadn't returned to the Circus, but was continuing his search for them. They saw both his vehicle and yet another as they ducked and dived through the smallest streets, continually heading west and away from the centre of Eastbourne.

A journey that should take twenty five minutes ended up taking four times as long owing to their need for caution. Eventually, they reached the edge of the town. There was a risk that they could be seen from the road as they made their way onto the footpaths that climbed up onto the South Downs, but within minutes their progress was hidden by the terrain.

"We'll walk along to Brighton. I think we should be safe to get a train there."

They travelled in silence for a while, until Peter spoke up, "What I don't understand is why Joe is putting in so much effort to find us? I mean, I know that he wanted to make money from us, but are we really worth that much?"

"No," said Jenny. "But this may be." She held up a black leather-bound notebook. "He kept a record of all of the... events that I... that we were hired out for. It could spell a lot of trouble for a lot of people and I'm sure that he intends to use it on them eventually. It's probably his retirement plan," she said with a rueful smile.

Both men stopped and looked at her with open mouths. They thought the same thing; if Jenny hadn't taken the book, then Joe might well have ignored their escape. But then Jenny, for all her faults, was basically a decent person and felt that she had to protect others from Joe's control.

George was the first to realise the real significance. "Sooner or later Joe is going to realise that he's lost us. When he does that, he's going to figure that he's been wasting his time. After all, he knows where we're going!"

It was Jenny's turn to stand with her mouth agape. "Oh no! He'll be waiting for us when we get back!"

"But he doesn't know where we live," said Peter.

"He knows where he first met you though, doesn't he? And it was a short walking distance from where you live. All he has to do is ask somebody close by and they're bound to know where the 'famous sculptor' lives."

They walked on in silence.

The South Downs Way runs along by the coast. The chalk hills have been truncated by the action of waves creating the stark white cliffs that the group walked above. Well away from the road, their concerns at being chased were forgotten and even in their current state of concern they were able to enjoy the beautiful scenery in the midday winter sunshine. Perhaps that was why they forgot just how close they came to the main road as they approached the Belle Tout lighthouse.

The path took them past the wall surrounding the privately owned property. Almost at the end of the land-side wall they heard a vehicle approaching along the track that led to the building. They all turned to look when they heard Joe's 4x4 gun its engine and leap into view from around the other end of the wall.

Peter grabbed Jenny and George and pulled them around the corner. He hoped that the boundary on this side was built in the same way as the eastern side; with a dogleg in the wall and an entrance to the property.

As they ran, Jenny pulled the book out and said, "Shall we give him this?"

Peter grabbed the notebook and pushed them out of sight behind the wall. He immediately ran out and along the cliff, trying to tempt Joe to follow him and allow the others to get to safety.

Behind the wheel Joe's eyes narrowed as he spotted Peter running along with his 'nest-egg' in one hand. He wrestled the car up the slope and put his foot down in pursuit. At this stage, Peter had no other plan than to ensure the safety of his father and the woman he loved.

He stopped at the cliff edge and turned to face Joe, with the book raised in his right hand where the man could see it. Perhaps this was what caused Joe to momentarily lose concentration, his goal clearly in sight. Too late he realised that his quarry was standing at the cliff edge. He hurriedly slammed on the brakes and skidded ever closer to the precipice. Peter dived aside, but the bumper of the vehicle clipped his ankle and fractured it. The wheels stopped within inches of the edge.

In considerable pain, Peter looked back to see Joe smiling with vicious glee. He saw him move to open the door when the 4x4 suddenly lurched forward. Joe had left it in gear and taken his foot off of the clutch. The nose of the vehicle dropped over the edge and Joe tried to scramble out. Again, too late he realised that he still had his seat belt fastened. The cliff edge then crumbled and as the car toppled over Joe leapt for safety -- but the fingers of one hand were not enough to save him and he too dropped to the waiting rocks below.



A year later, Peter and Jenny had a daughter. They named her Sapphire Fay Nocchia after her 'grandmother'.

George was wealthy enough to support the whole family, but Peter insisted that he should earn his keep and went back to his gardening work (but without the type of perks Milly was prepared to offer). He gained a reputation for doing a good job and being thoroughly reliable.

Jenny was entirely happy running the family home, but discovered that she had a hidden talent for working with young children and started a successful and well-attended crèche.

As she grew, Sapphire demonstrated an affinity with art and, by her sixth birthday had started to watch her grandfather at work. She began sculpting with clay soon after and surprised everybody with her skill.

Sapphire grew into a beautiful woman and exceeded her grandfather's reputation as an artist. There was something almost... magical about the figures she created.


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago


VestaMoonVestaMoonabout 15 years ago
Very Nice

I really enjoyed reading your story.. very very well done.. Thank you for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Then ideal adult fairy story

Entertaining and creative as ever

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