Abby's Ghost


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Abby didn't know what to do. She was overwhelmed. "Sorry", she said, as she bolted to the bathroom. She locked the door behind her and left the light off. She held her hands to her mouth to stifle the sobs that caught her in the middle and forced their way out.

She couldn't believe it. There couldn't be two people who like the same mishmash on their pizza. Lindsey loved sweet tea; the sweeter the better. She couldn't be... was this Kari, Lindsey, coming back to her or just another torture to live through. It was so close to their anniversary. It hurt so much.

Abby flinched at the knock at the door. "Just a minute." She gasped out. She turned on the light and did a hasty repair to her makeup after washing her face. She didn't want to confront the pretty brunette. All she wanted to do was run home and hide.

"Quit being a Silly Billy." She heard Lin's voice in her head again.

"Are you okay?" The voice was in her ears. That same voice.

"Yeah, I just had a moment." Abby answered hesitantly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Kari saw the red rimmed eyes and knew Abby had been crying. "Did I do something wrong?" She put her hand over Abby's and felt the same warmth go up it again. It happened every time they touched.

"No..." Abby sighed. "Just memories." Abby looked down at the long fingered hand and wondered where the jade ring was. The ring that she bought Lin.... She shook her head trying to clear it.

"What... what's wrong?" Kari pushed. For some reason she needed to know.

"I never knew two different people could like the same Pizza." Abby looked up knowing she wasn't making sense.

"Oh, that. Sorry, it was something I heard once. It sounded interesting, so I ordered and tried it. The guy asked if we were sisters. We thought it was funny and winked at him as we took out boxes out and waved at each other.

"You knew my Lindsey?" Abby asked shocked.

"No, not really. Lindsey, I never knew her name." Kari looked at the love, hurt, and pain in Abby's eyes and just knew. "I'm so sorry I never knew. How long?"

"It will be ten years...." Abby started.

"Here you go... enjoy." The girl set the pizza down in front of the two women. "I'll be right back with your drinks." She looked at the two women and hoped that someday her girlfriend was brave enough to hold hands like that in public.

"If you rather..." Kari said, not paying attention to anything but Abby.

"No, I haven't had this since before she... died. It just took me by surprise. How did you end up out here if you lived back there?" Abby refused to allow the sorrow overcome her again.

They sat and ate. They talked about Kari's past and why she moved. Before they knew it, the pizza was gone and it was getting dark outside. "I missed my run." Kari said breaking the tension that had been building.

"Yeah me too. Thanks for dinner." Abby smiled as she stood up. "I was nice meeting you Kari." She said as they walked out to their cars. Abby knew she had to get out of there or she would crack.

Kari didn't want to let Abby go. She wanted to take her home and make all the hurt go away. She never felt this way with anyone else. The memory of Trevor and Trudy didn't even make her mad, as she told Abby about them.

"Oh, just kiss her already." The girl from behind the counter laughed. "I need to close up and you two are steaming up my windows."

Kari thought that was a great idea. She leaned in and moaned as their lips touched. She could feel Abby start to hyperventilate but couldn't pull back.

"Damn, some girl is going to get lucky tonight." The voice shattered the mood as the two pulled back.

"I've got to go." Abby said and got into her car and pulled away. She needed to get home, she needed to hide.


Three weeks later, after a very long and hard day, Abby forgot to avoid that running spot. She automatically headed to the solitude of the long loop. She bit her lip when she recognized the Jeep parked there.

"Damn it." She swore, but she needed the run too bad. "Maybe she'll be gone before I get finished." She tried to convince herself as she did her stretches. She was torn between taking her time so they wouldn't meet on the trail or hurrying, so Kari couldn't be done before she left the parking lot.

She raced to the first curve, so she wouldn't be in sight of the vehicles. "You're being a Silly Billy again." The voice in her head laughed.

"No I'm not." She hissed between her teeth. "I'll never love anyone like I loved you again." She slowed her pace.

"Especially if you keep running away from it. When did you become such a chicken shit?" The voice scolded her.

"I'm not...." Abby insisted.

"Yeah, right...." Lindsey's voice said in total disbelief. They argued as Abby ran. The good thing was she completely forgot the pressures of work. The bad, she also forgot that there might be someone waiting for her at the end of the run.

"So, have you been avoiding me?" The voice said as she rounded the bend to the parking lot. Abby had to shake her head. She could have sworn that voice wasn't in her head. "Alberta... earth to Alberta." Kari touched her arm.

"What..?" Abby asked stunned.

"So have you been avoiding me?" Kari asked as she jogged next to Abby the last quarter of a mile. She had stopped as soon as she saw Abby's car and waited.

"No... not really." Abby came as close as she ever had to lying.

"Uh huh..." Kari smiled. "And who are you trying to convince?" Kari asked, seeing the confusion. "I've been hoping to see you here again." Kari felt like a fool. She had been there every day in the hopes of casually bumping into Abby. Today was going to be the last day. If they didn't meet, then she would just get over it and move on. It was something she had learned how to do.

"Sorry... I've just been going to some of the other great places to run lately." Abby shrugged, know Kari could see through her feeble excuses. "I'm afraid of how I feel." She added, knowing she wouldn't have to explain.

"About...?" Kari's heart beat harder.

"You... me... Lindsey. Everything...." Abby sighed and slumped against her car.

"Ah, I see." Kari did see. "It scared me too. I haven't... with anyone since... and yeah." She didn't complete her thought. She didn't have too. "I'm not Lindsey." Kari said with sad eyes.

"Oh shut up!" Abby didn't know why, but she lurched up and kissed the woman she unknowingly hurt.

Abby held Kari's head still with one hand as she feasted on her mouth. She wanted to go deeper and deeper. Abby other hand grabbed her tight bottom and pulled her as close as they could be with clothes on.

Kari was stunned by the fierce kiss. She felt it from her spinning head to her toes that were curled in her shoes. She didn't fight it, she didn't move, she did grab Abby and filled her hands with her butt and thighs. She wanted to strip her right there and make love to her. The fire that had been simmering since they kissed last time flared ready to consume them.

The horn shocked them apart. "Sorry folks, it's time for me to lock up." An elderly man said from the Ranger's truck. "The park closes at dark."

"Follow me." Kari told Abby, not allowing for any argument. Abby just nodded her head and did what she was told as the Ranger watched them get into their vehicles and drive out of the park.

Abby didn't know what to expect as she pulled behind Kari in the well lit parking lot. She was nervous and afraid. Did she just cheat on her beloved Lindsey? Why did she kiss Kari like that? What was she supposed to do now?

"Okay sweetheart. Here are some ground rules." Kari looked at the confusion on Abby's face. "Don't ever do that again, unless you mean it." She smiled. "Because I do."

"You do what...?" Abby asked, looking at her mouth.

"Mean it." She leaned down and kissed Abby, this time with her in control. Her control almost broke as she felt Abby moan into the kiss. She could feel the hard nipples dig into her breasts and could feel the sweat even in the cooling night. Kari knew she had to pull back before....

"Alright... none of that here. This is a respectable place." A deep male voice said behind them as he flicked on a bright flashlight.

"Sorry...." Abby giggled. It has been years since they had.... 'That's right sweetheart. Isn't she fun? I love you.' The voice in her head said softly.

"Damn, can't a person ask someone out in peace around here?" Kari complained exasperated.

"Not looking like that... you might want to put some more clothes on. Something a bit less revealing maybe?" The deep voice said with some humor. "You might also want to find a room before I have to take you in for indecent exposure." He laughed as he turned off his flash light.

"Yes officer." Abby smiled and blushed. "That's twice in one night." She told Kari with a grin.

"Yeah... okay, fine. Friday night. The Robin's Nest at six." Kari said, wanting to kiss Abby again.

"Okay..." Abby said in a small voice. In the back of her mind, she knew what date it was and wondered.

"Oh, and we need to swap phone numbers please." Kari pulled Abby into a lose embrace, knowing instinctually that she was ready to bolt again.

Abby let her head rest on Kari's breast and heard the heavy thud of her heart. The sound reverberated into her soul. She remembered listening to Lindsey's heart every chance she got. It just felt like the right thing to do. Pulling away was the hardest thing she had to do since selling their house to Tracy.

Kari knew if they didn't separate, everyone would get a show they would never forget. She wanted to feel Abby's skin next to hers and to have her fall asleep in her arms. "We better get going before that cop comes back." Kari sighed as Abby pulled away.

"Yeah...." Abby shrugged.

"I'll see you no later than six on Friday." Kari said after they exchanged numbers. "I'll call you if I have time between grading papers and stuff." She promised.

"Okay... if I'm at work, just leave a message." Abby said as she climbed into her vehicle and drove away.


They played phone tag all week. Kari would call just to hear Abby's voice on the recording. Abby fought with herself, thinking how she couldn't disrespect Lindsey's memory like this. Both of them were wound tight by six. Abby looked at the calendar and knew she had to stop this before things got out of hand.

"Tomorrow will be ten years my love." She said as she walked out of the room.

She looked for Kari in the crowded bar. She was ready to bolt when she felt a soothing calm come over her. She knew Kari was behind her. She could feel her step close. She willed Kari to put her arm around her middle and hold her together.

"There's my girl." Kari said automatically, not knowing where the words came from.

"Am I really?" Abby said with a lilt in her voice. This was an old game.

"If I have my wish you will be." Kari finished and nipped her neck playfully.

"Hi Kari..." Abby smiled. "Yeah, I know you're not Lindsey, no matter how much you remind me of her." She sighed.

"That's good." Kari answered. "Let's blow this joint." She grabbed Abby's hand and pulled them against the stream of people.

"I thought you wanted too...." Abby said as she followed Kari to her Jeep.

"I changed my mind and decided to take that cops advice." Kari said and held the door for Abby. "We'll come back and get your car." She said as she climbed in and started the engine.

"Where are we going?" Abby asked, knowing she couldn't give the little speech she had worked on all week.

"Your place or mine, it doesn't matter as long as we are alone." Kari looked at Abby with anticipation.

"You're driving." Abby lifted her eyebrow.

"Fine, mine this time." She put the Jeep in gear and headed to her apartment. Ten minutes later, she pulled up and parked her Jeep in her space. "It's not much, and I hate all the adobe, but its home for now." Kari said as she opened Abby's car door.

Abby looked around, not knowing what to say. She started the evening thinking she would give Kari the polite brush. Now, she didn't know what was going to happen next. "It's not bad...." She said trying to make conversation.

"Oh shut up." Kari said and did what she has wanted to do since she met Abby.

Once kiss led to two. By the third, no words were needed as they started taking each other clothes off. By the time they made it the ten feet to the couch, both of them were only in their bra and panties.

Abby turned Kari and forced her to sit under her. Abby straddled her lap as Kari fought the clasp of the bra. As soon as they were free, she guided Kari's head to her nipples. "Oh yeah." She moaned as Kari captured a nipple and started suckling her. Abby cradled her head as the first orgasm in two years ripped through her body.

Kari spent as long as she could, kissing and sucking Abby's offered breasts. She could feel the heat and dampness in her lap. She knew if Abby was naked, her legs would be covered in her fluids. She took her time as her hands explored the precious person in her lap. This was too perfect to rush. This was just the beginning.

Abby shuttered in another orgasm and knew it was time. She pulled Kari's sweet mouth away from her breast and started her long journey down. Every time Kari started to say anything, she would kiss her quiet.

By the time Abby had her lover laying naked on the couch, she couldn't stand it any longer. She needed to feast. She softly opened the petals of the flower in front of her, looking for the musky center. Once she dipped her head down, time stopped as she gave the attention Kari deserved.

"OH GOD PLEASE...!" Kari screamed in climax fifteen minutes later. "Oh shit, oh god, oh, oh...OOOHHHHHHH!" She shuttered as her body clutched and released in a rhythmic climax. She had never felt the things Abby made her feel. It was so perfect. For the first time she found true bliss. "Baby, baby... you have to stop... I can't take... OH SHIT!" She fought Abby off her over sensitive sex.

"Get your sexy ass up here." Kari demanded once she caught her breath again. "It's my turn sweetheart." She announced and she started kissing and licking every inch of the moaning Abby.

Kari was in heaven. This is what love is supposed to feel like. Not hidden kisses and blushes if someone sees. This is what she has been looking for. She prayed that once they were done, that this would, could, should; happen every day. This was more than good sex. This was... wonderful.

They ate cold pop tarts and muffins for dinner, before Kari pulled a very eager Abby into her bed and they started again. Kari screamed as Abby found her spot and worked it until she gushed in exquisite release.

At one in the morning, they lay exhausted in the middle of the damp bed, trying to catch their breath. Even they knew they couldn't go on any longer, but their hands continued to stroke and caress soft subtle skin and looked for pleasure spots. Kari or maybe it was Abby, finally pulled up the comforter as they cuddled.

Abby woke up to go to the bathroom at four. Kari didn't let her go back to sleep until after five. Kari woke up at ten, but they fell back asleep at noon.

The phone jarred them both awake. They looked at each other as Kari answered the phone. "Hello...?"

"It's about time. Love her well and enjoy the gift you've been given." The husky voice said and the line went dead.

"That was Lindsey." Abby gasped. "I recognize her voice."

The pounding on the door woke them up. Kari had the phone in her hand and tossed off the bedding as she groaned. "What...?" Kari groused. "I'm coming." She shoved her arms into her robe. She opened the door a crack. Looking at the manager, she asked. "What...?"

"I told you no loud parties." The cranky old man said. "There have been complaints about the noise last night."

"I didn't have a party. I had a friend over for dinner." Kari scowled at the old busybody.

"Who is it dear...?" A sleep rumpled and very naked Abby, walked out making the manager blush and look down.

"There is a package for you." He shoved the box of school supplies into Kari's hands and left in a hurry.

"Who was that?" Abby asked and hugged Kari from behind.

"The manager... I'm sure to hear about this when I pay rent next." Kari wove her fingers into Abby's hand that was wrapped around her waist. "You need a robe, or do you always walk around the house naked?"

"Why wear something only to take it off." Abby pulled Kari's robe tie and opened the front. As soon as Kari's reddened nipples came into view, she leaned down and softly kissed and suckled them.

"Oh man that feels so good... we need a shower." Kari gasped and moaned.

The water was past cold by the time they felt clean and sedated. "So, what do you want to do tonight?" Kari said after she finally convinced Abby they needed to get dressed and get her car.

"Go to my place where I can really let my hair down and see who can make the other scream the loudest." Abby nuzzled her way into Kari's arms.

"Let's go before you start something and have the manager banging on the door again." Kari pulled a reluctant Abby behind her and held her door to get in the Jeep. Half way back to the bar, Kari had to ask. "So, did I dream that phone call...?"

Abby thought about that question as Kari followed her home. She did have some strange dreams, but never knew what was real. All she could remember was the feeling of love as they made love. Abby knew it was so much more than just sex. She never climaxed during sex. She could only do that when she made love to Lindsey.

When they pulled up in front of the fixer upper Abby was buying, Abby went to get the mail. With the assorted flyers, advertisements and usual junk, there was a small package from her old address. She wondered what Tracy had sent her this time.

"Wow, this place needs some work." Kari said as she looked around.

"Yeah I know. That's why I bought it. That way I can make it mine. I have just about enough to start in the kitchen." Abby shrugged. "It has good bones and everything works. It's just ugly."

"So what you got there sweetheart?" Kari saw the package and the frilly script.

"Must be something from Tracy. She was Lindsey's best friend. She bought the house we lived in." She opened it and everything fell out of her hands. "No way...." She breathed.

"What's wrong?" Kari asked, instantly there.

Abby held out the package and the note that surrounded it. It read. "This is for her. Happy Anniversary; Lindsey." She opened the small box and found the jade ring she had been looking for on Kari's hand.

"I need to sit down." Kari said stunned. "Is this some kind of sick joke? First the call last night and now this?" Kari was looking at Abby.

"I, I don't know. It might be Tracy, but how would she get your number?" Abby sat next to Kari. "I just don't know."

"Oh quit being so fucking stubborn Abs'. Do you know how hard this was for me to do?" Abby heard in her head. "I can't help you any longer my sweet. I love you. It took me a long time to find her. She already loves you." Lindsey told Abby. Lindsey knew it was time to go. Abby had found someone to love and she knew it was a forever love. She would see them again and welcome them both with open arms. How could she not?

Abby sighed. Lindsey was the only person who called her that. She looked at the calendar and knew. "So what color do you think we should paint the kitchen? I'm having hickory cabinets made." Abby leaned against Kari. "Oh, and Lin said this is yours." She pulled out the ring and slipped it on her finger, knowing it would be a perfect fit.

"Happy Anniversary love." Abby kissed the confused look off Kari's face.


One Year later:

"Hey sexy, whatcha cookin." Kari asked over the phone on her way home.