Above and Beyond Ch. 03

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Jennifer tries to resist, but...
4.3k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/28/2017
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This four chapter story is completed, and will be posted at roughly one chapter per week.


When Jennifer woke up the next morning, she was alone. Next to the bed was a note saying that Hannah had gone for a run and wanted to let Jennifer sleep. Jennifer was grateful for the extra hour of rest, and even more so for the fact that she didn't have to face Hannah just yet.

Realizing that she had slept with her collar on, she removed the black leather band and placed it on the bedside table. The sight of it provoked flashbacks from the night before and caused a rush of excitement to course through Jennifer's body. But she snapped out of it—this was the time to collect herself. She put on the dress from the previous night and did the walk of shame back to her own hotel room. How could she have let this happen again?

On her laptop she found a message from her husband, asking if she had a good time with Hannah the night before. Her heart sank. What could she possibly respond to that question? How could she ever explain to him what had taken place with Hannah?

The fact that she had sex with Hannah wasn't the issue. If anything, she guessed her bi-curious tendencies would excite Richard. Jennifer was actually surprised he hadn't asked her to set up a threesome with another woman long ago. She would have readily agreed to it, not just for his excitement but her own as well. Over the years, she had dropped many hints about her willingness to share their bedroom with other women.

What caused knots to form in her stomach was the way she had willingly submitted to Hannah. Jennifer had only ever shared that highly intimate bond with Richard. She had granted him ownership of her body long ago. Now, Jennifer had allowed her secretary that same level of control. How could this possibly end well?

It was far too complicated to approach over the phone. Just one more night and she'd be home. She would confess then and face any consequences. Seeing the reaction on her husband's face might break her, but it was the right thing to do. She wrote a short, ambiguous note to her husband.

"Hi honey. Yes. It was fine yesterday. Will talk to you more tomorrow when I'm home. Love you, Jennifer."

Hannah picked her up after breakfast and drove them to the meeting. As always, the blonde acted as if nothing unusual had transpired. Jennifer appreciated the illusion of normality. It allowed her to slip into professional mode herself. By the time she reached the meeting, Jennifer was focused and ready to once again deal with Bob, the annoying CEO.

But as she entered the meeting room, she was pleasantly surprised to find Warren there instead. The gray-haired chairman greeted her with a warm kiss on the cheek, and apologized for Bob's actions the day before. He assured her that she wouldn't have to deal with Bob ever again. After reviewing the details, he agreed to her terms without objection. She liked Warren and was tempted to let him off the hook by going back to the original deal. But business was business, and she hadn't risen to her position by playing nice. Warren wouldn't expect anything less.

She spent the rest of the day sailing with Warren and his wife, reminiscing about past adventures. While she enjoyed it greatly, Jennifer was also relieved for the convenient excuse to postpone dealing with Hannah. She was sure Hannah must have been aware of that. Yet, her secretary showed no emotion when Jennifer told her to take the day off.

It was a relief to put some distance between them, and she felt surprisingly content to spend time with her old friends. The open water and blue sky were healthy distractions. For a while, Jennifer ignored her internal struggle. But both despair and desire brewed beneath her facade. Despite her best efforts to ignore the conflicting emotions, they only intensified during the course of the day.

When Hannah picked her up after dinner, Jennifer initially felt unable to speak. Thankfully, Hannah acted like nothing was out of the ordinary as they drove back to the hotel, asking about Jennifer's day and how the deal had gone down.

"So, it all worked out for the best," she said. "You saved the company a lot of money. I hope our Board of Director have the sense to appreciate you as much as I do."

Jennifer chuckled nervously, but was quick to add a "thank you."

Hannah's smirk didn't go unnoticed.

"So, what did you do today?" Jennifer asked as they walked through the lobby. It was an obvious attempt to keep the conversation focused on mundane topics.

"I just did some shopping."

"Did you find anything interesting?"

"I'd say so," Hannah said, revealing a hint of a suggestive grin before repeating the reply with extra emphasis. "I'd say so."

Jennifer felt both excitement and worry build in her body. Inside the elevator, Hannah pressed the number of her floor. Jennifer was about to do the same for hers when Hannah stopped her, gently pushing Jennifer's hand out of the way.

"I moved your things into my room," she said matter-of-factly. "We'll both stay there tonight."

Jennifer gave he a puzzled look. "Oh, did they only have one room free for the extra night?"

"I don't know. I didn't ask."

Jennifer followed Hannah to her room, knowing full well that the blonde had big things in store for her. An overwhelming sense of desire flooded her body as Hannah opened the door.

But no. She had to be rational. She couldn't allow herself to submit to Hannah again, no matter how much she desired to. As if trying to physically shake the excitement out of her mind, she rattled her head. Her secretary gave her an amused look.

Jennifer took a deep breath. "Hannah, we need to talk."

"I see," the blonde said, her expression hard to read.

"What we did—it was..."

"It was what?"

"We shouldn't have."

Hannah gave her a challenging stare, her blue eyes piercing into Jennifer's core. "Really? Why?"

Jennifer's thoughts were spinning out of control. A moment ago, she had several very obvious reasons why she couldn't continue on this path with Hannah.

"Well, I mean... Y-you know," she stuttered, and made little sense as it all spilled out of her. "It was good and everything. Really, more like amazingly good. I shouldn't though. But it was wonderful. But I'm married, and Richard... And you're my secretary. I want to and everything, but... I'm your boss..."

Hannah hushed her, placing a finger across Jennifer's lips.

"Come here," Hannah said, as she enveloped Jennifer in comforting arms. "Everything is fine."

She gently stroked the back of her boss' head. The loving touch seemed to vanquish Jennifer's concerns, at least momentarily. She rested her head on Hannah's shoulder, longing for the soft skin hidden under the thin fabric of her blouse. Taking a deep breath, she drew in Hannah's enchanting scent.

"But..." she began, trying again to express her concern. Jennifer found she lacked the will to protest.

Hannah leaned back and gently put her finger under Jennifer's chin. She pulled up until Jennifer's reluctant eyes met her own, and her enchanting dimples appeared on her face.

"Trust me—everything is fine."

How could Jennifer not trust those stunning blue eyes? Her worries faded, overrun by craving emotions. Hannah looked like she was about to say something of significance, but stopped at the sight of sparks in Jennifer's eyes. Instead, she placed a soft kiss on her boss' lips. Jennifer yelped into the blonde's mouth and felt the power to resist melt away.

"Now, what do you want to say to me?" Hannah asked, taking a few steps back.

The warm smile was gone, having been replaced by a stern expression. Unexpectedly, Hannah unzipped her own skirt, and Jennifer watched in stunned silence as the blonde slowly pulled it over her hips. Jennifer's eyes widened as she realized that Hannah wasn't wearing any panties. The skirt fell to the floor and Hannah stepped out of it. For a long time, she stood in all her glory, shamelessly exposing herself. Her naked pussy was artfully framed by the remaining clothes. A tight blouse hugged her narrow waist and stockings clung to her shapely legs. She repeated her question.

"What do you want to say to me?"

Jennifer was unable to resist. She didn't want to. She couldn't. And if she was really going to be rational, wasn't the damage already done? What difference would one more mind-blowing night with Hannah do? Whatever the consequences, she would deal with them later. At that moment, she had but one consuming desire—to completely submit to Hannah.

"Please," she whispered. "Please, Miss Hannah—use me."

"Where's your collar, Mrs. Turner?"

Jennifer's eyes darted to the bedside table. It was still lying there, right where she had left it that morning.

"Fetch it," Hannah commanded.

Jennifer was quick to obey. She shivered with anticipation as Hannah fastened it in place. Once this tangible evidence of power transfer was complete, Hannah began slowly walking around Jennifer. The sound of her heels against the floor exuded authority. The expectant thrill spread through Jennifer, every fiber of her body longing to be possessed.

Hannah stopped before her, their bodies facing. Without a word, she grabbed the front of Jennifer's blouse and forcefully pulled it apart. Jennifer gasped as her buttons went flying across the room. She adored such displays of power when she was in submissive mode. The jarring action caught her off balance causing her breasts to bounce in her bra as she momentarily faltered.

Hannah moved in close to kiss her again, but this time, her lips were far more demanding. As she forced her tongue into Jennifer's mouth, Hannah's hands began to roam. The remnants of Jennifer's blouse were yanked off when they proved to be a distraction. Hannah's hands quickly returned to Jennifer's body and she greedily groped Jennifer's ample breasts through the sheer white bra.

Jennifer's lips instinctively tried to chase Hannah's when the blonde backed away, leaving her awkwardly kissing thin air. Hannah began to circle once more, her fingers caressing Jennifer's bare skin. Jennifer's chest heaved with passion.

Eventually, Hannah stopped behind her. She felt the blonde's breath on her neck, and soon thereafter Hannah's fingers confidently slid the bra straps down over her shoulders and continued down until they were freed from her arms. Gently, Hannah ran her fingertips over Jennifer's skin along the edge of the bra, which now struggled to contain Jennifer's heavy breasts. With a sudden motion, Hannah expertly unclasped the bra with one hand, while grabbing the front with the other hand and snatched it away. Jennifer was shocked at the ferocity with which her bra was removed and she stumbled once more as her breasts swayed free. Hannah looked pleased by the sight.

"Put your hands behind your head," she commanded as she moved to stand before her boss.

Jennifer's breath trembled as she obeyed. Hannah's hands soon glided over her body again, moving over her tapered waist and gradually up her stomach. When Hannah reached Jennifer's breasts, she caressed them lightly at first. But her hands seemed unable to maintain a sense of decorum. She was soon groping her boss with evident hunger. It was incredibly embarrassing for Jennifer to stand there, naked from the waist up, while her secretary amused herself. But the fact that Hannah obviously enjoyed her body also filled Jennifer with delight. Her breasts were significantly larger than her secretary's, and the blonde seemed fascinated to feel their weight in her hands.

Jennifer ached to reach out and touch Hannah too, but she didn't dare without explicit permission. Instead, she dutifully kept her hands behind her head even when Hannah bowed down to ravage Jennifer's breasts with her warm wet mouth. Jennifer couldn't tell what excited her most... the sensation of hungry lips sucking on her nipples, or the excited grunts the blonde made as she feasted on them.

Hannah eventually released Jennifer's nipples with a loud smacking sound. She moved back behind her boss. After unzipping the skirt, she hooked her fingers into both skirt and panties. With a forceful yank, she pulled them all the way to the floor. Jennifer delighted in the feeling of humiliation as she stood there, passively allowing herself to be stripped. The fact that she continued to hold her hands behind her head demonstrated her complete surrender to Hannah.

"Give me your foot," Hannah commanded. She motioned for Jennifer to curl her leg, leaving her off balance. "And the other one," Hannah continued.

She proceeded to pull down Jennifer's stockings, leaving her naked but for the collar around her neck. As if this wasn't humiliating enough, Hannah brought out the leash and attached it to the collar. The chain felt cold against Jennifer's flushed skin as Hannah left it hanging from her neck. Once again, the blonde began circling her prey, her eyes drinking in Jennifer's fully exposed details. Hannah's pussy and ass were on display too, but that didn't diminish Jennifer's mortification. She constantly had to struggle to avoid peeking, knowing full well that she was the one under scrutiny.

She heard Hannah fiddling with something behind her. As curious as she was, she held her position. Her eyes widened when Hannah reappeared before her, holding a riding crop.

"Like I said," the blonde began, gently tapping it against her palm, "I did some shopping today."

Jennifer stared at the crop, both dreading and yearning to feel the sting of it against her skin. She and Richard had recently discussed getting one very much like this, with a flexible strap at the front. She hungered for the stinging sensation she imagined it would provide.

Hannah grazed Jennifer's skin with the crop. It ran seductively up and down her legs, over her ass up to her waist, and continued onto her stomach. The gentle touch was soothingly cool, but promised for something very different. Jennifer gasped as the flap skimmed over her breasts, flicking her already excited nipples. Circling around to Jennifer's back, Hannah maneuvered the crop down and let it linger on her ass before suddenly stepping away. For what felt like an eternity, Hannah stood there, silently staring at Jennifer from the side. Jennifer stared straight ahead, listening to her own erratic breathing.

When she finally felt the bite of the crop against her ass, Jennifer's wail rang with both affliction and gratitude. Hannah caressed the spot of impact before striking again. She repeated the pattern over and over, each time giving Jennifer time to dread and long for the next sharp sting.

Hannah eventually stopped her spanking, and let the crop travel over Jennifer's skin once again. After a few laps, she reached Jennifer's breasts. Her expression was strict as she loomed over her boss. She paused, taking time to trace their expansive shape with the crop.

And then, ever so lightly, Jennifer felt the crop slap her breast. She gasped, and soon received another blow. She stared at Hannah with shock, but the blonde showed no compassion as she continued to spank her boss' breasts. The impact was far softer than the sharp strikes Hannah had laid on Jennifer's behind. These slaps were just hard enough to make her breasts undulate and inflicted a sweet, stinging sensation. But the sense of shame was immense. How could she allow her secretary to treat her this way?

But the idea of lowering her hands to protect herself never entered Jennifer's mind. Instead, she began to moan each time the crop landed on its target. She was embarrassed to know this would reveal to Hannah how much she adored this erotic humiliation. But that only amplified the sensation.

"You may lower your hands," Hannah said eventually when she decided her domination of Jennifer's breast was enough. She moved in close, staring fiercely into Jennifer's eyes. Because Hannah still wore her high heels, the height difference between them was even more apparent. Jennifer felt appropriately small as Hannah towered over her. That impression was further pronounced when Hannah pulled her down by the leash.

"Get on your hand and knees, Mrs. Turner."

As always, Jennifer obeyed, and soon found herself kneeling on all fours directly in front of Hannah's enticing pussy. She stared at it, thrilled to see that Hannah was noticeably excited. But as she looked up, Hannah's expression was impassive. She stood there, crop in one hand and leash in the other. Her strict gaze was unbearable, and Jennifer returned her eyes to the glistening pussy before her, anxious to taste it.

But Hannah prolonged the suspense by denying her this pleasure. She returned to ceremoniously orbiting her boss. On her hands and knees, Jennifer felt utterly vulnerable. Hannah traced her body with the crop, occasionally giving her a vigorous and startling swat on the ass or thigh. Her caress increasingly focused on these areas, gradually moving up along her inner thigh. Before long, she felt the cooling sensation of the crop's tip against her dripping pussy. She keened long and loud as Hannah rubbed her throbbing clit.

It seemed Hannah had even more in store for Jennifer. After a few unexpected swats to her already radiating ass, Hannah soothingly caressed the point of infliction. As she did, the crop edged closer and closer to the puckered center of her ass. She gradually moved further in between her cheeks, and Jennifer gasped as she realized where Hannah was heading. Her mind was spinning—were there no limits to the humiliation her secretary would put her through?

But Jennifer's body betrayed her. She found herself pushing back against the crop, thereby allowing deeper access. Shuddering with both shame and pleasure, Jennifer stayed perfectly still as Hannah slid the side of the crop along the sensitive opening in the valley of her ass.

Hannah suddenly turned and started slowly walking towards the bed. As the leash pulled at the collar, Jennifer felt no option but to follow, crawling on all fours. Hannah looked pleased as she stared down over her shoulder.

Hannah stopped when she reached the bed. She patted it with the crop and motioned for Jennifer to get on top. The soft surface was a welcome treat for her knees, but all Jennifer could think about was how exposed she felt now that her pussy and ass had been raised several feet off the ground. It seemed that was exactly how Hannah wanted her to feel. Gently but firmly, she pressed on Jennifer's back, forcing her upper body down until her head rested on the mattress. Jennifer whimpered as she realized just how lewdly she was displayed.

She was certain another spanking would ensue. But to her surprise, she was treated to the soft touch of Hannah's lips against her reddened cheeks.

"Oh, Mrs. Turner," Hannah said, as she soothingly blew cool air against Jennifer's searing bottom. "Your ass is so beautiful after a spanking."

"Thank you, Miss Hannah," Jennifer replied, her voice so tense that the words barely came out.

Hannah slid her tongue softly over Jennifer's sore skin, enhancing the cooling sensation as she then blew on the moistened area. She moved to the other cheek and prepared it with a few tender licks before blowing at it. She repeated this soothing ritual, covering all tender areas of Jennifer's red cheeks.

From there Hannah's tongue meandered further down. Jennifer's own juices were more than enough to create a cooling sensation when she felt Hannah's breath on her pussy. And just as she was concluding that she shouldn't dare to hope for more than her breath, Hannah laved her tongue over Jennifer's slit. Jennifer screamed into the bed as pleasure exploded in her cunt.

"Oh, thank you Miss H..."

Her muffled words of gratitude was interrupted when Hannah's tongue returned. Again Jennifer howled with pleasure. She was in heaven as Hannah continued to explore.