Accidental Hero and Male Porn Star

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Dave becomes a porn star with a big breasted, BBW fan club.
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A man saves the lives of identical twin, forty-something-year-old women, the wife of an adult film producer, Tiffany, and her sister, his sister-in-law, Crystal.

Most days, whether feeling good, bad, or indifferent about our routines, we all go through the drudgery of life. Seemingly with every day the same, we work, eat, watch TV, sleep, work, eat, watch TV, sleep, and do it all over again until the weekend. Then, one day, in the way of dominos cascading backwards, or a jumper free falling from a bridge, out of our control, one extraordinary event leads to another extraordinary event.

Sometimes, whether good or bad, something wonderful, exciting, or horrific happens to awaken us from our dull lives and boring existences. Sometimes, we even live to tell about it. This is one such story about Dave, a 60-year-old, retired firefighter and EMS worker.

# # #

Dave, a retired firefighter and EMS worker, worked part-time in the produce section of a supermarket. Sixty-years-old, he's a regular guy living a quiet, normal life somewhere in suburban America. Married nearly 40-years, after going through the change of life ten long and sexually frustrating years ago, his wife no longer wanted sex. Other than a good morning kiss and a goodnight kiss, sadly and sexually frustratingly for Dave, she's done with sexually intimacy.

Officially, not closed for repairs but closed forever, the sexual playground was closed and off limits to Dave. His wife's pussy and anus were now only used for outgoing and not for incoming. With her seldom giving him a hand job and never giving him a blowjob, suffice to write, Dave is horny, very horny, and sexually frustrated. Unfortunately, unless he dared to cheat on his wife, something he'd never do, masturbation was his only option for sexual relief.

'Poor Dave. Poor, pitiful Dave.'

Once upon a time, with them not having any children, always together with his wife, they went here, there, and everywhere. Now, always alone, he can't remember when his wife was excited enough about doing anything or going anywhere with him or without him. Other than to go food shopping, a voluntary prisoner in her own home, isolated from her friends and family as if she was in solitarily confinement, she seldom left her house. With the house her self-imposed prison, she was content staying at home cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, watching TV, or reading.

"I need to go for a drive," said Dave grabbing his car keys. "I have cabin fever. I'll probably go see a movie," he said giving her a look to see if she wanted to come before slamming the door shut behind him. Not even bothering to ask her if she wanted to see a movie with him, she never would. "Forget about going to a movie, she won't even go for a walk with me," he said while driving his car. "She thinks that movie theaters are crawling with germs, mice, and roaches."

A hard thing for Dave to fathom, with them not going anywhere and doing anything, sometimes, he wondered if his wife was embarrassed to be seen with him. Older now, he had a few extra pounds around the middle but, since he was a child, he had always been heavy. With them no longer having sex, sometimes, difficult for him to separate the two, love and sex, he wondered if his wife still loved him. A baffling mystery to him and something she refused to discuss, he was unable to understand why she pulled the plug on what he thought was a satisfying sexlife.

As if they're an elderly and infirmed couple before their time, losing it by not using it, she made him feel older than he was. They used to go to the movies. They used to go bowling. They used to have people over to play cards and have a few drinks. They used to visit friends and neighbors but all of that changed. They used to laugh but all of that is now in the past. It's as if she's expecting him to be content watching the clock ticking their life away while waiting to die.

'Tick, tick, tick, tick...'

Seemingly, hormones and her desire for sex weren't the only things his wife lost when she went through the change of life. Obviously, as if she's waiting for the inevitable, she's morosely depressed. Seemingly sad, she lost her passion for life, her duty as a wife, and her love for her husband. The only thing she gained from going through the change of life was a few added pounds.

Yet, David never minded his wife's weight. He more minded her modest sized breasts. Yet, now that she gained a few pounds in all the right places, with her more curvaceously curvy, she still looked good to him. With her breasts a little bigger and fuller, albeit saggy, unbeknownst to her, he had a secret, sexual attraction to big breasted, BBW women. As much as he loved big women with big asses, Dave loved tits, especially big tits.

With her depression rubbing off on him, his sole solace, the one thing that made him happy, was staring up at the big, silver screen at famous movie stars while watching first run movies. While wishing his life was the life of a movie star, he had little to look forward to other than to the next, new movie release. Always wanting to be in the movies, he wished he had the talent to act and the good looks to be a movie star. Faithfully watching the award show each year, he'd love to walk the red carpet and receive an Oscar.

'...And the Oscar for the best actor goes to...Dave,' he imagined in his dreams.

# # #

When Dave wasn't busy working and/or running errands, a hobby he's had since a young man, he enjoyed watching women on the street, in the supermarket, at the mall, at the post office, or at the gas station. A mindless and harmless voyeuristic activity, he imagined what it would be like to be married to this one or to that one. He imagined talking to them and laughing with them. He imagined living with them, eating with them, watching TV or going to see a movie with them, traveling with them, and even sleeping with them, especially sleeping with them.

Seemingly always catching his eye, he had a sexual fetish for BBW women with big tits, the bigger their breasts the better. His preferred women were overweight women in their forties and with huge breasts. Daydreaming while fantasizing what it would be like to be sexually intimate with this one or that one, he imagined holding them, kissing them, and making out with them. While touching and feeling them through their clothes, he imagined undressing them and stripping them naked before having sex with them. He imagined big breasted women rubbing their big tits all over his face.

Not stopping there with his sexual fantasy, he imagined them falling to their knees, unzipping him, pulling out his cock, and sucking him while he felt their big tits and fingered their erect nipples. Nothing more than harmless sexual fantasies, he ended his day masturbating over having sex with all the women he saw that day. Then, when returning home to his cold and sexless wife, he wished he had a normal life with a woman who sexually wanted him as much as he sexually wanted her.

If his wife knew that he imagined being with other women while sexually lusting over them, and masturbating over them, not understanding his sexual frustration, she'd accuse him of cheating on her. No doubt, even though he hadn't done anything wrong with anyone, she'd want a divorce. A divorce may be a dark cloud on his horizon in the beginning but it may be one with a silver lining. He'd be free to date and to have sex with other women. Yet, at his age, too accustomed to his routine, his sex drive diminished in correlation to his age increasing.

Another harmless, self-pleasuring, sexual activity, he enjoyed reading stories on Literotica. He especially enjoyed reading erotic coupling, first time, group sex, loving wives, romance, mature, exhibitionist & voyeur, and BBW stories. Even though he enjoyed reading about the sexual escapades that some men are sexually lucky to still have, he'd never cheat on his wife, especially if he suspected he'd be caught.

Besides, he had no one to cheat on his wife with other than relatives, neighbors, co-workers, and the wives of his friends. He couldn't cheat on his wife with any of them. He couldn't cheat on her with someone they both knew. Not wanting to embarrass his wife, after having sex with someone they both knew, he could never face them again. Instead, he imagined having sex with the daily, new crowd of endless women that he saw on the street and imagined being with and undressing.

There were several, lonely, eligible, and good-looking widows in the neighborhood. Some of them were BBW women with enormous breasts. Only, with their sexual days in the past, they wouldn't be looking for a good, sexual time with a one-night stand. They'd more want a long-term relationship and a forever friendship. They'd be more looking for companionship, security, and money. Unless he left his wife, he couldn't offer any woman what they wanted.

If only there was a way for him to get away with having sex with someone she didn't know and without his wife ever knowing, he'd be tempted. With his wife the only woman he had sex with in the past 40-years and no longer having sex with her, not for the past ten-years, he needed to have sex. Other than having sex with prostitutes, if only he could find women who sexually wanted him as much as he sexually wanted them, he would. His sexual fantasy was to have sex with three to five women, one at a time or all at once.

'Wow,' he thought while stroking his cock. 'I'd love to have an orgy.'

# # #

How hot would that be to have sex with three, forty-something-year-old women on three different nights? How hot would that be to have sex with three, forty-something-year-old women in the same bed and at the same time? Yet, past his prime, he'd have more of a chance of that happening if he was a much younger man. Not rich at all, he'd have more of a chance of that happening if he was a rich man. He'd have more of a chance of having sex with three women if he was a young, rich man.

Nonetheless, he masturbated over the sexual fantasy of imagining having sex with three of the women that he saw that day. He imagined kissing them while feeling them through their clothes before undressing them. How hot would that be to undress one woman before undressing another one? Having never been to a sexual orgy, not very likely that he will attend one either at his age, nonetheless, dying with a smile on his face, he'd like to experience an orgy once before he died.

'Why is he smiling,' he imagined the undertaker asking the mortician?

'He died while having sex with five, forty-something-year-old, BBW, big breasted women in a swingers' orgy,' he imagined the mortician responding.

'Lucky bastard,' he imagined the undertaker replying. "What a way to go?"

'That's how I want to go, smothered to death by big tits,' he imagined the mortician answering.

'Me, too,' said the undertaker.

Yet, sadly as what happens with some men when they age, Dave was becoming impotent. Such a waste. With him seldom using his big dick after his wife went through the change of life, now not cooperating with his sexual desire and lust filled imagination, the ultimate insult, his cock wasn't getting as hard and staying as hard as it used to do.

Even if the sexual opportunity presented itself, unless he took Viagra or Cialis, he could get an erection but he couldn't maintain it long enough to have deep, penetrating sex. What he does instead is masturbate while imagining having sex with a variety of women. He masturbates over the women he's seen that day and/or over the erotic stories that he read. When he's not reading orgy stories on Literotica, he watches X-rated, orgy videos on Xhampster or on Xvideos while jerking off.

Now, that he has the Internet, something he didn't have as a young man, he could call up practically any celebrity, singer, dancer, or movie star and see her topless or naked. A woman with some meat on her bones, his favorite woman to masturbate over was Joan Harris from Mad Men, played by Christina Hendricks. Born a natural blonde, she dyed her hair red.

Yet, whatever color was her real hair, he loved her pretty face, her red hair, her bright, blue eyes, her big, shapely ass, and her enormous breasts. While staring at her topless photos and masturbating himself, he'd love to see her big tits in person. He'd love touch them, feel them, fondled them, and suck them. He'd love to have wild sex with Christina but the odds of having sex with her or with anyone would be greater than winning the lottery.

# # #

On his way to the movies, on an isolated country road, Dave came upon a car accident. Two women were trapped in the car. Nothing unusual, with the road narrow and winding, and with drivers unfamiliar with the road and speeding, there were many accidents along this particular stretch of road. Yet, lucky for them, they hit a stone wall instead of a tree or a pole. Lucky for them, he happened upon them just in time.

The broad, flat, expansive surface of the stone wall equally spread the impact of energy across the front of the car. Otherwise, the two female passengers struggling to get out of the car would have been dead. Had they not been wearing their seatbelts and not had their doors locked, they would have been ejected from the car and lying dead in the road. Most people don't know that locked, car doors are designed not to open in an accident. That safety provision is lost when people don't wear their seatbelts and lock their doors.

"Help! Help," the women screamed while pounding on the windows. "Help us. Please help us!"

Smoke was quickly filling the passenger compartment of the car. Dave parked his car away from the accident. Then, with fire extinguisher axe, and seatbelt cutter in hand, he ran to the car. The engine was smoking and burning, and the gas tank was leaking gas. He needed to make a life and death decision.

Where most people would concentrate on putting out the fire, he knew from experience that he only had a few minutes to extricate the women before the car exploded. Remaining calm and not wanting to panic them anymore than they were already panicked, he tried the door, it was jammed shut. He tried the passenger door and that was jammed shut too.

"Don't worry," he said in his boisterous voice. "I got you. I got you both," he said with a big laugh. "I'll have you out of there in a minute," he said as if it was no big deal when it certainly was.

Not concerned with extinguishing the flames that started and not taking the time to put them out, he was more concerned with getting the women out of the car.

"Hurry! Please hurry! We don't want to die. Help us. Save us," said the women in unison while struggling to unlock their jammed seatbelts. "We don't want to burn to death!"

Thinking that they were going to die, they looked so frightened. Yet, having been through these situations many times before, Dave knew better. He knew that he'd get them out in time.

"Lean back away from the window and cover your faces with your hands," he said. "Don't worry. I got you."

Dave shattered the driver's side window with his axe and moved the shards of glass out of the way for them to climb out. Then, he cut the driver's jammed seatbelt and lifted her out through the broken window. He leaned in the car through the broken window again, cut the passenger's seatbelt, and lifted her through the driver's window.

"Thank you. Thank you," they both said in unison.

He laughed his boisterous laugh while hoping to calm them from going into shock with small talk.

"Are you twins?"

With the women in their forties, no doubt, Dave would be masturbating over them later tonight. They were both so pretty. In the way that they maintained their sexy and shapely figures, they could have been movie star, they looked that good. They returned his laugh with their sexy laughs.

"Yes," they said in unison.

Thinking they were already saved and safe, they hung on to him and kissed him as if he was their long-lost father or big brother at the airport. Knowing better while ignoring their kisses, needing to get them to safety, he literally dragged and carried them across the road as if they were football dummies. Dave was intent on getting away from the car as fast and as far as he could.

"Can you walk?"

He looked from one woman to the other.

"Yes," they both said in unison again.

Dave took them by their hands.

"Then, run," he said. "Run!"

Dave ran with the women across the road and jumped down the embankment just as the car exploded and burst into flames.

He had called the fire department on his citizen's band radio before rescuing the women and, as soon as the police, fire, and rescue arrived, with his work done, he left for the movies. After working 30-years as a firefighter, he couldn't even remember how many people he had saved over the years. After a while, it all becomes a blur and was something he tried not to think about.

The ones that he always remembered, couldn't forget, and that were forever seared into his mind, were the ones that haunted him. They were the ones that he couldn't save, especially children and helpless pets. He loved pets, especially dogs. It's funny how many people forget that he saved them, but dogs never forget. Whenever he sees a dog that he saved, they greet him as if he's their owner. They always remembered that he was their hero.

# # #

It was a month to the day later that he had saved those two women and that his wife left to take her yearly trip to stay with her sister for two weeks. He was home alone to fend for himself, yet, he was looking forward to having some freedom. Dave had plans to see movies every night after work and all weekend long.

Excited about seeing endless movies, he couldn't wait to eat hot, buttered popcorn and drink soda while watching movies on the big screen. Yet, just as he was leaving his house for the movies, his doorbell rang. A man dressed as a chauffeured stood on his stoop. Dave opened his front door.

"May I help you?"

Dave looked at the man as if he was lost and needed directions.

"Hi, I'm Michael, your driver," he said bowing his head. He motioned to a shiny, new, jet black over cream, Maybach 62S. Mr. Madison asked me to drive you to his place of business," said the driver handing David a business card.

Familiar with the car after reading about one in CAR Magazine, the car was nearly two feet longer than an extended wheelbase, Lincoln Town Car, three times more powerful, and ten times more expensive. Dave looked down at the business card before staring up blankly at the driver. He was as shocked as he was confused.

"Edward Madison, president of Madison AVN Productions," said Dave looking at Michael with confusion. "I don't know who that is," he said while hoping he was a rich uncle who died and left everything to him. "Should I know who he is? Please forgive my ignorance but who is Mr. Madison?"

The driver smiled at Dave.

"Those women you saved last month when they crashed their car were Mr. Madison's wife and her twin sister, his sister-in-law. He wanted to meet you in person to thank you and to show you his appreciation by rewarding you for your heroic deed," said Michael.

Yet, instead of feeling as if he had won the lottery jackpot, a look of fright washed over his face. He more remembered the lost souls that he was unable to save than the ones that he did save. Rather remaining anonymous, he had no idea how he knew who he was. He had no idea how he found him but he did. Perhaps, he asked after him at the fire department. The men there knew that it was him who called in the accident.

"Something even I never get used to seeing, I imagine that was the most frightening experience they ever had," said Dave. "No doubt with that car ready to explode and go up in flames, they thought they were going to die. Yet, I was intent for that not to happen," said Dave nodding his head as if agreeing with himself. "How are they?"