Accidental Whore

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She didn't know it was a brothel when she checked in.
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Natalie saw the sign for Kimberly Inn and knew it was time to get off the road. It was still early and Bariston was only forty minutes away, but Natalie was exhausted, hungry, and feeling grimy. She got off the freeway and pulled into the parking lot, grateful to have found this place.

Kimberly Inn was attractive, looking like an upscale home, but friendly and inviting. It would strain her credit card, but she simply could not drive any further today. Natalie entered the reception area, finding a comfortable, very feminine parlor. Unlike the formal, bar-looking counter at most hotels, the inn had a small, informal breakfast table with a stack of folders on it.

An older, well-dressed woman sat behind the table. She looked up at Natalie's entrance and gave her a welcoming smile. "Good afternoon," she said. "I'm Kimberly. I am so very happy to have you here."

Surprised at the enthusiasm, Natalie smiled in response. "Thank you. I am very happy to be here. Please tell me you have a restaurant."

"Have you never been here before?"

"No, but I've heard wonderful things about it." That was a lie, but Natalie believed in flattery. It gained advantages.

"From whom, may I ask?"

"My brother," Natalie answered, amused at the surprise on Kimberly's face.

"Your brother recommended my place to you?" There was skepticism and suspicion in her voice.

Trying to deflect that odd reaction, Natalie tried to blur the lines a bit. "He didn't make the recommendation to me. I overheard him speaking on the phone."

"Ah, yes." Kimberly's smile reappeared. "We rely on word of mouth advertising. I'm sure you can understand that it makes recruitment difficult, however."

"Of course," Natalie agreed, completely bewildered, but doggedly determined to brazen this out. Changing the subject, she asked, "Do you happen to have a dining area? I'm completely starving."

"Why don't we get you a room and I'll have something sent up to you. How does that sound?"

"Wonderful. I need a hot shower, a meal, then I am getting in bed and not getting out until morning. Late morning."

"I like your attitude," Kimberly told her. "You'll be in Room 4, top of the stairs and all the way to the back of the hall. What would you like for dinner?"

"Maybe a burger? Medium well?"

"I'll have it right up." Kimberly handed her a key and pointed to the stairs. "Maybe twenty-five minutes. You can have your shower and be ready to eat

Gratefully, Natalie grabbed her small suitcase and headed up the steps. She was scrubbing in the shower, using the provided bodywash, when she realized that she hadn't paid for the room yet. Resolving to take care of it later, she savored the sweet, girly scent of the wash. It smelled expensive and luxurious, the kind of thing she usually decided was too big of a splurge.

She came out of the shower to find that her meal was already laid out in the room. Eating, she looked around, impressed at the lodgings. She wasn't in a hotel room, but a nice, spacious bedroom, decorated in a friendly, feminine fashion. Natalie wondered if there were masculine-themed rooms for the male guests.

A light tap on the door got her attention. She answered, and found a woman in a sexy maid's costume standing there. "May I take your tray?" she asked.

Natalie handed it out and was puzzled when a small plastic bag was handed to her in return. Opening it, she found a toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouthwash in traveler's sizes. Not sure whether she should appreciate the thoughtfulness or be offended at the suggestion that her breath stank, Natalie took the hint and brushed her teeth.

Then it was time for bed. She was delighted to discover real linen sheets on the bed as she turned down the covers. Linen feels amazing on bare skin, she knew. She stripped out of her clothes and decided she would sleep nude this night. Natalie crawled into bed and turned off the bedside lamp. Moments later, she was asleep.

But it seemed like only minutes later that she was awakened. The door had just opened and closed. She froze in fear. Who was in her room? Somebody was moving toward the bed.

"Who are you?" she asked. "This room is occupied."

"I'm David. I already paid. Kimberly gave me the key."

"Not to this room. This one is mine."

Natalie sat up, reached over, and turned on the light. David was a man in his forties, not handsome, but not ugly either. He had removed his shirt and pants and was standing there in just his boxers, an obvious boner tenting the fabric. He looked at Natalie's chest and exhaled loudly. "Well worth the price," he said.

Natalie suddenly remembered she had gone to sleep nude and her blankets had fallen to her waist when she sat up. She rolled her eyes in self-recrimination, yanking the sheet up to cover herself.

"Now that you've seen the show," she said, "You can go and find your own room."

"This is the room she told me to come to. I paid $500."

"Five hundred! Fuck! I can't afford to stay here. Damnit! Get out so I can get dressed."

David looked confused. "I don't think you have to pay. Why would you? You get part of the five hundred, don't you?"

"Um, what?"

"This is the Kimberly Inn. Guys come here, pay for an hour in a room with a willing female. I assumed you got part of the money. Am I supposed to tip first? It's never been a problem before."

Everything finally clicked together. Natalie knew why she hadn't had to pay for her room, why Kimberly had been so delighted to have her as a guest, and why she'd been provided with such luxurious bath products and a toothbrush and toothpaste after her meal. She wasn't actually a guest of the Inn. She was the product being offered.

It was almost funny. She had checked into a brothel. No wonder Kimberly had been so bewildered by the idea that her brother had recommended the Inn to her. What brother tells his sister to go prostitute herself?

She almost felt sorry for David. He obviously had good reason to expect to get laid here. It wasn't his fault there had been a misunderstanding. Natalie had no real objection to prostitution. She hadn't thought much about it. But if lonely guys like David had an outlet, maybe it was a good thing.

Natalie was about to order him to get out, when it suddenly occurred to her that her new job didn't start for three days. Her new apartment was paid up for the next six months, but she had no money to pay for gas and food until her first paycheck. If the girl got part of that $500, Natalie could really use the money.

With a mental shrug, she let the sheet fall and pulled back the blanket on the other side of the bed in invitation. "I'm new here," she told him in explanation of her confusion. "Get in."

An excited grin came over his face. He peeled off the boxers, revealing a nice-looking erection. Not too big, not too small. Natalie hadn't been with a lot of guys, and she had never been particular about size, but a huge dick took more effort to get in and a tiny dick kept slipping out. It wasn't a real problem, but it did make the encounter take longer. The faster this guy was in and out, the better. So, his medium-sized dick was Goldilocks-perfect.

David sat down on the bed and slipped under the blankets. Playing her part, Natalie reached out for him, rolling up close. She had seen movies with prostitutes, so she knew what to say. "What do you want to do to me?"

"Can I get half-and-half?"

"Um, I think so." She wasn't absolutely sure what that was. "Which half do you want first?"

"Could I get the blowjob first?" he asked. "And the sex second?"

Sex and a blowjob. So that was half-and-half. Not difficult, Natalie thought. She could do that. And she'd learned something. "That's fine." Thinking over the mechanics, she said, "Why don't you sit up?"

He obeyed, and Natalie pulled back the blankets. The room was a little cold without the blanket, so she got up and went to turn on the gas fire. She tried not to blush, being naked in front of this stranger. David probably wasn't even his real name. She had no idea who he was, but she was about to suck his dick and fuck him.

But she had sucked dick before. It wasn't hard. Or rather, it wasn't difficult. If she did it right, it would get very hard. The act itself shouldn't be a problem.

Natalie had blown guys she didn't even like before, once when she lost a bet, once to win a contest, and once to get a job. She had even gone down on a boyfriend, after she found out he was cheating on her, just to pretend things were normal so he wouldn't suspect she was about to move out.

As a total stranger, David rated higher than those pricks. And since he still wanted to have sex with her, he wasn't expecting to come in her mouth. Natalie didn't mind swallowing cum, but she felt it was rude of men to expect it without asking. David was head and shoulders over every guy she'd ever blown so far. She crawled back onto the bed.

David spread his legs in anticipation. As Natalie put her face near him, she could smell Ivory soap. David had considerately cleaned himself before coming here. Her last two boyfriends hadn't been so courteous.

If David really were her boyfriend or lover, she would take her time and draw him out. But she didn't think David was expecting other than a quick and easy lay. So she went right to work. Natalie took him right into her mouth and started bobbing on him. She massaged his balls with her fingers as she blew him, knowing how much men like that.

David's eyes closed and his head fell back in pure enjoyment. Natalie felt powerful, gaining strength as David went weak and helpless. This was her favorite part of giving a blowjob, feeling her feminine power over men.

She sucked on him and teased with her tongue. She pulled back and pushed down, pulled back and pushed down, fucking her own face with David's cock. She tickled his balls, stroking the little hairs and the wrinkly skin, massaging him lovingly.

David was moaning and panting as she worked him. The pre-cum was leaking from his cock. Natalie was tempted to just keep going until he popped. It wasn't what he had asked for, but it would be faster and easier.

As a marketing analyst, she knew that you don't get repeat customers by giving them something other than they expected. But today, she was a whore. She didn't plan on ever being a whore again. Repeat business was not really her goal.

On the other hand, she had made an agreement with him. She didn't like going back on her word. And having made the agreement, it wouldn't be fair to damage Kimberly's repeat business by failing to honor her promise.

Natalie slowed down her movements, keeping David in her mouth, but not bringing him over the edge. She watched his reactions, listened to his breath slow down, then released him.

"Are you ready to fuck me now?" she asked.

David could only nod. Natalie lifted her head, proud of her accomplishment. He was putty in her hands. "Would you like to fuck me from behind?" Natalie suggested. She didn't really want a strange man on top of her.

He seemed amenable to that position. Natalie stood on the floor and leaned over the bed, wiggling her ass in invitation. David got up and came around behind her. He put his hands on her hips and tried to push into her, but missing her entrance and jabbing her in the taint.

Natalie winced, wondering why guys so often thought they could pierce the hole without guidance. Maybe if they really knew how to fuck a woman properly, they wouldn't need to come to a brothel. Reaching back between her legs, she took hold of his dick and positioned it properly,

She was surprised to realize that she was very wet and ready. Once she was guiding him to her entrance, he penetrated easily. Her body put up no resistance at all. She had rarely received a lover so easily.

David's hands were on her hips, holding her firmly in place as he slowly fucked her. She couldn't help but compare him to Adam, her last boyfriend, the guy who rushed through sex as though he were in a race.

Then there was Diego, who'd been like three one-night stands, but never considered for something serious. He'd been a nice, slow lover, taking his time, making her come several times over. David wasn't that thorough, and Natalie didn't want him to be. He felt great inside her, and she did like a good fucking. But she was doing this for money, not orgasms.

This was a job, she told herself. She actually had a duty to make him come. Faking her own orgasm might even be considered a professional technique. With that in mind, she started moaning and panting and arching her back.

Natalie grunted each time David thrust into her. And it had the immediate effect of speeding him up. The encouragement of her voice was bringing him closer. "Yes," she breathed. "Like that. Fuck me like that."

But her own noises were turning her on as well. Natalie was amazed to discover that she was actually approaching orgasm. It wasn't just her vocalizations, though. The cock in her pussy felt really nice. More than nice. There had literally been a void in Natalie's life and body and that cock was doing a wonderful job of filling that emptiness.

But David came first. His fingers dug into her hips and clenched her hard. She could feel him tense up and heard him start to groan. And his penis swelled as his seed flowed through his shaft to spurt into her.

And that triggered Natalie's own climax. The eroticism of it. She'd known this man less than an hour and he was already filling her with cum. He was a total stranger who had paid to fuck her. That made her a whore. And the thought of that made her come harder than she'd ever done in her life.

As the orgasm slowly faded, leaving Natalie relaxed and euphoric, she let her head fall back on the pillow and just enjoyed the feel of a man on top of her and inside her. It had been awhile since she'd had that. Too long.

The guy, David, seemed to be in a semi-doze, panting and wheezing as he recovered. Natalie couldn't see his face, which was pressed to her neck, but she imagined there was a big smile on his face. As she stared up at the ceiling, she realized that she was smiling herself, in fondness, in post-ecstasy, and in humor over the situation.

She had a reputation among her family and friends for being very conservative and traditional. If they could only see her now. She was a whore. An actual, fucking-for-money whore. She felt no shame over it. There was even some pride. This was a story she would share with her sister or best friend, if she had one.

The man took a deep breath and lifted his head to look at her. "Feeling better?" Natalie asked him. She wanted to use his name, to make it more personal. But she'd forgotten it.

"Oh, yeah. That was wonderful."

"It was a lot of fun, sweetie. I really enjoyed myself. But it is time to go."

He nodded. "Okay. All right." Slowly, he pulled out of her, his cock making a soft, wet, popping noise as it came free. He eased out from under the blankets and climbed out of the bed. Natalie watched lazily as he dressed, enjoying the sight of the first naked man she'd seen in almost three years.

When he was clothed, she got out of bed herself and escorted him to the door. She'd been embarrassed by her nudity when he'd first come in the room, but she welcomed his eyes now. She gave him a hug, then opened the door and closed it behind him.

Natalie went back to the bed, but she only sat down. As she had anticipated, the room phone rang a few minutes later.


"Hello, dear. This is Kimberly. I'm afraid I didn't ask your name when you checked in."

"It's Natalie."

"Thank you. I apologize for not asking earlier. I was just too happy to have another girl. We're short tonight. Only two girls showed up and even on a slow night, we need more than that."

"That's ok. I wasn't thinking straight myself when I arrived. I didn't ask what my cut was."

"The house takes half," Kimberly explained. "That's pretty standard. Is it okay?"

That meant $250. It wouldn't cover all her bills, but it would get her out of the current crisis. "That's fine," she answered.

"I'll hold it down here for you. You can collect it in the morning. But in the meantime, you said when you checked in that you planned to spend a lot of time in bed. I hope that means you'll be taking more clients."

It only took a moment's thought. Her new job was waiting, but she had a little time. "I'll be staying three nights. Send me up a pot of coffee. And keep the clients coming."

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JeanCFNMJeanCFNM4 months ago

A lovely short that has gentle sex and happy outcomes

Jykh2024Jykh20247 months ago

Wow, it's dream come true like situation.

Will be happy to offer 3 days there 😉

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I enjoyed the understated humor. If you accept the premise of this brothel in the first place, then the decision by Natalie to stay a couple extra days makes perfect sense. The story establishes that she's not a prude, hadn't been chaste in the past, and enjoyed sex. Why not live her fantasy?

VeronicaPlakhueaVeronicaPlakhueaover 2 years ago

I loved it - maybe she will change her mind and stay here for a while.

DrrrtttyyygrlDrrrtttyyygrlover 2 years ago

Who doesn’t want to be a whore for a night? (I’m too old for three nights! LOL)

Fun story—keep writing!

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