Actions Have Consequences Ch. 02

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Mahesh's first day as a nearly-naked shoe sales assistant.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 12/02/2023
Created 11/24/2023
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They opened the shop the next day. Being a Monday, the inflow was obviously small so Swarna went on to outline his daily tasks--arranging shelves with precision, assisting customers with their choices, ensuring the store maintained a pristine appearance, and occasionally managing inventory. Each word dripped with an unspoken implication of his incompetence, her disdain obvious. His routine, he could see, were mundane--arranging shelves, assisting customers, and ensuring the store was impeccably clean. However, what was not mundane, was his attire. Or, to be more accurate, the lack of it.

Because he wore almost nothing. The key word was not almost. It was nothing. In fact, anyone who saw him from behind would be pardoned if they felt he was completely naked. Since, from behind there was nothing except for the back of the small string that held his pouch in place. That meant, his buttocks, his derriere, was completely exposed to anyone. He was horrified to think of the shop filled with customers. While he would helping one woman, there would be some others behind him, ogling away at his naked bottoms. However, he had no choice. He was trapped with this woman. Sarala and Swarna held his life in his hands. He had to obey them completely and this was the uniform they decided for him. Why, why on Earth did he try to steal funds from his company?

He followed her as she explained each of his duties. One of the first duties itself was like a drill to his Heart. He had to ensure that each of the footwear was sparkling clean. It was a way to ensure maximum physical appeal and even a small speck of dust ruined it. Never, in his 24 years, had he dreamed he would be cleaning shoes as a job. And, now, this was his job. And the cherry on top? He was doing it nearly naked. He had to beg them and keep begging them. Maybe, at some point, they would show some mercy? To that effect, he carefully listened to everything she had to say. If he expected them to show mercy on him, his work had to be on point until that time.

She also showed the system. Every shoe placed on the shelf would have a bar code. The bar code contained information on the series of those shoes. When he entered them into an app, he would be able to find where they were stored in the warehouse. This would come in handy on the very common occurrence where someone would like the shoes but would want them in a different size or colour. Finally, at 10 AM, Swarna unlocked the door. She indicated him to stand right by the first shoe rack so that he would be able to help any customer who would walk in. Jayanth sweated and sweated. After around 5 minutes, Swarna went inside to check on somethings. As Jayanth waited with bated breath, the first customer came in after 10 minutes.

Jayanth guessed that she would be around his age. She was smoking, smoking hot. The kind of woman every man wanted. And she was seeing him. Seeing him completely. She did a double-take as soon as she saw him but composed herself. Jayanth did not know if this was because she saw such nearly nude men frequently or if she was aware of his predicament but he did not care. As long as she was not commenting on his exposed body, he was fine.

"Good morning, ma'am. How can I help you?"

"Yeah, I am looking for some pumps."

"Please sit here, ma'am. I will get my selection."

He saw the annoyance on her face. The same annoyance he had when he himself had gone shoe-shopping just three weeks ago. He always hated the way the assistants made a fuss over him. Three weeks? Now, it felt eons away. And, of course, that salesman had been properly dressed unlike him. As he turned around, he became fully aware. Aware that this woman, whom he would not even dare to ask out was now watching his buttocks openly. His naked buttocks. He returned with a selection to see her with a Cigarette and about to light it up.

"Madam, you cannot do that." Jayanth announced, pointing to the no-smoking sign.

"You are right, I cannot do that." Jayanth did not understand the emphasis she laid on 'I' until she raised her lighter and intentionally dropped it on the floor. She sat back and looked sternly at him.

A battle of wills started. He was scared of her. He was now scared of every woman he saw. He was scared even more of Swarna, obviously, and yet, he felt, for some strange reason that he could not refuse this woman. And so, he knelt in front of her and picked up the lighter. He lit her cigarette and she blew her first smoke right into his face.

"Well, get on with your work. My shoes aren't going to remove themselves."

And so, Jayanth went down on all fours. At this position, he did not know if she could properly see his buttocks. However, he realised with sadness that it did not matter. She had already seen all there was to see. And he did not know what was her reaction. And so, he lifted her feet and removed her shoes. He had no idea when this became the sales assistant's job. Even in his previous life, he put on all the shoes himself and told them which one he liked. Now, he was putting shoes one by one as she slowly analysed each one. While he was putting the fifth pair of shoes, Swarna walked in.

"I am sorry, ma'am. This is a no-smoking zone. Surely, he told you?"

The woman's demeanour completely changed. While she was stern with him, she became completely deferential with Swarna. "Oh, I am so sorry madam. He obviously did not tell me. If he did, why would I smoke?"

"You idiot." She screamed at him. "Can't you do even such a basic thing properly."

Jayanth knew that denying the woman's accusation, even though it was the truth would only make things worse for him. And so, he mumbled apologies to both women who generously chose to forgive him. Swarna opened the app and he heard the sound of the downvote button. He was finally done with putting six different types of shoes and the woman chose one. She told him to get all the colours for that. He stood up and turned around, once again fully displaying his completely naked butt to the two superior women. Just then, the door opened and there was a squeal.

Swarna smiled. There were three women, all in their mid-40s. All three of them were in sarees. They were your typical middle-aged Indian women, hair already greying, bespectacled and yet, they squealed like teenagers at the sight of the nearly naked man in front of them. In fact, they thought he was actually naked given the complete lack of covering except for a small string for his entire rear side. However, when he turned around there was a small sigh of disappointment. Jayanth did not miss a beat. He knew that, despite the fact that this was more humiliating than anything that he could have dreamed of, despite the fact that knowing that this was his life for years and years to come, he had no time to dwell on it. His earlier failure with the smoking was already noted by Swarna. More such failures and she would call his work unsatisfactory which would lead him to lose his job and, in turn, go to jail. And so he went to the women and greeted them as a regular shoe sales assistant.

"Where are the rest of your clothes, little boy." They asked him. With them fully clad in a saree - a saree was, by definition covering women neck to toe - he felt even worse at the state of his attire. Or, more accurately, the lack of his attire. However, he had to admit, the important part was indeed covered at the front. A second later, the same thought made him even worse, since, the small pouch was still adequate to cover him at the front once again pointing to his lack of endowment.

"Swarna madam decided that this is the clothing I deserve, ma'am. And I accepted it because she is superior to me in every single way."

The words came without even thinking. Swarna had told him that when this inevitable question came, he had to answer it in a way that glorified her and she would rate him based on that. She pulled out her app and it gave the sound that came when she gave an upvote. The sound made him feel proud of himself that he had satisfied his manager. He mentally corrected himself. He had satisfied his manager. She was not a manager, he was not an assistant. She was his mistress and he was her slave.

"Really? So, you are inferior. I suppose men are inferior to women. Good thing that you at least accepted that. Now, turn around."

Jayanth did something that would cause him further regret. He turned around, and as though guided by something, he bent over. All 5 women laughed.

"Tiny boy." Swarna spoke up while moving her pinky finger up and down. "From here on, when any woman tells you to turn around, you turn around and bend over."

Jayanth groaned. His life, his pride, his very worth as a human being was already destroyed. And he had to make it worse for himself.

"Look at that cute derriere. Ramya, you would go for that butt, wouldn't you." One of them asked.

"Well, the way she calls him Tiny boy, it makes me think that she is referring to something. The ass is quite cute. But, I need to know about his main organ because I've only ever seen him with that pouch."

"Fair point," said the other woman, "I quite agree. But, look at the size of that pouch. It is hardly that high. Also, she keeps calling him Tiny boy. Doesn't that give you an idea."

"Now, now." Ramya replied. "It does. But, how tiny is tiny? People's perspectives are different."

"You are right." Swarna replied.

With that, She walked over regally, reached behind him and deftly pulled at the knot. Gravity, the heartless bitch did its thing. With that, for the first time in his life, Jayanth now stood naked in front of 5 women. Naked, completely, not a stitch on! Bare as board. Naked as the day he was born. His former CAT preparations threw all the similar phrases at him as wave after wave of humiliation shot at him as he stood there. Instinct told him that he should not attempt to cover himself. A fresh wave of self-humiliation hit him as he realised that covering himself was easy as he could do it with one hand due to the size, or rather, lack of size of his dong. And yet, he knew that, if he did, he would get a downvote. The three older women burst out laughing.

"As expected." Ramya continued. "So, no, I wouldn't go for that butt now that I am aware of what is in front. Really, is there any difference between his pouched and pouchless state?"

"None indeed." Agreed the other women. The first customer cleared her throat. Swarna answered her. "Sorry, madam, your shoes will be right out. Naked boy, put that pouch back on. No one, no woman on Earth wants to see such a tiny thingy any more than required. And get the shoes."

Jayanth thanked her inwardly for her generosity as he pulled up the pouch again. He wore it carefully and went back inside to fetch the shoes in the required colour. The first women paid for the shoes and left. The three older women, however, kept him at it. He went back and forth around 15 times before they could be satisfied.

Being a Monday, there were only 5 more customers, all women of course and every one of them were pleasantly surprised to be waited on by a nearly naked male. It was not all that entirely new. There were already restaurants opening up which had males serving wearing as little as possible, most commonly being loincloths. Women were the superior sex after all and the men were finally being shown their real place. A shoe store, however, was something fresh.

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QueenoffemdomQueenoffemdom5 months ago

I would love to see his boss taunt him. Tease him about how he used to be a respectful gentleman, dappered in formals and tie everyday, bossing around his office girls to now being demoted, stripped off everything and forced to wear women's panties and serve girls.

Making mentions of these would make the story more awesome.

QueenoffemdomQueenoffemdom5 months ago

As a domme I'm absolutely enjoying this story. Except that I would've made him wear panties and stockings tightly tugging his body. So that he looks like a sissy slut and make some hot girl bend him over her lap infront of his new boss.

Also I would have his ultimate boss come over and humiliate him together with his new boss.

Add more verbal humiliation about what his life used to be, remind him of his old powerful position and what he is now

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