Acts of Infidelity - Mel and Chris


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I went back on the pill the very next day, hiding them in the depths of my sponge bag in the bathroom where I knew Chris would never look.


That was how the first and I hope, only affair in my married life started.

For the first two week, Neil and I met almost every day, snatching opportunities in my house when Katie was out; his wife's presence putting Neil's home out of bounds. We fucked so hard and so often that my vulva was constantly sore.

Not even when Chris and I were students had I enjoyed so much sex in such a short period of time.

Things slowed down when my older daughter Hannah returned from University for the summer. With both her and Katie around, the risk of being caught was high but, with only one or two near-misses, we managed.

Chris insisted that I include details of my affair. During those early weeks Neil and I fucked far too often for every encounter to be included individually so here are a couple that stick in my mind.

On Wednesday 12th July at quarter to seven in the evening, Neil fucked me on my back, lying across the boardroom table in his empty office suite. My dress was under my armpits, the shoulder straps were lowered, my boobs were fully exposed and my nipples had been liberally sucked and bitten. I had deliberately not worn any panties in case we had to be quick but in the end we had plenty of time. Neil fucked me slowly and deeply and I reached a very pleasant, if rather messy orgasm. We had to wash the table top down afterwards.

At seven-thirty in the morning of Tuesday 18th July, Neil took me from behind in the back of my SUV in the Country Park. I was on all fours on the rear seat with him kneeling behind me. My face was pressed hard against the near-side window when he came inside me but I was too uncomfortable to climax myself. Two dog walkers came within fifty yards of us. One of them might have seen us but neither of them reacted.

In the evening of Friday 21st July, my husband came home from the Middle East. Neil and I spent two full hours in bed in our guest room before I left to collect Chris from the airport. He fucked me very hard on my back and on my knees, coming inside me twice and producing as usual, a great deal of semen.

We had been so into each other that we lost track of time and I had to leave in a hurry straight afterwards with only a perfunctory wash. I hoped that Chris wouldn't notice the smell of sex on me.

Smell turned out to be the least of my problems; half way to the airport I realised I was sitting with a small pool of second-hand semen inside my knickers. Emergency measures were needed. Fortunately, there was a delay unloading the baggage so I just had time to visit first the airport drug store then the Ladies' Room.

When I greeted my exhausted husband at the arrivals gate, I had a hastily-purchased sanitary towel in my freshly-rinsed, still-damp knickers to prevent any more semen from leaking down my legs. It was already too late to prevent the back of my dress from staining. Fortunately, my husband did not notice the semen at the back of my thighs and thank God, he was far too tired to be interested in sex when we got home.

I'm sorry if this upsets you Chris, but you made me promise and this is the truth.

The next three weeks were difficult. With my husband and both daughters at home the best Neil and I could manage was one assignation each week, with maybe a second if we were lucky. Most were in the back of my SUV, parked in a variety of inconspicuous places within a ten-mile radius of our house.

All were snatched moments of intimacy; few were satisfactory. None resulted in orgasm for me; Neil's excessive semen production made going about my business afterwards problematic.

The two week family holiday that followed would normally have been something to look forward to; a large, luxurious villa in Spain with its own pool set only a short walk from the sea. We had been there half a dozen times before and knew the area well. This time Hannah had wanted to bring her boyfriend too. Chris and I were okay about it but Katie had gone on and on about being a 'third wheel' so the idea had been vetoed and there was more than a little tension in the air even without my secret.

The holiday passed quite well though. As it happened, Katie met a boy who came from a town near ours on the second night. The rest of us were forced to endure their holiday romance, Hannah nursing a grievance throughout the whole fortnight.

Chris and I rekindled our love life to some extent but thanks to the intensity of my new affair and the sex that came with it, my expectations had been unrealistically altered. Chris did his best but as a partner I was not as responsive as I should have been, silently comparing his performance unfavourably with Neil's.

I'm sorry Chris. I know I was useless in bed. You are a good lover.

When the holiday was over I could hardly wait for the affair to begin again.

I did not have to wait long. Chris returned to the Middle East for a short visit on September 2nd but although he was away, the kids were still at home so there was still the constant risk of my affair being discovered by one of our them or Neil's wife.

Until the University term started again, we agreed to see each other only a couple of times each week and then only on neutral territory like a hotel room or his office once everyone else had gone home. It was hot, passionate and exciting but not the relationship I wanted.

September 9th finally arrived; the day the kids went back to University or on the case of my youngest, went away for the first time. Chris had returned in time to see them off and for the following two weeks he and I were a couple again.

It could and should have been a romantic time with plenty of opportunity to rekindle our love life in private but my heart wasn't in it; I was already getting most of the sex I needed elsewhere.

Chris went back to the Middle East for another three-week posting on Monday September 25th. I was mistress of an empty house again. No danger of being caught; no shortage of time; I was free to be the selfish, unfaithful wife and passionate lover I had become.

Neil rose to the challenge and all Hell was let loose sexually. We thought we were in heaven; no husband, no kids in the house, no-one to interfere. With the danger of discovery all but gone, we could be together on an almost daily basis, mornings, afternoons or evenings, whenever Neil could be free and I could arrange my rather empty diary to suit.

Under his experienced tutoring, I discovered much more about myself; about my increasingly adventurous sexual tastes both in bed and out and the risks I could be persuaded to take to have them satisfied.

Chris, it might hurt you to read this but you insisted I was honest so here goes.

Neil arrived at our house at four o'clock on the day Chris left. He returned to his wife three hours later leaving me exhausted and asleep in our marital bed.

The feeling of complete freedom, total abandonment and surrender to sheer physical pleasure as I let him do whatever he wanted to me and with me was truly liberating. He spanked me, bit me, sucked my nipples and fucked me hard but the main event was still to follow.

I know my husband will find this hard to read but while he was in flight that afternoon, Neil introduced me to the joys of anal sex. It took a lot of persuasion but Neil is a very persuasive man so eventually I agreed.

I am so glad I did!

When Neil's cock first entered my well-lubricated anus from behind, I was lying on my side with my knees raised to my chest. The pain of the first penetration shocked me; it really felt as if I was losing my virginity all over again. I suppose in a way, I was. But Neil was gentle and careful, moving very slowly, using more and more lubrication until my sphincter eventually relaxed and he could thrust in and out easily.

It felt very strange as my rectum was slowly filled by a man's cock for the first time but we persevered and eventually I had taken all of his not inconsiderable size.

By the time he left, I had been successfully shown how pleasurable an experience backdoor sex can be if done with plenty of care. Feeling Neil ejaculate in my rectum rather than my vagina made me feel raw, earthy and wicked but it was so, so good.

After that, there were too many copulations to describe them all, but as my husband insists I let everyone know the kind of woman I really am, I will include the most outrageous, most daring and most exciting.

On Thursday 3rd October I played tennis in the afternoon with one of my friends then went straight to the Waitrose Supermarket in Newark, about forty minutes.

I have always worn a short skirt for tennis rather than shorts. On Neil's instructions, for over half an hour I did my week's shopping with my panties in my handbag, completely naked under my skirt. The thrill was out of this world, especially when I came close to the freezer and chill-cabinets and felt the cold air circulating around my moistening vulva.

Neil met me on a quiet lane near a local Country Park on my way home. I was already highly aroused so did not even think of objecting when he pressed me up against a tree and fucked me standing up, much as he had done the very first time. I came instantly but the green stains simply will not come out of my white tennis clothes.

On Sunday 8th October in our bed and after half an hour of missionary sex, Neil took me anally once again. His wife believed him to be on the golf course. This time we used even more lubrication and I was much better prepared. The whole of the next hour was spent in various positons, the only common theme being the repeated presence of Neil's shaft in my bottom. The sensations were incredible and the full-body orgasms simply out of this world.

We did it again on the evening of Tuesday 10th an hour after you and I had spoken on the phone. We did it one last time at seven in the morning on Friday 13th October after Neil and I had spent the whole night together in the guest room our house. He had told Alison he was in London for a meeting.

Chris there is no way to put this that doesn't make me sound like a slut. I've discovered I love anal sex. It has been a revelation; I wish I had known this years ago when we were younger and my body better able to handle it.

I really wish you and I had discovered it together rather than me discovering it during my only period of infidelity but no matter how I wish otherwise, I can't change history. It's the deepest secret to come out of my affair; if you can read this and still respect me, we still have a chance together.


The next part of the story has been written unashamedly as a piece of erotica for readers to enjoy. All the events described actually took place but the words are more mine and detail has been added to make the story appeal to seasoned readers of erotic literature.


Our world of lust came to an abrupt end on Monday 16th October 2017.

My husband's flight was due into Heathrow airport at eight o'clock that evening. As usual, I had planned to drive down late that afternoon to pick him up. Chris had told me it wasn't necessary; that he could easily get a taxi but, possibly driven by guilt, I had insisted on going to collect him.

That guilt hadn't been strong enough to prevent me inviting Neil for one last, lingering fuck in our house before my husband returned and our period of complete freedom came to an end.

To reach the airport by eight o'clock I needed to leave home by five-thirty. If Neil arrived around two and had left by four o'clock, that would give us a full two hours together. After that I would have ninety minutes to wash away any gooey traces of infidelity, for my face and chest to lose some of their post-climax pinkness and for me to do any tidying that was needed.

In fact Neil arrived at one o'clock, apparently unable to wait any longer. I had intended to be dressed very sexily for him on our last unhurried afternoon and had even bought new lingerie for the occasion. I was a little wrong-footed and completely unready when he arrived early but was determined to give him the full benefit of my new purchases.

Neil accompanied me up to our marital bedroom and sat on the freshly-made bed while I went for a brief shower and changed into my new lingerie. When I opened the bathroom door and stepped into the bedroom I was alive with nerves.

"Jesus Mel! You look incredible!"

Neil's whole demeanour as I emerged through the door dressed in my new white stockings, red satin bra, panties and suspenders, high red heels and with my hair brushed over my shoulders made my head, heart and boobs swell with pride. He rose to his feet immediately, his trousers bulging as I approached him and posed, turning round and round to give him the full impact of my middle-aged body.

"Jesus fucking Christ!"

To cut another long story short, his obvious admiration gave me the confidence to perform for him; I dancing sexily, stripping down to my stockings and heels before kneeling in front of him to tease his hardening cock. Feeling it growing, I slowly unfastened his waistband and lowered his zipper to release it from its captivity.

Though not as long as my husband's, it was the only one I had seen in well over twenty years so to me, it was still impressive.

Neil raised his bottom from the mattress as I eased his trousers and underpants down, over his tight buttocks, along his muscular thighs, over his knees and down to his ankles. He looked at me, almost as amazed at my behaviour as I was myself as I placed a hand on each of his shoulders and pushed him back on the bed.

With a smile on my face and desperately trying to remember the few porn films I had seen, I mounted him, straddling his chest, one knee either side with my crotch merely inches from his face.

Neil raised his head and began to lick my obscenely-presented vulva with his tongue.

It felt wonderful; apart from the sheer pleasure of having my slit licked by a man's active tongue, there I was at my age for the first time dominating a strong, good-looking man both physically and sexually. For the first time ever I was in charge; a person much more powerful than me both physically and financially was complying completely with my desires.


I raised my face to the ceiling and moaned with satisfaction as Neil's tongue flicked back and forth along my open slit, my hands gripping his tighter and tighter as I began to tremble.

He licked me for a long time, my body shaking as he brought me close to orgasm again and again but never quite pushed me over the edge. The agony of anticipation was exquisite but we both know it was not going to be enough to satisfy either of us.

Still in unfamiliar control, I shuffled back on my knees, reached behind with my left hand until I had grasped Neil's erect cock, then carefully lowered myself onto its smooth end. It parted my inner lips as it passed through my stretched entrance and began to penetrate deep into my body.

I gasped as I impaled myself on his long shaft, the angle and position making it feel so much thicker than it had before. My legs trembled as I slowly lowered myself, feeling Neil's already swollen head reaching deeper and deeper into my loins, then my belly, then into my chest where it seemed to catch in my throat.

As my buttocks came to rest on Neil's upper thighs I could feel the pressure of his tip on my cervix, forcing my womb upwards into my belly while his thick base stretched my entrance tightly. It was a position I had used only a handful of times before and had completely forgotten just how deep a penetration it could produce.

"Oh God! Oh God!" I gasped.

Neil wriggled underneath me as if adjusting his position but I was too wrapped up in my own pleasure to think about it. A moment later he seemed to have slipped half an inch deeper still. My breaths came in gulps and I reached out with both hands for security.

Neil's fingers grasped mine firmly, entwining and holding them tightly. Our eyes met.

And then I began to ride him, tilting my pelvis back and forth, raising and lowering myself on my knees.

It felt incredible. All my life I had taken a submissive role during sex, letting first my husband then my lover take me where they wanted. Like many women I enjoy being dominated; I enjoy having my limits tested but for me, actually taking the lead was unusual in the extreme.

And what a thrill it was!

As I rode Neil's cock, deciding for myself how fast I wanted to be penetrated, how deeply and from what angle, an entirely new vision opened up before me; a vision of what my sexual future might be. A future where from time to time I got what I really wanted rather than what my lover, however well intentioned, believed would make me happy.

High on the amazing physical sensations and powerful emotions, I began to orgasm hard and fast.

Seeing this, Neil matched his movements to mine, his upward thrusts meeting my descents full-on. The depth of penetration was profound, the battering of my cervix for a moment feeling as if I had been punched in the stomach but I quickly learned that I could control this too simply by changing the way I rose and fell on my knees.


The room was filled with the wet, slapping, feral sounds of two hot, aroused bodies repeatedly colliding. With our paces perfectly matched, the climax that rolled over me was one of the sweetest and longest-lasting of my life, depriving me of breath for so long that I really thought I would pass out.


As I came over and over again, I could sense Neil's body going into spasm. With me in charge, I was unable to read his arousal from the pace and rhythm of his thrusts so his climax was all but on him before I realised how close he was.


Neil came inside my bucking body with a howl, his hips slamming upwards into the base of my buttocks, his pulsating cock driving my cervix hard into my belly over and over again. The mutual spasming of our two bodies seemed to go on forever, as did the ejaculation that I could feel was taking place deep within me but eventually it began to release us from its grasp and our bodies became ours again.

"Chris Mel! Where did that come from?"

Neil was grinning up at me, his smile as broad as a Cheshire Cat's. Though it had stopped throbbing, his cock was still deep inside me, slowly beginning to soften. A little embarrassed, I smiled as demurely as a girl can who was still astride her lover, impaled on his cock and whose vulva was beginning to leak juices onto his lower belly.

"That was amazing! You should take control more often. You should dress like that more often too!"

I was still too shocked to reply. As Neil's cock flopped messily from my vagina, I dismounted gingerly, feeling the now familiar emptiness as his body left mine, then rolled onto the sheets alongside him.

"Come here!"

Neil took my still-trembling body in his arms and cuddled me for a long time. It was warm and comforting and emotions not unlike love began to fill my mind as completely my body had been filled with his seed.

We kissed, stroked and dozed together for nearly an hour before I noticed the clock moving closer to the time I had to leave if I was to clean up and meet my husband's flight.

It was time for the farewell fuck we always enjoyed - but this time I knew it had to be different.

Chris was normally too tired on his return from abroad to want sex straight away but it wasn't unheard of. Knowing how my body responded to vigorous sex, especially between my legs, I was anxious not to make it obvious that I had recently been fucked by someone else just in case this was one of the few days in which sex was high on my husband's agenda.