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"Yes, she can have a cookie but only one please. She doesn't need much sugar. She'll be going to bed when we get home."

While my aunt was getting the cider, Sandi asked me, "Why did you bring me here?"

"To let you know that I really want to get to know you better," I replied.

"I don't understand. What does coming here have to do with wanting to know me better?"

Just then my aunt came back in with the cider. She gave us each a glass and put some in a sippy cup for Trina. She had a number of grandchildren.

My aunt spoke first. "It's so nice to meet a friend of Jeff's. You are the first girl that he has ever brought here for me to meet. Too bad Joe isn't here tonight. He would be surprised to know that Jeff has a girlfriend."

"Aunt Emma, Sandi is just a friend right now. I know how much you love kids and knew you would love Trina."

"Nonsense, I wasn't born yesterday. I've asked you for years to bring your girlfriends here and you always told me you would when you got one you cared enough for. I must say she sure is a pretty one." My aunt was quite outspoken.

She talked to Sandi and asked her about herself and where she was from and about her family. The odd thing was Sandi had no problem answering any of my aunt's questions. Even when my aunt asked her if she was ever married, she had no problem telling her that no, she had never been married. My aunt didn't inquire any further about Trina.

Sandi went ahead and told her, "I wasn't in love with Trina's father so we didn't get married."

My aunt smiled at her and took her hand and said, "Too many people get married and they don't love their spouse. It's a mistake and hurts the kids in a long run. You did the right thing," said my aunt as she smiled at Sandi.

"I hate to leave but I do have to get home and get Trina to bed." Sandi stood up and so did my aunt and I. "It was very nice meeting you," said Sandi.

"Honey," said my aunt to Sandi. "You must come to our Halloween party tomorrow night. I won't take no for an answer. Our whole family will be here and I want them to meet you. They always tease Jeff about not bringing his girlfriends to our family parties. He always comes alone."

I knew it completely caught Sandi off guard. I didn't say anything to back her up because I wanted her to say yes. I just smiled at her.

"Um, I don't know if I can make it. I'll have to see if I can get my mother to watch Trina."

"Please try - it's only our family and some of the people who work for us. Probably seventy-five people at most. It's a costume party."

"She has a great costume she wore yesterday. She said she was a good witch but I thought she looked like an angel," I said and then of course smiled.

"Oh that would be wonderful," said my aunt as she gave Sandi another hug. She also hugged little Trina. "You're such a sweet girl," she said.

I could tell that my aunt really did like them. I picked up Trina, gave my aunt a kiss and took Trina to the car.

"You never mentioned the party," said Sandi. "I really like your aunt but you never mentioned you're rich or that there was a party tomorrow, why?"

"First off, my aunt and uncle are wealthy, not me. I didn't tell you about the party because you would probably have said no and besides, it's not me giving the party. It's my aunt and uncle. So will you go with me?"

She didn't say anything the rest of the way home. I figured she wasn't going to go. On the other hand I knew she was thinking about it. When we got to her home I carried Trina into the house. I went back out and took the car seat out of my car and put it back in hers.

I knocked on her door and when she opened it she said, "Ok, I'll go. Not for you, but because I like your aunt."

I smiled. "I'll pick you up at seven, and thank you." She did smile at me before closing the door.


I picked her up for the party and she looked gorgeous. Even better than she did for the earlier party. I smiled as I escorted her out to my car. She did say that her mom was going to watch Trina.

When we arrived at my aunt's house it didn't take long for my aunt to see Sandi. "My Lord, you are so beautiful. Jeff, you better hold on to this one, she's a keeper."

I didn't say a word but I was probably told the same thing fifty times that night. My aunt took Sandi around and introduced her as my girlfriend. I didn't say anything different and surprisingly enough, neither did Sandi.

I took my mask off after about an hour. I wanted Sandi to see me looking at her. I knew I was falling in love with her but how was it even possible? I had just met her a couple of days before. It's not like it's my first date, I've been with a goodly amount of women, especially in college.

I held Sandi close as we danced. We seemed so good together. I didn't mind the teasing from my cousins because I knew I was with the prettiest woman there at least in my eyes.

We danced, ate, had some drinks and danced some more. I just wanted Sandi in my arms and it didn't seem like she minded being there.

My uncle Joe showed up late as usual. He went around saying hi to everyone. When he got around to me and Sandi he looked surprised.

"Uncle Joe, what are you doing here?" asked Sandi.

"This is my Uncle Joe, who raised me. You know him?" I asked Sandy.

"Sandi, what a pleasant surprise to see you. Don't tell me you're Jeff's date," said Uncle Joe. I usually just called him Joe since I got out of college. Since he was my boss the uncle part just didn't seem right.

"I guess I am," replied Sandi. "Don't tell me you're the Uncle Joe he talks about?"

"Hey, can someone let me know what's going on. Is he really your Uncle?" I asked, but it worried me. If he was Uncle to both of us, then we might be related.

"No," said Sandi. He was my father's boss before my dad went into the service. I never met my father, he was killed before I was born. My mom told me to call him Uncle Joe out of respect. I've seen him every couple of years or so. He promised my father that he would help take care of us if anything ever happened to him. Mom said that Uncle Joe was always a man of his word."

"So how did you and Jeff meet?" asked Joe.

I replied, "Her office staff came to the Halloween party at the bar on Thursday night. I bothered her all night and all day yesterday till she agreed go out with me."

"So you've only known each other for a couple of days and yet she's the first woman you ever brought over for your aunt and me to meet," said Joe.

"That's about right, what can I say? She's just someone special Joe," I replied.

"Well you two youngsters have fun. Sandi, it's wonderful to see you again. Tell your mom I said hi." He hugged Sandi like you would a niece and smiled at her.

I know I shouldn't have, but I had to wonder if Sandi might be Joe's daughter. I know he was fairly wild in his younger days. God I sure hoped she wasn't. I'd never felt about any woman the way I did about Sandi. I knew I had to find out as soon as possible if Sandi just might be my cousin.

Sandi and I felt even closer dancing after she saw Joe. We talked about him and how he helped her and her mom out through the years. She did tell me that her mom had explained that she had never met Uncle Joe till after her husband died. She was already pregnant when she met him.

Her mom told her how he helped her with her medical bills and even gave her extra money to help her out. Later of course her mom got remarried and Joe only stopped by now and then to check in with them. He even became friends with her adoptive father.

It was a big relief to hear this. She did tell me that he knew about Trina. He was glad that she kept her. She told me more of the story at another time which I'll explain later.

It wasn't a surprise that Aunt Emma never met Sandi. There would have not been any reason for her to. Joe had a lot of people working for him through the years and was known to help many of them. She was actually pleasantly surprised to know that Joe had helped Sandi's family out. Joe even mentioned that maybe they could invite Sandi's parents over for Thanksgiving dinner.

On Thanksgiving Uncle Joe and Aunt Emma closed one of their restaurants and invited the whole family to have dinner together. It was usually just family but Emma thought having Sandi's family over was a good idea. I believe she thought Sandi and I made a good couple together and I know she was crazy about Sandi's daughter Trina. I thought it would be great because it would keep Sandi and me together and let us get to know each other better.

I do have to say that everyone kept Sandi's glass full. I know she had too much to drink but I was driving and I know she was having a wonderful time. Everyone loved her and the fact that she was with me was even sweeter.

When I took her home she invited me in. I knew she had drunk too much and I didn't want to take advantage of her. She had said earlier that she hadn't drunk like that since her college days.

I wanted to make love to her more than anything but this was one relationship I didn't want to mess up. When I kissed her for the first time; it was so soft, warm and passionate. I pt my arms around her and pulled her into me; she felt so good in my arms. I didn't want to stop but knew I had to. I kissed her one last time and told her I had to leave.

I did mention to her that I would be out of town on business for a few days but wanted to see her when I returned. I couldn't get her out of my mind. When I returned my first call was to her. I asked her out for dinner and she said she would get her mother to watch Trina. Just maybe she missed me too.

We went out and had a quiet dinner. We talked and she said her mother seemed surprised when she mentioned seeing my Uncle Joe. When she told her mom that I was his nephew she seemed even more surprised. She wanted to meet me.

After dinner we stopped by her mom's and picked up Trina. Her mom must have asked me a thousand questions. I was really rather surprised but did my best to answer them. She was very nice to me but she almost seemed worried. Maybe that isn't the right word but she did seem a bit concerned.

We took Trina home and I played with her on the floor. All the while Sandi watched us and just smiled. I knew I loved Sandi, I don't care if I didn't know her that long - I knew my feelings. I was finding that I really cared for Trina also. I had never thought much about having kids but I truly liked Trina.

After we put Trina to bed Sandi and I talked. She thanked me for not taking advantage of her after she had had too much to drink. I told her it was one of the hardest things I ever did to walk away when I really wanted to be with her.

"I'm not drunk now and I know what I'm doing," said Sandi as she leaned over and kissed me.

I kissed her back and she stared in my eyes. "Jeff, I haven't been with anyone since Trina has been born. I need for you to know that."

"Sandi, I know I'm in love with you. I've known it from the moment I first saw you."

"Jeff, as I told you, I'm not the sweet young girl you think I am. I need to tell you the truth if we are going to go any further."

"I'm not worried about your past, just our future together. That's all that counts," I told Sandi.

"Please Jeff, I need to be honest with you, you deserve to know the truth about me."

I could tell it meant a lot to her. I sat back as a tearful Sandi told me her story.

"I've told you about my past and that my mom was rather strict. I wasn't allowed to date till my senior year in high school. I played volleyball and even got a partial scholarship. That's why I went to college in Pennsylvania.

"I was young and stupid when it came to dating. I wanted to fit in and when I went to parties I let myself go. I had sex and drank a lot. I even smoked a little weed until I got sick on it. I now know how stupid and foolish I was to just have loose sex and not being responsible for myself.

"I was like that for nearly three years. I didn't care who I had sex with, it was just part of the party scene. When I was in my senior year I was still having sex a lot but I found a guy I cared for. One day I had unprotected sex with him and became pregnant. I approached him for the money to have an abortion and he laughed at me. He said how did he know it was even his? I didn't know what to do. After two more months I told him I was going to have the kid and take him to court for child support.

"He pushed me and I fell down some stairs. I started bleeding and I was taken to the hospital. I had no witnesses that he pushed me and he denied doing so and denied being the father of my unborn baby. I was scared. I had to call my mom and tell her the whole story. It was the hardest thing to do because she had given me everything and I know I hurt her.

"Your Uncle Joe sent someone to bring me back to Ohio. Mom and I talked it over and she said instead of an abortion I should have the baby and then give it up for adoption. I agreed to do that for her knowing how I must have hurt her.

"I had a rough pregnancy. I spent the last two weeks before the delivery in the hospital. The baby was born premature by a month. I don't know what happened but I cried and cried. I prayed to God to save my baby. I told him if he saved by baby's life that I would be the best mother I could be. There was no way I could give up my child.

"Mom was with me the full time backing me up. Uncle Joe stopped in and told me not to worry about the bills he would make sure they were paid. When Trina was born she was so tiny. I stayed at the hospital day and night just to be by her side. I can't believe that I ever thought of having an abortion or even giving her up.

"I had moved back in with mom and the rest of the family. When Trina was six months old I began going to night school to finish my education. Once I finished school your uncle got me an interview at the manufacturing plant. I got the job and a couple of months ago I got the apartment for Trina and me.

"While I'm at work I have a half sister who watches Trina. I just needed for you to know the truth about me. If we're going to be friends or even more we have to be honest with each other."

"Sandi, we've all made mistakes in our life. I wasn't a goody two shoes at school either. I also had sex with, let's say a lot of women. To the best of my knowledge I didn't get anyone pregnant. I really care for you; I know I keep telling you that but I want you to know that I've never been this serious about anyone. I'm pretty sure you figured that out when talking with my family.

"Jeff, there's one more thing you need to know. If you don't want to date me after I tell you, I'll understand."

She started crying and I took her in my arms and held her tight. "What is it Sandi?"

"After all the trouble I had with giving birth I had to have a hysterectomy. I can't have any more kids. If you want kids of your own you'll need to find someone else." She was still crying while telling me this.

"Sandi, it's ok, I understand but it's you I care for and if we should stay together I will always have Trina. Believe me when I say I never considered having kids but to me Trina is someone special.

We kissed again only this time we didn't stop there. She led me to her bedroom and we made love. She told me again that she hadn't had sex let alone made love since she became pregnant with Trina. I took my time and slowly undressed her and as she lay on the bed I began sucking on her breasts and worked my way down to her tummy.

She was so solid from exercising. I slipped two fingers into her moist pussy as I kissed her belly. She was getting so wet and asked me not to tease her but to make love to her right then. I slipped my cock into her; it felt so hot and good. I made long slow strokes until I was ready to come.

I held back as long as I could but had to come. I pushed my cock deep into her and held it there till I gave her all I had. She squealed and I felt her pussy tighten around my cock. I could feel a continuous spasm and it was a few minutes till it stopped.

I lay next to her for a while and we just cuddled. "Does this mean you're my girl now?" I asked.

With a tear in her eye she said, "Yes, I'm your girl."

I didn't want to leave but we both had to work the next day. I met her for lunch and we talked about our possible future and what we both would like. It was so hard to believe that we were so much alike and shared the same interests.

We both worked out and took care of our bodies. Both of us played sports in high school and college. We were both intelligent but didn't make the wisest decisions in college. It went on and on with the comparisons. I told her we were meant for each other.

We made love at least three times a week for the next few weeks. On the weekend we got either her mom or my aunt to watch Trina while we went out. Sandi's mom treated me fine but she really did seem nervous that we were together.

We told Sandi's mother that we planned on getting married for New Years. She acted happy for us but something in me told me she wasn't sure we should be together. I just couldn't figure out why, that was until she asked us over the Sunday before Thanksgiving. She told us she needed to talk to us.

Aunt Emma said she would watch Trina for us that day. After talking with Sandi's mother we were going out to dinner. When we arrived at her house her husband and kids had gone out. The only other person there was Uncle Joe. Both Mary, who is Sandi's mother, and Uncle Joe looked very serious.

"Ok, what's going on?" I asked Uncle Joe. "I have a gut feeling that Mrs. Wilcox doesn't want Sandi and me to be together. What is it Uncle Joe? Is Sandi my half cousin or something?"

"Let's all go into the living room so we can sit down and talk. We have some things to tell both of you," said Mrs. Wilcox.

"Please tell me what's going on," I knew I was saying it too loudly but I was getting both mad and scared. I was holding on tightly to Sandi's hand. I could tell she was scared also.

"Jeff, Sandi, please sit down. This is difficult enough without you getting overly emotional." said Uncle Joe. "I will answer your question before telling you the whole story. Sandi is not your half or even your full cousin. Mary and I have never been intimate with each other but have been friends just like we have told you. Her husband Jim worked for me and I promised him I would see she was taken care of. At the time of his death she was already pregnant."

"I'm sorry Uncle Joe. I was out of line but Sandi and I are in love and intend to get married. We were going to surprise everyone next week at Thanksgiving dinner. Sandi asked me if she could tell her mom, which she did, and now we are here talking to her and you. So what is the problem?"

"As I mentioned, she is neither your cousin nor half cousin. She is your sister." Uncle Joe blew me away with that statement.

"Mom, please tell me it's just a sick joke or something. I love Jeff more than I have ever loved anyone. It can't be true," replied Sandi with tears running down her face.

"Uncle Joe, that's not possible. That would make Mary my mother and I've never met her till a few weeks ago. What's going on?" I asked.

"This is going to take awhile to explain the whole story to both of you. Please listen and we'll tell you everything. We'll answer any questions you have when we've finish the story. We may even have solutions to your problems. Just give us a chance to explain before going off half cocked again," said Uncle Joe.


Uncle Joe tells his story:

Sandi is your twin sister that you thought died when she was two days old. Your parents, that is both of you here, were coming back from a trip to Canada when her water broke. They called us and said they were near a small Amish community but there were no major hospitals there.