Adult Star Trek: TNG Ch. 03

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Ep 3: The doctor bites back - Beverly regains her confidence.
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Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 07/24/2015
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This story is based on the series Star Trek: The Next Generation and is set during the start of series 4 on the Starship Enterprise NCC 1701-D.

This follows directly on from 'Episode 1 - Crusher's Mistaken Memories' and 'Episode 2 - The Replacement' and like those, any comments on anything from grammar to ST authenticity are welcomed. It does contain incest and rough sex, just in case that puts you off! Everyone is always 18 and over.

Also please note this has been re-edited from a couple of years ago and now submitted into chapters.


"Captains log: Stardate 44061.1

It has been nearly 2 days since I returned to the Enterprise after being abducted a second time by the unknown alien species that took me around 6 months ago. This time instead of coming back to a scene of mutiny, I returned to a somewhat different scene. Counsellor Troi and Ensign T'Pral completely naked. Thankfully they weren't quick to get dressed either and both have been very professional about what happened. Not surprising for the Vulcan Ensign I guess but the good counsellor also hasn't let it change our working relationship, despite her slow effort to get dressed and her over exaggerated look at my trousers and my hard cock as obvious as a naked Orion slave girl in a Vulcan temple.

However things with Dr Crusher are most certainly different. Before, while never the most confident of people, has shrunk into herself even more, particularly around me. I had felt we were getting closer and closer and I knew she wanted me, not that she ever had the confidence to say outright, it now feels like she is avoiding me altogether.

Now we are finally nearing are delayed shore leave destination of Pacifica, following a successful supply drop at Erasmus IV, I can only hope that some R&R will help the Enterprise crew, in particular her Chief Medical Officer, get back to normal."


"Ensign Crusher, how long till we reach Pacifica?"

"One hour, 20 minutes, Sir"

"Excellent. As you were"

"Yes, Captain"

Picard turned to his right and spoke with his Executive Officer and 2nd in command Will Riker in hushed tones.

"Will, I know everyone is looking forward to the shore leave but I must say I think the crews response to my abduction and the extra delay on our trip to Pacifica has been most pleasing."

"I agree Sir, I know Deanna has been saying the mood on the ship has been great although I guess it might of been different had shore leave been cancelled, after all it was only a relatively small delay and all the department heads have worked hard to keep them occupied, including during your replacement."

"Except Beverly."


"Doctor Crusher seems to be a little withdrawn since the mission to Erasmus IV."

"I must admit I hadn't noticed much difference in her, but now you mention it she has been on the bridge less than usual. Anyway, she and Deanna will be doing their yoga session in the Holodeck now. I know they're good friends and if Dr Crusher is struggling mentally I'm sure Deanna will help her."

"I hope so Number One. I hope so."



"Beverly, are you OK?"

"Yeh, just my pride taking a hit!"

"You haven't been able to focus all session. You're making even the most basic yoga moves look like a Tellerite doing ballet!"

"Wow, Deanna, you don't mince your words do you!!"

Beverly just sat on the floor and looked down.

Dr Beverly Crusher and Counsellor Deanna Troi had been on Holodeck 3 for one of their twice-weekly Yoga sessions for around 15 minutes. While Dr Crusher had actually managed to arrive on time, her head was definitely not in the game, as she fell once more on her ass which was shaped perfectly by the black lycra 3/4 lengths she liked to wear for yoga. This time she had teamed it with a loose white t-shirt while Troi wore a black one-piece outfit that clung to her gorgeous body, similar to a traditional 21st century one-piece swimming costume but also covering the tops of her thighs.

"I'm sorry Deanna, I'm still trying to come to terms with what happened with the Duplicate Picard and Wesley".

It had been less than 2 days since she finally got the fucking she had wanted from Jean-Luc, only for it to have been a duplicate of him and not actually the real Picard. It was mid-fucking in her office that Wesley walked in on them and was ordered by the fake Picard to put his cock in her mouth. In the end he came all over her face and in her mouth. Worst of all, she enjoyed every drop of her sons juices.

"It's OK Beverly, I understand the feelings you have. I am a Betazoid and you have already told me what happened in detail. Have you actually spoken to Wesley about it like I said?"

"Not properly, no. Although before I felt he was occasionally checking me out or wandering into my room unannounced. Now it's increased tenfold! I always have to lock the inter-connecting door between our quarters if I'm having a shower or getting changed because otherwise he will try to 'accidentally' catch me."

"You can't run away from this Beverly. We have shore leave coming up and you're going to see a lot more of each other. Remember the Pacificans have given us an entire island for the week."

"I know Deanna, but iy'Skinr, er, iy'Skipr, oh whatever it's called, is around 10 square kilometres and I'm sure Wes will be staying in a hut or villa with and near some of the other younger people on board."

"Well firstly it's iy'Skimra'ni Island, though the locals just call it Skim island, and secondly, erm, you're actually sharing a beach villa."


"It's OK Beverly!! They're 2 bed villas next to the ocean, on the beach (which isn't hard as the sandy beach stretches all around the island). They're spaced around 500m apart so you can always see other people if you want, like Will and I, but you also have a fair amount of privacy too, if you want.."

"Did you have a hand in this?! Does Wesley know?" said Beverly. Shocked by how much she seemed to be losing control of everything these days.

"Yes and yes! I knew you needed some time together to work through what happened and it was the only way to get you both talking alone. Wesley seemed keen, anyway!"

"Hmm... You have some serious making up to do Miss Troi!"

"I thought you might say that. Computer, change program to Troi5."

At once instead of being in a yoga studio they were on the empty bridge of the Enterprise. The lighting had softened and there was nobody around, but the thing that Crusher noticed immediately is that Troi's outfit had changed. Where once a tight black one-piece yoga outfit had been, was now a white sheer negligee and matching sheer white lacy thong.

"Holographic outfits? Now that's new..." Beverly said with eyes wide open.

"You like?" Deanna said, flashing a huge grin, pleased with her holographic handiwork.

"Absolutely, although wish I had clean clothes on now rather than this sweaty yoga gear."

"No problems. Computer, create shower of warm water above Dr Crusher with medium flow and after 5 seconds add one part of luxurious shower gel per 4 parts water for 15 seconds before resuming water flow only."

At once warm water fell upon Beverly, as she stood in the centre of the bridge. She began to massage her hair as the shower gel began to mix in and cascade down her body.

"Wow you certainly know how to write holodeck programs!" Beverly said as she massaged the soapy water in to her hair.

"It's all about taking control and being direct. Something you still need to learn I think." Deanna said, as she sat in the empty captain's chair in front of Beverly. Despite the lack of water, she knew she was just as wet between her legs as the good doctor.

Beverly smiled as she looked down at her white t-shirt which was now see through and clinging to her breasts, and began to wash. Her eyes then fixated on Deanna's, whose eyes were just as fixated on her. She then pulled the t-shirt over her head as the water finally cascaded down her bare top half. Beverly now saw that Deanna had sat back into the captain's chair and spread her legs over the arms of it, slowly massaging her wet pussy through her thong.

Beverly, transfixed by the sight in front of her, then slid her lycra 3/4 lengths down to her ankles and stepped out of them leaving herself only wearing a favourite pair of black lacy French knickers.

"Come on Beverly, time to take those off too. I want you naked for me now." Deanna commanded.

"Actually I have another idea. Computer, move shower to above the Captain's chair and increase flow by 50% for 5 seconds, before reducing to minimal".

Suddenly the flow of water now cascaded on Deanna who was shocked by the water falling upon her.


"Maybe you're right Deanna. maybe I can take control a little more often!" Beverly said as she walked over to Deanna, got on her knees in front of her and slid her wet thong off her. Beverly then moved Deanna forward in the chair, repositioned her legs on the arms of it one more and began to place kisses on the inside of Deanna's thighs, one then the other, moving closer to her smooth Betazoid pussy.

"Oh Beverly", Deanna exclaimed

Crusher didn't say anything as she continued with the kisses, closing in on the promised land, nibbling and occasionally biting her way on the sensitive skin. Deanna moaned and wriggled as finally she could feel Beverly's breath against her bare and very wet lips...

For Betazoids, an empathic species, making love was as much an emotional experience as it was a physical experience. Deanna knew that as she was only half Betazoid and Beverly was fully human that she could only project a small amount of what she was feeling to her. However that didn't stop her sending out waves and waves of her desire and pleasure in Beverly's direction.

Beverly Crusher felt some of the emotions that Deanna was sending her way and realised her knickers were soaked through. However, she managed to focus on the task at hand and after placing her open mouth over the entrance to Deanna's pussy, she used her tongue to lick slowly over it, slurping up the wetness therein, lifting Deanna slightly up with hands placed on each firm cheek of her perfectly formed ass.

Soon Beverly used her tongue to probe deep inside Deanna's moist cunt as Troi moaned with pleasure, working hard and building up Deanna feeling her getting close. She then moved her mouth over Deanna's hard clit and began to suck.

"Oh god, I'm gonna cum..."

Soon, as Deanna had indicated, she jolted hard and began to cum as Beverly moved her mouth back down to her pussy so all her sweet juices would flow over hey mouth and face. Additionally she moved one of her hands and rubbed Deanna's clit as she screamed with pleasure. The orgasm seemed to last forever as she then finally stopped shaking and sat back into the captain's chair, sticky with a mixture of sweat and liquid from her satisfied snatch.

"Wow Beverly, that was amazing!"

"Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed", Beverly said with a smile and a twinkle in her eye.

"I can't believe you finally took control! Maybe there is hope for you yet... Now let's see about returning the favour..."

Deanna stood up and sat Beverly down in the sweaty captain's chair to give her reward before Beverly had a chance to think about the conversation she was going to have with Wesley when they reached Pacifica.


"Captain, We are now approaching Pacifica. Pacifica Space Control is hailing."

"Understood Ensign Crusher. Data, on screen."

"Aye sir", Data said as he opened the communications link to Pacifica with his android fingers moving gracefully along the console. Shortly a young Starfleet humanoid female with Asian features and 2 pips on her collar appeared on the viewscreen

"My name is Lieutenant Lee at Pacifica Space Control. Welcome to Pacifica space."

"Hello Lieutenant, this is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Enterprise. Permission to enter orbit and begin our shore leave as agreed."

"Of course Captain! Welcome to Pacifica! I really hope your crew enjoy their time here. As agreed we have organised for the

iy'Skimra'ni island to be made available for you and hope you find it suitable. The weather for your stay should be sunshine around 30 degrees and 50% humidity, with the south west corner of the island at around 16 degrees for your crew who prefer the cooler temperatures. The Villas all come with replicators and are arranged around the edge of the island as agreed, with a few additional ones nearer the centre, where you will also find waterfalls, lagoons, some fanatic cliffs for climbing and also indoor and outdoor sports and gym facilities.

"That sounds perfect Lieutenant. We will begin transporting crew members down in the next 30 minutes and will leave a skeleton crew on the Enterprise in synchronous orbit above us.

"No problems! Enjoy your stay and let us know if you need anything. Each Villa and facility has its own comm station which is set to mute unless activated by someone at that end."

"Thank you Lieutenant. Enterprise out".

Captain Picard then hit a couple of buttons on his arm rest to address the ship.

"Everyone, this is Captain Picard. We have now arrived at Pacifica and will begin beaming people down from transporter rooms 2, 3 and 5. There will be padds available at all three transporter rooms with information about the island on Pacifica and the Villas you have been assigned. Skeleton crew watch 'A' will begin shortly at 13:00 ship time and the watches will follow as per previously discussed with your department heads. This information is also contained on the padds at the transporter rooms. Happy holidays. Picard out."

"Well then Number One, I hope you're all packed." Picard said in hushed tones to his First Officer.

"Indeed, well Deanna has anyway. Packing very light though..." Will Riker said with a mischievous smile on his face.

Then Picard brought to mind the image of Deanna Troi in her birthday suit that he had seen when he arrived back from his 'abduction' and found himself smiling too, albeit with a hint of jealousy. Maybe he would try and drop in on Beverly during shore leave, although he first planned on reading a good book and skinny dipping outside his private villa in between chapters. After all, rank hath its privileges!


Beverly Crusher and Wesley Crusher materialised on the sand in front of their beach front Villa and looked at each other with different expressions. Wesley's face and smile held excitement and happiness whereas Beverly, despite smiling as much as her son, was clearly nervous about what lay ahead of them and the conversation she knew they must have.

Wesley wore some khaki shorts, a fitted white t-shirt and brown sandals while his mother wore a thin cream cotton sundress with a floral design which swayed loosely at the hem which fell just above her knees. The dress had thin straps over her shoulders but the purple halter neck of her bikini was visible albeit covered slightly at the back by her red hair flowing just below her shoulders.

"Come on Mom, let's check out the inside!" Wesley said as he raced ahead to the transparent door ahead of them and hit the button next to it to open it up.

Beverly sighed as she followed him and soon they were both inside the cool villa and out of the hot sunshine. Their suitcases had already been beamed down and while Wesley went to the room which held his case, Beverly had a little look around before heading to her room.

She noticed the replicator on a worktop near the front door which was transparent from their side with controls next to it which Beverly guessed decided on which sides were transparent and which were opaque. Smiling to herself she realised that could be funny if gotten wrong! She then saw a comfortable seating area and a coffee table with a small dining area for two as well. She moved towards her room and saw the bathroom which seemed to contain a jacuzzi and a large shower area with multiple heads. She also noticed that the bathroom had a retractable glass ceiling which she thought would be beautiful at night. Beverly then headed to her room and saw her case ready to be unpacked.

One thing did bother Beverly however, which was that none of the rooms had internal doors. She may need to have that chat with her son sooner than she thought!


"Kroos, are you sure we are in the right place?"

"Yes Kobor, we will finally have some vengeance! Those Starfleet Doctors will pay for their incompetence!!"


"So Mom, what do you think of this place? Cool huh!"

"Yes Wes, it's, erm, gorgeous." Beverly said as she looked up and saw her son who was now topless and sporting the biggest smile.

"Shall we go for a swim then?" Wesley said, hoping that he could see his mom in just the bikini he knew she was wearing.

"In a bit Wes, we need to have a little talk first. Let's have a sit."

Beverly went over to sit on one of the chairs in the 'living room' area while Wes reluctantly took a seat across from her.

"What is it mom?"

"Well it's about you and me. It's nothing for you to be worried about but I've been thinking and..."

Just as Beverly was getting the courage to talk to her son about his feelings and what was happening between them she noticed two uninvited guests had stormed into the villa. Two very big, very angry and very much armed Klingons.

"Stop there you puny human doctor!" Kobor said as he stormed through and stood next to Beverly, towering about her as she remained seated. Kroos went over and stood behind Wesley, who was starting to get up, and pushed him back down into the seat.

"How dare you. Who are you and what is the meaning of this?" Demanded Beverly, with as much courage as she could muster.

"I am Kobor and he is my brother Kroos, from the house of Najuk. We seek vengeance following Starfleet's actions at Raatooras."

"What are you talking about? What happened?"

"There was a plague which infected the planets water table and then began infecting the Klingons on that world. We requested assistance from the Federation as a last resort and they took 5 days to send a vessel. 5 days!! By then thousands had perished, including our mother."

"Did they find a cure?"

"Yes. But had they arrived sooner, many lives would have been saved. Maybe even our mother!! The Starfleet doctors don't care about Klingon lives. They think of us as Ha'DIbaH! So now we will treat you as such. We have already killed 4 federation doctors and now we will make it 5 with you. For the 5 days we had to wait."

"You can't do this. You're on an island full of federation officers and the Federation flagship above us which will alert a security team immediately if one of our life signs disappears." Beverly said with a command she didn't even know she had herself.

Kobor laughed. "It does not matter. We shall still kill you, but after we have used you for our own amusement and pleasure against your will."

Wesley started to get up. "No! I won't allow you to..." his words were left hanging as he fell back unconscious into his chair.

"Wesley!" Beverly shouted.

"He will be OK, he just needs to know when to be quiet!" Kroos said, laughing. "Now, let's see what we can do to that pale body of yours!"

"Wait! I understand your pain." Beverly exclaimed.

"How could you. How can you compare yourself to us", Kobor said

"Both my parents died when I was a child and their research vessel was destroyed by a honourless Ubarrak warship. My husband died 13 years ago on a pointless Starfleet away mission. I do know loss as much as you, if not more so!!" Beverley was now on her feet but had tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

"Humph. Perhaps your right. But this has been a long wait for us and we will have our way with you and rape your pathetic body." Kroos said.