Adventures Unfinished Ch. 01


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My strange feelings just kept coming. I was disgusted just thinking about my behavior. I was also extremely excited. Memories of those orgasmic frenzies, climaxes that felt like out-of-the-body experiences and the smell, feel and taste of semen flooded my brain. It was all too much. I felt like someone had given me an emotional wallop.

"It can keep," I told her and headed for the main staircase in the foyer on the other side of the living room.

As I left she continued to ask me about some of the stories I'd started.

"What happened with Lucien and his teammates? Did they all come to your hotel room? Did you tell Mace? How did you start to see Mace when you got back to Seattle? Wait, you even said that something happened on your trip back to the States. You have to tell me..."

She kept at it, but her voice trailed off as I passed through the enormous living room on my way to the stairs. Slowly I made my way up them.

But I couldn't leave her like that. I'd been jumping all over the place, starting stories, hopping into others...

It was upsetting and exciting. More mixed messages. My mind vacillated between self-loathing and sex-charged memories.

What to do?

I went back downstairs and into the family room.

"Maya, first of all, if you really want to talk specifics about giving head just let me know. I'd be glad to share."

I smiled at her sincerely.

"I've never thought it was possible to deep throat a guy. Maybe you could tell me about how you do that some day?"

"Sure," I said.

She gave me another hug. Then we just sat there for a bit. I could tell she wanted to hear more stores.

"OK. I won't tell you the whole thing, but I will tell you this: the plan to watch Lucien and his buddies masturbate for me didn't go off as planned."

She looked at me, brows furrowed.

"Actually a great deal did go off, but not in the way I'd expected."

"What do you mean? They didn't come to your hotel room?"

"Not exactly," I said.

Deciding that I'd share that one evening's tale I told Maya an abridged version. Just the basics.

After the visit with the physician Mace was feeling understandably smug with himself. He'd just had his third blowjob in the last twelve hours. Successful blowjobs I might add. (And I'd had the pleasure of giving four in that short stretch of time.) He'd just received a possible new lease on his sex life with the medication he was hoping to start taking.

Personal aside: And, of course, he was with me. A woman with an acknowledged enormous pair of boobs - just needed to get that out of the way - as well as an enormous array of self-doubt, neuroticism and sex addiction. What's so weird was that except for dance classes and generally taking care of myself, my body was just the result of the coincidental merging of two people's DNA. My unique strand could have just as easily made me fatter, taller or brunette. I could have had brown eyes. I could have had a pointy chin, short earlobes, inverted nipples, cankles, a big butt or fat thighs. I could have been smarter or dumber. I could have been a coloratura soprano or a mathematician or a naval officer.

Yet what I have is what I received. I've been told in a variety of ways that I have "a rockin' bod" and I've been told that I should get a breast reduction because "you look like a stripper and a whore." Many men and women had a hard time taking their eyes off me.

So from the outside many people thought my world was peaches and cream.

Little did those observers know! My body and its cravings had made me into a warped soul. Someone afraid that I'll wind up alone in a rundown house with three or four cats and I'd be known in my neighborhood as the skinny old broad with the huge tits.

Now, before I got emotionally sidetracked I was telling the story about what happened that evening, the day before Mace and I both left to return to Seattle.

On the way from the lab I told Mace about my eventful morning. He didn't have much of a reaction one way or another. But, we'd only just met and we were both thousands of miles from where we lived. We were completely age inappropriate. Plus, neither of us was looking for a relationship. Although perhaps I should have been...

Regardless, Mace thought it was hot that I'd just sucked a young guy's cock to get a jersey and that I'd invited him and several of his buddies to come to my hotel room for a gang jerk-off. He wanted to join in the fun or at least watch, depending on how his equipment was working.

Adaptability. I liked that in a man.

The day had cleared and we meandered around the city and had a nice late afternoon meal. Back in my hotel room we took a much-needed thirty-minute nap in each other's arms. After showering, I began to get excited thinking of the six cocks soon to be depositing their loads on my tongue.

The thought occurred to me that I should wear something sexy for the little party. Earlier I'd actually looked at some negligees in a shop I'd found. Of course, nothing fit well. In the ones that fit my bust, I looked like a tent. There were a few pretty lacey cami and shorts sets I found, but they were way too much for my budget. So I ultimately decided to simply put on some basic black lingerie under a modestly diaphanous thin black robe. To top off my ensemble, I put on my one pair of black heels.

Mace told me that just looking at me he was getting stirrings in his dysfunctional plumbing. I liked the sound of that. Maybe we'd have time for another go. Given the hour, though, and how long it might take for him to get fully aroused - if he even could - we instead opened a bottle of wine and relaxed on the bed. Right on time there was a sharp rap at the door. I arose and gently sauntered to it feeling my excitement building.

Upon opening the door, there were surprised faces on both sides. That morning, because I was moving most of the time when I was on the field - plus the time I spent sitting on the chair with Lucien's nicely veined cock in my mouth - I don't think they realized how tall I was. It seemed to surprise them at first, but after the initial glances at my torso, they looked up.

As for my surprise, they were not the group I was expecting either.

There were the two brothers, Lucien and Christophe, as well as a pretty young woman about the same age. With my heels I was half-a-foot taller than any of them. They raised their faces uncomfortably.

My disappointment was only the two brothers - but I pleasantly remembered that Christophe said he was as big as or maybe bigger than his brother - and confused by the addition of a female.

When I asked where the rest of that old gang was they explained that there'd been a change in plans.


The short story - and I know it seems that with me there are really no short stories - is that they'd had to have a last minute party that evening: Earlier that day their team had received notice that they'd been accepted into a new league and that the next day's already-scheduled game was to be recognized as such. A celebratory party was de rigueur.

When I asked where the surprising party was to be, I was not surprised that it was going to be in the field house.

Lucien, his girlfriend Marie-Laure and his brother had simply come by to invite me to come to the party. Then they saw Mace and became suddenly unsure of what to do. I didn't know where this was going to go, but a party in their little clubhouse was not exactly what I'd signed up for. I guessed there was apprehension all around.

It struck me that my little party, whatever it was, was not happening. Then there was Lucien's girlfriend. What was that about?

I invited them in and they said they could just stay for a few moments. I chose to be discrete: I did not ask the two guys to whip those suckers out and put to rest once and for all who was bigger.

After the introductions, Mace made sure everyone had a glass of wine. Mace didn't speak much French and they could get by in English, but not comfortably. So after a minute or two of awkward small talk there was simply even more awkward silence.

Finally Lucien explained in French that Marie-Laure wanted to speak to me in private.

In my mind I had this sudden fear that she had heard of our dalliance of the morning. Now in a jealous rage she was going to impale me on a poniard.

So the two of us went into the bathroom and closed the door even as I looked around for something to use as a weapon, just in case. Maybe the hair dryer attached to the wall would do, if the cord were long enough.

"Now Maya, this is one that I'd never heard of and in fact thought it was the perfect scam for girls who don't like to give blowjobs and especially to swallow. She told me she had a medical condition called seminal plasma hypersensitivity. A person with SPH is allergic to semen. Who knew there was such a thing?"

"I know a lot of girls who'd love to use that excuse," Maya said, grinning at me.

"No, this is a real thing. I did some quick research and found that it's not very common, but it probably is more common than many think. The condition can affect a man or a woman. Basically it's like many other allergies. Some men can even be allergic to their own semen. Sometimes a person can be allergic to one man's semen but not another.

"So Marie-Laure and Lucien always use a condom when he comes. Without a condom, whether he shoots in her vagina, her mouth or even on her skin, she'll soon start itching and swelling like hives wherever he comes. She can actually get physically ill. She told me she'll often take an antihistamine, something like Benadryl, before they have sex. And, get this, she even carries an Epi pen with her all the time they get together."

"Wow. I had no idea," Maya replied.

"No wonder I'd blocked this story... It's all coming back to me. You think I'm a bit of a perv sucking cocks, right? Well, the way Lucien and Marie-Laure chose to overcome the semen issue... I'm just warning you: He pees in a glass. Then he masturbates wearing a condom while she drinks the glass!"

"Get outta here. No! Who— What— Jeez, why? That's gross." She pondered for a long moment. "And I don't get the appeal, just from a sex viewpoint. Why would she want to drink his pee? Did that turn her on or him?"

I went on to explain their sex life as she had told it to me.

"Well, when Marie-Laure explained this there was something that she wasn't telling me. She went on to tell me that they've been doing this since they first started dating in high school, which was when she learned about her SPH. So they were looking for some kind of sex that didn't involve her coming into contact with his semen. She even suggested it. Then she told me that watching him pee excites her and they'll play with each other while they focus on a glassful of his pee. She said she likes to have a Kir Royale chaser with it!"

"And I was thinking that you've got a problem!"

"But, you know, I misjudged her. We spoke for a while and she was actually a smart, sharp and analytical young woman. She looked like she came from the north. (Many of the French women from there have a Nordic look about them: blue eyes, blonde, good bones, very pretty.) The two of them found a way to make her condition work for them that's intimate. She apparently still gives him an occasional blowjob or a fuck, but to be safe he wears two condoms. It's not exactly an ideal situation."

"Hey, different strokes... I guess. I remember a quote from Alfred Kinsey: 'The only unnatural sex act is that which you cannot perform.'" She shook her head in disbelief one last time. "OK, so why come over to tell you this? Weren't they going to have this soccer celebration at the field house?"

"Yes. But I've got to go to sleep, Maya. Aren't you tired? Can't this keep until the morning?"

"Are you kidding? Your stories are amazing and want to hear more of all of them, but I am getting kind of sleepy. So just tell me if you ever got your six guys to jerk off for you or was it just the two of them? Did Mace and the girlfriend just watch?"

"It got really complicated. It had to do with this ritual that the team does before an important game. It involves the opposite team captain's girlfriend. I'm sure you have some idea of where this was going."

"No," she said, aghast. "Really?"

"So we threw on some clothes and all of us went to the field house. You could hear the music playing from the parking lot. As we walked nearer the place there were about a dozen young guys outside just hanging out, drinking, a few smoking, talking loudly and laughing even more so.

"It hadn't dawned on me until that moment: Instead of a half-dozen cocks, there were going to be dozens of them!

"To make a complicated story simple: Lucien's entire team - as well as the one they were playing the next day provided liquid refreshment for Marie-Laure and me."

"No shit! Really, you sucked all those guys? She drank all of their pee?"

"It wasn't that I sucked that many of them. No, well, it was. In fact, everyone wanted to be deep throated at least once so I did suck them, even if it was brief. But I wanted to see them come. It always excites me to watch all the ways different guys come.

"I looked around and noticed that some of their demitasse cups were glass - the better to see it with - so I picked up two of these glass cups and held one in each hand. I told them we'd have a contest: One team on either side and we'll see which one can fill an entire cup."

"How many guys were there?" Maya said. Then quickly added, "No. I don't want to know." She paused. "Oh shit. I need to know. Do you know how many guys came in those cups? They all really came in the demitasse cups?"

I nodded sheepishly.

"How much did you drink?"

"There were a lot of guys there. Mace said he counted at least 50. The bottom line is that each team filled up a full glass, probably about four ounces. Of course, there was semen everywhere. I, the slut I was, licked it off my hands, wrists and even picked up some globular stuff off my top and my pants.

"Maya, I enjoyed every drop. Of course, it's not the easiest stuff to swallow when you drink a glass of it. If you're not careful it can make you retch 'cause it kind of sticks to your throat as you swallow. But just the thought of having all of that semen right there in my hands and then drinking it... The hits just kept coming. I hadn't done anything like that in a long time. It felt like I had one long evening of non-stop orgasms.

"So you didn't take your clothes off?"

"Mostly I kept my clothes on. I was about half-way through one of glasses. The room was dead quiet. All eyes were on my mouth, throat and that glass. Even though I was loving everything, I needed something more. I put the glasses down, unzipped my jeans and just barely touched my clit.

"You know that line in the song about 'I saw you and the world went away,' well that's what happened to me. It was a good thing I'd put the glasses down. I began to tremble and eventually I was literally in the throes of an extended heightened orgasm. I could taste the tartness of the cum coating my mouth. I could smell the cum coating my face. And my clit-induced orgasm seemed to last forever.

"When I was starting to come down from that sexual treat I was still the sole focus in the room. I knew there was cum covering both of my eyes, but I opened them anyway and looked in a mirror nearby. (It wasn't the first time I'd had cum in my eyes. At least I knew what to expect, you know?) There were strings of cum dripping from my chin and my eyebrows. It was in my hair, all over my top, and seemed to coat every inch of my face. Then there were these rivulets of thick cum still oozing down my forehead and cheeks.

"I won't tell you about Marie-Laure, but I'll just say that she too had a wet and climactic evening. And I have no idea how many Kir Royales she had."

"No way! She really— No. No, I don't even want to think about it."

"Looking at myself in the mirror I thought, you little slut. Then I brought the glass I'd started up to my mouth and downed its contents. That garnered a round of applause. As I finished the last gulp I had this immediate, extraordinary orgasm that surprised me with its strength. I knew I'd been in the Big O Zone when I first started sucking these guys, especially several who came almost immediately.

"But that orgasm was startling. When I came back down to earth, I just did the same with the other and got a standing ovation from the crowd. That didn't induce as large a climax, but it was still great. With my hand still in my pants I got up and did a little curtsy. I then sat back down and asked if there was any more. I wasn't terribly familiar with French sex terms, but I remember that I started with something like "Je veux lecher ton foutre" or "Je veux boire ton foutre." They both mean something like 'I want to swallow your semen' and 'I want to drink your semen.'

"But by the time I'd finished those two glasses, I remember repeating 'Plus de foutre' which means more semen, practically begging for it. I also thanked each of them when he came.

"And so round two began. There was so much cum. Sometimes I was trying to swallow and a new guy would come up and start coming. Naturally I had to open my mouth to capture it. And that would necessitate a post-ejaculation suck so that I'd get all of it. All of that prevented the cum in my mouth from getting swallowed for the moment and unfortunately it would leak out. What a night.

"Youth, huh? Some of those guys must have come four times, maybe more!

"Mace told me that I had a smile from ear to ear. He also told me that I looked mostly in control and that it was clear that I wanted that. He said I looked like I was having the time of my life.

"Well, that was my last night in France with Mace - and dozens of young cocks. Oh, and just before we left I was presented with a wine glass—"

"No, don't say it," she stopped me.

She looked at me like I was a stranger. I understood why.

"You were definitely a slut," she said and smiled at me. "I've never known anyone who's done anything like that. Ever. You, in one evening, swallowed like a hundred blowjobs worth of semen. Jeez. I hope you're not offended, but you could rent yourself out to party planners."

"Slut. That's exactly what I was," I said. Then thinking about myself and my sexual adventures I said, "I don't know if I still am or not. At least now I don't have to work for tips!"

We both got up and began to head upstairs. I briefly thought about my grandmother's text but then dismissed it. Eventually, I'd learn what it was about.

Maya asked me a few more questions. She was on a roll, peppering me with them.

"It can keep, Maya. It can keep."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Thanks for your continuing work

Carol is a terrific writer with sensational vocabulary and great sense of humor. So much of her work feels biographical, even autobiographical. I'm happy that Patrice seems to have exorcized most or all of her demons. Please continue your writing, and please do not delete your older material - it is lots of fun to reread. Cowboy100

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