After the Reunion Ch. 10


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"He wants these inside me all night, too?" she asked, incredulously.

It was a rhetorical question. She already knew the answer.


Addie insisted I go with her. It was an appointment I don't ever want to repeat. Even though she's Addie's doctor, it was more than a little embarrassing to tell her that Addie was going out of town to have sex with a very well-endowed black guy. What details Addie tried to leave out, I threw in, leaving nothing to chance. Dr. Davidson listened, then told us, "I'm not here to judge, only to be sure your baby's going to have a healthy birth. As far as that, the baby is still going to be very small and has a lot of room to move around in. There's lots of cushioning, too." She stressed that we didn't have to worry.

She gave us a very clinical answer, the same one that we had understood all along, but now we were certain. My wife could be fucked senseless, which was probably exactly what was going to happen to her, and it wouldn't affect our baby.

With each day that passed, both Addie and I grew more restless sexually. Addie, especially, got relief during the day with the work she had to do in the new startup store. Nicki, her new manager, turned out to be a godsend. She hired the help she knew she'd need with very little input from Addie and did an outstanding job. She hired contractors to do the interior renovations that were needed, partitioning and wiring for displays, total repainting and the signs out front. One would have thought that Nicki had been doing this all her life. She said she loved it.

Addie told me that I could go see Tanya any time I wanted, that Jonah's dictate was to her, not to me. She even suggested having Tanya fly to Boise for a weekend and rent a hotel. "No," I told her, "we're in this together. We stay together in everything."

"Tanya's going to be disappointed. I'd already talked to her about it and she was kind of anxious."

"I guess tell her sorry, that I just can't do it." I wanted to, though, so damn bad! After three weeks of no sex and Adriana hiding her body behind flannel every night. Hell, I hadn't even seen her naked! I was climbing the wall! Of course, Addie was, too.

Addie probably worse than me. She mentioned more than once what it was going to be like with her and Jonah; that didn't help my libido problem either! And Samuel. I heard her with his name on her lips, groaning during the night more than once.

She went to her class religiously, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, every class doing the same thing to her. She often curled up in bed and groaned, but especially on her class nights. I was hearing Samuel's name on her lips more and more. I would say I wasn't jealous of the guy, but telling a lie is a sin and I can't do that. Even still, though, I have to admit it was arousing to me to hear Addie thinking that sexually about a guy. Of course, at that point, everything was arousing to me.

Thank God for our kids. They were our only source of sanity. We both hid our anxieties in front of them. They had no idea that anything different was going on with mom and dad.

Four weeks to the day, on Wednesday, she said she couldn't stand it any longer. I wasn't sure what she meant, because there was still three weeks to go before her trip. "I'm going to face my demons," she told me, whatever the hell that meant; I had no clue. All I knew was that I was climbing the walls. I hadn't even seen any more of my wife's body than her customers had for a damned month; hadn't touched her more than them, either.

She went on, "Tomorrow after Kayla closes the store, you and she are going shopping. You're going to buy me some clothes; lingerie, a dress, nightgown. Make them sexy. You and I are going on a short overnight trip."

I cocked my head at her, "This is going to help? Buying sexy things?"

"Probably not, but it'll make me feel better for a little while at least."

I picked up Kayla at the store Thursday night. She suggested the Bohme Boutique in the mall, so that's where we headed. This had been our first time alone since our aborted love-nest tryst five weeks earlier. She giggled and said that Ethan is totally convinced we had had sex and their love life has been better than it's ever been, "Which is pretty damn good!" she added.

I was watching her tell me about it out of the corner off my eyes while I was driving and she dropped her little bombshell on me, "He wants us to do it again."

Yeah, that got my attention! Especially in the condition I was in. This time she watched me as she said, "He wants you to spend another night with me but in our bed, said the thought of that turns him on so much." She giggled and went on, "It does, too. He gets so hard when he talks about it."

She just looked out the window for the next mile or so as I drove, then looked back at me and softly said, "I could do that, I'd like that, too."

It was a damn good thing I was almost stopped, pulling into the parking lot when she said that. It had been a month since Addie and I had made love and the very real possibility of an actual night with Kayla, in her bed, sent my head spinning and my cock growing. I didn't know how to respond to that, but when Kayla glanced down at my groin and got the little smile on her face, she had her answer.

I parked the Jeep and we got out, me trying to hide my erection. I know that Kayla had noticed, but by the time we were inside I was fine. Sort of.

"Adriana said she wanted something sexy but didn't say anything more than that. What's the occasion, where are you going?"

"An overnight trip, that's all she told me."

"Okay, that leaves us pretty much in the dark," as we headed toward the Boutique (I guess that's a fancy name for a store?). It was about a third of the way down the mall. Thank God for Kayla! I wouldn't have any idea what to get. "Does she have an LBD?" she asked me.

I looked at Kayla quizzically, like I had no idea what she was talking about. Mostly because I didn't. She laughed and said, "Little black dress."

Oh, okay. "No, she doesn't," I told her.

"She will now, then," she said.

Kayla looked through the dresses and in a little bit pulled one out and held it up in front of her. "What do you think of this?" she asked.

It certainly qualified as 'little'. The hem came about to Kayla's upper thigh, probably Addie's mid-thigh, then about three inches of totally sheer lace for the first three or four inches. The shoulders, short sleeves and down into a 'V' between her breasts, just deep enough to show her cleavage, was the same sheer lace. Otherwise, it was simple, smooth black, no decorations or anything to mar the silkiness.

Addie would look incredible in it! "Panties will be a problem, it's going to be so tight on her hips. We don't want them to show through," Kayla said, adding, "Too bad she wants to wear panties."

Kayla took the dress to a checkout and asked the lady to keep it for her while we looked for lingerie. Kayla looked at black panties, explaining, "Trying to find something that won't show the panty line."

She finally found something and showed me. The material was wispy thin, all of it, about an inch wide around the hips and a small 'V' in the front and back, totally sheer. "Now we need a matching bra," she said, mostly talking to herself. "Good thing she and I made that shopping trip a couple months ago, so I know her sizes."

She found a matching sheer bra, wispy thin, like the panties, then a pair of smoky, translucent silk stockings. "Now, to be sure," she said to herself. We went back to the dresses and she found an identical dress a little larger. "I want to be sure about the panties," she said.

She took the dress, panties, and bra into the dressing room and a few minutes later reappeared turning her back to me. "Zip, please," I put one hand on her back, feeling the soft material and zipped the dress up with the other. Then she turned around.

With my mouth gaping and my cock poking a hole in my pants, she asked if it looked okay. The only thing I could think of was that this is the woman who a little bit ago had invited me into her bed!

She stood in front of the mirror, smoothing it down over her hips. "Perfect," she mumbled. It was tight down her tummy, even showing a hint of belly-button, then flaring out over her hips, still just as tight. There was no hint that there were panties on underneath. She said, "I think I'll put Addie's back and buy this one for myself." I groaned looking at those long, sexy legs and dress only coming about halfway down her thighs.

She didn't of course. She took it off and put hers back on the rack, then put the lingerie on the checkout counter with the dress.

Then we found the nightgowns. I say 'found', but Kayla knew exactly where they were. Obviously, she did a lot of shopping here. While she was looking through them, I blurted out, "We haven't had sex for the last month." I don't know why I did, it just kind of slipped out of my stupid mouth.

Kayla turned around and looked at me, "And why would that be?" she asked.

Now what? How do I explain that? "Addie hasn't said anything to you? About our sex life?"

She shook her head, "Umm, noo, is that what this little shopping trip is about?"

I nodded that it was and she got a grin on her face. "I know just what you need." She looked through the nightwear a little more and found a gown, sheer lace except for silky satin around the waist, a deep 'V' neckline with a little ribbon well below the boobs, but with a slit all the way up one side to about six inches above the waist. Then a tiny, matching g-string panty.

"This," she smiled, "would drive me crazy if I hadn't had sex for that long... and Ethan would be all over me."

I couldn't resist, asking her, "You going to try it on for me to make sure it's okay?"

She giggled and grinning, said to me, "Maybe that night we talked about, I'll have something like it."

Ah shit! Then I told her, "Ask Addie about our 'no sex.' " Now that I'd blurted it out, I wanted Kayla to know what was going on. I hoped Adriana would tell her.

"Shoes; I know she has lots of shoes but I don't want to take a chance. I followed her to the other end of the 'boutique' and showed her what I thought would be sexy. A pair of silver sandals, straps around the ankles, with about a five-inch high, super thin heel. Kayla giggled and said I should be a shoe salesman, "They're perfect," she said. She asked the sales lady for a size six.

On the way back to Addie's store where Kayla's car was, she told me, "I don't know what's going on between you and Adriana, Matt... but think about what I said, okay?" Then she added, softly, "I won't chicken out next time, promise."

I thought about Kayla, how sexy she'd been the night of the fashion show, her suggestion that she might wear a tiny nighttime outfit like we'd just bought my wife, and my cock was so hard!

When we got to the parking lot where her car was, she leaned across the center console of the Jeep and gave me a kiss on the lips with her soft mouth. "Sample," she said and got out to get her own car.

Wow! I sat there, speechless and not moving for several minutes after Kayla left. I wondered if she had any clue what she had done to me! When I glanced down at the pole tenting my groin, I figured, yeah, she did.

Anyway, I was happy with what we'd bought; very happy as a matter of fact. When I got home and started to show Addie, she stopped me and said, "No, I don't want to know until I put them on tomorrow night."

"You sure?" I asked, "What if it doesn't fit?"

"I trust Kayla. She knows what size I wear

"What are we doing tomorrow?" I asked her. This was getting weirder and weirder. I hung the garment bag with her dress in it in the closet and carefully put the rest in my suitcase.

"Well, first, taking kids to grandma and grandpa Jeppeson. They haven't been there for a month. Then, you and I are going for a drive."

"Where?" I asked her.

"For me to know and you to wonder," was all she'd say, except, "hint; it's west."

Well, that certainly cleared up the mystery... NOT!

We loaded our suitcases Friday, then took the kids to mom and dad's. After dropping them off in Ontario, we headed over the Blue Mountains, past Pendleton; yeah, they make the Pendleton blankets in Pendleton, Oregon, and took the Hermiston exit. I still had no clue where we were going.

About five-thirty, Addie directed me into the porte-cochere of the Best Western in Umatilla. I looked at her quizzically, "Umatilla? What the hell is here?" There especially wasn't anyplace to wear a dress like Kayla and I had bought her. Umatilla is a tiny little town and the only possible nightlife I had seen was the In'n'Out Burger Shack; not exactly the kind of place for an LBD. I had assumed we were probably going across the Columbia to Kennewick, Washington. At least it's a real town, not just a wide spot in the road. Of course, we hadn't seen all of town yet, either. After all, there are two streets and we'd only been down one. I didn't even understand why there would be a Best Western in Umatilla.

"Later," was all she'd cryptically say. I could tell she was starting to get nervous, though. When she squeezed my hand walking down the hallway to our room, hers was clammy and shaking.

Addie changed her clothes in our room. Not to the dress, but a pair of shorts and blouse. I still had no clue what we were doing there when we heard the lock on the door and it opened. Tanya and Tanner came in. We all greeted each other with hugs and kisses, very friendly hugs and kisses I might add (except Tanner and me, a simple handshake worked). When Tanya and Addie went in the big bathroom, Tanner and I looked at each other with mystified looks on our faces.

"What's going on?" Tanner asked.

I shrugged and gave him a look of pure confusion. It was easy. I was. "No clue," I told him.

A few minutes later, our wives graced us with their presence out of the bathroom and asked if we were ready for dinner at the In'n'Out.

It was actually pretty good, the In'n'Out Burger Shack. I had a very healthy, low-calorie double bar-b-que burger with ham and lots of fries. Tanya and Addie had a salad. Salad... in a burger shack? I don't remember about Tanner, don't care. I still didn't know what the hell we were doing in Umatilla, other than that I was anticipating what I hoped would be happening that night with the beautiful Tanya. It had been over a month since I'd had sex and was climbing the walls.

After dinner, it was back to the hotel. The girls said they needed to change. As we walked through the lobby, Addie suggested that Tanner and I wait there while they changed.

We sat in two of the chairs and looked at the TV that was on my new favorite news channel, CNN - NOT! I asked Tanner, "Did Tanya have you buy her a dress?"

He nodded, "Didn't want to see it until tonight, either." Then he got this little grin on his face. "Told me to make it sexy. Hope she's not disappointed."

I laughed, "Mine, too. Kayla helped me pick it out. I'd have been lost."

"You remember Paula," he asked, "the waitress from The Cavern? We've actually gotten to be good friends with her and Joe, her boyfriend. She went with me."

My cock sprang to life at Paula's name. After more than a month, it didn't take much to make it puff up. "Still want you and Addie to come down and spend an evening."

"Love to," I told him, "get our social secretaries to set up a time. I'm ready." I was, too. More ready than Tanner could even imagine.

"You don't know what's going on tonight?" Tanner asked.

"No clue. Obviously not a nice dinner cuz we just ate. I don't know what's in this town that would make them dress up like they are."

We sat in silence for a few minutes watching CNN. Wish we knew how to change the damn channel!

"The pool's coming along. Got a big hole in the ground and they're starting to set the rebar," I told Tanner. Who the hell cared about the damn swimming pool?

"Good, another couple months and you'll be swimming in it," he said.

"And my wife will be sunbathing next to it. Wait, it'll be October, maybe not."

Seems as if Tanner and I have this habit of waiting for our sexy wives. Been there, done that, more than once. I can't say that it's ever not been worth the wait, though.

We intentionally sat in chairs facing away from the hallway to our room. Maybe I should mention that we were all in the same room, one with two queen-sized beds. I was anticipating that before the night was over, that would lead to something.

We waited over an hour. At least before, we knew what the evening was going to entail. Well, maybe with some surprises thrown in... like spending all evening looking and then finding them snuggled up, dancing with two big, sexy black dudes.

I saw Tanya step into our view first. As always, she was beautiful. Hell, she could wear a gunny-sack and be beautiful! It wasn't a gunny-sack, though. Purple dress, strapless, very short, off-the-shoulder short sleeves, faint outline of a purple bra and panties through the semi-sheer dress; sheer, purple stockings; blonde hair down to the middle of her back. In short, she looked fabulous.

Addie looked so sexy in the LBD Kayla and I picked out. Just like Kayla said, it fit her like it was painted on, absolutely no hint she was wearing either panties or a bra underneath it. Her black hair was down about halfway down her back and she had silver hoop earrings, necklace and bangle bracelets on her wrist and her silver sandals with the four-inch heels strapped around her ankles "Are you ready?" she asked me.

I guessed I was, wherever we were going to. Tanner and I were about to find out what this was all about.

We escorted our gorgeous women to the car and we drove toward the outskirts of town past the motel. She directed me into a parking lot of a building with a neon sign in front with pictures of girls and the name, 'Honey Bunzz.' I looked at my wife, starting to realize what this building was. As we were going in, I asked her, "Is this what I think it is?"

She smiled nervously and nodded, "Depends what you think it is, doesn't it?" She knew exactly what I was thinking.

We stepped inside and there was a man behind a counter to our left with a big notice behind it, "Amateur night, every Friday $300 first prize."

At that point, I realized what was going to happen, but Tanya? My mouth must have been gaped open as I gazed at my sexily dressed and made up wife putting her name on the sign-up list. Then she handed the pen to Tanya. Tanya's face turned a bright shade of red; she hesitated, then signed her name on the list as well. Tanner and I stood there like a couple of idiots with our mouths gaping open. I wondered, was she actually going to do it?

Life can be so unfair at times. Our wives got free admission. Tanner and I had to pay a twenty-five dollar cover charge.

There were pictures on the wall behind the desk of the girls who had performed in the club. The pictures were all on stage, with the girls in various stages of un-dress. While Tanya was signing her name to the 'amateur' list, Addie got excited and said, "Tawns, that woman," she pointed to one in particular, "That's her! Do you recognize her?"

Tanya looked at it, her eyes got big, "It's Jeremy's girlfriend from that night. At the poker game."

"She was here? A stripper?" Addie asked the guy behind the desk, his badge said his name was John, "John, did you know her?" pointing to the picture.

He looked, then at the name and date on the picture, Amber, April 2017, "No, way before my time. I've only been here a couple years. The owner might know, though. She's been here that long."

Our wives were excited. "Can you ask her, please?" Tanya asked.

"Not here tonight. Prob'ly won't see her till next week. Doubt she'll give you any info, though, even if she does remember."