After the Reunion Ch. 11


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"Yeah, but that didn't involve jumping to my death, either. No. Not. Gonna. Happen!" She wanted me to do it so bad, I asked her, "You going again?"

"No, I think once was enough." Too bad, I enjoyed that climb up the bank with those people watching.

She slipped her cover-up back over her head. "Are we going on up to the upper lake?" she asked me.

We decided that yes, we would, so we loaded the kids and dogs. On this road, we didn't make them fasten their car seats since it's fairly level and the top speed is about three or four mph. Unfortunately, just a quarter mile or so up the road, there was a big tree fallen across the road in a heavily timbered area. I have a chainsaw but didn't bring it on this trip, so we had to turn around. Upper Hanson Lake would have to wait for another time.

I thought it was funny. Addie could jump off that cliff, but creeping down the steep part of the road in low range terrified her. We'd seat belted the kids in because the road is a little hazardous, just from how steep it is. Addie closed her eyes and her knuckles were white from gripping the overhead grab bar. This from a woman who was willing to fly 600 miles alone for a weekend trip with a man she'd barely met with the sole purpose of sex and jumping off a twenty-foot cliff into ice water. Go figure!

It didn't scare the kids, though. They loved going down just as much as up. After we got on the highway, we stopped at Addie's new store in Mountain Home, the first time I'd seen it. We parked in the back and went in the back door. She and Nicki had set it up beautifully; imitation flower arrangements scattered around the store, all for sale; Daryl's leather goods; antiques; several types of the Rhythm clocks and on and on. The two restrooms were clean and polished and the computer guy's area was just as tastefully done. Addie was proud of that, his business had nearly doubled since her store opened.

"I'd like to invite Nicki and her daughter to dinner next Saturday. That okay with you?" she asked me.

"Sounds like a great idea," I told her. Adriana likes a personal relationship with her employees, especially her managers. After Addie told me about Nicki, I've been anxious to meet her.

We stopped at McDonald's for dinner. Theirs is one of the few stores that still has a play area and our two kids loved it. They were still full of adrenaline from the swimming and coming down the fun road. The play area was perfect for them.

It was after eight o'clock when we finally got home. We unloaded the Jeep, cleaned out the ice chest and tucked our kids in bed. They were asleep in minutes.

When Addie and I went to bed a couple hours later, Addie wore one of her sexy nightgowns to bed with nothing at all underneath it. She explained, "I'm wearing these till the weekend I leave."

I ran my hand over the satin, a big change from the flannel she'd been wearing the last month. She groaned when I pinched a nipple between my thumb and forefinger. "You're going to be driving me crazy the next two weeks," I told her.

"Good. I want you horny when I'm down there. I'll know when you're watching everything and I want you horny."

"But, but... that's not fair. You'll be getting fucked... how'd you explain it to Jocelyn, 'you can't even imagine how it feels'? and me sitting here by myself watching you."

"You're the one who sent the text. You can't complain now about 'fair'."

"Maybe not, but I can do this," I wrapped my mouth around a satin-covered breast and bit lightly at her nipple.

She moaned for just a moment then pushed me away, "No, no more of that. And no masturbating till I'm back, either."

I laughed at that, "I sure as hell won't be masturbating after you get home! You know how bad I want that cunt?"

"So now you're talking dirty like Jonah? You can do other things like him, too. Later."

"Well, there's one thing I want to do now, though." I climbed out of bed, got my camera, hooked it up to the TV, hit play, and climbed back in bed.

We watched Addie in her thong bikini peek over the edge, then back away to get ready to jump. "Bruce did seem to notice my bikini, didn't he?"

"Just wait," I told her.

She ran and sailed off the edge, slicing into the water almost as good as she had in real life. Then swam to the shore and climbed out of the water. Addie's eyes got big when she watched herself struggle to climb up the bank, spreading her legs far apart with her pussy and tits on full display underneath the see-through material of her swimsuit.

Addie put her hand over her mouth, like in disbelief. "Oh God," she said, "I didn't realize!" We continued to watch as she clambered the rest of the way up the bank, then stood in front of the other couple, with his eyes intently looking her so-near-naked body up and down. "What must they have thought?" she muttered to herself.

"What they thought? I'll tell you exactly what they were thinking... that's one sexy broad! That's what they were thinking," I told her.

She slugged my arm gently, "I am not a 'broad'," she insisted.

"Okay, then a sexy MILF. And don't try to say he didn't want to fuck you, either!" Then I couldn't help but add, "Probably not as bad as Samuel wanted to fuck you, though." I grinned at bringing up her fantasy guy, just to keep her on edge. I got another fist on my shoulder for my efforts.

I got back up and turned the camera and TV off, then climbed back in bed. Addie had rolled over away from my side of the bed, pulling her legs up into that fetus position she does when she's horny. I snuck a hand under her gown over a breast and told her, "Night dear, don't even think about Samuel doing this to you," as I rolled her nipple between two fingers for the next several minutes.

"I hate you, I hope you know that," she mumbled.

I thought she'd maybe gone to sleep, but several minutes later, she said, "Don't forget, too, that you still have that night coming with Kayla. She mentioned it again Friday."

Ahh, Addie's retribution. She knew damn well what mentioning that would do to me! Now I had Kayla's tall, sexy body in my mind to keep me awake. It worked, too. I lay there awake for at least the next two hours imagining what a night with her might be like.

The next morning we slept in as much as we could until kids were up and about. It was Labor Day and Addie's stores were going to be closed. She gives all her employees the day off with pay, even the part-time people. She's said that she hires good people and wants to keep them so she treats them like she'd want to be, just like she treats her customers. I think that's a big reason her stores have been so damn successful.

We lazed around the house that day. I couldn't even work in the yard since the pool construction crew still had it torn up and it really wasn't safe out there. They were actually going to be grouting the pool that week. We had to struggle to keep the kids out of it. It looked like a vast playground to them.

Tuesday and the rest of the week were mostly normal days, Addie visiting her stores, buying some new stock and perusing Craig's List for any antiques she might want. I got Katie ready to start second grade and Kevin and I drove her to school, then him to pre-school. After that, my days were mostly free. Payroll had been the week before, so I met up with Addie and we went to the stores together.

I met Nicki in Mountain Home and she was every bit as impressive as Addie had said. She greeted me with a huge smile and went on about how much she was enjoying her job, "Sooo much more than at Macy's," she said.

I spent quite a bit of time watching the pool grouting. It was fascinating how they shot it over the rebar out of a giant hose. Our pool was actually taking shape.

My nights were starting to get difficult again. The exploits of the weekend had taken the edge off my sexual desires, but they were starting to build again with each night of Addie wearing a different, sometimes brand new, nightgown. I pretty much had a hard-on most of the time we were in bed and awake.

Friday, I was surprised to see a text from Jonah. It was a URL at Amazon for something, I had no idea what. I clicked on it and saw that it was some kind of glasses, "virtual reality goggles," it said. I saved it in my watch-list so I could pull it up on my home computer to look at on the big monitor instead of my phone. Besides, I had been driving when I got the text and pulled over in a street parking space to look at it. I didn't want to sit there long enough to really read what it was.

I finished my grocery shopping trip and after carrying the groceries in the house and putting them away, sat down at my computer to see what he'd sent me.

It was a combination glasses/headphone that mated with a camera-glasses, I presumed the ones Jonah had since they were almost four-thousand dollars, like he said he'd paid. The thing promised to "Put you in the action like you were there," and they were expensive; $999.99. I figured that if the quality was anything like Jonah's camera-glasses, it would deliver on what it promised. But spend a thousand dollars when I got such a good picture on my TV? Then I thought about how much more exciting it had been to be there last Friday, instead of just watching on TV and without further ado, hit the "buy now with one-click" button. What the hell, it's only money, right? The screen popped up with the "guaranteed delivery, Tuesday, Sept 11".

I replied to Jonah's text that I'd purchased the thing. He responded with a happy face and, "Text me when u get it." I didn't say anything to Addie about it. Two reasons: I didn't want her to know I had it, and I wasn't too damn sure she'd be thrilled about me spending a thousand dollars.

The next day was the day Addie had invited Nicki to dinner. She fussed around all morning, making sure the house was spotless, sent me to the store for rib steaks, and made her salad. Dinner was at seven, so I started the pellet grill at six-thirty and put the corn-on-cob to steam. Addie had dressed in a pair of shorts; normal shorts, not the short-shorts she'd worn a lot of lately, and a pretty but conservative blouse.

At a quarter-till, the doorbell rang and Addie answered it, letting Nicki and her little girl in. She introduced us to her daughter, Olivia. Nicki said that Olivia was her grandmother's name, "And I loved my gramma, so had to name my daughter after her."

Our daughter, Katie, was seven and glommed right on to Olivia, dragging her off to her bedroom. Four-year-old Kevin followed and we almost instantly started hearing little-girl giggling. Our kids had definitely made a friend already.

I finished up with the steaks, baked potatoes, and corn and announced dinner was ready about ten after seven. We really did enjoy Nicki. I think I mentioned before that she's black, not that it mattered. Addie had become totally enamored with her newest store manager.

Addie brought up the volleyball team again and invited Nicki on the team. Nicki was hesitant because she hadn't played since high school. I think the clincher for Nicki was when, after dinner, Addie put on the team uniform and modeled it for her. It's black tights with heart-shaped cutouts all the way up the outside of the legs and a midriff-baring sports bra. To say that Nicki was impressed would be quite an understatement.

Then we talked about the logistics of the practices and games being in Boise and that our kids and I would be more than happy to keep Olivia occupied. The three kids hadn't stopped chattering since they'd arrived, and I was pretty sure it wouldn't be too difficult to keep her entertained.

And I have to admit that the idea of seeing Nicki in the team's uniform wasn't a bad thought at all.

Nicki didn't want to keep Olivia out too late, so they left at nine-thirty. Addie was thrilled that it had been such a nice evening and was so happy becoming friends with her manager. I agreed with Addie, Nicki was a gem of a find.

We'd gotten into the habit of Addie wearing something sexy to bed and me fondling her, pretending to be Samuel, with a very hard, excited dick. By then it had been nearly six weeks since Addie had made love and every touch sent shockwaves straight to her pussy. It seemed strange to me that it was Samuel, not Jonah that was constantly the one she fantasized about; maybe because he was the unknown, that she'd coveted and been denied. In any case, he was the one I enjoyed teasing her with and got the most rabid reaction with still another week to go.

Tuesday my package arrived shortly after lunch. After getting the kids to school, I stayed home specifically for that reason. I opened it and it looked a lot like glorified wrap-around sunglasses with a headphone attachment on both sides. I put them on and was surprised at how tight they fit. They had foam around the outside to block out any light at all, total darkness. I was anxious to see what they looked like with an actual picture.

I looked through the instruction book and saw that they had to be paired with the camera-glasses with a code. I texted Jonah that it had arrived and he simply answered, "6JH803RZD." I read through the instructions, found the app online, downloaded it onto my computer and input the code from the packaging on my glasses and the one Jonah sent. Then turned it on and put it on. Nothing, total darkness and quiet. Well duh, I guessed his needed to be turned on for me to get anything.

I sent Jonah a quick text, "Ready. Test?"

Then put them back on and waited. Nothing happened, but it was so weird being engulfed in complete black and silence while sitting in a brightly lit room. Then, ten minutes later, Holy Shit! It lit up and I was literally sitting in Jonah's living room. It engulfed me from all sides, couldn't have seemed more real if I had actually been there. He got up and walked into his kitchen and the realism almost made me dizzy. I was walking around his house, yet I wasn't. I knew I was just sitting at my computer desk, but it seemed had literally been teleported into Jonah's house. Even the sounds were as if I was there. He got out a glass from his cupboard and ran a glass of water from the kitchen faucet and drank it. I could almost feel the water going down my own throat. It's simply indescribable!

After a few minutes of utter disbelief, it went completely black in my world again. I took them off and was teleported back to my own house, sitting at my computer. Wow, this thing delivered on its advertising. The upcoming weekend had just changed significantly for me. I sent Jonah a one-word text, "Works."

When Addie came home that night, I didn't say anything about my new purchase. She'd eventually find out, but not until after the weekend, anyway.

Addie was very disappointed about one thing. The woman whose picture they'd found at the Honey Bunzz, Amber; she'd never called. Both Addie and Tanya had been hoping to hear from her and maybe even be able to meet her again. We assumed that if she was going to, we'd have heard from her by then. We figured that either they didn't have a way to contact her or maybe she just didn't want to revisit that time so long ago.

Friday finally came. It had been forty-six days since Addie had made love, July 30th. All she had packed was a light overnight bag with her toiletries, makeup and things like that. She'd told me when she was packing, "Jonah told me I wouldn't need to bring any clothes. He was going to have them." I could only assume the type of clothing he'd have for her.

I kissed her at the airport, told her to have fun, to which she replied, "I intend to!"

At the security station, they checked through her bag, she walked through the X-ray machine and before she followed the crowd down the hallway toward her flight, I told her to be good.

"Not a chance in hell of that happening!" she answered.

Then she was gone, until Monday.

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tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110about 4 years ago

This couple is having a blast. What fun it would be to be married to someone you trust enough to live this lifestyle. Great story. This author has a way of conveying the sexual tension the characters feel. I also enjoy the way he describes Matt's coping with the divine agony (jealousy vs lust).

lflyer82lflyer82over 4 years ago

Didn’t Nicki have two kids in a previous chapter?

kiteareskitearesover 5 years ago
Waste of $999.99

VR goggles are all well and good if there is a VR stream. As it's only Joker's glasses that are streaming it will not be VR, so he would be better of with just the TV (btw you can get glasses-less 3d screens now, just (the same at the 70s and 80s) not enough content to warrant it). With a true VR stream he would be able to look at Addie even if Jockstrap was looking the other way, on his TV he wouldn't be sat like a chump...ooh too late...on the sofa in the dark and quiet. He could try them on Addie when (if) she gets back, if the Whale allows him to have sex with her (or anyone) again, doing some sensory deprivation.

Tb0918Tb0918over 5 years ago
And once again. Good story!

Great work again. Love the foreshadowing of a Michelle return.

Waiting for the Samual /Jonah stories.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 5 years ago
Becoming a bit serial

Feeling like a porn sitcom. You were better at suspense when this sta started

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