After the Reunion Ch. 25


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I'd been busy intently watching my date dancing with Adriana's mother and hadn't noticed what Ethan and Addie were doing right beside me. When I glanced in their direction, they were holding hands, fingers intertwined, Addie's head on Ethan's shoulder nibbling on his ear. When she noticed me watching, she sat up and said she had to go to the ladies' room.

A few minutes later, Kayla and Laura came back to the table and Kayla dragged my mom out to the dance floor. It was funny how Mom's face turned red when Kayla grabbed her hand and she briefly tried to resist. Mom had seen how Kayla and Laura danced and after a moment or two of hesitation, got into it with her. What a weird experience, watching my 'sexy' mother dancing with another woman, Kayla's arms around her; and then that little kiss! God, my mom kissing my date? It was only a short, little kiss, but on the lips...!

While I was sitting, awe-struck, Addie returned from the restroom. The little change in her was quite obvious; she hadn't gone to use the toilet, she'd taken off the camisole that had been concealing her body underneath that sheer blouse.

Ethan's mouth gaped open as every man at our table, and probably in the room, even the women, stared. That red blouse was totally sheer, and I mean TOTALLY! It was like she was topless with just a thin gauze of totally transparent, reddish material, probably because she WAS topless with thin, transparent material not hiding her body at all, especially those puckered-out, obviously turned-on nipples. She almost looked like someone might have just been sucking those nipples... or just really, really turned on.

Did I mention that little pill I'd taken earlier that afternoon? The thing has very active ingredients. In conjunction with the overall sexiness of the whole night and now seeing my wife virtually topless in a crowded nightclub was interacting with that pill and getting some very dire results.

Addie sat down beside Ethan, leaned over and kissed him, like long-lost lovers. His cock must have been doing flip-flops in his slacks. "Dance?" she asked him, then led him out onto the floor, pressing her body tight against his.

I guess it was one change in Addie resulting from her time with Jonah; she certainly wasn't afraid to show off her bare body! Before Jonah, she never would have worn anything like that. I remembered how scared she was wearing that dress into the Silver Legacy that first time her and Tawns had fucked Jonah and Damian. And it wasn't nearly as revealing as this blouse. Okay, I'll admit... I like the new Adriana... even if she isn't my date.

Kayla and my mom returned from the dance floor and sat. Kayla leaned over to me and whispered in my ear, "Your mom has such nice tits... her nipples are so hard... Travis is going to have so much fun tonight!"

Shit, that was a little more information than I needed. I really didn't want to know about my mother's tits and nipples! But I did hope that they had fun later tonight, all four of them. I sure as hell knew that Kayla and I were going to have fun.

While I was ruminating on mine and Kayla's night together, my dad announced, "One more dance, then Laura and I are going to call an Uber."

So they intended to go through with it. Good! I glanced over at Mom, who was looking at Travis, then leaned into him and kissed him, "I think we need to go, too," she said.

"Not together, don't go at the same time," Adriana suggested. I know what she was thinking, if they went at the same time, it would be easier to change their minds and switch back to their own spouses once they got to the hotel.

About that time, the band started a new song, one of their rare slow ones, so I asked Kayla to dance with me and the other three couples all got up as well. Once out in the middle of the crowded dance floor, Kayla and I intertwined our arms, squeezing bodies together, and cheek-to-cheek, began moving to the music. It wasn't long before the cheek-to-cheek had changed to lip-to-lip, then tongue-to-tongue. Moving to the music had been forgotten.

Kayla broke away and turned away, backing into me, giving me a chance to look around for the other three couples. I didn't see Addie and Ethan, but our parents were 'dancing' with their dates much the way Kayla and I had just been, their lips locked tightly together.

"I want your hands on my tits," Kayla said, leaning her head back and around so she could whisper to me.

I may not be so smart sometimes, but when a pretty lady says she wants my hands on her tits, who am I to disappoint her! I know I'd done this earlier, but still...

"No, ON my tits, under the top," she clarified in a sexy voice that I hadn't ever heard from her before.

I looked around, people everywhere, my cock busting out of my slacks... and put my hands on her midriff, then worked them up, underneath the tie of her top and... oh fuck, she felt good! I rolled Kayla's nipples between my thumb and fingers, stretching them out and listened to her moaning, her hands over her top on top of mine, encouraging my caresses.

I knew that Kayla was a bit of an exhibitionist. She's liked to dress provocatively since we've known her. But this? To say that I was surprised is a gigantic understatement. Not to say that I wasn't enjoying every second, as I'm sure Ethan would be... if he wasn't off somewhere with my wife.

She didn't even try to be quiet, "Oh shit, Matt, that feels so good." Everyone within ten feet would have been able to hear her... and were watching, no doubt wishing they were me. She was pressing herself back against my cock, which, if it hadn't already grown to its full potential, would be growing more. Crap, I needed to get her out of there!

Kayla leaned her head back and said, agreeing with my feelings exactly, "Oh God, Matt, I need to fuck!" I responded by pinching her nipples a little harder, crushing her tits with my hands and capturing her lips with mine. The thought briefly entered my mind, wondering if Addie and Ethan might be in the ladies' or men's room fucking. I was damn tempted to take Kayla and find out.

Thankfully, the music ended, Kayla and I retreated to the table and waited for Dad and Laura. When they arrived, Laura's face looking flushed, I told Dad that Kayla and I were going to the hotel with them. Thankfully, Addie had had the foresight quite a while ago to download the Uber app, 'just in case,' she had said. Well, 'just in case' had arrived. Except I hadn't realized my hands were shaking so bad from wanting to be alone with Kayla. Doing anything on my phone was proving to be a bit more difficult than I anticipated.

I still didn't know where Ethan and Addie were; we hadn't seen them since we started that last dance. Travis and my mom were at the table, though, so we told them we were leaving. It sounded like they were about as eager to leave as us, so I suggested they talk Adriana into bringing them, if they ever showed up from wherever.

Dad and I paid our drink bills. Well, actually, Dad paid them and I left a tip. I was still amazed at how damned expensive a few drinks can be, not that that was the most important thing on my mind at the moment.

Our driver must have anticipated rides from the club, because he was waiting outside when we got there. There was only room for three in the back and two in front, so I sat in front and Kayla in back, Laura in the middle. Dad and Laura were like a couple hot teenagers in the back seat kissing and snuggling. No way in hell that those two would change their minds about spending the night together.

As for Kayla and me, her in the back and me in the front, it was a long ten-minute drive to the hotel, although they do say that separation makes the heart grow fonder. I don't know about the heart, but it sure as hell wasn't tempering my lust any. I was glad our driver was a man. The tent in my pants was embarrassing enough as it was. There wasn't any way that I could rearrange myself so that it wasn't obvious what was going on. In the club had been bad enough, but here...

When we were nearly there, my phone buzzed in my pocket; a text from Addie, you left?

needed to leave with Dad. where were u?

next time there will show u the hidden cubbyholes.

Shit, so they had been hiding somewhere, probably screwing. Guess that sheer blouse was more than Ethan could take. Hidden cubbyholes? How the hell would she have known?

We were pulling into the Marriott's parking, so I sent her one final text, we here, you coming?

soon. me'n ethan staying longer. dad and your mom ready so called nother uber.

Yeah, that made sense. Their 'urgency' would have been dissipated somewhat in Addie's cubbyhole. Besides, Adriana had become somewhat of an exhibitionist over the last few months and I was sure she was enjoying being among all those people wearing that blouse.

The four of us headed straight to the elevator once inside. The closer we got, the more my whole body was on fire. Dad's room was on the third floor and ours on the seventh, room 749. It will be always embedded in my memory. I briefly thought about the first time Kayla and I had gone to a hotel room together and she had changed her mind. This was a thousand percent different; pretty sure there'd be no mind changing this time.

Dad and Laura got off on their floor; I'm sure his heart, and undoubtedly hers, too, had to be beating every bit as hard as mine, that was about to come out of my chest. Maybe even harder, I was about 99.9 percent sure neither of them had ever done anything even remotely like this.

I was shaking, certain there was no way I'd be able to use my cell phone now if needed to. Not that I wanted to. There was only one thing I wanted, needed! And she was standing right beside me, her hand just as sweaty as mine. Have I ever mentioned how damned sexy I thought Kayla was? Well, multiply that by about a thousand to get to right now!

Somehow, the two of us managed to find room 749, naturally on the far end of the damn hallway. Kayla had to hold my shaking hand to get the key card in the little slot. I think maybe we were shaking in opposite directions so we offset each other's shakes. I don't have any other explanation how either of us managed to fit that little card in such a tiny opening.

I let Kayla go through the door first. No, it wasn't because I was afraid she might run away, it was... just because...

As soon as the door closed behind us, Kayla turned and we were in each other's arms, our lips locked together, Kayla fumbling with my belt. We were grinding our lips and tongues together, each of us trying to get the other's bottoms off. I pushed Kayla around the corner, her back up to the bathroom door (thank God it was latched or she'd have fallen flat on her back); her shorts on the floor and my slacks and boxers around my ankles, my still-drug-enhanced cock pointing straight out.

Kayla wrapped her legs around my waist, her lace panties pushed aside and impaled herself on my cock, letting out a loud 'Uhh' as my cock slipped all the way inside her slippery, wet pussy. The two of us were still a moment, realizing that at last, after what had seemed like hours of sexual tension that night and months leading to that night, we were fucking!

My cock felt huge inside her, every nerve ending, seemingly on my whole body, feeling her heat. A result of the Vi-2? Of course, seeing the image of Addie in my mind after she'd taken off her camisole in that club added to the lust going through my mind... that and the understanding that she and Ethan had found a place in the club to fuck shortly after.

Of course, those thoughts went through my mind in about a nanosecond, with my cock buried inside Addie's favorite store manager's cunt. Somehow, I managed to pull the tie on her top and push it up out of the way so that my mouth could find her tit. Kayla's whimpering and moans brought me back to some semblance of reason, but it's a little hard to describe what I was feeling then. Only that my body was telling me to fuck!

And fuck we did! My arms were around Kayla's butt and we slammed apart and together over and over, Kayla's screaming filling our room and likely the hall and rooms on both sides of us.

We'd been together that one time with me blindfolded, but exciting as that was, it was nothing like this. From the time I'd picked Kayla up at her house, wearing her jacket, actually, since that time last Monday when we'd teased each other about making Adriana jealous, the tension inside both of us had been building to this.

I felt my climax start to rise and I didn't want it to happen yet, but I wasn't about to pinch my cock to stop it, like I'd done those two weeks of abstinence with Addie. No way in hell!

My cum exploded inside Kayla, in jet after jet. I vaguely felt a bite on my shoulder that only added to the intensity of my orgasm. Apparently, at some point, I'd lost the jacket and the buttons on my shirt had ripped open. Later, I found the deep bite mark on my left shoulder.

But not then. We were both too busy trying to not fall and to breathe, our bodies both slick with sweat. My cock was still hard and still deep inside Kayla. After a moment of recovery, I heard, "Bed, go to the bed."

I stumbled backward, carrying Kayla, not wanting to let her away from my body even for a second. When I managed to find it, I turned, intending to plop Kayla onto her back, but she told me, "No, you, your back."

Oookay! I figured I'd let her direct, so I turned again and backed my legs up to the bed, bent my knees slightly and fell backward, Kayla still on top of me, never losing our intimate contact. I'd never come quite like that in my life and not lost at least some of my hardness, but not this time. I felt every bit as deep inside Kayla as when she first wrapped herself around me.

As Kayla sat on me, grinding herself down, trying to get every millimeter of my still engorged cock inside her, she pulled the rest of the buttons of my shirt apart, actually unbuttoning what was left, then pushed her own top off over her head. The only thing she still had on were her panties, which had been pushed aside by my cock inside her.

She thrust her chest out and in her sexy, feminine voice, said, "Suck my tit, Matt."

Kayla leaned down a little more and I pushed myself up, taking her breast in my mouth, sucking hard and biting gently on her nipple. When she began moaning all over again, I wrapped my arms around her back, pulling her tighter to my mouth, trying to swallow her entire boob, my tongue working her nipple. I was amazed, feeling my cock actually growing inside Kayla, no doubt egged on by her squirming and whimpering.

With my mouth switching to her other tit, Kayla began a small up and down motion, gradually increasing, "Bite it, Matt," she groaned, "hard!"

My teeth found the back of her nipple and I bit down, I briefly thought about my mom. Would her new lover be biting her tit like I was Kayla's?

Kayla's hands were around my head pulling at my hair. Her whimpers had grown to outright cries and I bit a little harder. That caused her to begin fucking me in earnest, rising and falling on my hard cock, pressing herself down hard every time. And I reciprocated every time by pushing myself up into her with each of her plunges down.

Ginger and I had made love. Kayla and I were fucking. BIG difference! I wondered if Ethan had bitten Addie's tit through her blouse. I hoped so.

That thought, along with Kayla's fucking (mostly that) started to bring back the feeling of another impending orgasm to my body. Kayla continued her up and down, all the way until she was nearly off of me, then plunging back down, bringing on the feeling harder all the time when I realized I needed something different. I pushed Kayla off me, over on her hands and knees and climbed in behind her, shoving my steel-hard cock back inside her.

Then we fucked. Me grunting with every thrust and Kayla pushing back and crying out, every time my cock buried into her. The sensations of our fucking increased exponentially, I gripped her hips beginning to lose any control of myself as the feeling of pre-orgasm continued to build to an almost impossible level. Kayla's final scream and her cunt clamping down on me and her body shuddering were the final straw that broke through the log-jam. The resulting tsunami of my ejaculations left deep scratches on Kayla's skin where my fingernails dug uncontrollably into her hips. I have no idea if the ensuing noises were from Kayla, me or most likely both of us. There's no way my heart could have been pounding any harder than it was in those few moments.

Afterward, my cock finally began to shrivel, almost back to its normal semi-erect size. Certainly, still not limp. It was no wonder that Samuel had been able to fuck my wife practically all night. He'd taken one of those pills, too. God!

My view of Kayla was going to be altered forever, in a good way. I knew she was a very sexual person, but this...? I had no idea. I didn't know if I'd ever be able to go in the store again and not visualize Kayla, naked, legs wrapped around my waist or on her hands and knees screaming out her orgasm. I hoped to hell it wouldn't alter our professional relationship... at least too much. Yeah, I know, a little late to be worrying about that little detail!

We finally went to sleep in each other's arms. I awoke once during the night, realizing how much Addie and my marriage had changed in the last few months. If someone had told me that I'd be in bed with Kayla and Addie with her husband when Addie first interviewed her, I'd have laughed in their face. Not even to mention our parents!

Kayla invited me in the shower with her the next morning and we made love with the hot shower water running over us and our lips locked together. I don't know if it was still the effect from the pill or just who I was in the shower with, but my cock was still abnormally hard. And Kayla seemed to appreciate it, very vocally. Even though the urgency of the night before had worn off and this was much more love-making than fucking, it was no less fulfilling and a more than enjoyable end to our 'date'. I hoped the other three couples of our little group had as satisfying of a morning.

When we were drying, our room phone rang. I was a bit confused why it wasn't my cell phone, realizing that only one other person would know our room number, Adriana. On my way to get it, I checked my cell phone - dead. With all the advancements they'd made with cell phone technology, they still hadn't figured out how to make them work with a dead battery.

I was right, it was Addie. She said they and our parents were meeting for breakfast in the lobby in ten minutes. I looked at Kayla, who had stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her, those long, sexy legs still shiny wet. "We'll try, not sure," I told my wife.

When I hung up, I told Kayla what Addie had told me. She wrinkled her nose, a cute gesture I'd never seen on her before, "I'll try, not sure about ten minutes, though."

She dropped the towel and it was the first time I'd had a chance to really admire her naked body. I'll say that Ethan's a very, very lucky man! Have I ever mentioned Kayla's long, sexy legs? Of course, I'll say that I'm pretty damn lucky, too. Not only have I gotten to enjoy some pretty damn beautiful women, one of whom was going to be the feature playmate in Playboy in only one more day; and a pretty damned gorgeous wife, too.

It took Kayla nearly twenty minutes to get dressed, her makeup on and so on. Neither of us had anything to wear except what we'd worn the night before. Unfortunately, several buttons on my shirt were torn off and it was a little hard to hide. Kayla, for her part, wore the same shorts and top as the night before, but with her jacket over them. I tried buttoning my sports jacket a little more, but there were still pretty obvious missing buttons.