Alice's Story


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"Does your son have a naughty mommy?" Devin whispered in her ear.

"You have no idea," Jessica answered.

Devin moaned, peppering her neck with kisses, "I'd like to find out."

Ulysses was lost in him and Alice's own world, making out to the beat of the dance music. He felt a tap on his shoulder, turning around to see his stepmother with her arm around Jessica. "I'm going to hang out with her for the night, ok?" Devin told him.

"Sure, have a good time," he replied. Alice watched the two women exit together, a hand on each other's ass.

"They going to your room?" She asked Ulysses.

"No, you'll be coming to my room; they are going to yours and Jessica's."

Chapter 8

"Ulysses, Jessica said you fucked her really hard that first night we arrived," Alice said, holding his hand on the way back to his room.

"Heh, yeah," he replied, embarrassed.

"Why her and not me?"

"Well she's different. When I look at you I see a goddess who needs to be made love to."

"Ulysses," Alice stopped him before they entered the building. "We leave the day after tomorrow. I want you fuck me tonight as hard as you can. Don't hold back. We don't have much time left here."

"As you wish," he said with a sneaky grin.


When they arrived at Ulysses room, down the hall a bit from Alice's, leaving the door unlocked, a flurry of clothes and kisses began. They tore each other's clothes off, kissing and grunting. He picked her up and slammed her on the bed, quickly entering her.

"Oh yes! Yes! Harder!" She screamed, locking him in place with her legs. She was cumming in minutes; the bed was slamming against the wall.

After her first orgasm, she rose, pushing him off her, tackling him down. They fell off the bed, rolling around, until Ulysses was against the wall. Alice was squatting on him now, bouncing wildly on his cock, "Yes!" she grunted. "I love, I love it!"

Just as she was tiring from the squats, Ulysses stood, taking her with him, rapidly thrusting upward. As she was cumming again, he pulled her off his cock, letting her juices squirt onto it, then impaled her again.

Out of breath, "Do you trust me?" he asked her.

"Yes!" She came again.

Ulysses opened the balcony door, Alice still wrapped around him, and he peeped over the edge down into the swimming pool. Ulysses walked back into his room, Alice still bucking away on his cock. He got a running start, held her tightly and jumped over the edge into the pool, Alice screaming the whole until they splashed in the deep end.

"Ow!" she cried out, surfacing, still grinding against him.

"Don't stop. Don't stop baby," Ulysses said, swimming to shallow end.

"Nice!" A few people said, walking past Ulysses slamming Alice down on his cock.

"I wished you fucked me like that," One woman said to her husband.

Alice looked around, seeing the people gather, "Don't stop! Let them watch!"

Ulysses made his way back to the building, opening the door with one hand, people cheering behind him. He sat Alice down, spun her around, and proceeded to fuck her all the way up the stairs to the third floor. Each one of his powerful thrusts pushed her up a step.

Finally at the third floor, Alice spun around to face him, pulling him to the floor; they rolled and kissed and fucked their way to his door, several people cheering them on. One person tried to take a photo but Alice and Ulysses were in their room by that time.

Ulysses pushed her on the bed, his cock coming out of her, jacked it a few times and sprayed his load all over her face, "Alice yesssss," he moaned.

She rubbed it into her skin, "Mmmm, I love it, I love you!"

When he was done, he grabbed her, led her to the shower and sprayed her face clean. They calmed down, embracing, kissing, and moaning until the water turned cold.

Leading her back to bed, Ulysses was ready once again. He reverted back to his default love making mode, worshiping her body all night.

Chapter 9

When Ulysses walked Alice to her room the next morning, they giggled, hearing Jessica and Devin in the shower.

"So she's into girls then," Alice pointed out.

"She loves everyone," Ulysses chuckled.

"I think Jessica is like that too."

"Let's head to the beach and wait for them," Ulysses suggested.

An hour later, Devin and Jessica arrived, signaling the last full day the four would be together in Cancun. Alice and Jessica would leave the next morning. Ulysses staying behind while more of his family joined.

They traded contact information, they hinted at meeting up again when Ulysses is in Miami for work. He even suggested Alice come visit him.

Sucking his cock in the men's room after their lunch, Alice reminded herself that everything happens for a reason. She broke up with her ex, finished that horrible work project, went to Cancun and met an amazing man.

Later than evening, Alice was showering with Ulysses before dinner. All four of them were meeting at a restaurant on the resort's property.

Afterward, Ulysses and Alice went to the beach, having sex one last time before her return trip early the next morning. The moonlight reflected off their wet bodies as gentle waves crashed into them.

Ulysses walked her back to his room a little later, kissing her, promising to get up early the next morning to see her off. After Alice smiled at him, waving good night, she opened her door only to nearly collide with Devin.

"Sorry!" Devin said.

"It's ok. You headed to bed?"

"Yes, I know you two have an early flight tomorrow," Devin said, hugging Alice goodbye.

"I'll call you when I get home!" Jessica called to her new friend, while stripping down to take a shower.

Alice hugged Devin goodbye, closed the door, and then sat on the edge of her bed, happy, content, unable to stop smiling.

"Join me?" Jessica asked before heading into the bath room. Alice laughed and shook her head.

Laying back on the mattress, thoughts of Ulysses, their time here, and their time together in the future swam through Alice's head. She wasn't even paying attention to the moans of pleasure coming from Jessica's shower as she masturbated in there.

Alice was distracted by another sound - a loud vibrating cell phone on the bed side table. Someone was calling Jessica, several times.

Alice was annoyed, but also curious, wondering if it was an emergency. She figured she'd look and tell Jessica who was calling her so much.

"Mmmm," Jessica moaned. Alice rolled her eyes thinking how nasty her friend was. The nastiness of masturbating in the shower while her friend was in the other room, paled in comparison to what Alice saw on Jessica's phone.

There were nude photos, sexually explicit texts, photos of Jessica and Devin in sexual poses, replies from someone saying how hot she looked, how much he missed her, how he couldn't wait to fuck her when she returned. There were return texts Jessica sent, saying how much she missed the guy, asking if he liked the pictures of her and a woman. Alice assumed it must've been Jessica's secret lover. She scrolled to the end of the texts. Jessica let him know she was going to shower ending the message with an "I love you."

The guy replied with "I love you too, mom."

"No way!" Alice nearly screamed. She pulled up the contact info of the guy. It was a younger kid, about 18. His profile picture was him and his mother - Jessica.

"Ew! Ew! Ew!" Alice dropped the phone, grabbed her purse and room key, and made her way to Ulysses room for refuge. If that was indeed Jessica's kid and she was sending those pictures and texts to him, she didn't want to be around her. She's seen firsthand how wild Jessica can be, but this was too much.

Running down the hall as fast as she could, she arrived at his door, pausing before knocking. The latch was propping the door opened. Alice thought she heard soft moaning. She opened the door and more shock flooded over her.

She saw Ulysses behind Devin, slowly sliding his cock in and out of her. He was holding her against him, kissing her neck and shoulders. "I missed you," He said just above a whisper. Alice dropped her room key, quickly bending to pick it up. The movement was detected by Ulysses' peripheral vision.

When their eyes met, Alice quickly exited. "Alice!" Ulysses called to her, grabbing some gym shorts, chasing after her.

Chapter 10

"Alice wait!" Ulysses called after her, running down the hall. "Wait!"

Alice made it to the exit that led to a stairwell, the same stairs Ulysses fucked her on. "Alice please!"

Ulysses caught up to her on the first floor, due to Alice nearly tripping down the steps.

"Alice! Wait!" He grabbed her arm.

Alice attempted to jerk away, "Leave me alone!" Ulysses caught her other arm, nearly pinning her against the wall.

"Please, just let me explain," He pleaded; Alice shut her eyes, tears streaming down her face. "I'm sorry, this is my fault," Ulysses calmly explained.

"Jessica and I discussed what we wanted and what we didn't want. We only wanted a night of fun, that's it. No committed relationship," Ulysses loosened his grip on her arms.

"Since you and her are on vacation together, I assumed you were of the same mindset - just here to have fun," Ulysses let her go. Alice remained still, wiping her face, still not looking at Ulysses.

"I'm so sorry. I never should've assumed anything. I should've brought it up anyway. I should've told you upfront that I'm not looking for a girlfriend, a friend, yes, but not a committed relationship. I thought we could even extend our friendship after this trip, possibly visiting each other for fun," Ulysses sighed, his head low with shame.

"I'm an idiot, I hope you can forgive me," He glanced at her still crying face. Alice sniffed a few times and nodded her head.

"I'm the one who's an idiot. I assumed you wanted me and you and I had a connection that was more than friends," She said. "But you are with your stepmother, or whatever she is now."

"We're not together in a committed sense, but she and I love each other and we make love whenever we can get a chance," Ulysses explained. "She's everything to me."

Alice sniffed again, trying not to sob, thoroughly embarrassed. She fell for this guy. She felt like a stupid teenage girl who met some other kid on vacation.

"I never should've assumed anything. I should've told you everything," Ulysses said again. Alice gulped and nodded, glancing at his eyes, quickly looking away.

"You're a beautiful, sweet girl, I hope you can forgive me," Ulysses said, backing away. He turned to make his way up the stairs.

"Ulysses," Alice called out to him. "I do."

He smiled warmly, "Thank you, Alice. If I'm in Miami again for work, maybe we could - "

"No," Alice smiled back. She as far too embarrassed with herself to hang out with him again. "If we run into each other, just smile and wave."

Ulysses nodded, "It was great meeting you. Take care, Alice."

She smiled and nodded back, "Take care."

She watched him make his way up the steps, and then sunk to the floor, sitting against the wall. She cried a bit, chastising herself for her own foolishness. Several minutes later, she gathered the composure to ascend the stairs to her floor.

When she entered her room, Jessica was in the corner, grinning mischievously on the phone. Alice figured she was sending texts to her son.

Alice ignored her, not bothering to change, collapsing on the bed. "Where were you?" Jessica asked.

"Saying goodbye to Ulysses."

"Cool. Well I'm heading to bed a little early, unless you wanted to go do something."

"No, I'm fine, I'm exhausted," Alice replied. She rolled over and tried to go to sleep, her mind spinning through the events of the past week.

The next morning Alice said goodbye to Jessica at the airport. She never mentioned or questioned those texts and images she saw on her phone. Jessica told her she'd see her on the chat program their company uses in a few days. Alice smiled politely and made her way to her gate.


It was a week after Alice returned home. It was raining in Miami and she was watching the downpour from the couch in her living room. Angela had been calling her several times over the past few days. Alice ignored each call. Finally, she caved, deciding that her sister may start to worry.

Angela rose up, naked, stretching and yawning. She looked around Rodney's apartment living room, seeing him and his brother - a black man of equally huge stature - lying in the middle surrounded by eight other white women. All were naked; all were cuddled up to the two black men, or with each other.

Angela stepped over the sleeping bodies of black men and white women, grabbed her phone and called her sister.

"How was the trip?" Angela asked.


"You meet any hot guys?"

"Nope. It was pretty boring," Alice answered.

"Well, if you're bored, you should come out with us tonight. We need a tenth."

"A tenth?"

"Yeah there are nine white women for two black men. If we had one more woman, each guy would get five women as their dates," Angela said.

Alice paused, closing her eyes, shaking her head. "I think I'll pass."

"Please? We'll all have fun."

"No thanks."

"Well if you change your mind, give me, or Rodney a call. You still have his number?" Angela asked.

Alice had forgotten all about it, "Yeah. But I'm - "

"Well give him a call! He thought you were hot!" Angela interrupted Alice.

"I gotta go. We'll talk later," Alice said, quickly ending the call.

Sitting on the edge of the couch, reaching for her purse, rummaging through it, she found Rodney's number on a small piece of paper.

Alice thought about the dreams she had. She saw herself choking on Rodney's cock, looking up to his smug grin. She saw herself bouncing up and down on it, while Rodney looked on, occasionally slapping her ass, encouraging her to "ride that black dick." Alice picture herself going off of birth control and Rodney's semen filling her womb making her pregnant. She saw a future child, raising it on her own, with zero help from the father - Rodney. Her career would suffer, her dating life would suffer, and she would struggle to provide for the child.

She remembered the dream where Ulysses proposed to her. Alice smiled, thinking about what could've been with him but wasn't meant to be. She thought about how amazing he was, not just for a black man, but for a man in general. She knew that if she met someone like Ulysses again, black or white, she would pace herself - not fall head over heels for him. Whatever race he was, they would take it slow, getting to know one another. Alice told herself she would never date the type of men Angela hung out with.

Making her way to her bedroom, she wondered how to deal with the loneliness in the meantime. She thought, removing her t-shirt and shorts. "Maybe. Maybe I'll call Rodney, just once. Just one time."

She opened her top drawer, pulling out a dildo, "Maybe it'll be fun."

Tossing the dildo to her bed, she picked up the piece of paper once more; running her thumb over Rodney's number, smiling.

Alice tore the paper into several small pieces and threw it away. She joined her dildo on the bed.

The end.

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washdog10washdog10over 1 year ago

What, pray tell is your idea of a stereotypical black man? Whether you agree with it or not, to many black men you making an identity of a black man being non-stereotypical is offensive to say the least and I am numbered among them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Bun in the oven???

With all the cum deposited in Alice's womb, did she get pregnant????

DarknsDarknsabout 4 years ago

A “non-stereotypical” black man? It was refreshing to read. I, too, like to think of myself as non-stereotypical. Great story, thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
prev anon

My comment was about how unlikely it seems that Ulysses would stop to ask if her tasting her own juices was okay before kissing her, but never even seem to consider mentioning using protection. It just seems somewhat inconsistent to me.

tw_holttw_holtabout 9 years agoAuthor
to the prev anon

What was your comment? I deleted one that was idiotic, accused the story of being racist, typical troll crap for this category. Maybe I mis-clicked and deleted yours too. I only saw and deleted the troll one.

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